Sunday, June 26, 2022

YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results

Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being involved in the beta group and I just wanted to come and give you an update on how I am doing the results that I am getting and wanted to let you know about the product itself. So the product is going to launched December 2nd and I have been in the beta group for a little less than a week and I wanted to come and give you some of my results that I have been getting already less than 24 hours after I have plugged and started the training I just followed this simple system to automate your video marketing.

I started seeing results and it is absolutely amazing because those of you who are on my facebook or who have subscribed to my channel and watch my videos you know that I am a post graduate student as well as an entrepreneur so anything that automates my business anything that helps my business to run on autopilot oh sign me up. But there are something that I would not automate but for the most part you need to learn how to put your business in a position to run by itself is how you have not to be there all the time and this is what the YouTube explosion code is all about and I am talking right now from the point of view of the basic level that is what this review is on and I have been using the training and the tools that were provided for little less than a week and I have been generating highly targeted leads towards my business towards my opportunity completely on autopilot like 100% on autopilot and if you can use some extra hours in your day if you want to run your video marketing campaigns on autopilot if you want to figure out how your business can literally run by itself then you need to go below, click on that link and get that product.

Like I said I am a busy, busy person anything that lightens the load as far as my business goes I am all for it as long as it is legitimate as long as it does not water down my process I am all for it and this is the answer to the busy marketers for yours trust me.

So if you want to automate your business you want to start putting things on autopilot you want to dominate YouTube go below click on that link and get the product now.

You will not be disappointed. So go below get it and I will see on the inside..

Jose Amoros
Thanks for your visit!

8 ways to make $1000 on YouTube

In today's video, we're talking about eight realistic ways to not only make your first $1,000 on YouTube, but also to take it a step further and create passive sales to work for anywhere to create an automated sales machine and to create an audience of raving fans. That'll not only increase your views and subscriber counts, but will be your tribe for life.

Hi, my name is Marissa and in the past three years, I've been teaching all about this topic and I've been helping beginners start from zero with no audience, no product, no following, no email list and go from zero to creating profitable businesses by leveraging the platform that you're watching right now. And before we dive into this video, a special announcement, if you're, you're interested in just this topic and learning way more about it in depth, go ahead and check up my brand new Subscribers to Sales masterclass available. Now you can go to www., or click the first link in the description. You'll learn all about the key mistakes you should avoid. The number one for actor, keeping YouTubers and entrepreneurs from success on YouTube. And most importantly, my profitable four step framework to crushing it, to literally turning your subscribers to sales on repeat over and over and over.

So be sure to check out that training. All right, so let's dive into it. One method to really kill it and make your first thousand dollars on YouTube is with live streaming. Now with live streaming, you can think of it as connecting directly with your audience and being able to talk to your subscribers right directly on a live stream.

So you can get up there and make a presentation on.

Maybe you're creating something from scratch. You're creating a certain craft, or maybe if you're in their fashion industry, you're having a fashion show or you're demonstrating a product, whatever it is, you can do it with a live stream, or maybe you have a company sponsor your live stream and you help that company demonstrate their product and they would pay you to do it. So there's a lot of ways to go about live streaming, but a big way that a lot of YouTubers are making money and monetizing with live streaming is from donations. So your subscriber base, they can donate to you live during the stream. And also they have this thing called super chat where somebody donates their chat could be moved to the top and they could be prioritized in the comments and get their questions answered.

First. It's really, really cool, but essentially with a live stream, it's very high converting when it comes to either promoting somebody else's product or promoting your own product or service. And this brings me to my next point, which is affiliate marketing.

So affiliate marketing is a big, big way to dominate on YouTube and to create not only just your first thousand dollars online at several thousand dollars online. And there really is no limit to how much you can make with affiliate marketing.

And so the way it generally works is if you are an affiliate for a certain program or a service, or let's say a business tool that you like, you can create different videos on YouTube. You can create tutorial, style videos, or, you know, whatever type of value based video you are producing on your channel. And then you can talk about either reviewing a product. You can compare products, or you can make like a top five product, like maybe it's top five travel backpacks, and you have affiliate links to all of those backpacks in the description. There's so many different types of ways to skin the cat for this type of monetization strategy.

But I just wanted to say, this is a great way, like low hanging fruit to not only make your first a hundred dollars on YouTube thousand dollars on YouTube, but just to create passive income in your online business in general.

So that's why affiliate marketing is so good rate because when you combine affiliate marketing with evergreen SEO videos and also traffic from YouTube, you're creating a system where you can make sales every single day from your YouTube videos, by putting your affiliate links in the description and know you don't need your own website to do this. You don't need to create a blog. Does it help if you create, say a landing page and a funnel for your affiliate link? Yes, that is an advanced strategy, but definitely not necessary to get up and going and to get your affiliate links in the description right away of your YouTube videos and make a thousand dollars.

Okay. So the next way to monetize with YouTube is with YouTube memberships and the button. So I'll talk about both here. So with YouTube memberships, you do need to unlock this feature when your channel hits 10,000 subscribers or more. So once you hit that 10,000 subscriber milestone, you'll be able to unlock the membership portal, which basically allows you to host like a subscription based service.

