How To Start Buying Websites On Flippa (Top 3 Search Criteria)
Hi Liz here with you and in this video i want to share with you what you need to look for when you're going out and buying your first website on flippa now the flippa platform is a fantastic place for beginners to get started in the buying and renovating and selling websites marketplace.
Because there's a whole range of websites available on there right from a dollar up to many millions of dollars so that's a great place and there's a lot there for sale new listings coming on every day into the marketplace and so that's where we get our students to start out and in this video what i want to show you is what we're looking for.
And what we teach people to look for so you can get started out really strong in this marketplace now one of the things before you even go on to flippa and start looking for websites to buy very exciting but what we need to do first of all is think about the strategy going in so matt and my strategy and what's been really successful for us is that we go in wanting to find websites that are as leveraged as possible that we can renovate so we can add some value to that we could potentially sell again later or keep for the cash flow so when we go in with that kind of search image onto the Flippa platform.
We're looking for a different thing that maybe many other people are looking for and one of the things that we are looking for we're looking for websites that um are content websites because what we found in our experience is those are the most leveraged we don't have to buy stock um so there's less investment there we don't have to organize deliveries or work with drop shippers there's a lot less moving parts in in our world and what for what we do we find content sites are the most leveraged websites we can buy and also we find it easier to add value to those.
Websites as well so that's why we choose content sites so i'll show you on Flippa actually how we find these particular sites now as you get more experienced you're going to want to look for websites that have some really nice existing profit good solid ongoing traffic.
So that you're buying yourself an asset that is going.
To be consistent and ongoing that's one of the major factors that we're looking.
For in our due diligence process is is this website going to keep making the money that it's making now and that's a lot of the questions in our due diligence process are to be able to answer that question so we can feel safe investing in that website now when you're beginning though we recommend all our students start small and i think that's really smart in the marketplace you might have heard of paper trading when you first start trading shares you go into the market with only a small amount of money or even just paper trading to get used to the marketplace to really learn without investing a huge amount of money.
And i will do another video about the biggest mistakes that beginners make when they do get into buying websites on the Flippa platform or any on any platform one of those biggest mistakes is just starting too big too quick if you haven't got a lot of experience so if you're just starting out new start small you've got the luxury matt and i used to be brokers um in the offline world we worked in mergers and acquisitions and you know these guys are spending or even in in small business sales we're looking at people spending half a million dollars or more on a business and some of them not having any small business experience at all so now that's a lot of money.
To put on the line to take to risk um when you're getting into a first investment on Flippa.
We can buy our first website for under a thousand dollars sometimes under a few hundred dollars.
Under five hundred dollars now that's a great way to start and we've got quite a few examples on our channel here if you go to the success stories um you'll see event jasmine you'll see um nathan alexa these guys um bought websites and renovated them and they their first websites were under a thousand dollars and a few of them actually they've sold uh you'll see nathan alex's story uh they sold theirs for almost 17 000 after the renault so it's a really nice strategy to go in small learn get your team in place get everything organized then you can step up to those bigger deals so this is the wonderful thing about Flippa we can start small but what are the websites today.
What i want to show you is okay how do we find these websites what are the.
What are these little gold nuggets that we can pick up that we can add some value to and and improve so that we could potentially either pay it off to ourselves as quickly as possible so we reduce our risk to pretty much zero at that point or renovate to sell again and build up our bank and then maybe step up to the next level website where we're buying a tens of thousands of dollar website rather than a 500 or a thousand.
Or up to say two or three thousand dollar website so what i'm going to do is we're going to we're going to go in and look for some content sites and i'm going to go live on Flippa and actually show you how we do our search we're going to look for a little bit of maybe a little bit of profit we it'd be ideal if it had some traffic some people coming and visiting the website because that's that's what we're trying to buy we're trying to buy leverage someone else has done the work to put the website together it's got some age got some history um we're bypassing basically the benefit of buying a website.
