Saturday, June 4, 2022

Find Your Niche As A Brand Specialist (5-Step Strategy)

Find Your Niche As A Brand Specialist (5-Step Strategy)

What's up brand builders Stephen Houraghan here at. and in this video  you're going to learn how to find your niche as a branding specialist so you can get crystal clear  on what you do and who you do it for and become the obvious choice for your brand new clients.

Now if you're new to the channel and you want to build brands that go beyond the visuals and the  logo using strategy psychology and creative thinking then you're in the right place hit  that subscribe button and the notification bell if you want to fast track your results make sure you  grab the pro brand strategy blueprint it's a free download.

And the link is in the description now  i got a question the other day in the facebook group if you're not part of the facebook group  go and search brand strategy community or get the link in the description below we're  getting hundreds of new members per week but i got a question the other day which  is a common one and it was along the lines of help i can't find my niche what do i do  and look i get it you know when you sit down to find your niche for the first time it is pretty  daunting.

And you know there's also that added element of thinking that you're closing the door  to all this other business by picking a particular niche but it is really important when it comes to  positioning because you become more relevant to a group of people now the trick is finding  what niche to pick and i'm going to show you in three simple steps how you can do exactly that  step number one list what you do now this might seem like a simple one but if you're in branding  chances are you do plenty of things you might do design you might do ux design ui design you might  do copywriting.

You might even build websites you might do some development you might do  strategy or messaging there might be a lot of different things that you do so take the  time and write down every single task that you do leave no stone unturned and write everything down  step number two list who you could do it for so what you want to do here is create an exhaustive  list of industries.

And that would include sub industries as well so for example.

The hospitality  industry could also include food and beverage it could include a brewery or a winery or some  kind of accommodation the point is is that there are many many different industries out there so  take the time with this really exhaust.

The list and get down as many industries as you can find  step number three list the unique ways you could deliver your service now there are many different  ways that you can do this you really need to get creative here but there are very slight nuances  that you can use to offer your services different to your competitors.

You can combine  a certain number of tasks to offer a unique service or a unique package to your audience.

You could give them a unique experience you could offer coaching.

In what you do you could do done  for you service or done with you service there are a lot of different ways that you can take  what you do put a little slant on it put a little twist on it and create something completely new  step number four filter your list with these three questions what do i love to do what am i good at.

And what is the most profitable thing to do they are the three questions that you need to filter  all three lists with so go back through and find everything that you have listed and filter it  through those three questions what do i love to do what am i really good at and what is the most  profitable and step number five score your list so take every item that has been tagged and give them  a score out of ten so do you love it do you super duper love it if so give it a 10 if you love it  just a little bit give it a one is it profitable is it really really profitable if so give it a 10  if it's a little bit profitable give it.

A one so take all of those items that have been tagged give  them a score out of 10 and then you have a list of elements that you can start to mix and match  and combine and i guarantee you if you take the time with this if you go through each and every  one of these steps in the methodical way that.

I've given you here you'll have a list of niches that.

You can go after now listen i know this isn't easy when you first sit down to do it because.

I crossed that bridge before and i didn't have any kind of methodical process and as most people do i  sat down i thought to myself what can i niche in and gave it a few minutes thought and then  i put it into the too hard basket and it stayed there for a long long time and i know that a lot  of people do the same thing they give it maybe two to three minutes thought.

About what could i  actually niche him where could i position myself and then believe that it's too hard and it goes  into the too hard basket but if you do take the time to go through this methodical process if you  give it the time it deserves then you can get the elements.

That you need to really go after  a niche that you can go out and call your own so take that time really take the time to go through  each and every one of these steps because.

It will be worth it you will find that there are so many  different directions that you can go and once you find one that you can call your own that's  when you can start to put in the effort to build your reputation and become known in that space.

Find Your Niche As A Brand Specialist (5-Step Strategy)

Thanks for your visit!

I caught a cloud on my paraglider ... and took it home!

I caught a cloud on my paraglider ... and took it home!

Have you ever wondered what’s up in that cloud? What does it feel like? What does it look like? Can we catch it? Let’s give it a try.

I’m going to use my paraglider here, there’s no engine, it’s just a harness and a paraglider wing. And this little thing, called a vario. When it beeps, we’re going up. When it goes baaah . I’m going to try and circle and get up to the cloud, and then we’re going to catch it.

