How To Drive More Traffic To Your Website
Hey SEMrushers it's Chiara here again. So, in this video I will be sharing with you some proven and foolproof ways you (yes, everybody but especially you) can drive more traffic to your website And if you like what you see as usual please subscribe, hit the like button, and activate the notification bell, and most of all stay ahead of the SEO pack! Let's dive right into the ways you can drive more traffic to your website and the first tip I'm gonna give is: you need to know who else is in the market. I know it can sound a little hard especially if you are maybe just entering the market now but I'm gonna show you how to do it with semrush and it's so easy a kid could do it! So first off we're gonna open up Market Explorer to get a handle on which competitors are crushing it while bringing traffic to their website.
This tool is a super powerful visualization tool that will show you the competitive landscape based on estimated traffic volume and traffic growth.
You should pay closest attention to competitors who show up as "game changers" and "leaders" in the top two quadrants these in fact are the players in your market who are growing traffic at the fastest pace. Now that we're understanding more or less what's happening in our market, wouldn't it be cool to understand how these people are driving traffic? And that's exactly what the second tip is about: understanding where they're getting the traffic from To do this we can open Traffic Analytics, with this you can quickly figure out how your competitors are setting their traffic acquisition priorities: be it direct, referral, search, social, or paid traffic. By comparing where competitors stand against your site in terms of traffic sources you can quickly spot your marketing strategy's weakest and strongest areas and then fine-tune it accordingly So always remember to check each and every single traffic source because this is going to give you so much insight into your competitors strategy which will give you so much helpful information so that you can check your own strategy and then fine-tune it, just interpret the data as best as you can and check everything.
Now let's move on with the third tip which is: drive visitors from direct traffic. Now I know it might happen sometimes that you get discouraged because you see that your competitors are getting a huge share of traffic via direct, this does not mean that you're not good, not at all, this just means and it's a huge indicator that your competitors are spending big money into customer loyalty campaigns and brand awareness campaigns, so what can you do is to try and understand what can you tweak around so that you increase your direct visitors.
Here's a couple tips: the first one is to make easy and memorable urls. Now of course if you have a super cool creative brand name this is gonna encourage people to type it in directly and get to your website but if it's super long that's gonna super discourage them: no one's gonna do it so what you should do is to try, of course to have a creative and cool name, but keep it as short as possible. This is actually a small thing that can make a really huge difference, just look at it's super easy to type in and very easy to remember and voila you're already on our Content Marketplace page Something else you should do is investing in brand awareness, in fact if people don't know your brand you can have the best url in the world but no one's going to google it, no one is going to look for it, so what you should do is to try and make your brand as known as possible, be it offline or online strategies: you can go from billboards and business cards to youtube display ads, all these things can help to boost brand recognition and bring in more direct traffic Finally there's nothing better than a return visitor so you should always try and do whatever you possibly can to make people come back to your website once they have visited it be it the ux of the website, be it campaigns that you have with influencers, or special contests, whatever you can do to bring people back or, better, try and make them want to come back for more and more of what you're offering.
Now let's move on to the next tip which is bringing visitors to your website through referral traffic, it is really helpful to understand in this case which sites are already referring to your competitors' websites Why? Well, because maybe they should be referring to you? Maybe they should be linking to you? What can you do to improve relationships with brands and other websites inside of your niche?
This is going to be extremely helpful in building the authority of your website not just to the eyes of all the people that already work in your niche and in your market but especially to the customers because if they see that a lot of important and high authority websites linked to you they will definitely be more inclined to follow you, to look for your services, to buy your products and so on. In this case basics of old school SEO definitely can work wonders when looking for authority links Good old-fashioned white hat link building So let's see how we can do that: the first thing is to get active on Quora For many search queries Quora pages appear on the first page of the search results you can do a bit of research to see how you can get on those quora results for example by using SEMrush's Domain Overview. In fact, you'll be able to see which pages rank first and for which keywords, so as you've seen it's pretty easy to see which relevant Quora pages are already ranking high enough so what's left for you to do is to pitch in in the Quora community with your answer and include a link to a relevant piece of content from your site That's it backlink created! Another thing you should do is to try and be a part of conversations in forums and social media reddit, facebook groups, and other platforms that draw large online crowds are great resources of potential traffic you should just invest in a little bit of community mingling and then share links to high value pieces of content or pages on your website.
But here's the key to this one: don't be spammy!
Like don't like never like really never ever ever ever ever. Why? Because people don't like to be sold in these communities, they just want to go there to get an information, to get value and that's exactly what you should do: answer to a question give value, provide people with what they're looking for and they will come back to your website, but if they see that you're trying to oversell yourself they will just think: "oh here's another one" and never come back to you so don't be spammy, just provide people with value and that's gonna work most of all in the long run.