Is we bypass all that build phase and all that startup phase and we buy so we're buying time basically the time that it took to put the website together the time that it took to write all that content and the time that it's taken it might have aged online for potentially a few months or a few years ideally a few years um that's that's worth it that that um history of a website so we're looking for profit we're looking maybe for a little bit of traffic.
But not necessarily depending on what your strategy is um we're looking for a specific niche so um not only do we focus on content websites there's certain niches and topics that the websites are about that we look for so we really want to focus on particular niches.
And then we're looking for opportunities to grow so we need to make sure that we've got websites that have the ability to be renovated it's just like when you buy houses it's like buying those diamonds in the rough it means that you're going to make more money and have less risk so let's go live on the Flippa platform and have a look for how we search for these websites these first websites to buy on Flippa okay so here we are over on the Flippa platform.
And we're going to start looking for some websites to buy so we can browse the website you can go in here through to the all websites and we will have a look at what's here today now you probably need to click on the see your websites if you're at the next level up and you're looking for larger websites you might want to have a look through the editor's choice because there's some good stuff in there but when we're starting out and doing our first websites we want to look at more the smaller websites like what like i was saying we want to now ideally we want over here on the left hand side there's a live search bar and it's great Flippa have now updated that so it does a live search for us ideally what we want now the difference between here established websites are websites.
That have been built they've usually got some traffic they've got so people visiting them sometimes they've got a little bit of profit already the starter sides are just built um to sell like they they don't necessarily have any traffic they may not have unique content now for your very first website if you just want a little cheapy to kind of get in the market and see what it's like to buy a website we say to our students yeah go for it buy a starter site take it from there it's already built still and you can start adding content you can do a little bit of a renovation.
But just be aware a starter site is going to take longer to be profitable because it is starting from zero so what we'll do in this search though is we'll look at some established sites as i was saying before our strategy.
Is content sites um because we have been in manufacturing um we've had wholesale and distribution businesses in the offline world and you know we don't like having stock or inventory i don't like having our money tied up in that we like to have websites that are totally leveraged that make their money from advertising or information or affiliate products.
So that's the sort of websites because we like the leverage of that so we will only look at content websites so we can leave all those blogs directories reviews forums so you can see now we're getting down to some nice websites there you can actually put in a number of monthly users if you want to so if you want a certain level of traffic to be able to apply for an adsense account with google or to get onto amazon.
It's good to have a little bit of traffic already on your website um for amazon you need to make a sale within three months so ideally you want some some traffic on a website that you if you're applying for an amazon affiliate account so you might want to do that but the other way to do it is to put a profit range so if this is your very first website i would suggest you go from a profit range of zero to say fifty dollars a month.
That means what we're going to see is websites that aren't too big they're probably not going to go for a huge amount of money um and that means we filter out the larger ones we're going to see websites that are probably in that's under a hun under a thousand dollar range.
Except for that one of course that's gonna prove me wrong as a two million dollar one but it does it's showing no net profit so there you go um you can put in a price range if you want maybe you say okay maximum price that i want to pay is three thousand um that will then filter out those high level ones that are zero profit but have a value because of their history and other things um you may want to put some age on it say three or six months.
Um you don't need to obviously if it's zero years old it means it's a starter site it's got no history um so it's not potentially as valuable as one that has been online for a little bit these ones i think we can just leave those we'll just um go with that and now let's see what we've got because now we go down to the level of all right so what sort of websites are we looking for and the thing when i'm doing this this first scan through the results um we're training our students to look for for topics where they can add content where it would add value to the website and ideally in a niche like we say the three magic niches are health wealth and happiness.
And so we don't really want to have websites that are um software as a service or things like this where we've got a website and design and style i'd have to look into that but that wouldn't be one that would catch my eye the dabble my food wiki sounds interesting.
So i'd probably have a look at that one it's five years old so it's got some nice history it's not making a lot of money but perhaps what we're going to do is go in there and see could we improve that monetization so at the moment it's making money out of adsense the google advertising program potentially maybe we could add amazon affiliate products.
