Tuesday, June 7, 2022

"THESE" 2 Words Attract ALL Women "I.W." Technique Revealed

"THESE" 2 Words Attract ALL Women  "I.W." Technique Revealed

My name is Marnie and from here on out I'm going to be your very own personal wing girl it's my job to give you the no BS honest truth about women what versus what they say they want.

I put up new videos every Monday so please keep an eye out for my videos and watch them and share them so last week I posted a video on how to get a 10 when you're a 5 and date beyond your league by reframing if you didn't see this video I'll include the link in the description box below reframing how you think is the first step to becoming a badass with women in this week's video.

I'm going to tell you a quick and easy way to get everything you want with women and when.

I say everything.

I mean everything now heads up some of your moms might get angry at me for teaching you what.

I'm about to teach you I'm going to teach you how to unapologetically.

Ask for what you want with women now at some point along the way you misinterpreted the message given to you by your parents or your teachers or other adults in your life that said always be polite to mean that you must never ask for what you want and if you do oh my god you're a jerk or just a downright awful person when.

The truth is the exact opposite if you're not clearly stating what you want but rather skirting around it you're actually being more impolite plus you're screwing yourself in the process and when screwing yourself it means that you're not screwing women in the good way obviously so that's not a win-win for you but we're about to change that because.

I'm going to show you how to rewire your current programming that says to be polite keep your mouth shut and don't ask a woman for anything by teaching you how to tell women what you want with an exercise called I want.

I tried to keep it simple so don't harp on me for my exercise names if you've been watching my videos for a while what is the number one key thing.

I stress you need to do in order to attract women you need to be able to lead leaders tell you what they want they don't hide it they don't cover it up and pretend they want something else so that you're gonna feel comfortable leaders and men that succeed with women Helen straight they ask for what they want and if that woman doesn't want it they move on and as.

I said in the last video I want you to wipe away what you learned as a child it is 100% okay to ask for what you want don't worry about people thinking you're rude or harsh or arrogant or big a-hole if you're watching this video thing you and I already know that you're not one of those things what you may be it's a passive nice guy who seems to always get passed over by others who you think are less deserving and.

I'm sorry for being so blunt but it's true women love decision makers they love leaders and they want to be it with a man who knows what he wants and goes after it a man that can challenge them and has his own opinion not a man that they can push over one little note this does not mean refusing to hear what women want and blowing past their wants the only way to get what you want from a woman is by being direct and asking for what you want for example.

I want your number simple.

I want to take you out next week really easy.

I do not want to be friends.

I want to be more and obviously you're gonna finesse these statements but at the base this should always be what you are expressing you were once if you've never been one to do this the.

I want exercising tool is going to be your new best friend this will help with women but will also help in all other areas of your life so here's how to do it here's the I want exercise so.

I want you to get comfortable with saying what do you want but first you have to get comfortable with using the words.

I want for many people this phrase can be tough at first.

I want you to use the words.

I want five times per day tell co-workers what you want people at stores your friends everyone and if you don't know what you want or don't even have a want take a breath and think about it and then say it out loud say something out loud.

I know that right now this doesn't seem like anything magical but it is in just a few short days of doing this you will notice something shift both in you and and how others view you especially women no longer will you tell a woman it's totally fine that you've canceled on me for the fourth time and asked to reschedule.

I know your dog hates to be alone instead you'll let her know that she's missing out on an amazing guy who has countless other options and there's an expiration date on how long his attention is directed at you you won't say this directly but the way you'll carry yourself will let her know that without it being said as soon as you can ask for what you want and not be afraid of it doors that seem closed before are slowly going to open your chest is gonna puff up women will take notice of you and you will be a man that can ask for what he wants without apologizing for it if you're interested in discovering.

The next step to becoming the man with women then check out my top-rated system how to become a man women want by clicking the link below in the description box are going to wing girl method calm / become the man now not only will you get the benefit of my years of experience helping hundreds of thousands of men create epic transformations.

And their results with women you're also going to discover what women secretly want the kind of thing only a fellow woman could ever know fair warning though once your guy friends see the way women respond to you once you discover.

All of this they may not let you anywhere near their girlfriends or their wives for more tips on how to become the man women want simply click the link below for all the details or go to winggirlmethod.com/becomethemannow...


Thanks for your visit!



($200/day) 30 LAZY Ways To Start Making Money

($200/day) 30 LAZY Ways To Start Making Money

Who doesn't love the lazy way in today's video. We're going over 30 surefire ways that take very, very minimal effort that could realistically take you from generating no income online to a couple of dollars online to over $200 a day. How does that sound? Who doesn't love the lazy way before we hop into it? If you're interested in grabbing a ton of free resources, I invite you to download our Subscribers to Sales blueprint, which will be delivered to your inbox right away.