And finally even though we kind of said it in the previous point, create original and authentic content we're spammed all day like literally all day with inauthentic and spam content that we're not really interested in but I'm definitely gonna tell you that you can ask whoever you want the thing that works the most for all the people that have a lot of success is always creating super original and authentic content that's what always pays off in the long run The next tip is: increasing visitors through search traffic ..
.Or maybe not? You're not going to see this specific piece of advice in this video and it's not because I don't want to give it to you, which is not the case I definitely want to but I realized well I was shooting this video that it's just too much information and this video would have become like two hours long so I'm making another video only on that but in case you need some SEO information, SEO content and stuff like that, I'm gonna leave you the SEO checklist that we published a month ago which is super super useful go and check that out! We're getting close to the end of the list and next off is: increasing visitors via social media traffic. Remember how a few minutes ago I was telling you how to use Market Explorer and Traffic Analytics to see where your competitors are getting traffic from?
Well, you can go even deeper than that and not just see that they're driving traffic from social media but from which exact social media and how much traffic, let's see how to do that too.
Many social media managers get bogged in follower counts and likes while it's way more important to understand if people actually visited your website from social media and if they did actually in the end buy anything now let's look at this example of and agoda in the Traffic Analytics tool: agoda generally wins over expedia when attracting traffic from social networks despite having WAY fewer followers across all social media accounts. Something that also works wonders with this is to create special contests for the followers of your account but having the registering form to said contests on your website so that they go from the social media exactly where you want them to go which is your website of course. Something else you should do is create teasers for your content be it audio, text, video, it doesn't really matter, people just love to be teased.
Create something small to post on your social media and then direct the audience to your website to read the full content. And last but not least I cannot stress this enough: compelling CTAs! I mean "click here"? It just doesn't make it anymore "click here" is so passed it's just I can't even express it with words! Something like "get 20% off right now!" is better And actually, challenge for you watching me right now go in the comments below and text me your most compelling CTA something that has maybe worked wonders for your agency.
Write it here because I'm curious and I'm looking for inspiration. Compelling CTAs in the comments, thanks! And last tip for the day: getting smart about paid traffic. Now let's be honest with each other budgets are a pain, like a huge pain, and most of the times you're not even choosing a strategy it's just what you can do with the budget that you have, but I'm gonna outline here a couple of approaches that I think are gonna help you make whatever you can of the budget that you have and still target the people that you want to target Frst off remarket competitors audiences on relevant platforms you should already know who your key competitors are so you can assume you have audiences overlap with each other the Audience Insights report can really help you identify which competitors you share the least similar audiences with and once you have identified this audience you can use it to expand your reach by retargeting them on sites that they visit frequently and then you should locate Google Display Network publishers that have the highest audience match.
Audience overlaps are also helpful when analyzing which publishers to choose when making GDN placement, if you know that your competitor gets a lot of referral traffic from a particular website don't immediately divert GDN ad budgets to the platform. First, check whether this publisher actually shares a significant portion of your audience then make that choice. And if you're feeling overwhelmed or scared because this looks like it's too much well don't worry you don't have to do it all today just take it in bite-sized pieces: wander around in Market Explorer and Traffic Analytics look at your market, check your competitors and their strategies, and then take it in day by day, no rush. And also drop me a line in the comments because I'm super curious about what strategies do you use to drive traffic to your website. So let's wrap it up as usual no need to say it, but I'll say it anyway: hit the like button, the notification bell, and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more of this!
Thanks a lot for listening to me today I'll see you in the next one!
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Friday, May 13, 2022
Europe is Building a Massive Undersea Power Network
Europe is Building a Massive Undersea Power Network
This is an undersea cable you've probably heard of them as they used to transmit most of our internet traffic but this one doesn't bring you your precious data it's even more important than that these cables share energy between countries and this one stretching from the uk all the way to denmark is going to be the longest ever constructed yes this does involve construction.
And a lot of it several have already been built and there are more planned all over europe a place which could soon become home to the world's first super grit that's a system where green energy is circulated all over a continent depending on when and where it's needed and you're about to see why it makes a load of sense renewable energy may be the way forward for our planet but it has a bit of a problem what happens when the sun isn't shining the wind isn't blowing or if there's a sudden spike in demand where do we get that extra energy from especially.
When we've done away with fossil fuels and what about countries that aren't able to install gigawatts of solar power build wind turbines.
All over the place or construct massive hydroelectric dams the answer could very well be these interconnectors they're high voltage cables that allow two or more countries to link their electricity systems instead of everyone hoarding their own energy interconnected countries can share power between them make money from any excess and help ensure there's always enough to go round there's a value for power in one country.