Check this out. I got us a bag, I should be able to stick this out the side of my harness, catch some cloud, and bring it back down, and we can see what happens. Come with me, let’s check it out.

Let’s go fly! What I’m trying to do while I’m cruising around here is watch out for birds, I can see a bird there, and he’s gone through some lifting air, because he didn’t flap and he went up, so I know there’s something just ahead of me here, so if I fly out here … there we go, that’s something I can use and I can turn in that.

Thank you birdie! Round we go. If I’m lucky I can do a full 360 in this, and climb all the way around. It’s a long way to the clouds. Oooh, we’re going down, quick find something!

Oooh, that’s terrible.

Sinking sinking sinking. There must be lift somewhere here… Searching searching searching Aaah, that’s a nice feeling! Yeeehoo, that’ll do! Woohoo, a bit sporty there.

I’m about halfway up to the cloud now, and I’m just trying to hold onto this thermal, I’m trying to guess where it is really. I’m getting that beeping, I’m getting that beeping, hmm m! OK, we’re almost up in the clouds, I’ve been climbing here, I’ve just lost the climb I’m going to have to find it again, but we’ve almost got it! That’s Brighton over there, and there’s our little cloud.

Come on cloud!

I’m going to catch you! Whoo, check at this view, look at this view! Come on, little cloud. I’m so close now I can almost touch the cloud. I just can’t get that last little bit.

I need to get up to grab hold of it, I just can't .. ughh, I just can’t get it now I've got up to the cloud, just on the edge of it Let’s see if we can catch some of it in our bag. Whoo, it’s a bit rough here. So I’ve got my bag, and I’m staying just on the edge of the cloud here so I can still see where I’m going.

Whoohoo, OK let’s catch a bit of this cloud here. Go through this bit here. Whoohoo! I’ve got it in the bag! Let’s take it back down.

I caught a cloud on my paraglider ... and took it home!


One cloud from Brighton. My hands are freezing. I’ve been up quite a while trying to get up to the cloud. It just wouldn’t let me get up the last little bit. But now I’ve got it!

Ahaha, that was so much fun! We’ve got it firmly attached, now I’ve got to fly back, back to the car. My own little cloud in the bag. I think it’s warmed up already, so the cloud has disappeared, because that’s what happens when air warms up, the moisture evaporates and turns into water vapour, so the cloud’s still in there, it’s just not cold enough. We’re going to take it home and put it in the fridge, and see if we get our cloud back.

It’s hiding in there. Back down to earth ... I’m gliding down now, it’s a beautiful afternoon, really smooth air, the sun’s going down and man, what a view.

So that’s the cloud where we came from.

All the way over there, and we’re going to land down here. So all we have to do now is go down and land. Touchdown! So I’ve still got my cloud here, it’s deflated a bit, but I think that’s because the air pressure is higher down here, and up there there’s less air pressure, so when I filled it up with air up there, if I bring that air down here, there’s more pressure on it, and the balloon looks like it’s deflated.

So let’s take this home, and see if we can get our cloud back in the fridge. What did I catch in here? Air. Where was I? Up there.

I caught a cloud in there! No, you’re joking. I caught a cloud in there! I knew it would have to be something silly.


Job done, we have a seal. Hi honey, I’m home! I’ve got it back. I got it back! That’s the cloud from Brighton.

What should we do with the cloud? I think I’m going to set it free… Rain from Brighton. Doh!.

Thanks for your visit!

Tube Rank Explosion Bonus

Tube Rank Explosion Bonus

Hi guys dr. leon bristow here with UTubeproductreviews and today we're doing Tube Ranked Explosion Bonus tube rank explosion is a new course by Lenny Rowell and Lenny is a friend of mine were both in cliff Kerrigan skype group and to be honest Lenny is one tough guy to be when it comes to ranking so I'm happy to see is course.

I can learn some of his tricks and I want to take the time to show you i have access on the inside what we've got in there so let's take a look there's a course overview we have module 1 which is naturally search going into niche basics then to second video is the three golden rules of niche election next video is top evergreen niche recommendations.