So it's kind if you sort of Patreon where people can subscribe to a creator's service, it's the same thing, but offered on the YouTube platform. So when you sell a membership, so let's say somebody pays you $20 and they get access to ex exclusive content, maybe a membership kit that they receive every single month. You get pay eight $20, but YouTube does take, I believe 30% of the profits because it is hosted on the YouTube platform. So that's why YouTube memberships are cool, but you can get started if you wanted to, with this crowdfunding model, by using a service or a company like Patreon to host memberships and subscriptions of the YouTube platform. And so the other way I talked about the applause button, I don't have it.

I'm actually not sure. Youtube kind of just leaves it up to their discretion to decide which creators get the applause button feature. But basically the applause button is just, you can say thanks to a creator. So if my applause button ever shows up on my channel, you can say, Hey, thanks, Marisa, here's $15 for doing what you do.

It really helps support the channel whenever you do see an applause button, but I don't know what the requirements are.

Honestly, I've seen applause buttons on channels that have 20,000 subscribers and on channels that have 800,000 subscribers. So I'm just not sure. Okay. So the next method is with online courses to make your first thousand dollars on YouTube. This is probably my favorite up there with affiliate marketing.

And it's not only just my favorite, but all professional YouTube creators around the world. So it, according to a recent fire up fire, according to a recent study by signal fire, the top three monetization strategies for professional YouTubers, meaning a professional YouTuber is somebody who makes at least six figures from their channel per year.

So one of the, the top three of those strategies is with online course is because it really is something where you can scale this type of income to the moon and you don't need to trade your time for dollars. So that's why this method is so popular. I talk about this more in my masterclass that I mentioned my subscribers to sales masterclass.

So definitely click the link below and register for that class. But the cool thing about it is you can get paid for your knowledge. So if you have a skill, if you have an experience that you've overcome, if you have interest, hobbies, and expertise that you wanna package up and share, maybe you already are a professional consultant helping people. One on one, you can use an online course to serve several people at once, as opposed to just one client at one time.

So that's the power of online courses.

Okay? So the next thing we're talking about today is brand deals, brand deals to creating your first one K with YouTube. This one is interesting because a lot of people or YouTubers in the beginning think that brand deals and sponsorships are like the number one way to make money. When in fact they're not, that's a good way to make money. Don't get me wrong, but let me talk about Brandi.

8 ways to make $1000 on YouTube in 2022

So Brandi is when a company or, you know, another influencer or somebody else says, Hey, so and so creator, I want you to help me promote my product or service on your YouTube channel. I will pay you to create a big that mentions my product, or that gives a full, dedicated video about my product now brand deals. They typically, you typically start to get attention. And people start to reach out to you as a creator around the 20,000 subscriber mark. On average, this is what I've noticed.

But it doesn't mean that if you're a smaller YouTube channel, that you can't reach out to companies and ask them to pay you because a lot of companies will be happy more than happy to pay small creators for a dedicated YouTube video. Now, the question is how much to charge. It honestly varies. Those are metrics that you can come up with by yourself, but some things to consider is the price of your time. How many hours a is it going to cost you to put together this campaign?

What is your time worth? Are you willing to do it for a little bit cheaper in the beginning just to get a couple of brand deal campaigns under your belt? Maybe that might be a good idea, but the pricing, it just, it just varies.

I would say definitely don't underestimate the value of your time because brand deals, brand deal and sponsored videos. They're hard work.

They take a lot of time because you have to get to know the product. Sometimes you have to demonstrate it on your video and they have different guidelines sometimes on what you can and cannot say. So it may take away some of the creativity of the creators. So just, you know, keep that in mind when you are putting together your pricing guidelines. Okay.

So the next way to make money on YouTube is with Google ads. So this is when your channel officially gets monetized for the Google ad program, and you can start to get paid from the ads that play on your channel. So the skippable ads in the beginning, the little popup ads, mid rolls end rolls, no pre-rolls mid rolls, end rolls. I think it's called, but any ad that is on your channel and is advertised by your content, you get 55% of revenue share.

So to qualify for the YouTube partnership program, you need 4,000 watch hours, and you also need a thousand subscribers within a 12 month period.

So I tell creators it's not hard to reach this milestone. The key is to really post a lot in your first six to nine months of having a YouTube channel. So that way you can get that watch time metric that watch time metric is much harder to get than the subscriber count. Cuz a lot of people, they reached the thousand subscriber count first and then they still have to wait a couple of months to get that 4,000 watch hour metric complete. Now Google ad sense can be really fun in last year.

The channel actually did over six figures in Google ad sense revenue, which was really cool. And the year prior, it was just under six figures for the Google ad revenue. So I'll leave a couple links in the description where I go over like the income of Google ad on this channel and some tips. But I just wanted to say that Google ad revenue is just the icing on the cake with all your other revenue streams that you create from the channel.

Because at any point in time, something can help happen to the algorithm where, you know, ad revenue goes down.

So you shouldn't depend on ad revenue ever. You never know what could happen to your channel. God forbid it gets hacked and deleted or something like that. But just keep that in mind about Google ad sense. Okay.

