Friday, June 3, 2022

Indie Game Marketing with Zero Budget!

Indie Game Marketing with Zero Budget!

You’ve built a great game and you want to get it out to the masses. The problem is that you don’t have any money to pay for a marketing campaign! What is an independent developer to do? In this video we’re going to show you how to get great a marketing and public relations outcome from your game - with little or no money invested. We are Ask GameDev, AKA Min Max & The Code Warriors, AKA Code Cudi & Kanye Test, AKA the Ben Steins of Game Designs, and this is indie game marketing on a shoestring budget.

Welcome back! If you’re new to Ask Gamedev, we make videos to help you learn about the games industry so that you can elevate your games and Inspire others. If you’re on a gamedev journey, consider subscribing. We’d love to help you along the way. So you are closing in on the end of your development - your team has been working hard writing freshly authored game code and everything is coming together nicely.

You are starting to wonder how you can get the word out about your soon-to-be-released masterpiece… and the unfortunate reality is that you don’t have much money to allocate to your marketing efforts. This is a pretty common scenario - most indie developers operate on a shoestring budget and don't have the money needed to pay for expensive marketing or public relations firms.

So what options do you have? Luckily, there is a path that you can take to help get the word out that will only require your time and effort. You will need to focus on creating and sharing online material, such as videos, blogs, or social media posts, that does not explicitly promote a brand - but is intended to stimulate interest or solve a problem.

That’s content marketing - and the tools that you will need in this area have never been more accessible. Let’s start by reviewing what you are trying accomplish with your marketing campaign. Your goal with your content marketing campaign is to build a small group of loyal and passionate evangelists of your work. In the early days, this work will be content..

But as time passes, it can be many different things - including games. The initial content should be valuable and high-quality posts that they care about - and on their preferred social sites or other web platforms. You will also need to provide this content regularly and for an extended period, including participating in conversations about your content and helping your audience with questions and problem solving.

Remember that when it comes to making content, no matter how big you get - always remember the A.S.

K. rule. Audience Stays King. This type of content strategy has a long track record of success. The Michelin Brothers created the Michelin guide books on hotel and restaurant quality, and then leveraged that audience to help sell tires.

General Mills created the Betty Crocker brand to build an audience around recipe content - and then proceeded to sell kitchen and food products into that audience. So move forward on building that initial audience - even if the content you provide them isn't promoting any particular product of yours.

It is these passionate early evangelists that will spread the word about your content to others - thereby increasing the amount of attention it receives. If you do this right, you will build audience loyalty. It is that loyalty that you can lean on when you want support with the promotion of your game.

The goal is to get this audience to carry the promotional torch for you - thereby keeping your personal marketing costs in time and effort reasonable. So let’s talk specifics on how to do this. The first thing to do is to define the community of prospective customers of your game. The starting point for this is to look at purchasers of other games and genres that are similar to your future release. You will need to find out as much as you can about these people.

Where do they spend time online? What are their characteristics? What type of content resonates with them? Do your homework as these individuals are where you are going to focus your initial efforts.

Let’s pretend you have identified our favorite Ask Gamedev mock title - Super Teal Robot - as a game whose audience you want to target.

Super Teal Robot is a side-scrolling shooter in the action platformer genre. It is similar in genre to games such as Megaman or Shovel Knight. It has a mid to hard-core theme and is available on the PC platform. The audience for these types of games are predominantly male, 14-35 in age, and located in the western nations. When they consume content around side-scrollers - they do it by watching game trailers and lets play videos on Youtube, live streams on Twitch, and via voice and text chat about their games on Discord.

There’s a lot more to learn obviously.. but this initial research shows some basic information that you might use to target the audience of Super Teal Robot. So now that you have your initial audience defined, the next step is to build authority with this group in an subject matter area that they care out - ideally the game genre that your title fits within. How do you become an authority of that space?

Make great thoughtful content. Do a search on the popular sites that your audience frequents. What are people posting about that game genre? This could include high quality streams of similar titles on Twitch, or let’s plays on Youtube, or image content for Instagram. If you are looking for more information on Twitch, the popular streaming platform with the gaming community, we recently did a video on how to get your game played on Twitch.

Indie Game Marketing with Zero Budget!


Click the card above to check it out. It’s important to figure out what types of content are getting engagement, like upvotes or comments, with the audience you are looking to target. Once you have a shortlist of content that your audience engages with - you will need to determine how you can improve on those pieces by providing additional value. Let’s go back to the Super Teal Robot audience as an example. We’ve identified that they have an interest in games like the one we have developed.

We also know where they spend their time, and the type of content they like. We should look to create content for that audience by improving on the existing content options in some way. Maybe find some good blogs posts on that game genre and turn them into 2D vector art snippits, or image posts for Instagram. Maybe take popular Youtube videos that are long in duration and consider creating shorter videos that are easier to digest. Or maybe take a tutorial series that is in text format, and instead turn it into a live stream.

Does your target audience read a lot of webcomics? Maybe you could start one that targets their specific interests.The options are endless here - and should really be customized to the specific audience you are targeting and their specific interests.

When deciding what kind of content to make, obviously consider what you are capable of. Not everyone can make amazing game art or has the equipment for a professional looking streaming channel.

That said, there is always something you CAN do - whether it is text, image, or video content depends on what you are comfortable with. With time, your regular posts should result in an quantifiable audience of followers. Maybe 10% of these subscribers are of the passionate sort - the type that regularly come back to view and engage with everything you create. It is this group of followers that are your evangelists, and the larger you can build this base audience, the better. So now that you have an audience that you are pushing regular content to, the next step is to build a real-time conversation with those audience members to further drive value and deepen the relationship.

This involves adopting a presence in one of the real-time social platforms on the web. This might include streaming on twitch, youtube, or facebook, or setting up a chat environment via slack or discord. Either way, the goal here is to be available in real-time and engage in discussions with your audience. If you can be genuine and useful in this environment, you can really develop deep loyalty amongst your community, as your audience will ideally leap from supporting your content - to supporting YOU! We recently set up a discord server so that the Ask GameDev community can share ideas on how to elevate our games and share best practices.

Take a look in the description for this video to find a link to our server! So now you have a growing community of passionate supporters who regularly consume your content on a valuable game genre AND you have a presence online that supports real-time conversation.

You now need to notify your audience that you have been building a game that they may be interested in. How can you do this to ensure they will support you? The first requirement in any promotional campaign is that the game you are intending to drive prospective customers to MUST be good.

Trying to build excitement for a game that doesn’t delight is extremely difficult. It doesn't matter how loyal your audience is - they are not going to evangelize a bad game. So we’re going to assume you’ve got a great title. The next step would be to approach your most loyal community members first and give them a sneak peek of your game - a beta build or something pre-release, and ask for their feedback. If you treat the feedback seriously - and you should given that this audience has a passion for your game genre - its shows that you value their opinion and this can help to get those users invested in your efforts.

Also ask them about your plan to communicate the game to your wider audience. Make sure they agree with your proposal, as they can give you early warning if your promotional effort will be poorly received by your community. Once your game is ready for release - let your audience know via your regular content posting process. Be honest and transparent in your approach - you made this game as a commercial effort, and would love for your audience to check it out.