And then we start in with product selection digital product selection criteria cpa product selection criteria and we have an over-the-shoulder process walkthrough of the entire process then we go into keyword research fire vs not buyer intent keywords identifying higher intent keywords we have a video.

On how to generate the seed list of keywords analyzing keywords plus competitors and we start module 3 which you youtube channel optimization how to properly set up your youtube channel youtube channel optimization additional resources and then we go into module for the on-page SEO and video uploading and we have YouTube titles youtube titles and tags intro to youtube description uploading.

The video to YouTube traditional method and we have annotation cards uploading the video youtube live stream method and then we get into module 5 which is our off-page SEO tactics and tools speed up the process and we start with the overall ranking factors how to boost your YouTube channel authority how to boost youtube video page Authority.

How to find expired web 2 o's with great box with domain honor and then setting up your web 2 o's twitter tumblr weekly and then we goes into the viral effect and how to simulated you have viral interaction bring the viral affected emotion or one part 2 while commenting 301 redirects private blog network backlinks picking and indexing and then he goes into bringing it all together lynnie has put a excellent excellent course together.

For you guys it's rare to see a course with this much information especially high-level information uh in YouTube usually there's a lot of bits and pieces left out and so Lenny has done a very good job of putting everything together from the front to the back and this review of to break explosion.

We can see that Lenny has done a great job of giving you all the information you need to will build up your channel the authority and the video authority and getting all the backlinks you need to rank your videos and like I said when he is one of my toughest competitors when it comes to ranking videos he's always right there with me although fortunately has a given away all of my tricks they may have give away one or two but we have a one thing that.

I've noticed in this course which i'm going to give you guys a bonus to this course that anybody buys to my links will pick up a special bonus through one thing i noticed that was a little bit missing from this course that can help you in some both inside YouTube as well as a google ranking and we'll get you there faster i'm going to leave that a secret because it is something.

I teach in my a monthly membership program but i will give that as a bonus to you guys so what I want you to do next is click the link that follows and pick up this course this is what.

I consider a must-have course if you want to rank your videos and want to know what's out there and how to do it this is one of the courses to do it the first OTO is actually going to be an over-the-shoulder walkthrough case study OTL the second oto coming after that we'll be by Adam pain where he goes into YouTube ads and showing you how to get views to your videos.

And so there's two very good otos that come after this but i highly recommend that you pick up tube rank explosion by clicking the link that follows so click the link that follows and.

I want to thank you for watching tube rank explosion bonus pick up your copy today click the link that follows thanks for watching.

Tube Rank Explosion Bonus

Thanks for your visit!

How to Set Up Facebook Shops to Sell Your Products

How to Set Up Facebook Shops to Sell Your Products

- Facebook page shops and Instagram profile shops have existed for quite a while. But this latest iteration marks the most significant change that impact SMB, small and medium-sized businesses.Facebook shops are not always a good fit for every business. Be sure to stick around to the end because I'm going to share with you who should and who should not be using the new Facebook shops. Before we dive into setting up your shop, let me give you a little more context.

As I mentioned shops on Facebook and Instagram have been around for a while and historically, they were geared towards physical products towards online retail stores selling products.

But good news! Facebook does plan to include expansion of tools for service-based businesses and digital products. Now, the biggest change is the build-out of a complete end-to-end commerce ecosystem. The Facebook shop's platform includes tools for promotion, sales, marketing, conversion, customer support and more.

SMBs could go fully native and just set up your full online shopping experience for free on the Facebook shops, but Facebook made the theory strategic decision to also continue partnering and expanding the relationships with third-party e-commerce tools such as, Shopify, Big Commerce, Whoo Commerce and many more. This is great news for you. So let's walk through five key areas that are brand new as of the Facebook shops newest iteration.

The number one is that you'll be able to create a unified single shop presence across the entire Facebook family of apps and services. So that's Facebook, Instagram stories and ads and coming soon is Messenger and WhatsApp, wow.

Number two is a seamless checkout experience. Why, because Facebook stores the credit card of the user when they've made a purchase. Number three, I personally I'm most excited about what's coming is real time shopping on Facebook and Instagram live. This area alone has massive potential. Think QVC or Home Shopping Network meets Facebook and Instagram live.