So the next revenue stream that we are talking about our consult calls or coaching, whatever you'd like to call it, this is a really great way to just get up and running with your YouTube channel as far as monetizing it. This is a great way to monetize when you have just a hundred, 300 subscribers and you want to make money faster. What I would do is create a lead magnet where you create the PDF ebook style lead magnet. It doesn't have to be long, maybe five to eight pages or something like that.

And then you create a landing page and a thank you page so people can opt in, get your freebie.

And then the key is to create an email lead magnet follow up sequence. Now this is associated with email marketing where you would send up an autoresponder or a sequence of emails, which follows up to your leads, who opt in. And in those emails, you can offer people a 30 minute consultation call an hour long consultation call.

So you can start charging people, an offering to basically get on the phone with people and consult and they can pay you to do it. So there's several ways to set up a payment system for consultation calls.

You can use Calendarly, which is a tool that helps you schedule and people can also pay you to get on your calendar. So it's a very, very efficient system. Now the X method is a huge one that a lot of people do not realize. And that is opportunities outside of YouTube. That will come up just because you are a YouTuber.

If you haven't noticed by now having the title YouTuber, you know, after your name is, is very admirable. It's like having the title of author, business owner entrepreneur, a all these other titles. So when people know that you're a YouTuber, you automatically will get more and more opportunities that come up like opportunities to speak opportunities for podcast interviews, all kinds of opportunities to be, to do maybe a collaboration with another creator. So this is really, really cool. And a lot of these things you can monetize with cuz when podcast hosts, you they'll say, oh, do you wanna add your link to your program in the link, in their description?

So that's tapping in and monetizing their audience. The same thing with these speaker events and the same thing with collaborations. And as an example with this, I recently had an opportunity. Somebody asked me to week at their private event with their program and their students. And they said, I'll pay you a thousand dollars to give a one hour presentation.

All you gotta do is, you know, prepare some slides teach my students and do a Q and a. And I was like, yeah, of course I'll do that. So those are the types of things that I I'm talking about, where you can get paid for opportunities that come up because you are a YouTuber and people discover you and they want to collaborate with you. Okay? If you've made it to this point in the video, you are amazing.

You are a rockstar. Why don't we continue the fun and continue learning and growing together, I invite you to watch my masterclass called subscribers sales and how to grow a YouTube channel. It goes into way more depth on exactly this topic right here. So check it out.

I will see you on that masterclass click right here and grab your spot.


Jose Amoros
Thanks for your visit!

6 websites you wish you had discovered to Make Money Online

Hi everyone, my name is Remon. I hope you are doing well. In this video, I'd like to share with you some amazing websites. Probably you don't know that would help you in your journey of making money online. So let's begin with the first website for today.

That is pablo. buffer. com. pablo. Here you can consider pablo as a simple canva alternative where you can create professional post on social media like on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and so on.

So as you see here just firstly select your size okay size of your post , dimensions for Pinterest or square okay or for Facebook and Twitter. So we can select for Pinterest for example okay and from the left panel here you can insert your image. You can consider it as a background image of your post.

So we can search here for your image like fitness. For example, okay. And here we'll find a bunch of beautiful images from Pixapay or Pixels or Unsplash. So we can select one of these beautiful ones like this one. Okay perfect or you can upload your own image okay perfect and and in In this right from lift you can add some filters okay like light contrast none light heavy heavy blur and so on and you can add your texts like a call to actions headline quotes and so on so you can add header okay or like a body like this one or at caption as you see okay?

And of course you can find here some editing tools for this sentence or these words like can change its font make it bold itallic okay like size eh make it smaller bigger alignment and change its color as well okay so we can make it yellow green red and so on okay perfectly and of course you can add here some quotes as you see and you can edit it as you wish okay perfect and when you're happy with your post just you can share download and then we load your post to your device or you can pin to Pinterest directly.

Okay? Okay. So the first website for today is pablo. And now let's move on to the second website for today that is share CTA. com. It stands for share call to action. Call to action and share is one of the overlay message maker websites that you can use to promote your products and your services and etcetera so what I mean of overlay message.

Overlay message like that could be over an article to promote your products, affiliate products, announce about offers and services of course that is related to that article's topic. And therefore when readers come to this article and see your your overlay message and if they find something special and attractive in this overlay message like call to action and your products you want to promote so they would click over that and they will be taken to your product page and your service and your website okay that's it okay so that's mean of overlay message maker that is one of these beautiful websites okay so how that works simply here you can paste the link of the article you want to make an overlay message over it so we can take this one for example copy go back to our website and paste here okay create link and your overlay message would be like that as you see over this article perfect and then you can add your logo URL and so how to do that? Simply go to this website post images.

Org and here you can upload your logo and your profile picture for example okay and therefore we can copy this link direct link and back to and paste it as you see your brand name like FitO for example okay as you see here your message here ah a brief sentence about your product okay and here you can click here call to action like click here show me more visit our store and so on okay and here you can put your affiliate product link so we can take as our product for example a paste here. Perfect and just create link. Copy to clipboard and here you can share this link on social media like quora, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and so on to promote to share this article including your overlay message, okay? Okay. So this website is called share And now let's move on to the third website for today that is just paste. it. Just paste. it.