Their support would obviously be appreciated -a successful game can help you finance the continued creation of great content!

Be sure to not make the ask for support excessive or heavy handed. Also, be clear on how your audience can help. Do you want them to spread the word? How and where? Do you want them to make an online review?

You should probably give them a free game copy if you are going to make requests like this. If you want them to buy the title - what special perk can you give them for taking a chance of your title? Maybe a reduced price, additional content, or special SWAG? Either way, show your appreciation for their early support and as much as possible reduce the time and effort that need to expend.

So there you have it - a step by step plan on how to build an audience without money by making valuable content around your game genre.

We’ll leave you now with a look at an inspiring game made by Ask GameDev community member Mohammed Mokhtar, Mohammed built the first person shooter Zattack, as an individual development effort. Mohammed wrote all the game code and then bought all the art assets online. Another great example of the type of games that can be made by independent developers! Mohammed had made Zattack available for Windows via Github.

It’s free so check out the video description for the link to check it out.

If you are on a gamedev journey, please link to your game, art, animation, or audio in the comments below to get your work included in future Ask GameDev videos. Thanks for watching! we are Ask Gamedev and we make game development videos on how to elevate your game and inspire others. We publish new content every week so consider subscribing - and hit the bell below to be notified as soon as a new video is available.

Thanks for your visit!

Testing 5 KICKSTARTER Products!

Testing 5 KICKSTARTER Products!

Welcome to a brand-new series here on the channel you guys know I'm starting off series left and right So make sure you get subscribed. It's called five weird, nope. It's called five...

This is so new I don't even know the title. It's called five tested. No, it's called testing five Funded Kickstarter products that you can buy on Amazon and pretty much everywhere else, so the first one we're gonna be checking out is this metal? Iphone cable? It's called the titan by fuse chicken and if you guys want to check out anything mentioned in this video It'll be linked down below and on Amazon before I even open it, it's got four out of five stars So that's interesting We're gonna' see if it really holds up to that rating.

So this right here is a iPhone cable that is reinforced and apparently is the toughest cable on Earth. I saw this on Kickstarter It's made by this company called bo bean they originally made one with plastic, that could like stand your phone up That's cool This one though, doesn't have that plastic packing So you just open it, it's called the titan. Human proof, pet proof and everything proof, all right We'll be the judge of that. Sweet, so this is what the cable looks like it's three meters long Nope, that, that can't be three meters long. It's three feet long So you're getting pretty good length compared to your regular iphone cable.

Now this thing was thirty-five bucks This is a little more than your regular iphone cable, so we're gonna see if the steel feature really is worth it or not It's, this doesn't do it justice But I made a video taking a katana a ninja sword And trying to cut this cable to see if it would actually , I'm just hurting myself at the cable, and yeah It's actually pretty tough, that hurt.

Third time here we go Oh boy, fourth! Wow, I am shocked! So in that video I basically took the strongest iphone cable tied it to an office chair and just took the katana to it It was crazy, and it actually stood up, if you want to check out the full video, it's right up there These cable is pretty strong, and it charges your phone's got it in right here And the nice thing about being so strong is it can kind of stay on a desk and isn't gonna get thrown around too much I just broke my iphone there That's great. But hey the cable didn't break and you guys know of course it's gonna charge, so it's pretty sweet I think you guys would agree with me But this cable is Underrated on Amazon.

The fact that it would not cut through with a katana and I hit it hard in that video I'm Gonna give it 5 out of 5 Neistats Next up is the next bit Robin this thing's kind of interesting and on Amazon it got 4 out of 5 stars So we'll be a judge of that, but this phone's really interesting because the kickstarter Originally raised 1.3 million dollars that's a lot right and if you were an early backer you could pick this phone up at 299 bucks.

You get why I'm tripping out here, this phone, I bought this for a hundred and twenty nine bucks So what happened is this phone still good? Let's try this out So pretty solid packaging like hey rebel meet Robin hey, you're a rebel too there. Thanks for the compliment I appreciate it.

All right, so we got plug robin in it's this nice mint color I like the blue it almost seems like Twitter made a phone, and there's a fingerprint reader on the side Yo this phone is really cool. Why is it only a hundred and twenty-nine bucks so at the bottom you got your usb C port? Front-facing camera. Look at this right now, do you guys see any home button here? That's because there isn't one There's a speaker at the top and the bottom, so kind of interesting you're gonna hit that Stereo speaker sound I'm excited to check that out and then on the back you get this cloud obviously with the camera But you get this cloud with a light strip under that And that's the huge feature with this phone.

Basically the whole point with the next bit Robin is you get an extra 100 gigabytes of cloud storage. So you can upload your own photos to it Basically this phone's smart and does it for you That's where things get cool So it's the same thing with apps as well as other media with apps though For like Amazon if I want to keep an app on the phone, I just swipe down and it's pinned, or now It's unpinned now I got it pinned. When I'm not using apps And I don't have them pinned they go up to the cloud that's where they're safe They'll show it like a grey icon on here I just got this phone, and I've been using it for a bit, so it's not showing up here This is what should look like But when you want to use the app you just tap it, it downloads down and it's that simple It's pretty much a better way to have everything you want on your phone without Actually having it on your phone, does that make sense? So I'm gonna check out the camera here real quick I want to see how this is.

It looks interesting the app, alright I'm gonna' pull my iphone in Take a pic.

Yo that looks good, and I haven't even taken the photo yet That has a nice noise to it. I really like this phone Let's try out these speakers, so I got youtube fired up here. I love how this phone looks, like it just looks so minimalist Everything is just so clean it looks amazing. I'm excited to check out the software next I like it honestly, I like how both speakers face you that's kind of nice I wish the iphone had that there's not many phones that still have this but there's no way your hands are gonna block the speaker's Like this is actually a really solid phone There's one app though that I really want to check out and it's called lastpass and big Thanks to them for actually partnering up with me on this video.

Basically lastpass is one secure spot You can store all your passwords your logins everything you need online in one app And it's actually really easy to use so basically all I have to remember is just one password I got my fingerprint all set up here because The phone offers it.

Now that I'm in you can store anything you want in here I got Amazon and Twitter but you can store secure notes Anything you want and the cool thing is you could share em' to your friends And how this works is at least for Twitter the app that I'm about to show you when I click Twitter It says yo login alright, I''m gonna' hit login It's gonna say it matches it on lastpass, awesome.

So authenticate with fingerprint Bam and just like that Twitter pops up, I just tap it, hit login. No password was ever typed for me And now I'm in to my Twitter So this is a pretty easy way to store all your stuff if you guys wanna check it out link down below And as for the phone I would give it 4 and a half out of 5 neistats It's a great phone you guys actually got to check this out, and it also has a headphone jack Which is pretty sweet. Funding on, alright that was the worst joke ever is the mighty.

This is something That you won't find an Amazon It's the only one on this list But I bought this and I didn't think it would actually happen this thing is my favorite thing on this list Basically, it looks like an iPod shuffle Okay?