Number four is the use of AI, artificial intelligence. Now, this is where Facebook is going to automatically identify and tag your products in photos. People will be able to link to product photos in Facebook and Instagram feeds.

Number five, the use of AR, augmented reality. That is where your audience, your users can try on things like sunglasses, lipstick, makeup or they can take their mobile device and they can preview items in the real world.

This is going to really help increase conversions for SMBs. All right, let's dive into how to set up your Facebook shop. There are two main components. Number one, you're going to need to set up commerce manager if you haven't already and then number two, set up your catalog manager. Let me show you how to do that.

Go to Click the blue button, create a commerce account. And in Facebook gives you two choices right here. You can go totally native.

Start on Facebook or if you already have an e-commerce platform like Shopify, BigCommerce, you click that second one over here. Next, Facebook shows you three things that you will need, your US bank account and routing number, tax and payment information, shop preferences and policies. Hit next, go ahead and set up your business information. Give your commerce account a name. Ideally the name of your business.

Next, you'll select from your Facebook pages and if like me, already had a shop before, you go ahead and click that page and it will convert to the new Facebook shop.

Hit next, Facebook does want you to connect to your business manager account in this next step. If you don't have one, check the link in the description below for a video of how to set up business manager. Click finish setup. Next now, you're on to your products and settings.

Go ahead and get started and now you're going to pick from an existing catalog if you had one before or create a new catalog. First, shipping, remember face workshops are mostly for physical items, so you will need to determine what are your shipping standard, expedited and rush.

How to Set Up Facebook Shops to Sell Your Products


Fill that detail out. Next, return policy, very important. How many days and you have to have customer service email.

You can't proceed further without that. And finally, your payouts. Where do you want to receive the money when you make your sales. Fill out all your bank details. Next, select from the drop down menu of categories of what you sell.

Next, you have to tell Facebook which state and if you have a physical presence business, your tax registration number for your state. That's not your tax ID number. If you don't have a physical presence business, you just hit skip for now. Next step for a five on tax and representation, you select your business type and then Facebook does ask for a representative. You need to figure that out for your business in the tax arena.

Step five of five, link your bank details because Facebook pays out directly into your bank. And your good, finish set up. Next, now it's time to add your products. Go into commerce manager that you just set up. On the left hand menu, you'll click inventory and add product.

Facebook gives you three different choices. You can add each product manually or you can use what are called data feeds. Or you can connect Facebook pixel. Those two options, the data feed or the Facebook pixel are ideal if you have 50 or more items. Otherwise, you've got under 50 items, use the manual.

Adding a product manual is super easy. You upload a picture, a thumbnail, put a name, description, content ID, website links. A lot of these fields are optional. You could put a current price and a sale price, inventory, condition even, shipping and you're done. You can add more products as you have them.

Now, we're just going to view the shop, what it looks like on your page. And here it is. To get back to your shop at any time, go to your Facebook page, click on shop on the navigation and then click manage your catalog. Fees, everybody's asking about fees. There is what's called a selling fee.

It's simply 5% per shipment or if it's under eight dollars, a flat fee of 40 cents. Now if you already have a shop on Facebook or Instagram, your shop will automatically update to the new Facebook shops.

You'll get a notification or an email or both from Facebook. By the way, on Instagram, you will need a business profile, not personal, not creator, you can always switch to business. How will you promote your shop?

Well certainly there's organic means on Facebook and Instagram by the way, Instagram has a dedicated shopping tab and they'll have a destination in Explorer. You can also share your link to your shop outside of Facebook and Instagram. And you can go the paid method with ads. You can set them up actually in catalog manager directly from there. You can do traffic ads or dynamic ads with the pixel on your website or you can promote collections with the storefront ad or a lookbook.

There's a lot of options to get more customers through paid means. Should you create a new Facebook shop or not? Yes, if you mostly sell physical products.

Yes, if you're new to online commerce. Yes, if you already have a Shopify or Bigcommerce or whatever store.

You can easily connect your catalog and test, reaching a new audience on Facebook and Instagram. Yes, if you already promote or advertise your products on Facebook or Instagram. There are clear benefits to your audience. They can have that seamless experience and when it's available, you can try the real time shopping on Facebook or Instagram live. No, don't set up a Facebook shop if you mostly sell services or digital products, but remember, that might change.