Here in this website you can take it as a note to write your words, sentences and share your images.

But for making money online ways you can you can take this website as a landing page of your affiliate products. Because there are social media platforms like quora and Pinterest that prevent you from sharing your affiliate link directly. So you can use just Facebook as a landing page of your products. Okay?

6 websites you wish you had discovered to Make Money Online

And you will find a lot of features and tools that you can use to make a landing page so attractive. For example, you can hear your title of your landing page, okay? And here you can add here some tickets somewhere, sentence, a call to action and description of your affiliate products and your services and you will find a lot of different tools like make it polled, okay? Italic underline and of course you can change its color alignment and you can add some images, okay? As you see like samples, people and and nature like that and so on okay and here you can hyperlink this text with your link affiliate product okay here you can organize your landing page on your note like heading heading one , sub heading paragraph and so on okay here you can drop your image like this one okay and here you can find etiting tools like you can hyperlink this photo with your affiliate link and so on okay and when you are done with your landing page and your note to promote your products as a landing page as I said before you will find here some options here you can add a page name like anything like that perfect and just publish your landing page that's it and therefore you can copy this link and put in your social media like quora, Pinterest, Twitter and so to promote your affiliate products and your services.

So let's in one the fourth website for today that is creazilla . com. com. Here you can find thousands of vectors and illustrations for free for personal and commercial use without attribution. As you see here vectors and can be used for personal and commercial use without any attribution.

As you see here so we can try this part like clip art. And it will find hundreds and thousands of cliparts for your projects. Like cards, birthdays, animals, purse, heart for example. Okay, as you see for personal and commercial use. So just you can click over that to download this clipart to your device.

As you see here, free for personal and commercial use, no attribution required. Just download it. That's it. Okay, like a piece of cake. And now let's move on to the next website for the day that is title generator.Com. Title generator. com. Here you can generate hundreds of titles that you can use in your content for bloggers and your YouTube videos. So add here your seed keyword like fitness for example.

And just click over that get headline and here you will find 700 attractive and creative headlines. As you fitness was a mistake, wondering how to make your fitness rock, guarantee no is a stress fitness and so on and so forth, 700 creative headlines, a lot of ideas to create your topics and your articles, okay? Okay.

And now let's move to the next website for today that is Zyro. com.

And of course most of you know Zyro. com as a website builder. But for today and for our today's topic I just mention zyro dot com because of its free tools. It's amazing free tools. So go all the way to the bottom.

Okay and here you will find a lot of these tools like logo maker, imagery sizer, business name generator, slogan generator, blog title generator, AI writer, AI image upscale and so on and and most of them are for free without any cost on you, okay? So you can try all these beautiful tools for free.

Until then, I hope you enjoy this video. Thank you for watching. If you have any question, you can leave in the comment section.

See you in the next video..

Jose Amoros
Thanks for your visit!

How to make $2,420 in 1 hour just by reading Quick money making method

Imagine being able to make money online simply by reading  in this video i'll show you and teach you how to make 200 to 1 000  online simply by reading this is a completely free and effective method that works all over the world  i personally have been using this for months and have made over five thousand dollars till date.

I'll explain everything you need to know to get started on the process including my personal  strategy and a step-by-step guide.

So that you can start earning today immediately after watching  this video you'll see exactly how much money you can make and how simple and easy it is to do it  you'll be sorry if you close this video hey there  welcome back i am stacy and you are watching money crush where.

We make your dreams come true  but before i tell you the secret to earning money.

Just by reading make sure to like and  subscribe cause let's be real it doesn't cost you anything and you can unsubscribe anytime  so let's get right into it but please make sure to watch this video carefully till the end  so that you don't miss out on the exact process i've seen my friends miss a couple details while  doing this process which resulted in getting banned and not getting.

A penny but don't you worry  or stacy is right here with her amazing research to guide you exactly how to make 200 to 1 000  simply by reading i'm really excited because.

This opportunity will provide you so much money just by  reading i'll show you exactly how it works and you won't need any previous experience now just take  a look at this they are.

Promising over 1500 just for reading for less than an hour now if you split  hundred dollars in sixty minutes you'll be making almost four to two dollars for every single minute  that you read isn't that amazing i was overwhelmed when i found out about this and now i can't wait  for you guys to make money using this twenty five hundred dollars how could it affect your life  what.

Could you do with that money i am so excited to share this with you guys i'll also show you a  few tactics and how to join them and also make even more money than mentioned on the website  even if you spend the least amount of time this is important and i want you to pay close  attention while following the process so first and foremost you need to head over to.  where you'll notice that they've been featured on shopify microsoft bmw discovery and many more once  you are on this page you will notice that there are a lot of huge brands that are undoubtedly  legit that are paying people out every day through paypal check or a direct deposit in their bank so  on this website there are a lot of different options and it works in different countries  basically their websites give you guys a lot of different projects from different categories  i'll guide you which ones will give you the most amount of money so you can continue with them  you can also choose from a variety of projects and i'll show you how.

