JV Secrets: The Fastest Way To Find Joint Venture Partners - Joint Venture Marketing
Dan, where do I find JV partners?" How many have that question? Who said something? - They're in this room. - They are everywhere.
They are truly everywhere. They are everywhere. Everywhere. Okay? But I wanna give you one, let me give you one tip first.
You wanna do JV's usually with people, not businesses. Meaning that preferably, you're dealing with the decision maker and you're just, it's a one-on-one conversation. You're not dealing with a team and businesses, "Oh yeah, I'll talk to my VP and then talk to my manager, "and talk to my director." "No, I wanna talk to the guy, can you make decisions? "Can you do it?"Then let's do it." I prefer that type of deal. Okay, 'cause sometimes you can drag on and on for a long time, so I prefer to do JV's with people, not businesses. Although, they could be owners of businesses, yes? And most of the time, they are.
But people. As I said, million-dollar JV question is already, "Who already has my customers?" Say it with me, who already has? Who already has my customers? - My customers, who already has my customers?
Something you should think about all the time. So let's talk about the 14 places to look, to find potential JV partners. Are there more than 14 places? - Yes. - You bet.
But let me just give you some, just to start off with. Your own customer list. People who have done business with you, people who trust you and like you. Your own customer list. Your own customer list.
Let me give you an example. How I got the deal, so one of the co-authors for this book actually knows, and works with, one of the publishers in Italy. So he is, you could say, quote, unquote, a customer, co-author for this book. But because of his relationship with the Italian publisher, there, I did another JV deal. So your own customer list, because he's in it, he likes it, he believes in the book and the project.
And said, "You know what? "I know this publisher, maybe we can do a deal." And we did. So, your own customer list. Second is networking events and training seminars.
Live events, awesome. I got most of my JV partners through this type of interaction. Going to workshop. Preferably, what I found, especially multi-day workshops. Two or three days.
Because, guess what? In the seminar room, you're learning together, which is nice. But usually, the deals are done, I'm telling you, dinner time, over drink, over lunch, over beer. It's like, after, if he can talk, "Hey, what have you learned?" In fact, Benson, Benson, go to the mic.
'Cause you just came back from Click Funnels, right? Yeah, share the story, share your story. (people clapping) Oh, it was. Awesome. So, give them like, a one-minute version of, like, how you went to the event and what happens, and you met some of these people.
It's after the events, right? - After the events. - Yeah, so go ahead. So, one-minute version, go ahead. - Okay, so basically, Click Funnel's an event where it's a lot of, where all the top of the market people go to present and basically share the strategies, behind-the-scenes things that they're doing, and that's working for their business.
And so, my goal there was basically to learn new things, but the main thing was to connect with the influencers there. That's one of the main goals of why I went there. So after basically the whole event, I mean the whole event time that we were spending there was learning, but it was also to connect with people there and build a, build a relationship and cultivate that. And what happens afterwards, after you've been over, say, a few days, and the main goal was set up meetings with them and just meet with them, cultivate a relationship.
Over a beer, maybe?
One or two. And then, potentially, basically we're working together now. For all those three to five core relationships. - Good, round of applause. So, as you can see, the key to JV is beer.
(crowd laughs) That's it. That's the solution to everything. When in doubt, drink a beer and do a JV. So, multi-day, I love, like, going to and from these events. And there are actually events such as, depends on the niche you're in.
There, like, in this case, you know, JVRG, a summit, which people, actually business leaders, entrepreneurs, they go there, looking for JV partners. You go there to mingle and look for JV partners. That's what they're there for. So there are, depends on your industry, there are this type of event, right? Number three, industry associations and trade shows, awesome.
'Cause why are people at trade shows? (crowd talking simultaneously) No, booth owners, why are business people at trade shows? They're selling goods.
- They wanna sell goods, they wanna expand the business, that's why they're there. Makes them great JV partners.
Great, potential JV partners. Otherwise, they're not spending their time, money, resources, set up the booth, you think that's fun? It's not fun, it's a lot of work. They're there because they wanna grow, perfect. You want a JV partner that's growth-oriented, right?
Industry associations, absolutely. A lot of JV partners there. This is my favorite. High-level mastermind groups. Some of the biggest, money-making, lucrative deals I've done, JV deals, is through a mastermind.
Through a mastermind. How many of you are familiar with the mastermind concept? Okay, so you guys get it.
So, mastermind, you get together, a group of business owners. You kinda brainstorm and strategize how you can improve.
Right? You should be over, maybe half a day, sometimes three hours, sometimes one day. These mastermind groups, and some that I pay quite a bit of money to be there, but one JV pays for them in multiples. But here's the thing, why mastermind's so good.
Because in mastermind, most of the time, you're sharing what you're working on and what has worked for you, okay?
So even you go there, even without intention of doing this. Let me give you an example. So one of the mastermind groups I used to belong to, you know, a bunch of marketing guys, right? So I was simply sharing with them, "Hey, you know what? "I am doing this," and this was a number of years ago."I'm doing this, I've got this program "and I'm driving traffic and all this, "and I made this much money." And then my mastermind members is like, "Oh, that's cool. "I think my people would benefit from that, "why don't we do a joint venture?" "Oh okay, you would be interested? "Okay, cool." Because we share our numbers, this way, you don't even need to sell.
They will wanna bring it up, "Hey, you know what? "You did 40k? "I think with our list, we can do 60k, or 80k. "Let's do it." And because mastermind, usually you hang out afterwards, having a drink, again, over beer, right? And just, people relax, you're talking. Again, it's a handshake, "Let's do a deal." Very easy. And we made so much money.