And a value for power in the other which is historically set either by the patterns of demand so what you're using the power for or the patterns of generation how you're making the powers tom edwards is an energy modeler at cornwall insight which provides research and analysis on energy markets for example france sits in kind of the heart of the european energy landscape because it's got lots of nuclear power which is very cheap to operate but expensive to build.
Uh they have a surplus of power and they'd like to send they like to send that across other markets because those other markets are generally burning gas or coal unlike a gas pipe which only flows in one direction interconnectors are a two-way street and can distribute energy generated using completely different methods take the north sea link it's a new 720 kilometer cable between the uk and norway with a 1 450 megawatt capacity that's enough to power around 1.4 million homes since construction finished back in october 2021.
The uk has had direct access to power originating from nordic hydro plants in return if the norwegians want to inject some more carbon free juice into their grid they've got energy from britain's vast offshore wind network in reserve right now it's the world's largest subsea interconnector but not for much longer works underway on a 765 kilometer hookup between the uk and denmark called the viking link fear not my fellow brits the danes aren't gearing up to send more rampaging norsemen to our shores at least we don't think they are this time they'll be shipping over something more favourable clean energy.
That again mostly comes from wind now we're only a few hundred miles apart but the uk and denmark don't often experience high winds at the same time so if the wind dies down in the uk there's a good chance the turbines are still turning across.
The north sea and vice versa denmark's been trading wind power with the netherlands like this since 2019 when the cobra cable was completed all of this increases the chance there will be some kind of renewable energy on tap whether it's generated at home or abroad and the idea will only grow as more connections are made between countries with different weather and power systems in the future when we've got hopefully lots of low carbon generation.
Which should be cheap to operate but expensive to build it'll all be very reliant on what the weather patterns are across the continent it's going to be really important to kind of have an interconnected system in that way partly because we're going to be more reliant on these variable energy sources already more than a dozen interconnectors have been fully commissioned or under construction.
Around the north sea alone the idea is that energy becomes more affordable for everyone and we could all do with our bills coming down right about now interconnectors give access to a wider pool of energy sources meaning more competition and in theory lower prices but hang on a minute how does this all work how's it possible to transmit so much power over such a vast distance using just cables well these cables are a bit more robust than the ones we use to charge our phones.
And the things they connect to are a little more complex too in the case of other long undersea connections like the new 623 kilometer nord link between norway and germany two converter stations were built at either end which are hooked up to the country's power grids to send electricity through the cable it has to be converted from ac to dc power that's to try and keep any energy lost during transmission to a minimum when it reaches the station at the other end it's converted back.
To ac power and is ready to enter the grid on nord link special vessels were used to lay the cable which weighs up to 70 kilograms per meter and consists of two parallel strands for the positive and negative poles because it had to be buried at depths of up to two meters a jetting sledge that's like an underwater plow pulled along by the boat was used to dig a trench and bury the cable at the same time when they reached the shore a combination of offshore platforms and micro tunnels brought the cable onto land before it was pulled through and connected to the stations many of europe's interconnected projects.
Are built like this but not all of them and the reason is pretty obvious when you look at this map most of the continent's neighbouring countries aren't separated by water so if they want to link up to the energy networks boats aren't that useful you might think making overland connections is a lot simpler and it often is involving little more than transmission lines it's um historically easier to connect countries across.
The land border you know there are reasonably good connections between you know um germany and france being the main example germany poland there's constraints across all of those as well so it's not like they're all perfectly connected doesn't mean it's always easy though that small matter of the pyrenees between spain and france meant the two countries had to dig over 60 kilometers of tunnels but the new interconnector doubled the amount of electricity they can exchange.
Not only has it meant a greater flow of renewable energy between the two countries it's also helped ensure there's enough power to run high-speed trains on the spanish side the benefits to all this seem pretty clear but are there any downsides are these connections completely reliable and what happens if something goes wrong one incident in september 2021 involving the link between france and the uk proved this type of infrastructure isn't entirely bulletproof or should i say fireproof ablaze.
At the ifa converter station in kent forced it to shut down and it could take two years to fully restore it led to energy supplies becoming a lot tighter than expected ahead of the winter and a rise in bills every large piece of infrastructure is prone to risk the the key thing about interconnects is though is they're so big that um they're actually a risk to the stability of the system when they fall over you know the the north south link to norway is now the biggest single generator or point at which power can enter the system.
What's the single biggest thing that can go wrong well it's now this really big interconnector that's bigger than even the biggest nuclear power station that we have on on the system in a future where more connections are in place though outreaches like this should be easier to address because if you lose one source of incoming power there'll.
Be more to fall back on and that's exactly where things are going particularly in and around the eu in 2019 there were 82 connections between the eu and 10 neighboring countries spanning 22 borders but it's just the start the eu wants to achieve 15 interconnection by 2030.