They look so once you've chosen  your preferred project they'll provide you the script.

The templates the book and all of the words  that you'll read word for word now your job.

Will be to record your voiceover and submit it to them  they'll pay you on the basis of the length of the project you choose to do  this platform has endless work opportunity.

So you'll have plenty of projects to pursue  however there are a lot of websites out there where you can do some chunks but they are not  consistent so you could not be making any money today because your other job is so limited however  on

There are so many categories to choose from which can suit your lifestyle starting  from only five minutes imenium doesn't have an extra five minutes a day for some extra cash  the best part about this website is that you don't have to show your face or your identity  they are only going to utilize your voice on the ebook audiobook and videos and they want to hire  people like you and me to read all of these words and we don't even have to write anything at all  we just have to read all of the books and scripts that they offer us with thanks for watching this  is stacy and you're watching money crush where we make your dreams come true keep dreaming.

How to make $2,420 in 1 hour just by reading || Quick money making method

Read More: Earn $100 FAST with Affiliate Marketing

Jose Amoros
Thanks for your visit!

Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products

Hello it's Jamie I'm here with Amy and I'm here with Finn and we just like to say that wherever you are in the world we hope that you and your friends and family are safe and that you're healthy obviously we're all our own individual homes at the moment but we have filmed quite a few videos to keep us going for a while so make sure that you're subscribe to the channel and you click the bell to get notified every time we upload we're also going to be releasing a brand new playlist of sorted videos which you may never have seen before every single day on the channel so keep your eye out and as if that isn't enough to keep all the boredom at bay we're also going to be going live on Instagram every single day at 4:30 p.m.

UK time with cooking hacks with kitchen exploration and little weird dances maybe so whatever you do make sure you follow us on instagram at sorted food please enjoy today's video which is all about we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget reviews other slower and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal Pat's app we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join our community where everything we do starts with you hello everyone I'm Mike this is bears welcome to fridge cam now everybody loves to snack especially if your name is James Stafford today's episode we explore healthy snacking food trends and see if they're any good disclaimer this video contains some shocking food phones you guys evidently enjoy it and keep asking us.

To review certain products this is our first look at a handful of them I've picked a number of healthy slacking products today we've got our chef James and a normal mic to test out these products I don't know if I even unhealthily snack except for maybe some chocolate in the evening I get really hungry between meals so I have to think about what I'm gonna snack otherwise I'm just gonna eat bad start your thicker than me what to cease thicker than me yeah what Beauty wise we're just everything my god pick a muscle your thicker than me at it.

Number one lift the cloche just say straight off snacking may also include drinks Key's mac on a gooey and beverage that you might consume outside of mealtimes okay okay Javier's already it's a very small packet it's not a lot going on in there this this packet here is only filled up to there there's a gram oh it says 1g on it doesn't it yeah that's a crack I thought you were doing that black wait I thought wow he can literally feel grams its Columbian roasted coffee powder with added red jingzhong from career it's coffee and additives the additive being ginseng which.

Has been used for hundred years in Chinese medicine and they claimed to have a number of health benefits and by adding it to your coffee will give you the vitality you need for the day ginseng is a root and if it's grown for up to four years it's fresh if it's between four and six years it's white if it's six years or more in terms of how long it's grown then it is red and that is therefore the premium would you like to make one yes please yeah so this is what it looks like it smells slightly fruity so it's not huge in flavor it tastes earthy I wouldn't say it tastes like coffee would you I like it more than innocent coffee yeah it's much nicer than inside it tastes like more like tea all right dr.

Barry tell us the health benefit before I do that close double check you feeling anything at all any effect you are not a real doctor I'm feeling a lot of love okay so it's shown to have.

Antioxidant properties that could help improve brain functions and but also the one that jumped out to me is it can enhance blood flow in the penile muscles the life I felt yeah so you can strengthen your immune system in people with cancer and even in hearty effects of certain vaccinations and as with all these products we're not making any health claims we're just.

Sharing what the product is what they claim to do and look at what those ingredients are it tastes fine I don't think I would drink it for enjoyment red coffee on the rise or a bit of a flop what about what no peeking honestly I could see this being a thing I don't think people will but at the same time I don't think it's a flop it's as a product is fine I think it's on the rise you think it's like not fully floppy below it's somewhere in the middle psycho semi there you go you've had your morning stimulus this is the next one high protein what it's a multi seed loaf in a cup is it oh is it bread no way and it's 25% superfoods that is a claim this is microwave bread in a mug high protein 25% superfood and vegan fast substantial tasty I am fascinated about this I don't know about it from a health perspective but bread in a mug if it's good like corn this.

Particular thing provides you with 23 grams of protein per hundred so you put the powder in 75 mils of water oh it's really banana it's really Bernard Harry give it a stir and then in the microwave for how long three minutes it hasn't risen it looks it looks a little bit sad flop it tada no bounces it's just like a dense spread like a soda Brady type it is like a soda bread isn't it looks better on the inside than it did on the outside CD Brady really nice Cheers cheese.

Instantly you get 'banahna don't you that's the first thing that hits you so it's very banana bread.