But carries all your spotify playlists offline. Think about it for a second when you want to go for a jog or hit the Gym you usually got to bring your phone Make sure it has connection to listen to your music or you can obviously download it offline But you still need to carry around your phone and for me I want to be as light as possible when I go to the gym.

Testing 5 KICKSTARTER Products!


So here comes the mighty It looks like an iPod shuffle and basically what it's all charged up It'll connect to your phone and you can just start syncing your spotify playlists So how this actually works is you need to download the mighty app and once you have it downloaded It'll connect with wi-fi get all sunk up. So you can start moving your spotify playlist offline, this is so cool I'm so excited to show you guys this. I got two playlists all set up, this thing can a Thousand songs and you can interchange them just really easily so I got navs perfect timing one of my favorite albums ever And it's on my mighty.

Now if I want to add a playlist I just go over to the your music tab, it has all my spotify playlist here. This is some juicy stuff Don't look. Now if I want to add like chill hits just hit plus And sync Your spotify premium account has expired What? Then you should sync Go back to the mighty tab, it gives you a little percent to tell you how much of your playlist is actually on your mighty Okay, it's sinking, it's sinking.

A few moments later I've been trying to get it to work with this speaker for the last like 10 minutes It's not working, but it does work with some headphones, so to show you guys this here we go Alright, let's skip a song Just like that you got your spotify playlist on something pretty small, so I'm gonna give this because of the speaker problems I've actually had some app problems, too of a head this for a few weeks now I'm giving it three and a half out of five neistats.

Now I want to check out something pretty crazy This is called the Flex bot I got, half a million dollars on Kickstarter Originally this was called the hex Basically it's a drone you can build. So the Amazon review on this is 1 out of 5 stars So this is really gonna be interesting and I'm excited to see how it is I don't know why there's only 1 out of 5 stars on there, so you get some paperwork that's cool This is where it gets real juicy.

This is the drone. This is the flex bot. So you can kind of see it's a diy Assemble it piece by piece kind of drone kit seems pretty easy.

I don't know how someone could mess this up Let's go ahead and just mess this up. Pretty much All you do is just start ripping them off and going step by step so I'm gonna start at step one Which is tear off the blue labels And take Out the frame Seems easy, and you can actually go ahead and code This drone that's kind of the coolest thing about it to speed up and slow down you can really control all the speeds of it That's nice We'll see I finally got the flex bot drone all built, that took a pretty long time no joke.

At this point I'd rather just buy a drone on Amazon especially for 50 bucks So you need an app to actually fly this, I got it all installed there was no reviews on the app either What's going on here? Maybe we're about to find something out on why it doesn't have any reviews. The app actually looks pretty good So you could lock and unlock the drone.

That's nice a lot of cars don't even have that feature. Okay So to turn it No way, all right, all right Oh she's tippin' What's up, fam? I think my propellers are off. I think I put the propellers on wrong because when I try to get it to fly It just tips I don't really know, if that's because of weight I'm pretty sure it's the propellers one actually got lost in the box, so I had to use the spares That's why it's orange. I pretty much follow their instructions The drone flies That just took way too much time to set up and we just, we cracked a propeller.

To take these off There's the only way you can take these off you have to rip them I'm gonna give this thing one-and-a-half neistats out of five. There's a lot of potential Just Just go buy a drone. Last up is the Wearhaus Arc Headphones. These look really interesting they got pretty good amazon reviews we got four out of five stars What's crazy about these headphones is it's headphones reinvented at least that's what they're telling me 150 bucks let's see what these are about. Things are looking good Oh alright, so here are the headphones?

Wearhaus Headphones. They look and feel really nice they got some metal build quality nice comfy leather cups Oh these Headband too Adjustable headband.

These feel so robust and feel like they can take a beating Putting them on my these are Adjust them a little bit Are my eyes and ears feeling and hearing and seeing what I'm feeling and seeing and hearing right now I like that, these leather cups feel amazing Wow, these are insane. You've probably saying to yourself, Keaton dude What makes these headphones different than any other ones out there, and there's actually two things. One There's an app and the second thing is there's some lights on the side I don't know if you guys can see this too well There is a light strip on each ear cup and with the app Once it's all downloaded you can go ahead and change the light settings So depending on how you're feeling you want a nice purple, or a red These are cool if you're going jogging and you really want to get in the mood It's like Philips Hue for your headphones If that's something you're into I got over this feature like three seconds after opening em'.

The cool thing though about this and why these headphones are different than any others Is this station feature. So what this does is allows you to broadcast your own stations I'm just gonna hit broadcast here, it creates your own station links in with Soundcloud or Spotify or whatever and you can start dj'ing Essentially. So you guys pick up what I'm putting down here, it's pretty cool and trippy. We're gonna hit play on a song And I'm gonna go back to the app here You can see what song I'm playing and this is kind of like to make you your own DJ host which is Kind of cool Now you can share this with your friends, but the only thing is if your friends want to listen to these same radio station You're broadcasting to or any really they need to own these headphones Do you see why it was almost so sweet but a deal-breaker If anyone had bluetooth headphones and could link into your station that would be perfect, but you need to get the Wearhaus headphones So that's that and you can close your station view your station and join other people's stations I've been trying haven't really found any other stations out there, so that's that.

I'm just gonna Go ahead and close it.

Now for headphone quality these things sound amazing and the reviews Back it up so much. These are some of the best headphones I've ever listened to and for a hundred fifty bucks Like they sound pretty good This is one of the cooler kick starters that I've ever seen. I'm gonna give this four neistats out of five, it Would've been five if any pair of bluetooth headphones could pair into a station put a awesome idea So guys if you made it to this point in this video and want an episode two, make sure you guys drop a like on it It's lit I got even better products in that one and if you're saying yourself to yourself Keaton If there's only one product on this entire video you could pick up which would it be and I would say the next bit Robin This thing is so crazy for a hundred thirty bucks this phone feels like it's from the future and I stole it.

It feels amazing Holding and So cheap. Shout out time!

I want to give a huge shout-out to Subhan and The One And Only for having my notifications on especially for the first episode of testing five Funded Kickstarter products. Make sure you guys go and turn on my notifications if you guys want a notification shout out and just let me Know in the comments So I can give you one. Subscribe for the next episode and tweet me at techsmartt if you guys find any other weird or interesting Kickstarter or Indiegogo projects, I'll see you guys later Peace! Before Lil Uzi, I'm just at Amoeba records right now, we had LeVert

Thanks for your visit!

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Package an InDesign document Ep15/15 [Multimedia design course - Print]

Package an InDesign document Ep15/15

Hello, and welcome to this video tutorial. Gareth here from In this video, I'm going to discuss and demonstrate how to package your InDesign project. So, what exactly is packaging?

Okay, so, imagine you want to share your finished document with another designer, a printer, or simply archive your project away. Simply sending the InDesign file will not work. An InDesign document can contain lots of exterior content, like image links and fonts. Not everything is contained inside the document. There is a feature in InDesign which allows us to create an entirely new folder on our computer which will contain all the links and font references neatly together.