By that point each country will have the infrastructure to export at least 15 percent of the electricity it produces via these links eventually this could all lead to what's being dubbed the european super grid where every country is fully interconnected.
Not just to themselves but also places like north africa and turkey no pressure to make sure we all get along now there are other projects worldwide that are set to break new records like sun cables plan to connect australia and singapore and euro africa linking greece cyprus and egypt but for overall scale europe's energy strategy will take some beating and it's likely.
To prove that in the future we're better off connected if you enjoyed this video and you want to learn more about where construction is headed make sure you subscribe to tomorrow's build.
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This is an undersea cable you've probably heard of them as they used to transmit most of our internet traffic but this one doesn't bring you your precious data it's even more important than that these cables share energy between countries and this one stretching from the uk all the way to denmark is going to be the longest ever constructed yes this does involve construction.
And a lot of it several have already been built and there are more planned all over europe a place which could soon become home to the world's first super grit that's a system where green energy is circulated all over a continent depending on when and where it's needed and you're about to see why it makes a load of sense renewable energy may be the way forward for our planet but it has a bit of a problem what happens when the sun isn't shining the wind isn't blowing or if there's a sudden spike in demand where do we get that extra energy from especially.
When we've done away with fossil fuels and what about countries that aren't able to install gigawatts of solar power build wind turbines.
All over the place or construct massive hydroelectric dams the answer could very well be these interconnectors they're high voltage cables that allow two or more countries to link their electricity systems instead of everyone hoarding their own energy interconnected countries can share power between them make money from any excess and help ensure there's always enough to go round there's a value for power in one country.
And a value for power in the other which is historically set either by the patterns of demand so what you're using the power for or the patterns of generation how you're making the powers tom edwards is an energy modeler at cornwall insight which provides research and analysis on energy markets for example france sits in kind of the heart of the european energy landscape because it's got lots of nuclear power which is very cheap to operate but expensive to build.
Uh they have a surplus of power and they'd like to send they like to send that across other markets because those other markets are generally burning gas or coal unlike a gas pipe which only flows in one direction interconnectors are a two-way street and can distribute energy generated using completely different methods take the north sea link it's a new 720 kilometer cable between the uk and norway with a 1 450 megawatt capacity that's enough to power around 1.4 million homes since construction finished back in october 2021.
The uk has had direct access to power originating from nordic hydro plants in return if the norwegians want to inject some more carbon free juice into their grid they've got energy from britain's vast offshore wind network in reserve right now it's the world's largest subsea interconnector but not for much longer works underway on a 765 kilometer hookup between the uk and denmark called the viking link fear not my fellow brits the danes aren't gearing up to send more rampaging norsemen to our shores at least we don't think they are this time they'll be shipping over something more favourable clean energy.
That again mostly comes from wind now we're only a few hundred miles apart but the uk and denmark don't often experience high winds at the same time so if the wind dies down in the uk there's a good chance the turbines are still turning across.
The north sea and vice versa denmark's been trading wind power with the netherlands like this since 2019 when the cobra cable was completed all of this increases the chance there will be some kind of renewable energy on tap whether it's generated at home or abroad and the idea will only grow as more connections are made between countries with different weather and power systems in the future when we've got hopefully lots of low carbon generation.
Which should be cheap to operate but expensive to build it'll all be very reliant on what the weather patterns are across the continent it's going to be really important to kind of have an interconnected system in that way partly because we're going to be more reliant on these variable energy sources already more than a dozen interconnectors have been fully commissioned or under construction.
Around the north sea alone the idea is that energy becomes more affordable for everyone and we could all do with our bills coming down right about now interconnectors give access to a wider pool of energy sources meaning more competition and in theory lower prices but hang on a minute how does this all work how's it possible to transmit so much power over such a vast distance using just cables well these cables are a bit more robust than the ones we use to charge our phones.
And the things they connect to are a little more complex too in the case of other long undersea connections like the new 623 kilometer nord link between norway and germany two converter stations were built at either end which are hooked up to the country's power grids to send electricity through the cable it has to be converted from ac to dc power that's to try and keep any energy lost during transmission to a minimum when it reaches the station at the other end it's converted back.
To ac power and is ready to enter the grid on nord link special vessels were used to lay the cable which weighs up to 70 kilograms per meter and consists of two parallel strands for the positive and negative poles because it had to be buried at depths of up to two meters a jetting sledge that's like an underwater plow pulled along by the boat was used to dig a trench and bury the cable at the same time when they reached the shore a combination of offshore platforms and micro tunnels brought the cable onto land before it was pulled through and connected to the stations many of europe's interconnected projects.