And you'll be getting all of our great resources and tools to help you with YouTube and being profitable on this platform. So go ahead and grab that and smash that like button to give me a tip. And if that sounds good to you let's get started. All right. So the first category that we are hopping into today is the arena of freelance writing, how to be a freelance blogger, how to write for magazines, how to write for brands, because no matter what language you speak, whether it's English or another language that is your native language wait, or really no matter what your native language is.

Freelance writing is amazing because it's a low barrier to entry to getting some jobs that pay anywhere from $50 per blog posts to 400 and $500 per blog post. So we're going to hop on my computer and take a look at different freelance blog websites. These have been verified by other YouTubers, other freelance bloggers that have had experience with these websites. So let's dive in and take a look.


So. Let's talk about it. The first website we're talking about is problogger.com. I did mention it in the last video, but I didn't go into it at all.

If you're looking for to become a freelance writer and to get that career going, this is a great option for you. Here's the actual blog of pro blogger. And as you can see, there's a lot of different marketing topics. You know, five tips from full-time bloggers, the power of being vulnerable with your readers.

So a lot of articles with this type of flavor, how to hire writers for your blog.

And then if you were to go, just come up here to jobs, you can see all of the jobs that are listed. So if you wanted to put in your, like a keyword, maybe, I don't know, let's just say Instagram and see what comes up. Talents in freelance, social media management, help us with content creation for our clients. You can see what the criteria is it's anywhere. So it's a remote freelance job.

And so you really want to read through the entire post, because if you don't, it's very likely that your PR your pitch or proposal will go straight to the trash because people want to know that you are paying attention.

That's fair. Right? So that is pro blogger. And so the other thing I really like is that you can narrow down between freelance contract full-time part-time.

So maybe you do something, or do you want something a little bit more stable? You have the option here, so you can check out all of these different titles and types there's new jobs posted every day, which is also really cool. So definitely check out pro blogger for as a great option for freelancing. So this right here, Matador creators is a very interesting opportunity. Even if maybe you're looking to start your traveling career.

If you're looking to be location independent, or just Trevor traveled temporarily and work and get paid while you're doing it, because monitor creators, they have different paid gigs that are very interesting. You can get hired to go somewhere and write about your experience. You can get hired for things that aren't even writing. Maybe they want a, there's a job that want people to do photography to do filming and stuff like that.

So, you know, like this, this is an interesting job.

So mad at, or seeking a US-based adaptive mountain bike athlete for a film project in North Carolina. So there's all types of different flavors on this website that are really cool and sound kind of adventurous. And like this one, I know it's closed now, but they are looking for a writer for a story on the most scenic train journeys in the UK. So that sounds super interesting. So if traveling sounds like something you want to do, this could be a great barrier to entry to get a job, and to also have these cool opportunities to travel to different, you know, hotels or countries, or do different experiences to talk about them, document them and to get paid for doing it.

All right. So the next website is called, who pays writers. So this isn't necessarily a blog where you're going to come and apply to be a writer. This is actually a bunch of anonymous sources that come to this website and they report how much, like right here, like USA today, they pay 60 cents per word, and it was paid in 15 days, over 500 words, you get paid 60 cents per word. And you could just figure out how much these companies are paying, which is actually really cool, because then you can go to directly to the source and figure out what type of jobs they're hiring for and you know, what type of things that you want to write for.

So this is a great, great resource, so you can figure out, you know, who pays what it's not secure, keep that in mind. And so just know that it is anonymous. And so this is where you can come to find good resources on what type of jobs pay, what, okay. So many of you actually know about LinkedIn. Linkedin is a gold mine for if you're wanting to get into writing, because if, if you didn't know, I didn't know this until somebody told me that you can go and look up different freelance writing jobs in LinkedIn.

I highly recommend it. So if you're on LinkedIn, definitely check that part out. Okay. And so for the next four websites, we're talking about Fiverr Upwork, freelancer in guru. And, you know, you may be thinking I might support these websites, but I'm here to say that they may not be the greatest option.

Many people that I've talked to that have that have had writing gigs on these websites say that it is just a content mole, and there's just so much content and jobs out there.

And so it is a little bit more difficult to climb your way up and get those ratings. It's not impossible. There's still people that do it every day. But the problem is, is that the market on these websites is pretty saturated.

And what happens is you get paid, let's say a hundred dollars upwards takes a cut of that. Your bank is going to take a cut of that. Then if you get paid with PayPal, they're going to take a cut, then transaction fees. And it's just so many fees. You're just like drowning in all of these fees.

It's like, what do you get left? Or what's left after you get paid that a hundred dollars, maybe $50. I don't know. Cause I think Upwork and fiber take a 20% cut, which is crazy. That's so much money.

So I'm just saying, you know, if you've heard of these before, and if you're interested in them, just proceed with caution and know about all the fees that you're going to get hit with upfront. One girl, I do know does have a steady pain, just one, just one steady paying client on Upwork that pays like $900 a month for a reoccurring job.