This can then be sent to another designer and they will be able to open the document perfectly. Also, if you have links inside your document from various places on your computer, this can be a way to create a neat and tidy folder on your computer. So, let's take a look at how this can be done. So, here I am in InDesign, and here, I have the brochure document open we created earlier in the course.

If you have been following along with this course, be sure to open your brochure document.

Though, if you're new to this course and wish to follow along, you can get access to the InDesign file in the project folder. Link is in the description. Remember, you will also have to install the fonts when you open the document that can also be found in the project folder. So, as I scroll down, we can see that this document contains lots of images. If we come over to the links panel, we can see we have several links contained in this document.

Also, we have a particular font installed. So, the one thing you need to be sure of before packaging your document is that no links are broken and you have no errors in your document.

If I focus on the bottom of the screen, we have our pre-flight signal. This is here to communicate to you the status of your document. Currently, we can see this is set to green.

This means there are no errors in this document. If, however, this was red, then this would indicate that there is something wrong with the document. For example, a broken link or overset text.

If this is the case, then we would have to rectify any errors inside the document first. So, once we have the green light, we can package the document.

So, to package the document, first press Command + S to save the current document. Then, come up to File, scroll down, and select Package. Upon click, the Package menu would appear. The first screen is a summary of your document, fonts, links, colors, and so on. On the left, we can click on other options to take a closer look, such as fonts.

Here, it states what fonts you have used and the status of them, same again with links, colors, and so on. So, once happy, press the package button down on the bottom right of the menu. Upon click, you will be greeted with the printing instructions. This is where you can add details about yourself for the receiver of the folder later. Should you wish, you can enter details here, though on this occasion, I'll just click Continue.

Now, upon click, a popup or window asking you where you want to save your packaged folder.

So, starting at the top, you can name your package. I'll just call this brochure. Now, you can save this anywhere, but I'll save this into my project folder linked into the package folder. So, below, we have a list of options.

Package an InDesign document Ep15/15


Now, we're about to create a neat package with everything needed to open this document elsewhere. Here, we have the option to include fonts, links, an IDML file, and even a PDF. Now, sometimes, you may wish to send your document but without the fonts. If the person who is going to receive the package does not possess the license to the fonts you have used, then you might not want to send them the fonts. For the sake of this tutorial, I will leave this fonts box checked.

So, currently, I'm using Adobe InDesign CC 2014. In this version, we have the option to also export an IDML file and a PDF. This is a new feature, so if you're using an older version of InDesign, you may not have this.

So, the IDML file is a backwards compatible file. If you're sending your packaged document to someone who uses an early version of InDesign, well, they will not be able to open your original InDesign file.

If you include the IDML file, then they should be able to open up that document. More on this later. Next, we have a PDF. Upon packaging, you can conveniently export a PDF, so whoever receives the package can browse the PDF to see the contents of the document quickly, at a glance. Over on the right, you have the option to set the quality of this PDF.

For now, I'll leave it set to high quality. Okay, so once I'm happy with the settings, I'll click Package. Upon click, we will get a quick warning about the font licensing.

I'll click OK to continue, and upon click, InDesign will now begin to package our new document. Shortly, that will be done.

Once finished, I'll press Command + W to close the document. So, once you have packaged your document, navigate to the location you saved it. So, here is my new packaged document inside my project folder. When you package a document, you create a folder with everything neatly contained. So, let's take a look inside.

So, here we have the IDML file, the InDesign file, the PDF, the document fonts, the instruction file, and the links. So, the IDML file is here for people using old versions of InDesign. If I double-click this, it will open in InDesign.

Next, we have the InDesign file. This is the CC 2014 document compatible with my version, and this too will open in InDesign.

Next, we have the PDF, and this will give us a preview of the document. Next, we have a document fonts folder, and this contains the fonts used in the document. Next, we have the instructions doc with all info about the document. And finally, we have a links folder, which contains every link featured in the document. So, everything perfectly contained in a neat folder here.

So, if I wish to send this over to another designer, printer, or simply archive this project away, I can right-click, choose compress, I'll create a neat zip file. I'm on a Mac here, if you're using Windows, then you can use WinZip or WinRAR.

Once it's created, I can then send this over the internet or archive the project away, simple. So that's how you can package an InDesign document, a real neat way to stay organized and share your documents with others. So, that brings us to the end of this multimedia design course for print.

I hope you enjoy this course. If you are not familiar with the topics covered in this course, I hope you have learned a lot, and feel confident to continue with your own project in the future. If you liked the course, hit the Like button on my Facebook page. If you'd like to see more videos like this in the future, hit the Subscribe button. Well, that's it for another video course brought to you by Gareth at TastyTuts.

com. Thanks for watching. Have fun guys, and I'll see you next time.

Thanks for your visit!

How I Raised $12 Million For My Media Start-Up

How I Raised $12 Million For My Media Start-Up

Blavity's founder Morgan DeBaun has an incredible backstory. She was an early investor in Tesla and Facebook, graduated at the top of her class from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, was hired off of a LinkedIn post at Intuit in Silicon Valley, where she quickly rose through the ranks. Then she left it all to start a media company geared towards Black millennials called Blavity, a combination of the words black and gravity. There are three numbers to look out for in this story.

Half of one percent, 250,000 and 12 million. Awesome. Let's start. Here's how Morgan Debaun built an influential media empire, reaching one of the most important and overlooked groups of our day, Black millennials. For CNBC, I'm Nate Sked.

This is Founder Effect. To understand Morgan's rise, you have to understand a little bit about her hometown, St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis' metropolitan area, is basically divided into two distinct regions, the working class neighborhoods of North County and the affluent ones in West County.

In the early 90s, white flight saw a lot of families move out of North County to the sprawling suburbs of West County. As North County grew more diverse, the suburbs to the west grew wider. Morgan grew up in those suburbs. I had a very diverse upbringing. I switched schools quite a bit and I think that really gave me a lot of flexibility in terms of being able to manage ambiguity, being able to make new friends, being able to code switch between different cultures and different conversations and socioeconomic backgrounds.

You know, that's really interesting. Code switching and how you learn to kind of navigate the different worlds at a young age, probably so young that it became natural to you. Yeah I was that way growing up my whole life. So they used to call me a county brownie because it was rare that Black people lived in the county. So there was this weird dynamic where my neighbors didn't look like me.

My friends at school didn't live near me. And so I already had to kind of balance living in both worlds and trying to fit in. Morgan says she always stood out at school and not just because she was a Black girl in a sea of white faces.

While her classmates were picking out clothes, Morgan was picking stocks. Oh I was a hustler.

I mean, I've been investing in the stock market since I was 13 years old. You know, some of the first stocks I had were Netflix, Apple, Tesla. By high school, Morgan knew she wanted to be a part of something big. She just didn't know what. After graduating at the top of her class at Washington University, she landed a job at Intuit.

Now coming from a Midwest city like St. Louis, far from the Ivy Leagues and the elite circles they create can make it extremely difficult to get noticed by companies in Silicon Valley. I didn't know anything about like target schools or anything. I mean, if I had known the statistics on the likelihood of even getting an interview when you're not a target school for a company like into it, I probably wouldn't apply. Morgan began devouring blogs, podcasts and news articles, anything to learn as much as she could about life and work in Silicon Valley.