Then I just get crunches of seeds must be quite nice yeah I'm super surprised it's dense it's stodgy it would benefit from something they say goes with anything so sweet breakfast with honey and jam noon as a side dish with soup or salad or for dinner with a hearty topping of cheese egg ham and the alike absolutely I'm sorry my bad 20 grams of protein in this is.

Actually quite a lot so if you're looking for something high protein so lowish carbs i guess that fills you up and is tasty in under five minutes then I'd say this is brilliant you can keep it in the cupboard yes literally like it is instant breath rather than buying six rolls and having some of them go off come on Evers no seven good one let's have a good luck is this microwave hello or wave goodbye sticking with it the bread is better than saying microwave hello but it's a wave hello for me I I would also wave hello to this frame lift the clock shriveled right root I look at this and I'm I'm underwhelmed although is this healthy though dried fruit is notoriously not healthy yeah it's just full of sugar it's what we got here we got dried Kiwi and or enough pollen orange Cheers this is rind keep it real eat the peel more fiber vitamins and nutrients are packed.

Into the edible outside than the flesh the fruit alone but comparative to salty sugary fried snacks this is a fairly sensible option Hannah the rind Kiwi is like eating sour sweets yeah.

Hanging in a good way but the oranges like marmalade is bitter yeah it's not just a hit of sugar which is really nice it's got all sorts of stuff going on I like it and there's a really chewy nice texture so as a substitute for candy sweets things like that I can see it really being useful provides a sugar hit but I'd have trouble eating the whole pack which is probably a good thing I think like the trouble that dried fruit is that it is very sugary it's probably good for getting like a sweet hit instead of something like chocolate dr.

Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products | Vol.5

Berry could you tell us about the health benefits so fruit rinds on average contained three to four times the fiber content compared to a serving of flesh alone fiber not only makes a snack more satisfying but high fiber diets are linked to less heart disease improved gut health lower cholesterol and a lower obesity rate what I particularly like about this one is it's not just the inverted commas healthy benefits it's also the food waste so the amount of fruit and veg that's.

Thrown away and a lot of that is the people that we wouldn't normally eat so not only you saving that which Mother Nature has gone to the effort of grow you're also getting health.

Benefits of the fiber and the antioxidants ask the question okay then are you loving the rind or should we leave it behind I think it's a great product I'm gonna say loving the rind I think the general public might leave it behind however I'm loving the rhyme on earth is that oh it's a little heart on a stick a teapot what's a teapot oh my goodness this is silly mine's lemon and ginger what flavors will is passion fruit punch gourmet tea 100 percent natural tea made easy dissolves in water each teapot is made from natural extraction of all the goodness from.

The loose leaf tea fruits and plants forms into a crystallized pop to provide the perfect brew who needs cup AB teapot we believe there's a better way to enjoy quality ting a more easy fun and fuss-free experience but consumer to enjoy their favorite brew but ever their heart desires this is a long collaboration with Chester University to create this bagless tea and it's supposed to be yeah fun and an an experience oh you're smells amazing mine does not and it goes it goes fast this was a product sent to us by Amanda she thought would be good for us to have a look at.

So I bought some I'm getting the delicious combination of lemon and ginger coming through now that smells amazing I think it tastes nice it's sweet and then ends bitter sour II the same here you get ginger not getting a huge amount of lemon and then it sort of tails off and pastes similar to a sort of the bitterness that you get from a from loosely potatoes you can get the flavors and then you get the tea afterwards so I can imagine seeing in a in a boutique hotel they're like yeah I mean a bit different it's a gift to say it is a bit of fun absolutely as a hundred percent a gift for a tea lover I definitely think it's very Instagram friendly as well and the video was seen from the brand you know the videos look good because of the shape before and the process of stirring what about if I told you that each one works out one pound fifty oh so nine.

Pounds for that tube hundred sir one-off gift that pricing for me is just a complete turnoff would you pop it like it's hot or drop it like it's not yeah well done mate that is cracking.

I would drop it like it's not I would also drop it like it's not we see a lot of these things that are good products but just fifth and final one for today they're nuts they nuts covered in cacao they are exactly that nuts covered in cacao but I want to know what nut interesting because I was instantly gonna say Brazil no it looks like a cross between a Brazil nut and an almond Vogue called it the delicious healthy nut you've never heard of it tastes like a pauline Melissa nice melts in your mouth they are melts away they're crunchy but then as soon as you.

Sort of clackum they just dissolve into deliciousness I think the closest nut would be.

A macadamia nut this is this is a naughty snack this is not healthy it's calmly healthy so these are called pili luckily you know they used in Filipino cooking often added to cooking and baking in it's roasted form they give a sweet bitter flavor and a velvety texture the pili nut is growing on trees in the nutrient-rich soils surrounding the Mount Mayon volcano this is a healthy snack product that has four ingredients peanuts Ecuadorian cacao yes it has salt and yes it has sugar but it's the nut that is kind of the focal point here albeit the other ingredients are well sourced too and that that deserved the great taste three star award from 2018 that it was awarded because they tastes amazing their sprouted nuts which we know activation means that you get all the nutrients within them so I can see how it's made the h-word it tastes like it should be really high in sugar that's the thing like it's a genuine substitute to a chocolate bar.