As well maybe we could add other affiliate products maybe we could add some information products to the website.
And increase the monetization or potentially we could just be adding more content and increase the traffic and increase our adsense or monetize um we call it advertising revenue the other ones that i did stand out to me potentially okay so we've got fit notch here um that's a website in the health and beauty it's monetized with amazon it's a year old so it's got a little bit of age on it and it says it's making 47 a month now obviously at this.
Point i'm not doing due diligence what i'm showing you is just the initial scan of the Flippa results to show okay these are the ones that i would click into to research further because what they are is they're about a particular uh topic so fitness um there's lots of money in fitness there's lots of content that you can write in fitness so that's one that we would go okay let's have a look at it um a lot of the tech ones we tend to avoid the tech ones because tech moves so fast there's a lot of content you can create in tech websites um so you if you're into tech this is the thing you know.
You don't have to be into the particular topic because we can have we have content writers who write the content um so and actually actually now i'm thinking we have owned a few tech blogs and they've done very well um i haven't managed those ones matt's been managing those ones so there's some there is definitely money to be made in tech so you might have a look and see what that one is about um general knowledge ones club enigma where they're monetized by adsense.
It tends to be they're they're harder people aren't looking particularly for that content um the sites we're looking for they answer questions and solve problems um these general knowledgey kind of ones you need a heck of a lot of content for to um to make profitable um generally so we tend to avoid those ones we i would much prefer this one best massage chair guide boom it's monetized with amazon at the moment but what i'd be thinking is could i get other affiliate products other affiliate offers and actually if you watch uh one of our success stories lisa.
That's what she's done really well she's broadened the monetizations of her sites she's got a site she bought for two thousand dollars it's now making seven thousand dollars a month because she picked up one just like this it was actually i think she yeah she bought it for 2 000 and um she's just gone direct to um the product manufacturers or the better affiliate offers and now gets a much higher affiliate commission than the original owner did on the website so that's the sort of thing we do to renault these sites um we've got um bowling bowling.
Os so that's a that's a really nice passionate niche sporting niche so i might go in and have.
A look at that one pet hair guards yep anything in the pet niche that's always worth it worth a look i don't know what screwyism is 20 days to a better life e for effort agent um those ones are a bit more challenging again it's a little bit more general knowledge it's a bit more uh not so much what we're looking for is things that people would look up on google so people are already searching for so um i would probably pass over that one and same with anything creative creative sisters unless it's some i'd have to look at that but maybe if it's it's creative like things for kids or something like that but it doesn't look like something we'd be interested in a creativity blog now that's not to say you can't make money out of it of course.
This is just i'm just showing you what our strategy and what our filters would would get you um so there's lots of websites there you know you can go through and find all sorts of websites.
But like i was saying um beautiful review ads it's they've got adsense on at the moment but if it's gaming desks i would be putting amazon or other affiliate products on there so we're looking for these ways that we can that one's just at six bucks at the moment so and if you want to have some fun especially as a beginner if you want to see now obviously going and finding some bigger websites is fun too you can you can increase this up to so take off your.
Your three thousand dollar dollar restriction put that up to a thousand dollars a month maybe anything making from five hundred to a thousand dollars a month just to have a look around.
That's good fun because that shows you what's in the marketplace and what people are making out of these websites but let's go back to our zero to fifty or let's say a hundred dollars and um one of the things you can do is scroll down and have the ones that have only got a couple of hours left so then you can see what the bids are at right near the end of the auction and you might pick yourself up a little bargain so you can see there we've got.
A thousand dollars tattoos tattoos is tricky as well i wouldn't necessarily recommend the tattoo sites although that's four years old it's got some good age on it that's making a little bit of money so maybe worth having a look um 280 500 so here's where you can potentially pick yourself up a bargain 160 dollars um now i'm not looking at the topics there of course