And so again, just be aware of the fees and just be aware of the rules that you'll have to follow with joining one of these websites. They're extremely popular. There's a lot of opportunity for jobs, but you will get hit with those fees.

And just one more note, before we dive back into the rest of the freelance writing websites, just keep in mind that your pitch is extremely important.

So meaning you're going to have to probably pitch the editors or, you know, when you apply for a job it's important. So you just have to understand to get very personal too. If you really want this job, you're going to have to go onto these websites and do your own research. Subscribe to the newsletter, actually understand what their content is about.

Follow them on Instagram and social media to get a, you know, a taste of how their branding is their voice, who their audiences and stuff like that. So that when you go to pitch, it's like, okay, you're not just, you didn't just find the job online and, you know, submit a generic application like you do to everyone else. You know, it's really important that you make these pitches personal so that your application can stand out above the rest. So that's what I have to say about pitching. And then let me tell you, here's the emails that go into the trash right away.

Those companies that pitch me and they spell my name wrong. If I can tell if it's a generic email, like, Hey, we love your YouTube channel. Okay. You probably love a lot of YouTube channels. What specifically do you love about mine?

All right.

And so if they tell me something like, man, I remember in a video, you told your story about this X, Y, and Z. And I'm like, oh, so they actually, they actually give it to him. So just, you know, a little bit of 2 cents about your pitch to these websites and applying for a blog post. And by the way, if you are looking to build a portfolio website and to have all of your projects, all of your work and have a quick way to show your body of work as a freelance or whether you're a writer or another type of freelancer, go ahead and check out.

I'll leave a link in the description to a previous video I made about creating a portfolio website. I'll leave that. It's a really great resource because if you're looking to take this freelancing career or side hustle or whatever you want to call it an online business, seriously, you'll want a home for your body of work.

And that is a great thing to include in your pitch. If you are wanting to get into the freelance writing world, let's talk about a category now called online hosting slash experiences back in the day, we all remember where we were.

So clearly when the pandemic hit and the world health organization was like, oh yeah, by the way, it's a worldwide pandemic. Everyone in quarantine, everyone to their house. You're like, wait a minute, wait, do I have enough groceries? Do I have enough toilet paper to survive this quarantine? Anyway, the point is all experiences that were in person, all activities that, you know, you had to go to a place and you had to be around a crowd, just went down.

And that means that the online hosting industry skyrocketed. And so I wanted to talk about a website called Airbnb, but not just Airbnb, but Airbnb experiences where let's say you have a skill or a talent that you want to teach. Maybe you want to teach dancing.

Maybe you want to teach how to make cold brew coffee. Maybe you want to have a workshop on how to meditate.

All of these things are possible now. And Airbnb is really cool because that industry has also skyrocketed last year or, you know, over the past year and a half, as we've been through the ups and downs of COVID-19, we've seen a skyrocket and increase not only in Airbnb experiences, but now that experiences are coming back out to life and we're able to leave our houses and actually participate. A lot of these people who had experiences in person now have both the option to have it online and in person. So it was really the best of both worlds, but I would highly suggest Airbnb experiences.

If you want to teach something or host some type of workshop online and also a website called symposium and symposium is a very similar idea to Airbnb experiences.

You can teach and entertain people live from the comfort of your home or from the virtual comfortness. I don't even know what I'm saying. Is that even a word, but you get the idea. So those two websites, for sure, if you're interested in hosting something or generating an income by sharing a skill or a talent to several people virtually, all right. So for the next website, if you know me, hi, nice to meet you Mrs.

Romero, this or really, if you've been following this channel, you know, I talk about YouTube growth and monetization quite a bit. It's one of my specialties and it's, you know, the direct way to work with me is, you know, joining our Subscribers to Sales program, which is where we teach YouTube, starting a YouTube channel from scratch and leveraging that YouTube channel to build an online business and to scale that business. And the reason I bring it up is because if you combine YouTube with any one of these websites or applications that we're talking about today, it is game over.

I'm talking about a game changer. It is life changing.

Okay? And there's so many ways to monetize this one website, it's 100% free to get started. You don't need any money. It's a platform where you can create your YouTube channel today for free and start uploading content and really make a big impact while making money and increasing your income. And so essentially if you're interested in affiliate marketing, digital product creation, if you're interested in selling merch, if you're interested in doing live streaming, if you're interested in coaching consulting, the list goes on and on and on.

There's so many ways to monetize a channel that is perfect because YouTube alone is a website and social media platform that has changed the game and is not going to stop changing the game for future creators and for future business owners. I mean, there's a reason why the biggest celebrities are going on to you too, because they want to share value and really entertain and educate.

And that's the name of the game when you entertain, educate and give value, your income goes up. And just to give you an example of my particular channel, even when my channel was a baby, like when it was just at a thousand subs to 10,000 subscribers, and it's not the channel you see today, it was still making me a full time income. Can you believe that many people think that you can't make a full-time income?

