Sunday, May 22, 2022

What are the Freemasons and other Societies Hiding

What are the Freemasons and other Societies Hiding

If you like this video, hit the bell icon and subscribe. This is perhaps the most controversial thing I am ever going to do on whack .my last video on the freemasons part 1 was done based on interviewing and getting information from one of India’s most senior freemasons . Everything in that video , any Freemason in the world will confirm . It would be better if you watch part 1 as in this video there will be many refrences and throwbacks to it.

Yes its true the freemason’s are a fraternity. Most men join the brotherhood because of the charitable work and that they look after each other.

But no mason will ever confirm if there is any esoteric religious or occult aspect to their gatherings. From what I learnt even most of them themselves will never find out even after spending a lifetime as a freemason. because after all the hierarchy is very long .

The history is very deep and a lot of this is not spoken about freely even behind closed doors. let me tell you a personal secret that no one knows….70% of my viewers are not subscribed to Whack so please why not subscribe and come join the tribe , and support my work.

My name is Freishia this is whack and here are a few disclaimer’s before I begin. The information in todays episode , is very lil research and a lot of it is conversation with a person who does not want a name mentioned.

The stuff she told me was not just not about the masons but more about the secret world of magical arts. So I repeat what I am going to say is not only about the freemason society, it’s actually about the world of esoteric and occult practioners. So, Everything that I am saying in this video, I could not really cross reference and confirm on my own. But while looking for conspiracy theories I found something fascinating and ancient and why not explore new concepts with the tribe. No.

3 listen to what I am saying with an open mind because it’s easy to dismiss this as crazy talk . And just for the atheists and disbelievers, I would like to point out that at the entrance of the main building of the HIGGS collider is a giant statue the Nataraja. And I am not saying that some of the smartest minds in the world are Hindu , but I am saying that if these scientists are open to understanding concepts that are allegorical then you who are watching this video this video …maybe…should also be open to new ideas.

Those in the audience identify as Christians and Muslims. Some of the things I am saying might offend you.

All I want you to know is that these are not my personal beliefs only that which someone else has told me and history that I am sharing with the tribe. So lets get started ! I guess the best point to start would be at the heart of the logo of the freemason’s. the G. Does the G stand for God, sure at the end of the day anything and perhaps everything we see is there because some God wanted it.

And also one of the main criteria of eligibility to be a freemason is that you cannot be an Atheist. But many people insist that if the G stands for Gnosticism – esoteric mystical knowledge. then question arises who are the gnostics . And why do a lot of people believe that the G for the freemasons symbol stands for it. Now Take a look at these pictures - If you show these images to a 16th century Christian in Europe you would not be surprised if they thought these were hellish and satanic imagery.

For them to comprehend that this too can represent divine forces would be understandably difficult. And here begins a quick lesson in history. For 300yrs after Christ Christianity was still a tiny cult that did not have any real influence.

The roman emperor Constantine ruled the roman empire and It was during his rule that Christianity became a weapon used by the ruling classes. Constantine realized that nothing unties people like the fear of God.

And if they don’t want to accept your god as theirs nothing changes their mind like killing everyone around them. Practitioners of all older religions in Europe were given the choice of accepting the roman bible or the sword. This extended across the Mediterranean and later to the Americas and funnily enough India was one of the few places that both Christianity and Islam did not overrun completely. What Christianity did not conquer, Islam did. And by the 18th century, very little outside Asia was not ruled by one of these 2 religions.

So what does all of this have to do with the gnostics. The Gnostics were practitioners of older religions who realized that if they did not want to convert they would have to go underground.

My own community the parses chose to flee from what is today Iran and come to India instead of accepting Islam . In earlier days’ authority used to consider anything which they can’t control as a threat some say this is true even today and that’s why people with this kind of mystical knowledge - were singled out and hunted down. I was shocked to know that until as recently 1983 it was against the Church’s laws for its members to become Freemasons And so I assume that maybe that’s why the G – from gnostic was very quickly changed to just GOD.

There is nothing wrong with esoteric knowledge , but the 2 biggest religions on earth were programmed to believe that if certain knowledge doesn’t fall in the confines of their religious books then it must be evil. Here is an image of satan and here is an image of Lucifer. You will be forgiven if you thought that they are the same energy. Honestly, so did I. Now here is an image of the Greek god Pan.

Centuries before Christ was born or Constantine started his Christian inquisition people across Europe worshiped pan. he was a god of the spring harvest. He played the flute , he drank wine , he engaged in music , dancing and fun. When the Christians wanted to replace their old gods with the new the easiest thing was to depict evil in the form of the old gods. Half animal half man was the opposite of the Abrahamic god who had created man in his own image.