Are built like this but not all of them and the reason is pretty obvious when you look at this map most of the continent's neighbouring countries aren't separated by water so if they want to link up to the energy networks boats aren't that useful you might think making overland connections is a lot simpler and it often is involving little more than transmission lines it's um historically easier to connect countries across.
The land border you know there are reasonably good connections between you know um germany and france being the main example germany poland there's constraints across all of those as well so it's not like they're all perfectly connected doesn't mean it's always easy though that small matter of the pyrenees between spain and france meant the two countries had to dig over 60 kilometers of tunnels but the new interconnector doubled the amount of electricity they can exchange.
Not only has it meant a greater flow of renewable energy between the two countries it's also helped ensure there's enough power to run high-speed trains on the spanish side the benefits to all this seem pretty clear but are there any downsides are these connections completely reliable and what happens if something goes wrong one incident in september 2021 involving the link between france and the uk proved this type of infrastructure isn't entirely bulletproof or should i say fireproof ablaze.
At the ifa converter station in kent forced it to shut down and it could take two years to fully restore it led to energy supplies becoming a lot tighter than expected ahead of the winter and a rise in bills every large piece of infrastructure is prone to risk the the key thing about interconnects is though is they're so big that um they're actually a risk to the stability of the system when they fall over you know the the north south link to norway is now the biggest single generator or point at which power can enter the system.
What's the single biggest thing that can go wrong well it's now this really big interconnector that's bigger than even the biggest nuclear power station that we have on on the system in a future where more connections are in place though outreaches like this should be easier to address because if you lose one source of incoming power there'll.
Be more to fall back on and that's exactly where things are going particularly in and around the eu in 2019 there were 82 connections between the eu and 10 neighboring countries spanning 22 borders but it's just the start the eu wants to achieve 15 interconnection by 2030.
By that point each country will have the infrastructure to export at least 15 percent of the electricity it produces via these links eventually this could all lead to what's being dubbed the european super grid where every country is fully interconnected.
Not just to themselves but also places like north africa and turkey no pressure to make sure we all get along now there are other projects worldwide that are set to break new records like sun cables plan to connect australia and singapore and euro africa linking greece cyprus and egypt but for overall scale europe's energy strategy will take some beating and it's likely.
To prove that in the future we're better off connected if you enjoyed this video and you want to learn more about where construction is headed make sure you subscribe to tomorrow's build.
Thanks for your visit! *FirstLastEmail *Submit
How To Get Traffic To Your Website (Top 7 Free and Fast Traffic sources)
How To Get Traffic To Your Website (Top 7 Free and Fast Traffic sources)
Starting from today you will be able to get thousands of new visitors to your website in this video i will share with you my top seven sources of traffic to get thousands of new visitors fast and free stay tuned and follow up with me hi everyone i'm Hasan from H-educate and today i'm more than happy to be with you in this new video to help you boost and increase your web traffic in this video.
I will show you exactly my source of traffic and how do i get visitors to my website so if you are ready let's start together but before don't forget please subscribe to my channel now to get every new update almost every day so let's start with number one before we start just take a look on my analytics here is my main website i have around ten thousand users every month with around fifteen thousand sessions if you go down here you will see that.
I have a referral about 45% what do you mean by referral we mean people coming from different sources so what are these sources this is what i'm going to show you in this video what are my traffic sources because i have here organic traffic which means using SEO and ranking on google and this out of the scope because SEO is not a fast method to get traffic it requires somehow a lot of work to rank maybe a couple of months.
And so on in this video i want to show you fast methods that i use to get traffic so what are these referral sources also in my blog i have around six thousand users with nine well ten thousand sessions also we have a referral about 47% and so on if we go now to my google analytics to my website and we go down here to the sources click on referrals you will see my top source of traffic and this is number one which is youtube you can see youtube is the top source of traffic when it comes to my main website
So here is my channel i have around 23,000 subscribers it's not that big deal but subscribers is not a factor the main factor is how many views you get and how you refer your viewers to your website as an example in any of my videos like this one as an example any video you will see in the description of my videos let's go down the description you will see i have a links to my websites to my other videos to my blog and so on so from youtube i refer people to my website and believe me this is really very important if you don't have a youtube channel.
You are missing a lot of visitors so start a youtube channel today it's really very important and it's a fast method why because you can easily rank a video on youtube on a certain keyword as i explained in my other videos you can check in the description below so youtube is my top source of traffic and do you know that over 30 percent of my sales is from youtube every month yes youtube is one of the best sources of traffic and conversions if you use it correctly.
Now you may tell me i don't like cameras i don't like youtube i don't have a channel i don't want to start a channel and so on so let's move on to the next source of traffic which i think is one of the fastest and the best source of traffic today in 2020 let's open this link here and you can see the last seven days i have around six thousand views on my answers on quora so the second source of traffic is Quora the Q&A website with over 300 million visitors every month and around 40 to 50 percent from US Quora is one of the best places to get free traffic from you can see how fast in seven days i have around 6,000 views so at least at least i have around 500 visitors.