If you are a small youtuber, that's absolutely wrong. And couldn't be further from the truth. There have been students in our program that just that around the 700, 800 subscriber mark, they were getting so much traffic to their products that they were able to be financially free. Essentially they were able to fill their calendars with clients, bring in way more income than they have ever generated from paid advertising or any other types of efforts online. And so this channel alone was able to drive so much traffic to our funnel and organically produce a quarter million dollars.

So that's, I mean, that's really cool. We've built up our company, you know, Team Mariss or Maryland to multiple six figures. It's really impressive. And just with the power of YouTube. So if you're interested in learning how to do it correctly, how does it have a channel the right way, the first time a channel that sells and keeps on selling evergreen forever, then go ahead and check out our masterclass.

I'll leave it in the link in the description. It's all about the four step framework to building a wildly profitable channel. You don't want to miss it. It's a free training and content that I don't show anywhere else online. So you can go ahead and check it out later this video.

And so the next way to really crush it on YouTube and make money is with a digital course, a digital membership, something where you're packaging your knowledge and selling it in the form of a course.

So maybe you're making different video modules to explain a process, to explain a repeatable process that you know, has gotten results for clients or customers that you've worked with, or maybe you've overcame a life situation. And you're able to package that knowledge and help people solve the problem that they're having right now, going through that same situation. So maybe for example, I think of a friend of mine who is a fertility coach, and she's helped several women in their struggle to get pregnant. You know, doing certain things, you know, obviously besides the thing, but doing certain things to help them like, you know, diet and nutrition and other things that she had to go through to get pregnant successfully.

And so the point is a digital course with the YouTube platform is in my opinion, one of the most profitable things you can do. And the great part about it is it's a low cost and it could be free to do so. It's virtually little, little to no upfront cost for you and you create it once and you can sell it infinitely. There's no cap and there's no cost of good to how much you can sell this course. And I like talking about this because with our digital course, for example, we were able to cross six figures in just the course revenue alone within nine months of launching it.

So that's how quickly your core sales can add up. And again, it's purely passive income. Once you create the course and create the module and launch it to your audience on YouTube. And I wouldn't get discouraged either if your YouTube channel is still small, because again, going back in time to when my YouTube channel was small and I launched my first mini course, it sold, it didn't sell as much as my course does now because I have more traffic, but it definitely sold.

And it was a great source of passive income to add to the Google ads and to add to the affiliate commissions and the other types of revenue that I was earning.

So don't be afraid if don't think that, oh, I need X amount of views and subscribers to launch a course. No there's people right now that would subscribe and pay for your course because they trust you and they want to learn from you and they trust in the process that you have, I have to. Offer. Okay. So this next category of websites and apps, it's kind of like low hanging fruit.

Okay. And that is earning money.

For taking pictures of receipts and also rewards points. So there's several applications where you could monetize from just doing the daily average things that you have to do day by day. So I used to live in America my whole life at the moment I live in south America.

And I'm assuming that most of you watching this video have to do this. And that is to fill up at the pump and get gas for your car. There are several applications where you can get rewarded for taking pictures of the gas prices of the gas station you're at, because the goal of these apps is to inform people where are the lowest prices of gas around the city. So they're buying gas or buying groceries interests you or not.


10 Surefire Ways Of Getting More Traffic (Intro)

10 Surefire Ways Of Getting More Traffic (Intro)

Hi there, Cenay Nailor here and I'd like to bring you a video that I think you'll find of value. Basically I've been doing some additional research on how to increase the amount of traffic that I wanna send to my blog, an offer page or landing page or some type affiliate program. Basically just how to get more. So I've going to, I've done some research I've compiled it into a Mindmap to help me understand it, and help me process the information and I'm gonna share that with now. Basically I'm going to be covering 10 points.

The first of which is advertising advertising will cover pay per click, banner ads, Facebook, social advertising .. pretty much any place you can spend money to buy traffic to your website.

Next we'll cover getting social, connecting with your audience, your target audience connecting on your social platforms, how to build those social platforms and the value that it gives you bringing traffic in. Next, I'm gonna tell you to mix it up don't do just one type of content over and over and over.

Make it short, make it long, make it video, make it audio. Just mix it up basically and that'll help keep your audience engaged. I'm also gonna tell you that you really need to spend a little time working headlines. They need to be irresistible, need to be little mini ads, so when people read your headlines, they understand exactly what value they're gonna get if they click on a link and then pursue your content. We're also going to take a look at SEO the on-page factors in bringing in new traffic using SEO techniques.