Most of it was written for and by white people. As a black woman from the Midwest, Morgan was well aware that she was an outsider three times over. I didn't care. It wasn't about how can I fit in Silicon Valley as a Black person. It was I'm going to this place that's like one of the fastest growing industries of our generation.

It's going to be the biggest wealth creation center of our generation. And I want to know, I don't want to be behind, I want to know what these people out into it quickly recognize Morgan's potential.

She was put in a leadership program to help her climb the ranks. Morgan was on a fast track to becoming a VP. Everything was going great.

And yet there was a glaring problem that I saw, which was that no one was Black. Companies in Silicon Valley are building products for the world. They were not considering black and brown people as their target audience ever from the user testing. You know, we used to do these testing groups where you would go and follow the customer home.

They're called "Follow Me Homes." They were never Black or Brown. You're clearly only serving a specific demographic, which is not the future of America. But the lack of diversity in Silicon Valley became more personal as time went on. Morgan's well-intentioned coworkers were unaware how some of their comments left her feeling even more isolated. When Morgan was transitioning her hair from straight to curly, it became a focal point of discussion.

It was just a point of conversation, often. I remember being like, oh, like you guys have never seen like Black women. Like I'm the I am probably the only black woman you've ever genuinely had a relationship with as a working person or otherwise in your entire life.

And you're fifty. You're a fifty year old White man.

That's crazy. So did you try to make inroads to do more exclusivity there? You know, to be honest with you, Nate, there was a time when I had a very clear. I could stay at this company and be on the fast track to group manager, director, group director, but I would have been fighting every step of the way and abandoning something that's so critical to me.

I don't want to push, but like what about the fact that, you know, the next young black woman that comes into it would have seen you as a VP?

Sure. I just didn't want that to be my legacy. By 2013, Morgan and her longtime friend, Erin Samuels, Jeff Nelson and Jonathan Jackson started crafting an exit strategy from corporate America. Silicon Valley was overflowing with venture capital and they wanted a piece. We were watching people raise money off of napkins, ideas on napkins.

And when you get into a Lyft or Uber and the Lyft driver had a startup, you're sitting at a coffee shop. And it's the same coffee shop that Mark Zuckerberg said, you know, it was everything was accessible. It was just an inflection time in history in the Bay Area. There's all this new money and new millionaires and billionaires.

And we were in the mix.

I was in the mix. I didn't want to be an employee. I knew that I could if I was going to try, would need to be now. Morgan saw an opportunity catering to an underserved demographic, Black millennials. She figured that the fastest way to build an audience was to start a curated newsletter full of videos and articles she found interesting.

I scraped all my friends emails. It's so illegal I would not recommend it. Like if you did not. BCC people I was on it and I uploaded those e-mails and I started sending these little curated lists and we eventually built a website.

And that was the beginning.

That was probably March, April, May. It's the summer of 2014 and Morgan is still at Intuit. But she's putting everything she had in the Blavity, spending nights and weekends studying things like the viral coefficient of her mailing list. She even converted the family room of her shared apartment into a makeshift office. To go out on her own, she needed to be religiously frugal.

So no brunch, no nothing. Boiled eggs and oatmeal. Demand force had a lot of free food. I was the girl with the Tupperware, like I was focused on getting out of corporate and saving as much money as possible so that I could live in San Francisco, which is incredibly expensive with no income. So I was preparing myself for the eventual leap.

How I Raised $12 Million For My Media Start-Up


Morgan left her full time position at Intuit shortly after August 9th, 2014, the day Michael Brown was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

Tensions are boiling over in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri, after a police officer shot and killed an unarmed young Black man on Saturday. An investigation now underway into the circumstances of his death. Suddenly, Morgan felt isolated.

She was disillusioned by the conversations happening around her. And my ultimate frustration, the thing that made me be like, all right, I'm out. I'm quitting, is that, Black media also didn't cover it. Mike Brown happened on a Saturday and there was nothing, no tweets, nothing until Monday. At the time I was so confused and so hurt that there was no Black media brands that were covering these stories from our perspective in real time.

And then it was only White reporters dropping down in these cities and reporting it with a White lens on Black pain. I just could not take it. And so I was like, I'm quitting. That's it.

What did your family say?

Oh, my gosh. My parents, I was I have to separate my parents. My father was not happy. There was a time in which I wouldn't come home. I just couldn't sit at the dinner table because I would just always become a conversation around Morgan's doing this hobby.

Morgan's father saw Blavity as a distraction. He was worried it would disrupt her promising career. So he instituted some tough love. If she was going to pursue her own path, she needed to lessen her financial risk. One of the reasons I kept my into a job as a consultant was because he kind of sort of made me.

Like he was like, you should make sure that you have some other income. And I'm grateful for that, because that was the income that I used to pay for Blavity while I bootstrapped. How much do you think you put into the company on your own when you were bootstrapping it before you got any outside money? Oh, you're breaking my heart open. I probably spent around 250 to 300 thousand dollars, which at the age of twenty four.

Twenty five. A lot of money, and that's your own money. That was the only money I had. Women, but especially women of color, have had an incredibly difficult time getting VC funding for their businesses. Less than three percent of women get venture funding in a year.

And a Black women, it's less than one percent, I think, around point five point six. So there are not many of us. Morgan was dead set against raising outside money. As CEO, she feared she would be on an endless hunt for the next influx of cash. But more importantly, Morgan worried the outside influence would distract from her mission to raise black voices.

But even after growing Blavity to one million unique visitors, Morgan faced months of rejection. I had not yet learned how to compartmentalize people's feedback. I took everything very personally, had a huge chip on my shoulder, and I felt like when someone was declining to invest in the business, they were declining to invest in me and Black people and Black news. And it was very hurtful. I took it very personally.

Morgan was done code switching, so she made a drastic decision. I only pitched to Black people, which at the time was like there's only seven Black investors in all of the U.S. that was investing in early stage startups. So I only pitched in Black VCs because I was like, we're going to be Black and the board is going to be Black.

And the that's is going to be Black and Blackity-black. And so they said no, which was another layer of hurt because I was like, you get it, you should understand.

And they they did understand, but they did not want to invest. Is it OK to even ask, like, did you feel that like the Black investors owed something or that they should do it like that? There was some sort of like need that was so much greater than the imperative to, you know, get a return on your investment right away that they should have done it?

I didn't feel entitled to the money. I didn't feel like my business was charity. I felt like it was a huge business opportunity. I knew that it is. It was and always will be because Black consumers spent a ton of money.

And we influence out most people's buying decisions. And we are the entertainers of most people, from news to sports to music. So I was like, if you don't want to be a part of this rocket ship, I'm out. To date, Morgan has raised twelve million dollars in outside investment. What don't people know about Silicon Valley, I would say the numbers are all made up like people don't realize that the numbers, it's really a group of people who have an opinion.

You read about Silicon Valley, you think there's a formula. People are that are using. It's constantly ebbing and flowing. That's the reality based off of who is in power at that moment, which oftentimes is a reflection of who has the most money or whose companies are funds or firms are making the most money. So instead of pitching to traditional VCs, she turned to social impact investors.