From Quora from the last week Quora is really awesome place to get traffic from it's free it's easy just answer questions about your topic your website and you will see how visitors comes from the first day so Quora as a second source of traffic and by the way i have a full video on my channel here on how to use Quora and the best practices to get traffic to your website specifically from Quora you can check also the video in the description below let's move on to number three the third source of traffic is free courses if you go to my profile here on udemy.
And let's go down to the second page you will say have a lot of free courses on udemy let's open any of these courses like this one here email marketing course it's free and they have thousands of students enrolled in you can go here to the bonus lecture you can see i'm linking all my services my facebook group my websites my youtube channel.
My forums and so on so you can publish a free course on udemy which has millions of students in its marketplace and since it's free you will get a lot of enrollments and i know that the percentage of enrollments will be much higher than the active students but still you will get a lot of traffic from your free courses on udemy you can publish on udemy on skillshare whatever free course website you want but udemy has a large marketplace.
Has a large follower base so it's a great place to start from and publish a free valuable course be sure to make it high value for students so they will love to come and see your website and your other services and stuff number four is guest posting usually when we say guest posting it means posting on other blogs so you search for blogs about your niche your topics and you contact the blog owner asking for a guest post but here in my video i don't mean just posting on other blogs i mean posting anywhere else posting on social media profiles posting on facebook groups posting.
On Quora spaces posting on forums commenting other blogs and so on so posting anywhere else and referring back to your website but in one condition not spamming and giving real value in my case i have my own forum on my website which i get traffic from also where people can ask and answer questions and i will be with them inside this forum and you can see here i have some ads i refer to my websites from this forum here the second place is using Quora spaces not only answering questions on Quora.
You can go to spaces here and see like something like groups and join them and you can start posting valuable information and thousands of people will see your content and you can link back to your website also i have like a facebook group the email marketing training group i think you may be in this group so like quickly i post one or two or maybe three posts i give real valuable posts you can see this one of my posts.
Here it is and in the end i can link to my maybe youtube video to my website whatever i want to send people to and add this link to learn more as you can see i have some high engagement with respect to the number of followers which is around 1,300.
You can also post on other facebook groups like i'm joined to a lot of groups here if you go back here to groups i'm joining a lot of groups in my niche i can post in valuable info and refer back to my website so this is about guests posting when i say guest posting is posting anywhere else on social media on facebook groups on Quora spaces on forums and other blogs wherever you can post valuable info without spamming go.
And post there you will get a lot of traffic from these sources number five which is one of my best source of traffic is my email list is email marketing if you have an email list if you have some subscribers and followers please utilize this source if you are a subscriber of my list you know that weekly when i publish a new video or a new blog post i send you an announcement.
Of this post i have in my list around 17,000 subscribers so you can imagine how many clicks how many views i can get whenever i send an email marketing campaign to my subscribers and by the way i showed you step by step how i send an email marketing campaign and how i get around 56 percent open rate you can find the video in the description below here on my channel so source number five is utilizing your email list if you don't have an email list go now and start building your email list.
You can find a full playlist here on my channel about email marketing and how to build your email list and how to work with email marketing you can check also in the description below number six free ebooks now to be honest with you number six and seven i will mention a little bit i didn't test yet in my environment i am now creating some free ebooks to launch and publish and get traffic and build my email lists.
With if you go here to to my account you will see here let's see here is my first ebook i'm creating and i have second one here's the second one so now i am creating two ebooks the first one is the power of emails it's about email marketing and the second one is about making money online.
And how i moved from one to ten thousand dollars in less than 18 months so these are the two ebooks i'm working on right now and when i finish them i can publish on websites that promotes free ebooks like we have this website here you can publish this free ebook.
On this website and people will download the ebook if you go to my ebook here i started like in the first 12 pages you will see inside the ebook let's go down here let's maximize this you see here i have some links to my youtube channel as an example and i have other links to my blog and to my website and so on let's minimize this so you can create a free ebook and from the ebook you can link to your website.
Or to your services and people will download and read the book and refer to your website for more info and more services as i told you i'm honest with you i didn't test this yet but i think it's a good strategy especially if the book gives real value people will love to go and see more of your content so as i told you i'm creating now two books the make money online book.
And the email marketing ebook i will publish soon i think next month and be sure i will tell you all the results about the traffic.
From these ebooks just subscribe to my channel and follow up with me every video almost every day so this is strategy number six or source number six to get web traffic the last source of traffic i want to mention in this video is a website called slideshare if you go here to slideshare it's a website by linkedin where you can publish slides like a powerpoint presentation and then you can link back to your website it has a lot of traffic it has a lot of searches.