Now SEO is not the be all end all in to be clear SEO really doesn't help you build your brand which is the other things were going to be discussing but SEO does help you get traffic. There's no about about that. I also want to tell you about blogging, whether it's blogging on your own personal blog or guest blogging on some type authority site that you've found within your niche There's a lot to be said for blogging and the kind of eyeballs it can bring to your offer, your website or your blog. I'm also gonna suggest that you post some valuable content out a LinkedIn LinkedIn is network of professionals and these are the type of people that you want to speak to. And there's just some really good opportunities for you to be publishing content and getting it read out on LinkedIn.

10 Surefire Ways Of Getting More Traffic (Intro)


You also really need to take a moment figure out a way to be responsive.

Your website, your offer, your landing page needs to work excellent on either the desktop the tablet or the phone. If it doesn't you're gonna lose visitors. perhaps it and your content and then they bookmarked it or sent it to their phone to be read while they're sitting in the doctor's waiting office. When they go to that link, if they can't read it on that phone, they'll leave.

There's also a certain amount of value that could be found in linking internally on your blog site. There's a lot of good content your site help your users find that content by internally linking to it when you when you're on a page that talks about something else you've written, link to that finally we're going to talk about testing tracking and measuring your results.

It's one thing to put content out there and do things to increase traffic but if you don't know if it's having measurable effect, you don't know if you're wasting your time you don't know if you're wasting your money. You really need to know if what you're doing is working. I'm also gonna suggest that you research your competition.

They're out there doing the same thing you are, they may be doing it better, so research your competition and you can reverse engineer it. This will help you get a little better clarity on what it is you're trying to do as well. So, those the 10 things we're gonna cover in getting more traffic to your website. Come on, let's get started. Visit my blog for complete video.


Thanks for your visit!



Surefire PR Marketing Tips and Tricks How To Approach Brands for Public Relations

Surefire PR Marketing Tips and Tricks  How To Approach Brands for Public Relations

- Hey there everyone, Adam LoDolce here from viewership.com, and it is Q and A Thursday, I'm here with Neil Patel, and we are going through all of your comments, and we're picking a specific one that you all up voted that you wanted to talk about. So, Neil, for today, the comment that we're gonna be talking about is from Dhruv Tantia, sorry if I'm getting that pronunciation wrong. Sir, can you give me some tips for public relations? Neil?

- If you wanna get PR, then here's the thing. Most people wanna be featured on TechCrunch, Business Insider, CNN, Mashable, you name it. The Next Web.

Hitting up the editors and asking them to promote you or write about you, usually isn't gonna do much. They're gonna ignore you.

You need to get an intro. So people go about it the wrong way. They try to get on there by hitting them up, versus finding out who they've written on, 'cause they write tons of stories every day, network with all the people within those companies, like those top 10 or top 50 or whatever that they keep mentioning.

And then once you network with those people, ask them for an introduction. - Genius.

- It really is the easiest way to get PR. - Right. - If you're a marketer, this is even a bit more hardcore but it works. I used to head up Tech Crunch, Mashable, Business Insider, Gawker Media, and the whole network, and the list kept going on and on. GigaOM.

And I would do all their marketing for free, and then when I needed PR I'd hit them up, but I'm already doing their marketing, so not only do I know their stats, they always wrote about me 'cause I did it for free.

- Right. - And that was a really effective strategy, 'cause not only did I get more press, but then they also introduced me to other people that needed marketing once I increased their traffic. And that's a bit more of a longer term play, but that was a great strategy. Like I remember when I hit up Michael Arrington to do his marketing, he ignored me the first few times and said, thanks.

I did Mashable and all his competitors, he started noticing that they got way more traffic, and I made sure they put my logo on the website so they knew I did the marketing, and then Arrington finally hit me back up one day, and was like, oh, can you also do our marketing now? And then I grew his traffic and I'm like, once I grew it, I'm like, hey, make sure you email all your investor friends and show 'em this screenshot of what I did, and that also helped drive more business as well, which was a great approach.

But people have it wrong with PR. - Right. - You can't just hit up the editor.

- You can't just go for the kill. - Yeah. You have a dating website, right, what is it called? - Sexy Confidence. - Sexy Confidence, okay?

If people just hit you up to write about dating, like Tinder or Match, would you respond? You'd just ignore 'em. - No, of course not. - But on the flip side, if someone you knew emailed you and did an introduction with someone at Tinder, would you be much more likely to respond? - Of course, yeah.

- Exactly, so you wanna get that intro. If you can't figure out how get the intro by just hitting up the top 10 people of people who work there, go to local events, networking events, and you'll eventually meet people, especially if they're startup events, of ones who like have gotten press or networked, and know how to get on Tech Crunch or Mashable, whatever version is in your country. And they'll introduce you and help you get on there as well.

Surefire PR Marketing Tips and Tricks | How To Approach Brands for Public Relations


When you're emailing people within a company, it's important to know that like when you're going for the top 10, it has to be someone in public relations, the CEO or founder, or someone in marketing. - Right.