My first investor was a fund called New Media Ventures. That first investment was about six hundred thousand dollars and Morgan knew exactly how to spend it.

She relocated her operation to Los Angeles, purchased two apartments located next to each other, knocked out a wall and converted the space into a living office. And then fundraising from then on out wasn't difficult because once you get that first stamp of approval, once you're the golden child, once you've been blessed, it's still work, but it's very different. First check is the hardest check in 2016.

Blavity put on its first conference called Empower Her. She also started Afrotech, the largest tech conference for black founders in Silicon Valley. We started to get big. We were starting to have more demand for the multicultural Black audience and consumer from our clients and the agencies than I had inventory, which is the best problem in the world.

So in 2017, Morgan acquired Travel Noire and the media platform Shadow and Act for an undisclosed sum.

Blavity Inc. average is about 50 million unique page views per month and has 65 employees. The recent unrest following the death of George Floyd caused a serious problem for sites like Blavity. Black voices are mission critical to the discussion on race, yet advertisers became wary of buying ads against negative content due to the protests.

Then came the pandemic, which cut the legs off of Blavity's growing conferences.

Regardless of the obstacles, Morgan has little patience for excuse making. Her goal for Blavity was to create a blueprint for other Black founders to use as a guide as they built their own companies. We think about institutionalizing the core mission of Blavity, how we operate and how, as entrepreneurs, we've been able to build this right now. So I actively coach and mentor anywhere between three and 10 women, oftentimes Black women. I get on us every other Thursday night and we talk about scaling our new business.

Growing up between cultures made code switching natural for Morgan, but the day Michael Brown died, she found the limits of fitting in. Morgan no longer felt the need to seek approval of her white peers. Blavity is a celebration of that freedom. You don't need anybody else to tell you you're dope. You know you don't need a White approval that you made it.

We see you and we've got you. That is why we built this..

Thanks for your visit!



A lot of beautiful people out there how are you doing my dear darlings and today we have a review of story but it is a special life-changing product I guarantee you there has been nothing like this.

No Instagram but has ever been like that okay guys so what it does it takes your stories to the next level guys and it helps you to tremendously ultimate your Instagram business so in this video we are going to cover up five things yeah five things my name is Amina by the way and today we are going to start with the sales page then.

I'm going to show you the full demo of the product how you are actually going to get it then we're going to talk about the prices which are juicy then we're going to stop on my bonuses that.

I created especially for you guys yes I created them then we're going to check the special bonuses exclusive bonuses to me that when they're provided and then we're going to head out and check out the bonuses that ultimately comes with this product so let's get on and let's get started so the first link down below will take you to this website right here it is the sales page and the second link will take you to my website about which we are going to talk in a second the third link will take you to my special bonus areas so here is the sales page and as you can see.

I think you can read it on your own time so be sure to check it down sirs and I just want to point out that like the main facts that why you should buy story but is the fact number one is that over 1 million close to two billion accounts use stories format daily not everyone posted it okay guys I post like once a month but.

I use stories like five times a day the second fact is that stories are easier consume and monetize people usually go what they now tend to do now is that instead of check and checking the feed they change the stories and the fact number three is stories are growing faster than any other form of social media you're out there it has been proven by the statistics and the final fact is there 36% of businesses use Instagram stories for product promotion and they are helping them tremendously so be sure to hop on that train guys.

I don't want you to miss it so yeah you can check out this from up in your own time and what you basically get is easy-peasy Mouse's crazy software that helps you to create amazing pro like stories okay guys let's get on now to the demo and check it out okay the first thing that.

Lowell will take you to the same thing here is the demo dashboard which you will actually get after you sign in after your purchase okay and first thing you need to do is to link your account right here where this strange guy is placed and then you head out and push create and when you link your Instagram account and you press create what it will do it will automatically post whenever you tell it to post and we're going to cover that don't worry right now we're just going.

I'm just going to show you how to create the story so here is the creative space where you actually create your stories and I'm just going to show you what are some options as you can see here you can upload your own pictures here you can choose to write any text with whatever you want what's right i Mena is the best yeah is the best what oil worker yeah depressed girl in girl in the world right because that is true okay this is common sense and just to show you you can change whatever what's changed font let's make it this thing I don't know okay if it.

looks cool you know the voice teacher probably looks like this you always do this and let's do that as well and as did this as well on this and this because why not right we can choose color text color we just must choose text to be purple because I love purple yeah okay we're good with the text now and yeah go away okay okay okay okay well.

let's check out the stickers of course you can use stickers like this one of course you love me yeah let's find something funny shall we yeah this is this is cool chick uh-huh okay we drag and drop it drag and drop it okay yes okay here is our cool chick right here and let's go out and check out with some of the emojis yeah I love this spooky face right here is so let's drop it right here then let's go out and find ourselves some background yet this background is absolutely like copyright free and all this stuff so you can use it whenever you want to do whatever.

I like this one because obviously I like nature and let's just check ah so little okay so here is our background and I think it has to go to the back alright oh my god yeah you can make it go back okay this one I need to delete this one okay let's put okay okay let's put actually this text right here and the chicken right here because who doesn't love chicken actually this chicken doesn't match the Y you know yeah okay.

I mean it's the best girl in the world yeah we'll stick with the chick let's now find some quotes because why not throw some success clothes or motivation clothes right and here you can find quotes on any absolutely any topic that you want for example you are the only person on earth who can use your ability like this whatever a man trusts he can find someone who needs him okay the Vayner ain't one with the fastest car is the one who refuses to lose oh my god.

I love it like I've exchanged a bond on this one as well let's change it to this okay it's good yeah okay I like it okay move now can you move okay where I'm moving it up here right and this story looks cool yeah so now when you are done with your story of course you can use maybe if you want to throw in some shapes you can use images more emojis or float some of your images you can also choose to do your feet right here like posts you want to post in your feed but obviously we're going to focus on the stories right now then you can choose your custom made templates and all that stuff okay we go out and we export your design you can either download it to upload it to your phone or we can just save it in the storyboard so that later we can post it yeah so after you save it you can find your story right here in the story section and let's go out and check what you can do with your story so first of all we can see right here the view counts after you publish you will baby well but we will be able to see how many views you get what is the engagement rate what time you have.

left to publish if you schedule something also you can put a child pods right there for example if a person chooses like to go back to sur add new response and if you the person chooses to like engage with your story in some sort of way you can ask like put something like check my video for example right and here you can just put the link of your idiot video of course you are going to put the link not like me just put the okay let's go back to story and after you done with it you are happy you can go and export your story like actually posted or if you want to schedule it if for example you are preparing for a week of an entire week of your stories to be published you can just go and schedule your schedule.

No and when you schedule your story it will appear right here and you can schedule it to any anytime you want of course by the way use the time that is best to like post your content so that your audience will actually engage and there is an app about which I'm talking in my video about this program and.

I will post it somewhere on campus and I think you all should get it in the bonuses so here you can also use the hashtag spice because.