It has a lot of organic traffic from google it has a lot of views you can see half a million views here on these presentations you can simply sign up and publish a small presentation about your content and people will refer to your website for more info or to download the full version of the powerpoint presentation and so on so you can get traffic.
Also from this website as i told you i'm honest with you also i didn't test slideshare yet when i finish the ebooks i will create a mini version of the ebook and publish.
To slideshare and see how it works then i will share with you the results here on my channel so these are my seven source of traffic to get new visitors free and fast just as a bonus that maybe someone is asking about SEO you can see here in my analytics i have around 30 from organic traffic from SEO.
From search results as i told you this is not fast this is why i didn't mention in this video but SEO is one of the top factors and the top sources of traffic so also you need to think about SEO when you publish your blogs your posts your videos and so on so you can rank high on google and get free organic traffic on the long run but i think SEO is somehow out of the scope of this video.
This is why i didn't mention it here but it's very important to take care also of SEO to get free organic traffic to your website i hope you got some benefit please don't forget to check my free platform. for free SEO and digital marketing tools read a book today on to boost your knowledge and change your life see you later.
Thanks for your visit!
Starting from today you will be able to get thousands of new visitors to your website in this video i will share with you my top seven sources of traffic to get thousands of new visitors fast and free stay tuned and follow up with me hi everyone i'm Hasan from H-educate and today i'm more than happy to be with you in this new video to help you boost and increase your web traffic in this video.
I will show you exactly my source of traffic and how do i get visitors to my website so if you are ready let's start together but before don't forget please subscribe to my channel now to get every new update almost every day so let's start with number one before we start just take a look on my analytics here is my main website i have around ten thousand users every month with around fifteen thousand sessions if you go down here you will see that.
I have a referral about 45% what do you mean by referral we mean people coming from different sources so what are these sources this is what i'm going to show you in this video what are my traffic sources because i have here organic traffic which means using SEO and ranking on google and this out of the scope because SEO is not a fast method to get traffic it requires somehow a lot of work to rank maybe a couple of months.
And so on in this video i want to show you fast methods that i use to get traffic so what are these referral sources also in my blog i have around six thousand users with nine well ten thousand sessions also we have a referral about 47% and so on if we go now to my google analytics to my website and we go down here to the sources click on referrals you will see my top source of traffic and this is number one which is youtube you can see youtube is the top source of traffic when it comes to my main website
So here is my channel i have around 23,000 subscribers it's not that big deal but subscribers is not a factor the main factor is how many views you get and how you refer your viewers to your website as an example in any of my videos like this one as an example any video you will see in the description of my videos let's go down the description you will see i have a links to my websites to my other videos to my blog and so on so from youtube i refer people to my website and believe me this is really very important if you don't have a youtube channel.
You are missing a lot of visitors so start a youtube channel today it's really very important and it's a fast method why because you can easily rank a video on youtube on a certain keyword as i explained in my other videos you can check in the description below so youtube is my top source of traffic and do you know that over 30 percent of my sales is from youtube every month yes youtube is one of the best sources of traffic and conversions if you use it correctly.
Now you may tell me i don't like cameras i don't like youtube i don't have a channel i don't want to start a channel and so on so let's move on to the next source of traffic which i think is one of the fastest and the best source of traffic today in 2020 let's open this link here and you can see the last seven days i have around six thousand views on my answers on quora so the second source of traffic is Quora the Q&A website with over 300 million visitors every month and around 40 to 50 percent from US Quora is one of the best places to get free traffic from you can see how fast in seven days i have around 6,000 views so at least at least i have around 500 visitors.
From Quora from the last week Quora is really awesome place to get traffic from it's free it's easy just answer questions about your topic your website and you will see how visitors comes from the first day so Quora as a second source of traffic and by the way i have a full video on my channel here on how to use Quora and the best practices to get traffic to your website specifically from Quora you can check also the video in the description below let's move on to number three the third source of traffic is free courses if you go to my profile here on udemy.
And let's go down to the second page you will say have a lot of free courses on udemy let's open any of these courses like this one here email marketing course it's free and they have thousands of students enrolled in you can go here to the bonus lecture you can see i'm linking all my services my facebook group my websites my youtube channel.
My forums and so on so you can publish a free course on udemy which has millions of students in its marketplace and since it's free you will get a lot of enrollments and i know that the percentage of enrollments will be much higher than the active students but still you will get a lot of traffic from your free courses on udemy you can publish on udemy on skillshare whatever free course website you want but udemy has a large marketplace.