- If you just hit up random people you're not gonna get the conversion. - Right, right. No, I mean, it makes total sense, because I feel like with PR or marketing or anything like this, so many people are trying to just take from them.

Right, 'cause they know that they have the honey, and so people are just hitting them up. And it happens with me with both my companies, I'm sure it happens to you every day.

- Dude, every day. I mean like, 10, 20 messages a day saying, can you write about us? Oh, we have this CEO, he would be amazing for your podcast. It's like, I don't even read it, I'm like, the moment I can see it's generic, I just click the back button and move on to the next email.

- Right, so it's all about giving and giving to the right people, and then it just comes right back around, it's like that business karma, I guess.

- That's right. - Yeah, that's a great strategy. And that's how I hit you up in the first place, right? - That's right. You hit me up, and when you hit me up, I think you'd tried hitting us up for paid consulting?

- Yeah. - And then-- - No, no, I was gonna do SEO for one of my other companies, and then I was starting Viewership, my new company, and I was like, hey, I'll work with you for free. - That's right. - And then in exchange for SEO for my other thing, and now it's just. - And we've built a friendship.

- Yeah, exactly. - You're on camera. There's no money exchanged or anything, we're just friends. It's not even like you asked to be on here, I'm like, oh, this'll be cool. - Totally.

- And then on top of that I also drove you business and revenue. - Exactly, I'm flying from Boston to LA to do this stuff and it's worth it, you know, so.

- Yeah. - There it is. Alright, cool.

So guys, if you enjoyed this, make sure you leave that comment right there below saying, yes I enjoyed this, or of course if you have a question that you wanna ask Neil, then of course do that. - And of course, anything you need help with, I'm here, I'll respond. Any ones that get up voted a lot, or liked a lot, I'll make sure we answer them in the Q and A video on every Thursday, but again, if you're an entrepreneur, a marketer, or anyone, you need help, I don't care if you have money, or you have a lot or a little, doesn't matter, media karma, I really am here to help. And I'll try to do my best to help you succeed. So thank you, subscribe, leave a comment, I love you guys.


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With it  but you can't really dict no one can tell how quickly you'll make money but this is a very  solid course here he has this introduction he shows you how to he goes your overview of his  program videos so it teaches you about tracking recent case study and these are all case studies  that he's made money with a case study seo ranking ranking his blog studies on youtube product review  study on leveraging social media traffic of course so it shows you how to make money.

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Of information here but this is designed to take from a through c how to start making money online.

And the good thing about show thinking about he showed you his studies in terms of  what has worked for him and this this is a gentleman is doing this making money with  this program right right now it's not like you know it's not like maybe a program where  solo works this is definitely working so if you want a solid course for twelve dollars  and you have a 365 day money back guarantee this is the course for you to make start making money.

It's going to take it's maybe take you half a day or so to set up and work it every uh  okay for example step one grab your copy step two copy and paste our simple step by step blueprint  sit back and relax so the course goes to a through z nothing's left now it gives you it shows you  what he's done how he's making money right now with this program and all you do is follow the  steps so you start making money you have a solid business model this is a business model it's.

Not  something that you're going to do today and make money you have to set it up it takes a little time  but you'll find that you won't find any courses right now that has more of a solid business model  that's working proven that you could do anyone to do uh set up because all the videos are here  all the instructions that you possibly would need to be successful is here okay it's larry kearney  pick this up if he's ready to make money uh it has a 365 day money back guarantee.

But for 12  is definitely a bargain to help you start making money online particularly if you're not making  money online already okay it's larry kearney and i see one in the next opportunity video.



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Complete YouTube Ads Strategy to Grow Your Channel ($43K Spent)

Complete YouTube Ads Strategy to Grow Your Channel ($43K Spent)

Over the past couple of years, we spent over $43,000 on YouTube ads. Now, if you've ever tried advertising on YouTube, then you know that they usually result in very low engagement and very low watch times. Basically, everything the YouTube algorithm hates and a surefire way not to grow your channel. But ads don't have to result in low-engagement views. After spending countless hours and thousands of dollars, we've finally come up with an effective strategy that leads to everything YouTube loves.

High watch times and engaged subscribers, which ultimately leads to channel growth. And the best part is that it'll only cost around $5 per day. So if you want to learn how to use this YouTube ads to grow your YouTube channel and business, then stay tuned. If you're a beginner to YouTube ads, there are two main types of ads you can create.

Discovery ads, which are the ones that show in YouTube search, suggested, and on Google's display network.

And then there's in-stream ads, which are the ones that play before or during a video you're watching. Now, the strategy that we'll be talking about is just for discovery ads. And that's because in-stream ads are more for brand awareness and lead generation. Now, the reason why this strategy excites the heck out of me is because these are what typical YouTube discovery campaigns look like. Tons of views, for pennies on the dollar with an extremely small percentage of viewers actually sticking around to watch.

And if we look at the stats for this video, these views resulted in an average view duration of 56 seconds on a nearly 20-minute video.