And why did I show you the image of kali in the beginning Another thing that existed for 1000s of years was the divine feminine the mother god. Her temples were run by priestesses and women were respected enough to be consulted about spiritual matters. Only with the advent of these new religions god became a male force.

What are the Freemasons and other Societies Hiding.


So now look at this image of the inverted pentagram which they call the goat head or satanic pentagram and this image of the female reproductive system. Worshipping feminine energy was not ok with the church and believer in goddesses like these were labeled as believer’s in the anti Christ.

Now think about a Laxmi pooja held at home what happens , a learned man come and says certain words in a certain order and cleanses the air and brings a feel good and wholesome energy to a space. As far the church is concerned at least in the 16th -19th century this would be considered black magic. One mans laxmi pooja is another person’s black magic, one man praying to pan is another mans Satanism. Even as recently as WW2 Hitler believed that the FreeMasons were evil and under the Nazi regime, it’s estimated that between these many Freemasons were murdered. During that time period, The royalty and wealthy intellectuals of Europe starts getting interested in this kind of knowledge but understand that they are born and raised in very different situations.

In India if a member of the family wants to learn more about yoga or Vedas, mantras or tantras, society applauds them and revers them. The same in Europe was not cool at all. In all of this comes 2 names I would like you to google. Alister Crowley and the O.T.O. Both of them have their routes in freemasonry and the gnostics. They realized that saying words and doing things with objects , mantra , tantra , yantra, could achieve goals that were out of the ordinary. The rituals of the Freemansons are also very precise, everything is being said and done only in a particular order and manner. Because this went against everything the church stood for , where you had to submit to their priest and could not take any action yourself they were classified anti-Christ.

The point is none of this is anti Christ it might be anti-church or anti-rome. Next comes the eye in the pyramid symbol and how it has been linked with the Illuminati or the illuminated. Illumination meaning light – which allows one to see.

In India, we consider an Enlighted man as worthy of respect but their propaganda wants you to have blind faith and if you can see you must be evil. People believe that there must be a deep connection behind the eye of providence which appears as a masonic symbol, a symbol for the Illuminati and something that we see on the 1 dollar bill.

More often, the Illuminati are believed to be the group that controls everything, using other organizations like the Freemasons, governments, banks, and the entertainment industry as tentacles of control. Article in the description if you want to deep dive into The Eye of Providence: As The symbol with a secret meaning .

Another reason why the Freemasons are linked to the illuminati and new world order is because of the Georgia guide stones. This mysterious structure which suddenly appeared in 1980 was commissioned under a psyudeo name , RC Cristian. On the stones are inscribed 10 commandments in eight different languages These are thought to be the commandments for the new world order and what terrifies people the most is commandment no 1 where the population needs to be brought down to ½ a billion.

I can see why this is scary for a lot of people. It doesn’t help with conspiracy theorists pointing out how Hollywood has regularly pushed the idea of wiping out large amounts of the population into the collective consciousness Rumour has it that the people who commissioned this were connected with the Freemasons.

Many freemason’s were believed to be Roso Crucians and vice versa On a personal note I don’t think bringing humanities numbers down is such a bad idea. There will be more wealth and lots of space, even for mother nature to thrive. Another conspiracy theory about the freemasons is their connection with Judaism.

because of these symbols that they share in common the cabala tree of life And the 2 pillars that we see on all certificates.

Ask a freemason he will give you a simple answer that this is the pillar through which one enters freemasonry. This image is called the kabbalistic tree of life. And if you pay attention it has 2 pillars on the left and right which is identical to masonic symbols. Do the masons study the kabala.

I don’t see why not. Today many people I know try to understand it’s spirtual significance. On a side note in Hinduism and Judaism there is a commonality – the snake. The kundalini which is the life force rises from our lowest to highest chakra in a snake-like motion. Kabalah has a slightly different map and explanation of the chakras but even there the movement of energy is upwards -snake-like.

The point of everything that I am saying , is propaganda has us convinced that there is no need to know what the old religions were talking about. AND that this kind of information is evil or like they call it satanic.

But these are the same people who have waged more wars and killed more innocent people than anyone else on the planet. So you tell me who should we believe? Look, I warned you I was going into a direction that perhaps you have not heard before.

When I spoke to my source we spoke for a very long time and I don’t think I have given you even half of what she told me. The stuff I have omitted was even more freaky and magical. I am not sure if the tribe wants whack to go into that direction. And let me know in the comment section and maybe ill think about it. my name is freishia this is whack like the hermits say as above so below as without so within and do what though wilt, love is the law, love under will.

If you dont know what that is- Google it. Ciao .

Thanks for your visit!


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