Has a large follower base so it's a great place to start from and publish a free valuable course be sure to make it high value for students so they will love to come and see your website and your other services and stuff number four is guest posting usually when we say guest posting it means posting on other blogs so you search for blogs about your niche your topics and you contact the blog owner asking for a guest post but here in my video i don't mean just posting on other blogs i mean posting anywhere else posting on social media profiles posting on facebook groups posting.
On Quora spaces posting on forums commenting other blogs and so on so posting anywhere else and referring back to your website but in one condition not spamming and giving real value in my case i have my own forum on my website which i get traffic from also where people can ask and answer questions and i will be with them inside this forum and you can see here i have some ads i refer to my websites from this forum here the second place is using Quora spaces not only answering questions on Quora.
You can go to spaces here and see like something like groups and join them and you can start posting valuable information and thousands of people will see your content and you can link back to your website also i have like a facebook group the email marketing training group i think you may be in this group so like quickly i post one or two or maybe three posts i give real valuable posts you can see this one of my posts.
Here it is and in the end i can link to my maybe youtube video to my website whatever i want to send people to and add this link to learn more as you can see i have some high engagement with respect to the number of followers which is around 1,300.
You can also post on other facebook groups like i'm joined to a lot of groups here if you go back here to groups i'm joining a lot of groups in my niche i can post in valuable info and refer back to my website so this is about guests posting when i say guest posting is posting anywhere else on social media on facebook groups on Quora spaces on forums and other blogs wherever you can post valuable info without spamming go.
And post there you will get a lot of traffic from these sources number five which is one of my best source of traffic is my email list is email marketing if you have an email list if you have some subscribers and followers please utilize this source if you are a subscriber of my list you know that weekly when i publish a new video or a new blog post i send you an announcement.
Of this post i have in my list around 17,000 subscribers so you can imagine how many clicks how many views i can get whenever i send an email marketing campaign to my subscribers and by the way i showed you step by step how i send an email marketing campaign and how i get around 56 percent open rate you can find the video in the description below here on my channel so source number five is utilizing your email list if you don't have an email list go now and start building your email list.
You can find a full playlist here on my channel about email marketing and how to build your email list and how to work with email marketing you can check also in the description below number six free ebooks now to be honest with you number six and seven i will mention a little bit i didn't test yet in my environment i am now creating some free ebooks to launch and publish and get traffic and build my email lists.
With if you go here to to my account you will see here let's see here is my first ebook i'm creating and i have second one here's the second one so now i am creating two ebooks the first one is the power of emails it's about email marketing and the second one is about making money online.
And how i moved from one to ten thousand dollars in less than 18 months so these are the two ebooks i'm working on right now and when i finish them i can publish on websites that promotes free ebooks like we have this website here you can publish this free ebook.
On this website and people will download the ebook if you go to my ebook here i started like in the first 12 pages you will see inside the ebook let's go down here let's maximize this you see here i have some links to my youtube channel as an example and i have other links to my blog and to my website and so on let's minimize this so you can create a free ebook and from the ebook you can link to your website.
Or to your services and people will download and read the book and refer to your website for more info and more services as i told you i'm honest with you i didn't test this yet but i think it's a good strategy especially if the book gives real value people will love to go and see more of your content so as i told you i'm creating now two books the make money online book.
And the email marketing ebook i will publish soon i think next month and be sure i will tell you all the results about the traffic.
From these ebooks just subscribe to my channel and follow up with me every video almost every day so this is strategy number six or source number six to get web traffic the last source of traffic i want to mention in this video is a website called slideshare if you go here to slideshare it's a website by linkedin where you can publish slides like a powerpoint presentation and then you can link back to your website it has a lot of traffic it has a lot of searches.
It has a lot of organic traffic from google it has a lot of views you can see half a million views here on these presentations you can simply sign up and publish a small presentation about your content and people will refer to your website for more info or to download the full version of the powerpoint presentation and so on so you can get traffic.
Also from this website as i told you i'm honest with you also i didn't test slideshare yet when i finish the ebooks i will create a mini version of the ebook and publish.
To slideshare and see how it works then i will share with you the results here on my channel so these are my seven source of traffic to get new visitors free and fast just as a bonus that maybe someone is asking about SEO you can see here in my analytics i have around 30 from organic traffic from SEO.
From search results as i told you this is not fast this is why i didn't mention in this video but SEO is one of the top factors and the top sources of traffic so also you need to think about SEO when you publish your blogs your posts your videos and so on so you can rank high on google and get free organic traffic on the long run but i think SEO is somehow out of the scope of this video.
This is why i didn't mention it here but it's very important to take care also of SEO to get free organic traffic to your website i hope you got some benefit please don't forget to check my free platform. for free SEO and digital marketing tools read a book today on to boost your knowledge and change your life see you later.
Thanks for your visit!
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