And the separation between organic vs. paid views is just sad. Compare that to our YouTube search views, and you'll see that our average view duration was nearly 9 minutes, and suggested was around 5 and a half. So our goal was plain and simple.

Get highly engaged views for pennies on the dollar. Fast forward one year of testing and you'll see that most paid views we get have a similar audience retention rate and average view durations as organic views. Now, let's look at the data on a few of our English ad campaigns from 2020. So in 2020, we spent just under 2,700 Singapore dollars, which is around $2,000 US dollars at today's currency exchange rate. From the two grand, we got just under 30,000 paid views or roughly $0.

07 per view. Not bad. But there's so much more. 544 people liked at least one of our videos, 994 people added one of these videos to a playlist, 577 people subscribed to our channel, and get this… 9,999 people watched at least one other video on our channel - free. To top it off, over 45% of views watched at least 25% of our videos.

And our videos aren't exactly short. Meaning, we paid $0.05 for one engaged view, which is just crazy! Now, if you're thinking, well, views are views and they mean nothing. Then wait until you hear this.

For the seven videos we were advertising, there was a total of 2,514.8 hours watched. That means, we paid 2 cents per minute of watch time where our content showcases how our products work to solve the viewers' problems. It gets me every time but that's crazy. Now, YouTubers often chase subscribers, likes, and views.

But these are all vanity metrics if no one is actually consuming your content. YouTube is an attention platform. And while you can pay for clicks, you can't force them to keep watching. Bottom line: views mean nothing if people aren't watching, engaging, and ultimately doing something that leads to a profitable action. Unless of course you make money through YouTube ads or your goal is brand awareness.

Now, before we get into the ad strategy, it's important that you understand a few key metrics in YouTube ads that will validate or invalidate whether the strategy is working for you or not.

So let's define what an engaged view is. For me, an engaged paid view is one where the average view duration will be similar to an organic view. After all, if people aren't watching your videos, then they're not going to like your videos, subscribe, watch other videos, or buy your products. Now, beyond average view duration, Google's ad platform shows you a category of metrics called "earned actions." And these include things like earned likes, playlist add-ons, shares, subscribers, and views. And an earned action is counted when someone performs one of these actions within seven days of viewing your ad.

For example, if Sally clicks on our video ad, then watches another video on our channel three days later, and then subscribes, then that's an earned view and an earned subscriber. Now, because our goal is to get engaged views, "earned views" paired with overall high retention was the #1 KPI I used to measure and modify our ads strategy. So the last thing we need to talk about before we get into the strategy are the targeting options available in YouTube ads.

I promise, I'm not trying to delay getting to the strategy, but you need to understand all of these things in order to execute successfully.

Alright, so with YouTube ads, there are three main targeting options: keywords, audiences, and placements. Keyword targeting works in the same way as Google ads. You enter a list of keywords and when someone searches for that word or phrase, your ads can be shown. Audience targeting is based on what Google thinks people are interested in.

So that can be anything from SEO services, to advertising and marketing etc. You can also target custom audiences like your subscribers, people who watched a video in the last 30 days, or even your website visitors. And finally are placement ads. This is when you choose specific videos and/or channels where you want your ads to appear. Alright, now let's talk about how this strategy works at a high level.

This entire YouTube advertising strategy is based around intent targeting.

Meaning, you only show your ads to people who are showing interest in your video's topic right then and there. Which is why the two targeting methods we use for this strategy are keywords and placements. Let me show an example of why these two targeting methods work for engaged views and audience targeting doesn't. And we've tested this a lot.

So let's say Google knows that you're interested in golf. But it's 11am and you're at work researching videos about search engine optimization. They got the interest right, but they got the timing wrong. As a result, you might click on the golf video ad, but you don't have time to watch it or consume the creator's content. So you bounce and they likely wasted some money Now rewind.

If you're watching the same video on SEO and you see a suggestion in the sidebar for a complementary video to the one you're watching, then you might click it, watch it, watch other videos on that channel, and subscribe.

The time and place is right. This is possible with placement targeting. Now, keyword targeting is the easiest way to match the intent of the viewer. They're literally searching for what they want to see, and you're just paying for one of the top spots in the search results.

For example, if you search for something in YouTube like "affiliate marketing," and you see this guy holding some Amazon plaque, yea...you might be interested in watching. Why?

Because the ad is meeting you in the right place at the right time. In fact, this video is a tutorial on affiliate marketing for beginners. And so are the rest of the organic results. Now, this might all seem simple, and it really is, but you need two things in order to get great results from this strategy. First, you need a video that has a high audience retention rate or average view duration, whichever serves your needs best.

Complete YouTube Ads Strategy to Grow Your Channel ($43K Spent)


Because there is no magic trick that'll get people to watch your videos for a good amount of time if it sucks. So to find potential videos worth advertising, log in to your YouTube analytics and look at the video tab.