You get a sweetness that you're looking for the other thing that is important here is it is.

Complete protein so all of your essential amino acids provided one of the highest sources of magnesium and also really high in phosphorus which is good for bone health considered the second most important behind calcium that's genuinely new to me and I really like those they are delicious and they taste like they should be far worse for you so they are very very difficult to get hold of in the UK and I think this comes to why they haven't really scaled and they're new to us is because of where they're grown and they are difficult to scale however I picked up those bags in LA where we were last there and they were about four dollars a bag as how much I expected it to be yes it's not like jaw-dropping amount as with all of these I wouldn't eat them for the health benefits the health benefits are a nice by-product to them if they are delicious.

Okay then a great product or not not not not it's all in the delivery we've given up a weight is a great product yeah it's a great great product and it's completely new to me really delicious.

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Jose Amoros
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Y'all know Buzz Feed. They're like the government. They're watching me...

They know a lot more about you than you think. Taking tests before on here... they were so accurate it's scary... So today, we're taking more. To see how well they really know me. And if they're still watching me; because I'm not sure.

So we're gonna do a couple of these I guess your age quizzes I know it sounds so stupid. Let me tell you these are legit or completely inaccurate.

Let's start off simple. Can we accurately guess your age by how many of these movies you've seen? Ok this seems easy enough.

We're gonna check off all the movies. I've seen 21 Jump Street Aladdin pretty sure I watched a little bit of American Pie avatar back to the future a little bit of Brokeback Mountain Bruce, Almighty Casablanca my dad used to watch out all the time chicken run was the first movie. I've ever seen in a theater clueless I like that shit dark night that will Wears Prada ET Don't make fun of me, but I still like it Edward Scissor hands. That's a good one Help, I'm not sure if I ever watched Fight Club Forrest Gump Freaky Friday, I like this movie, too Frozen I want to watch this movie, but I haven't yet hangover I have not watched High School Musical believe it or not.

I have not home alone of Washington only 537 times Hunger Games Jurassic Park jaws Legally Blonde to watch that a million times to Matilda rushed at only 19 times Mean Girls Miss Congeniality I have not seen the notebook or pitch perfect or Pulp Fiction rocky.

Yes stream yes Shrek Hmm that movie sounds so familiar Okay, donkey. Donkey donkey donkey. Okay, this guy look so familiar first things first Where's your shit up some? No, I haven't watched that I'm just kidding sister acts Sleepless in Seattle social network. Oh my god Is that Mark Zuckerberg?

super bad Titanic Toy Story Twilight Wizard odds have you guys seen all these movies comment below what you haven't seen I got No no way Hold up hold up 25 how did this know? What did I tell you guys? How this BuzzFeed know this shit? I don't know what to tell you to be one of those people that Like put the sticker on their webcam when they're not using it have you seen that black mayor episode work No, no we cannot have this. I'm telling you.

They're watching me.

I'm not crazy You'll find out soon enough make sure your doors closed make sure when drizzle windows are closed windows are closed Definitely close your vents. They're in the air judge. These trendy foods and will accurately guess your age Okay, BuzzFeed all right Avocado toast yeah, I love avocado toast, okay, it's gonna put me as a millennial There's no way it's gonna guess my right age charcoal soft-serve. Oh, I haven't had it, so I'm gonna do neutral I wanna try it though.

Oh Hot chicken hot chicken Oh YUM, baby.

I love me some hot chicken pokeball I love pokeball but not like my favorite thing in the world, but it's really good when I'm really hungry, so yeah That was pretty young crab cake No, this is this is It's okay, like I would take a few bites out of it, but that's too much diabetes for me I shit runs in my family. I don't think I can run faster than as though Detroit style pizza I have never had this because it's not gluten-free, but I'm sure is delicious cauliflower steak What this is a vegan thing? I'm gonna be like yuck I like cauliflowers, but as a steak no mm-hmm, bubi purple yam I don't it's not my first choice or second choice or even third maybe like fourth or fifth edible flowers I It's the texture the texture is what really does it for me that I do not like much a Lot a now we talk in okay.

It's pretty okay.

I prefer green tea Snickerdoodle hummus I've heard about this It's like cookie dough made out of chickpeas sure, but that's okay. Yes, okay There's no way they're guessing my age. Nope not in a million years 3232 buds feet you better check your shit, cuz I I Flipped it around. It's probably cuz I covered in my webcam. Y'all can't see me the first one was a fluke Oh this one This is a fun one react to these tweets and we'll guest your age, and how over it you are So I'm judging tweets and you're gonna.

Tell me how old I am alright alright Y'all tired of boiling water every time you make pasta boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week. Um freeze it for later Block like retweet DM Childish sad be no Okay, I like it is a funny one more bad news for single people number of fish in the sea has dropped by nearly half since 1970 report says Keep scrolling. I ain't about this environmentalist lifestyle for genders men women fly-fishing dogs I would like Maybe I was in the middie M high gay and also super dumb You're cute another juggler gives up on his dreams.