I mean hashtags are amazing right now and if you don't have solve it at the 15 hashtags you are losing that Instagram game so be sure to instigate your hashtags right here obviously.

I don't have my Instagram linked so.

I can't actually use anything but okay let's check this out maybe it will actually work is it surging okay well yeah it is not connected so it's not searching but anyways we are going to go and check out what are the trends and trends are not available yet because the project hasn't yet lunched and.

I have only the demo of it but in your case it will lunch so don't worry here you will be able to get whatever is trending right now and whatever it is hot so you can just post the contents related to the trends here in the media sections right here you can choose any pictures illustrations read your animations so.

let's go and check out the videos because we just are cool right and you can just download any video any folder whatever you like to later use in your stories or in your feet yeah okay so let's go to check our audience just for a sec sake of you showing now okay it is not working because.

I have not published any stars yet but you will be able to see it and you will be able to monetize what you're it's what's your engagement rate how many people saw your post or story and by the way there is a cool cool feature that you will get so for example whenever someone watches your stories their account will be saved in your message direct list okay and your list will be.

I think in the audience section yes and there you can just choose whatever people you want to choose or you can choose all them or you can sort them out by list and then what you can do is you can like write a direct message and send it to all of these people who watched your stories which is a great way of communication and it's kind of making it the say your personal you know the personal connections so yeah go ahead and check this out as well and now.

I think we are done with the demo actually so let's go now and check out the prices which are amazing so here is my website which is the second link down below and you will be able to click on any of this get the bonuses here bottoms to go to the salvage and purchase storyboard so let's start with the prices and for the first up front product the it costs forty seven or from forty seven to sixty seven dollars and please ignore this Commission sign here it is for me and what it exclude includes it includes a five thousand G enlists one hundred chatbots campaigns for month story the story builder audience technology journalist Altium sandy.

M schedule story and wait the stands and meeting so everything you saw right now me in the demo is there so right now.

I will just read out that what are the upgrades and they're like prices and feel free to pause this video if you want to read watch each upgrade includes but I think you'll get more information on that later after you go to purchase so here is the first upgrade it's a storyboard.

Pro it costs $67 then we have second upgrade in the story and giant which cost forty seven dollars then we have would upgrade three it which is ultimate and it cost $97 and we have upgrade for which is obviously an agency which can cost you anywhere from one hundred and ninety seven to two hundred and ninety seven dollars and so that's it with the absolutes and prices and now let's get out and check out my bonuses they they created especially for you guys so here are the bonuses guys but before.

I want to mention out that my on my website there is a demo video of how to use the video storyboard and you yep check this out so then we go back to my bonuses and the first one is spent tip on how to gain instagram pores organically and that is the video that i made myself so be sure to check this out and then we have the second bonus which is instagram story tax Tips & Tricks and this is kind of a very broad and full guide on what many people don't know about.

Instagram and what you can use to benefit your Instagram business then we have the Dare hack number three is twenty six amazing Instagram hacks you can't miss these are also very limited for people to like now because not actually many people know and not everyone especially not many businesses use them so be sure to check taken advantage of that their fourth bonus is how to grow from zero to five thousand followers very very fast and this is a success story of one Instagrammer and she tells you step-by-step how to actually get to that five thousand four hours then we have the fifth bonus which is the final bonuses from me that.

I created myself but don't worry there will be more more bonuses and the fifth bonus is how to Instagram for business and the ultimate guide how to hack your Instagram to use it in your business ok guys that's it with my customer bonuses now we're going to have a look at exclusive bonuses from the vendor okay the first bonus that.

I want to present to you is three steps to build at hundred thousand to a million for your business online and this is a great great tool that you can use Instagram as well in order to promote it and this will just make you a great passive income or if you want to turn it into your normal income you are welcome to that is just a great way of course you need to put effort into that but it will pay off really really well the second bonus is vilest blueprint and this is just how the guy who made this product how.

I built at thirty-four thousand buyers list and then ex war profits and standings cheaper than any other traffic source so this is just a source that brings you your traffic and bring to your buyers which is all very very needed when you are doing some sort of or online marketing like your social media marketing when you use Instagram and the third bonus is how to WordPress plugins and this actually comes with the reserve right so you can use it as your own product and like we sell it okay now we go to the winders bonuses that come automatically in your account and there are actually 15 of them so.

I'm just going to rush through them so be sure to pause the video if you want to read the description of them but they are in the sales page so no no sorry.

I'm sorry they are in my bonus page which is the third link down below so the first fast action bonus is the Instagram marketing secret the second is the build your tribe the third is rapid Instagram profits their fourth is messenger both marketing the fifth is certified chats with words the sixth is wait a second the success becomes and become an influencer Instagram the seventh is smart CPA offers the eight is VP mobile optimizer the night is extremely stealing and this is my actually best favorite one because it builds your customers and buyers list and the tenth is a wordpress video focus there yes that's not it that's not that guys the 11th one is 100k a hundred thousand click funnels case study which is amazing case study.

I saw it myself that wealth is a native advertising exposed the thirteen is a wordpress in content pop-up prompt and 14 is unshakable businesses and yeah that is it with the bonuses guys.

I'm sorry to rush through them but I hope you've got the time to post it and I just want to reassure you that you understand the value of the bonuses totally only these bonuses that come from the render cost 528 bucks okay guys you just get had four to five hundred and twenty bucks for free so you don't actually need to spend a dime on adding so much value to your Instagram business and of course consider that the exclusive bonuses are also very very high value because they're very exclusive and they were very expensive then my bonuses they also have their values so that there you go you get basically like a thousand dollar bonuses included in your forty seven dollars story point which is crazy guys okay and that is it with the video because we are done with all the points that I had to cover up with you and.

I thank you guys for watching I just want to remind you that you need to buy story but if you are serious about Instagram business because stories are huge and don't need to argue with that okay and check this out you get to post your stories you get the attention and that is all only for forty seven dollars you can.

I go into you you can beat out beat your forty seven dollars in one single thing ok guys that is it that is the guarantee you get from me and you if you don't how to beat the price of the story but comment down below and say yeah you like lied to me whatever okay guys.

I thank you guys for watching and that was Annina check all the links down below and I see you in the next video goodbye....


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100% Trick to Remove Plagiarism in article/Docs (How To Write An Article Without Plagiarizing)

100% Trick to Remove Plagiarism in article/Docs (How To Write An Article Without Plagiarizing)

I have an article doc here that i got from one of my new writers when i checked for the plagiarism  it was a whopping 75 in plagiarism just as you can see it practically copied online all these  ones you see on the line are all copied online.

I reached out to him and told him that his article  was pluggerized and his response was it's not supposed to be so reason being that he used the  free plagiarism checker online to check before he sends to me in a very clear time plagiarism  checkers that are free online are not the best to use and they will never give you the right  result because they are free.

Now if you are new to writing and you don't know what plagiarism is  plagiarism simply means taking somebody else's write-up or idea either with their consent or  without their consent and you want to use it as if it's yours that's plagiarism either you're writing  an article or you want to write a book or you want to write a thesis or you want to write a short  read or a script whatever it is you're writing.