Make sure you've added the "Average percentage viewed" and "Average view duration" columns to the table. Then, export your list into Google Sheets. From here, you can sort the table by average percentage viewed or average view duration to find your best performing videos.

Now, an additional thing I recommend doing is to set a filter on the number of views. The more views the video has, the more reliable your data will be. And second, there needs to be either a) search demand around that video's topic, or b) other similar or complementary videos that are getting a good number of views at the time of advertising.

To find average search volumes, you can use a keyword research tool like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Just set the tab to "YouTube" and enter a search query.

And as you can see, there are around 10,000 monthly searches in the US and 98,000 globally for the query "digital marketing." And to further expand your list of keyword ideas, hit the Phrase match report. From here, you can skim through the list and add additional keywords to your YouTube ads campaign if it's relevant to your video. Now, if you want to run placement ads, then search volume doesn't directly help because videos that get a ton of views are usually from other traffic sources like browse features and Suggested.

So you need to find videos that get a lot of views - ideally, on a consistent basis.

And the best way to find these videos is to use VidIQ's VPH metric, which stands for "views per hour." There are a few places you can find videos with high view velocity. First is in YouTube's search results. With the VidIQ extension installed, search for a query related to your topic. So let's say we're creating a makeup tutorial for beginners.

Now, if we scroll down a bit, you should see a section called "Trending videos for this search term." Here, you'll see popular videos, the number of views they have, and the video's VPH. Again, because our ads strategy is based on intent targeting, you want to focus on relevant videos. So before adding one of these videos to your placements list, you need to ask yourself If someone was watching one of these videos, would they want to watch my video on If the answer is yes, and the video has a high VPH, then you have a good chance at getting a ton of impressions and hopefully engaged views.

Another place to look for placement videos is by checking the top-ranking videos VPH metric. Just click on one of the videos, and you'll see the views per hour metric in the sidebar. You can also click on the historical icon to see that video's views and views per hour over time. Finally, look at relevant and popular YouTube channels' trending videos. So if we look at this channel, and go to the Trending tab, you'll see some of their top videos based on view velocity.

Now, one thing I want to note here is to look at the date the videos were published. As you can see, this one was published around a year ago, yet it's VPH is still quite high. So by running placements ads on this video, you should be able to get a consistent number of impressions from your ads.

Now, it's important to note that placement ads only work on videos that are monetized, but from my experience, there's no point in checking if it's actually monetized before adding it to your campaign. Basically, if it's not, your ad won't run.

Now, in terms of what a good VPH number is, this will vary from niche to niche. Makeup is obviously a much more popular topic on YouTube than SEO. So as you research videos, you'll get a better idea of what makes sense for your niche. Alright, the final things you should know about are some campaign settings worth considering. So for our YouTube search ads, we've set the network to just YouTube search results.

Whereas for our placement ads, we've set it to just YouTube videos. And these are created as separate campaigns. Now, one thing you probably noticed is that we've opted out of advertising on Google's Display Networks. Reason being, the engagement metrics were pretty garbage to say the least so it wasn't exactly fulfilling our goals.

Now, as for demographic targeting, like age and gender, we're targeting people that are like our other YouTube subscribers.

And the way you can find this information is to use Google's Audience Insights tool. So go to Tools & Settings, Shared Library, and then Audience Manager. Next, click on the + button and select YouTube users. Now, the important part here is to select the Subscribed to a channel option. Now, after you've created your list and Google has populated the numbers in the table, you can head on over to the Audience insights tool.

Then select your audience from the dropdown and you'll see information on gender, age, and parental status to name a few. Now, if you don't have subscribers, this obviously won't work for you.

But you can do this with web traffic as well if you have Google's Pixel on your site. Now, to prove that this strategy doesn't just work for established channels, we've been testing it on our translated channels too. If we look at our Spanish channel's analytics, you'll see that both the subscriber growth, and number of views are going up and to the right - just as a typical organic channel would.

Also, because we're satisfying YouTube with all of the right things like solid real engagement, in-video optimizations, and on-page optimizations, you'll see that our YouTube search traffic is now starting to grow month over month.

More importantly, we're reaching new audiences who are choosing to subscribe because they actually like the content they're watching. Now, while this strategy works really well to get engaged views and real subscribers who actually care about your content, a major downside is that it's not very scalable - at least in low-volume niches like SEO. They're great to use for evergreen type campaigns as we have, but if you want to reach larger audiences specifically with ads, you have to go with audience targeting or use in-stream ads.

And we're experimenting with both of these types of ads and we'll share our learnings and results on our channel as we refine the process.

So if you enjoyed the video, then make sure to like, share, and subscribe for more marketing tutorials like this one. And if you have a question or want us to test some marketing strategies, let me know in the comments below. I'll see you in the next tutorial..


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YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results

Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being invol...