Hahahaha. This is funny I'll retweet this get it through the sad story, man, throw away his juggling balls wait What if it's a girl oh no, no, we're talking about juggling balls me texting my crush have any plans tonight No, not yet.


I'm totally free and available Okay, and we'll have a good night. Whatever you do what keep scrolling. I'm good fuck concert singer Me from the back and a normal speaking voice It's actually been a tough few months. I would like to the tune of Eleanor Rigby Dog in the trench coat getting promoted at work, but then sheds disguise paint not surprised Okay, I'm off-key as fuck, but I mean that's that's alright I'll keep strong though cuz that's what I do all I do is keep scrolling off favorite I only like favorite like fan tweets and stuff but Yeah, Xbox support.

I asked the Delhi Sharma and GTA are you able to see if he okay?

He was wearing a red shirt, and I shot him with a rocket launcher Blah I Was just kidding Elmo retreat, that's real funny mime interview boss mean boss When can you start I'm a block for trying to be funny Accidentally pasted listened to an email instead of my signature and in my panic to delete it managed to send it oh That's so bad. It's like in Friday the 13th when you get the gas And you're trying to fill up the car, and it makes you press r1 or l1 and I always press the wrong one Oh Keeps going woman deodorant cents rose cotton spring meadow men's winter ice sharknado glacier bunch Antifreeze good. That's why I wear men's deodorant. What are you talking about our bitch don't have a gender? Oh, it keeps crawling.

You don't deserve my like just yet some days. You're on the moon and other days You're the PI not real sure what that means, but if you're feeling sad we can talk about it Is this like a pie like a food? Oh keep scrolling? I have a crush on this guy so do you talk to him this makes? No sense?

I'm gonna block you last things I'll scream from my deathbed Remember me Okay, this is like MCR lyrics or something Like keep scrolling you got you're in your early 20s, and you're not over anything Not damn, you're just the beginning you got here for this Twitter party, and you're not gonna let anyone rain on your parade Good for you, but I'm mid 20. Thank you very much. It could be like either early 20 or late 20 I'll take the early twenties. Thank you. I mean y'all were Pretty close but not close enough plan your childhood meals and we'll guest your age.

Okay this one sounds promising How do you like to start your day? What the fucker any of these boost is the secret of my energy? Horlicks I'm about you guys, but like my dad didn't have any hookers around when I was a kid I have no idea what any of these are what? What's your Tiffin for a short break? Okay?

What is it ideally? What is a cold Maggie? The fuck is a paratha Roti sabzi, I'm in the wrong country, okay How often you use these 21 emojis and will guess your age All right, this one is the one how often do you use this emoji okay? It's all the time because this one was like the top The top one that I use my mom always spends this emoji to me So I feel obligated to spam it back So it is like my second use of the moji because I send so many to my mom. Okay, don't judge me It's from my mom.

Okay. I want to do you okay all the time here we go I'm gonna bring me like a damn eggplant emoji or something So we could switch it up because I definitely don't use that ever how often do you I? Don't But it's like this is the ones that I use that's like thanks, dude.

You're my friend oh Yeah friend Like never because most of the time. I can't really find it So end up using another emoji.

How often do you this occasionally? I'll give somebody the emoji to shove their thumb up there wait so it's not a thumbs up no poop I Don't use the poop as much as I would like to use the poop. Yeah, let's say. I never use it again. It's like way out there in emoji space and I ain't trying to go through a couple pages of emojis to find the poop this one I use won a fair amount of times it's like What are you doing?

I see you Oh, this is my all the time any time sausage says he wants to do something that I don't approve of You're gonna get this face when I just want to end the conversation Instead of saying yeah alright.

Yeah, yeah, yeah just Or just like when you have a little like oh my god. It was this big I want to throw up gang signs all the time Hmm hmm you did what today? You ordered what off Amazon? How often do I use the dead emoji I?

Did not use this so Okay, maybe I've used it like once or twice in 2017 okay again all the time cuz my mom she sends it to me I send it back okay I never use this monkey cause this is stupid like Like me peekaboo no bitch fire Only one I'm talking about my merch, okay I never use this one the the purple devil like aka Barney if you zoom in real close you see the 666 on his forehead Yeah, I'll fuck with this guy never never Oh BuzzFeed Okay, okay. I don't use this nearly as much as I should but I'm kind of ashamed of myself for putting never Let's put a little bit. How often do you use this okay? The net pen painting nails I've used a couple times So let's do that whatever how often do I use this no no I hate this shit heartbreak Never I don't I don't think I've ever used that emoji the fuck is this Maybe Me nah I don't even know this is a real emoji.

I'm done.

It's not gonna I Really got 12 years old You're telling me a 12 year old. Oh, yeah, yeah total year old almost never uses an eggplant What did I do to deserve this? What did I do what if I just like what did I do to deserve this okay? First of all what do you guys think? comment below BuzzFeed all luck a hundred percent My allergies are acting up cuz there's some bush all right come on below let me know how old you are if you're older than five years old make sure you hit that like button in the and subscribe join the Wolfpack Well, I love you guys so much.

Thanks for watching bye guys.

YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results

Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being invol...