Like, so much money from those type of deals. So, high-level mastermind group. That's, probably, I would say the events, as well as the JV, the mastermind groups are where I got most of my JV's from, for myself. Okay? Number four, article publishing sites.
EHow.com, EzineArticles.com, SelfGrowth.com, Technorati.com, Squidoo.com, HubPages.com, Examiner.com. When you go to these article publishing sites, when people are publishing content on this site, on these sites, why are they publishing content? Because they want to, what?
Expand. - More exposure, they wanna expand, they wanna grow. Again, potential JV partners. Otherwise, they're not taking the time to do that. Okay?
And again, depends on your niche, the article publishing sites within your niche. You can just simply Google it, yes? Just Google it. Here's one of my secrets. Launch leaderboards.
Listen to this. Launch leaderboard. So let's say, in this case, I saw, you know. Let's say I've got a, whatever video product, video, whatever software, and then I saw this launch, EasyVideoSuite JV launch.
So, these are the guys who help promote that launch with their product, and this is the number one guy and number two guy, who is the super affiliate.
Who is the super affiliate in that launch. And sometimes, they might even list, you know, this guy made X amount of sales, that guy makes X amount of sales, that guy made X amount of sales. They're proven people that can promote your products. That's why they're on the leaders board. Right after the launch, "Hey, you know what? "Congratulations, Jason. "Notice that you just did a launch. "Great job, man, love what you're doing. "By the way, I've got a product here. "You think we can do a deal?" Very simple. Leaders board. Doing a launch. And I'm telling you, people look at these people, and most of the time, they might not even be well-known, but they're super affiliates, they can sell. Very few people approach them.
Very few. And the fact that you acknowledge what they have done, it's, you look at this guy.
He might have brought in tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of sales, you don't know. You don't know. Number six, niche-specific blogs.
Niche-specific blogs, in this case, let's say if I'm selling a dog training program, a product or whatever. Yep, niche-specific blogs. The people writing blogs, they're publishing content, but they have no backend. Or they only have one backend, they have got traffic, they've got a list. Go to them and say, "Hey, I've got a service "that I think would benefit your audience." "Great, let's do a JV." Number seven, newsletter publishers. I'm not talking about Ezine sites only, also direct mail. Both, newsletter publishers, they have a mailing list. Because they're a newsletter, they're sending out to people on a monthly basis.
Could you do a JV with them where, "You know what? "Let me conch up your content. "Maybe do a little pluck at the end, "maybe do an insert in the newsletter." So many ways you can do this.
Newsletter publishers.
Because they've got mailing list. Number eight, Google. The top sites we see on Google that you can search within your industry, you could JV with. Very simple. Also, Google and Facebook ads.
People who are spending money on Google words, people who are spending money on Facebook ads and you can see those when you scroll down, you can see sponsor, right, yes? They're spending money. Why are they spending money on Google and Facebook? Because they want to? Yep, they wanna grow.
Again, that's an indicator that they could be good JV partners. Especially, you can approach them and say, "You know they're spending a lot of money." And you say, "You know what? "I know you're spending a lot of money, "I see your funnel, I see you're selling your product."That's great, but what if I could help you recoup some "of that cost?"If you offer my product to your people, "we can recoup some of that advertising cost." "Oh, okay, let's do that," right? "And plus, I can also promote your stuff." "Oh, even better." So easy.
LinkedIn and Facebook group owners, also those are very, very good. LinkedIn and Facebook group owners. Ideally, you don't wanna go to them and start pitching them, you want to kind of interact, join their group, learn the culture of their group, add value to their group before you approach the owner.
Okay? ClickBank, if you're selling digital product, obviously ClickBank.
You can go to the marketplace and there are a ton, a ton of JV partners you can approach from there. Number 12, podcasts, video channel, radio show owners. So recently, every week, I'm now giving an interview. Podcast, also radio show owners. You can approach them as well.
Authors in your niche. Authors within your niche. Sometimes, authors, all they have is a book. And they do have a list, but they don't have any other products or high-ticket items selling to your people. So, authors in your niche, those could be good JV partners.
You gotta filter them, but there are sometimes some, some hidden goldmine there as well. And it's so easy to approach them. You can say you buy the book. Here's a tip. How you approach authors, buy their fucking book.
Okay? And what you do, is you actually take a picture. Take a picture. "Man, love your book, changed my life." (crowd laughs) Love your book, man.
Love your book. Especially chapter, you know, page 27, when you say, "It's the distances in that." Man, love it. (crowd laughs) So I just wanna say, keep up the good work. "Oh, thank you very much." One week later, "Oh, by the way, you know, "I thought about this. "I know that you've got a book, you've got this product. "I happen to have a product that, you know, "may be a good fit for your list. "Why don't we jump on a Skype call? "15 minutes, let's talk, wanna do a deal?" Very simple. Very simple. 14, software and app publishers. So in this case, you think in terms of JV's. So I found a JV who has the software, and then we just do a JV.
So every niche has different software tools they're using. So if we're business owners, it may be a shopping cart. For home-schooling parents, it may be some kind of learning software, and so on. Right, Ally? So, software, right?
Exactly. App publishers.
'Cause most of the time, they focus on the tech, they don't think about everything else. They just focus on the technology. They don't see the value of the list, so you can go to them and approach them, and do a deal.
Okay? Questions? Good, good. Okay. Take two minutes, how long?
Two minutes. - Talk about the 14 places, which one you would look for first.10 times your finances, 10 times your business. 10 times your marketing. 10 times your life.
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