If you pick directly for somebody else's book that's  no longer yours that's plagiarism anyway to let us be on the same page.

I want you to go to 247 and there you will see how you can get a paid grammarly pro which is the number  one accepted all over the world it's owned by google there you can get for a whopping 70 of  the original market price which on this platform is around five to six dollars there you can get.

That so you will be on the pro level and not use the free version like this new writer did  and that's why most people are rejected either on text broker and people power all of these.

This is why people are rejected because they don't have the pro now today i want to show to you  how you can remove plagiarism from a content because i'm thinking you always write content  they are always guys in it how can you get a document with plagiarism out of the plagiarism.

But then i want to tell you if you think why do we even have plagiarism all together look the whole  internet is one big machine if it exists already then it exists if you pick it from anywhere from  the internet it's going to show that it already existed since you are also coming onto the same.

Machine i hope that's clear enough but then you might be asking what if i print it out and i make  it into a book and i sell it in my local area of course you can do that it's still plagiarized  anyway but then nobody can track that because it's now offline then i can tell you that it's better.

You're a human being instead of ripping people off of their own artwork just create your own  now this is a short story while i just started online writing articles and at that point i was  writing as a freelancer i always feel like why do anybody care even if their book is placarized or  if the articles are practical right most people especially writers that are new they don't know  the impact of plagiarism undocumented some people will say i just have ten percent plagiarism can  i use material like that i have five percent plagiarizing can i use it like that the answer.

Is a no normally you are not supposed to write repeated words or copied words online for your  blogs books or articles has to be hundred percent unique that's why you're a writer anyway so now.

If you want to know the impact plagiarism has on your website or books let me just tell you if you  write the plugins content on your blog google is not going to rank it if it ranks its early stages  they are going to discover it and then they are going to block you it's called shadowban and then  you discover that instead of the articles climbing up they're actually descending that's what happens  when you have plagiarized content and if you do that on your books as well it's very easy for  amazon to track you amazing will block your book individual books on the shelf if it's pluggerized.

And then if you keep having that issue in your account your account may be banned so that's  how bad plagiarism is then there are cases where you are thinking how about if i was the one that  wrote this content and i put it on my blog maybe i want to use the equivalent part or portion of that  on another article in the same blog or maybe on my other blog can i do that the answer is no you  cannot use any article that's already been written on another blog post we call it self-plagiarism  you can separate yourself and the impact is the same okay now to the point of interest how do i  avoid plagiarism i'm going to tell you four ways please listen to me and i will do a live version.

Of how to avoid and how to remove in case you have articles that already have plagiarism i'll show.

You everything first one is always use translate to translate your words for example if you want an  article about how to make a girl fall in love with me instead of researching that in english research.

It in german when you get articles in german by the time you move it back to english it would  have decomposed of paganism in it and reduce it to the bearish minimum or even zero second way you  can also avoid is to paraphrase these articles for example you can use to paraphrase.

Your articles and that will naturally remove all the plagiarism that might exist in there  because it's going to change the words and use other words and then it makes it original then  most people might say quickbooks is expensive go to 247 shop and you will see  there quick votes for cheap for 50 of what the market value is you can get it on that place  number three will work only.

If it's not online that's giving credit to whether is the original  writer you give credit even in your citation give credit to the author of whoever addressing that  offline that might work but online to network because even if you give credit it will still  be plugin right point number four is after doing everything you know please always use a plagiarism  checker to confirm that your article your blog post your document your book is not plagiarized.

And in case after doing all sorts you still have plagiarism let me show you how you can remove it  in a minute so i'm going to use this particular article as an example and as you can see here when.

I check on the pro grammarly which you can use on microsoft word by the way i'm going to leave this  particular tutorial in the description below how you can attach your grammarly to microsoft word  directly so you can use it this way and as you can see it's four percent four percent here now you  can see the arrows linking down if i click on this arrow it takes me to the part that is pluggerized  that's the old essence of these and then i just do that now you can see it move there and then it's  showing me the area that is pluggerized what i usually do my practice to remove.

This is i'm going to copy the last sentence that is plagiarized for example i just don't copy these.

Where it's underlined you know this is the only part underlined but i copy the old sentence that  is underlined you see that and then i copy to the next one and complete that sentence.

If you don't complete the sentence by the time you use the strategy i'm going to show to you which is  two strategies you will see that it will scatter the whole thing and it might not make sense again  okay so what i do is i right click and change that to red like a market red so i will know because i  usually want to work you know separately so i can go again and click the arrow and then it shows me  the next part that is pluggerized and the way i'm not going to employ that writer that's not  a good thing to do okay now that this is done i can toggle off my plagiarism just like that  and then i come back to these two ways you can do this first one is you can go to and  use squibble.

100% Trick to Remove Plagiarism in article/Docs (How To Write An Article Without Plagiarizing)


com but i'm showing you two because there are some articles maybe like recipes  or bullet points articles you can use google for them it's going to really scatter them you can  only use quillboards for the ones that are clean this is what.

I mean by quickbooks  

And then i have the premium like i said you can get the premium for cheap for like five dollars  on 247

So you can see here we have standard fluency format simple creative.  expanded.

Shorting normally you should use fluency now if you use fluency and it does not decompose  it like change it from plagiarism then you can step up and use something like formal  or creative but now i still leave it on fluency so you can see i can read it again and see if  it's cool but then i'm looking at absorption of sugar sugar absorption okay it has changed that.

You can just look at it and see the ones that are like not really changing well and then you change  them if i click on absorption now you can see it's giving me some other levels of uh you know  words that i can use if i want to change sugar content to the body i can do that but then no  need for that i just copied this one and then i go back to my file if i click on my file you see the  highlight is still there all i need to do is copy and paste and boom that's it that's gone and then.

I scroll up again whichever part has this again i will just do the same thing and then i paste it  here i do paraphrase boom it changes just that same way that's how you remove plagiarism from.

Words and documents that aren't words long words like this for more refined let me see another word  for refined processed i can use processed meal so i just copy that the more you change your words  the better it is to pull out of uh to pull out of plagiarism okay don't worry about the red i'll  check it again it's just because i'm doing copy and pasting and now for this part of things let me  use this to show you the other part i told you you can use as well you go to google translate here  you just click on that and then i can put whatever i have here guess what i go to translations click.

On translations go to chinese scroll down to chinese traditional or any other language of  your choice and this will translate it to it it will translate to chinese you see that and then  this toggle in the middle which is back and forth you can swap languages swap this back to english  like that like i supplement it okay and then swap it back again by the time you do this whatever  you have here would have lost that particular initial meaning and it will still be correct in  use of english i can copy these and then i go back to my document and then i paste it there.

And that's it so from here now what i do next is to confirm if i'm still having plagiarism or not  i toggle in my uh from four percent let's see you can now see plagiarizing free it's free of  plagiarism now just those simple things i do i can confirm again you can see checking here and voila  it's full of plagiarism that's it now you may not even know how to write articles at all or this is  new to you and even if you know how to write you might want to step it up and want to write.

Like a pro check this out here i'm leaving this tutorial for you click on it go let's go let's go....

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