No, if you prefer to have full control over your online store and also just sticking with your own merchant account or just Shopify et cetera.

Otherwise, you may as well just give it a go and help increase sales. You could reach a wider audience and make more money. So setting up your Facebook shop is the first step. Now, how do you get your products out there and promote them?

In this video, I break down my proven strategies for increasing your organic reach on Facebook. But if you want to pour jet fuel on all your promotions, you gotta go to the page route. Click this video to watch our playlist, all about mastering Facebook ads. We'll see you over there..

Thanks for your visit!

How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method

How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method

- Go ahead. Sell me this (vacuum whirs) vacuum cleaner. What would you say to me? How would you explain the features and benefits? What do you have to do to cause me to want to buy from you?

Go ahead, comment below. (explosion) There's an ancient Chinese proverb that said, "Hearing something 1,000 times is not as convincing "as seeing it once." You see, most entrepreneurs and salespeople, when they want to sell a product, when they want to sell something to someone, they always focus on, "What do I need to say?" They want to focus on using smarter words, fancier words, or better scripts. That's good.

That's Closing 101. But today, I'm gonna teach you an advanced strategy so you can sell anything to anyone, anytime.

And it is not what you think. Today I'm gonna teach you a very unusual strategy on how to do that. One of the most profound questions that you can ask when you want to sell anything to anyone is, "What is the one dramatic demonstration "that I could do to create trust and certainty "in the mind of my prospect?

"How could I show and not just tell?" You see, it doesn't matter what business you're in, what industry you're in, what products or services that you are selling, right? There's a saying. There's no business like the show business. Well, guess what.

We're all in a show business in one way, shape, or form or another, because there's so much noise in the marketplace. There's so much competition in the marketplace. So how do you stand out? Imagine this.

Imagine you are a magician, and you are going out there in the street.

Now, here's what most salespeople and entrepreneurs do. They go yell from the top of their lungs and say, "Hey, I'm the best magician in the world. "Look at me. "I can do card tricks, I can do coin tricks, "I can do all kinds of tricks. "Look at me."Trust me, I am the best. "I can do all kinds of tricks. "You will be dazzled, and you will be amazed. "Come on, come on, let me show you." You could do that all day long, and that's what most marketers/entrepreneurs do all day long.

Or what could you simply do is simply, "Hey, let me show you something." You just perform a trick. "Hey, hold onto this." Or, "Hey, choose a card." Right there, that's what I call a dramatic demonstration.

I call that the WTF effect. What the Fuck just happened? WTF effect. So how can you use that in your business? Let me give you a perfect example.

Vacuum cleaner. If you are pushing the features and benefits, how durable the vacuum cleaner is, or how good the vacuum cleaner is, or how good the company is, or how many vacuum cleaners that we've sold, that's all good but if you watch this particular infomercial, the closer, the pitchman, he's not doing that. He is talking about the vacuum cleaner, but he also does that through a dramatic demonstration.

He uses the vacuum cleaner to lift up a bowling ball. And you're like, "What the heck is that?"That is so crazy." Not just that. He even demonstrates not lifting just one bowling ball but two bowling balls. That's a WTF effect. You're like, "What is this?" Now, he's doing that to demonstrate how powerful the suction is. So in your mind, when you see that, you and I both know you're not going to use that vacuum cleaner to, you know, suck up a bowling ball. That's not what you're gonna do. You're gonna use it to mop the floor, right? And clean up some dust.

But in your mind, what happens? Wow, if the suction is powerful enough for the bowling ball, of course, a little bit of, like, dirt, maybe dust, that is easy. Bingo. See, right there? Sold.

That's the power of dramatic demonstration. So you need to ask yourself the question. How could you show, not just tell? Tony Robbins. Now, Tony Robbins, when he was just getting started, he was using dramatic demonstration to launch Personal Power his program on TV.

What did he do? At a time as a young Tony Robbins, he would go on TV, and he would challenge different types of therapists, and he would say, "You know what? "Give me your toughest patients, "patients that you've worked for years, "you've worked with for years, and you couldn't help them, "you couldn't cure them. "Give me your worst case phobia. "Let me handle that, and I will cure that person, "eliminate their phobia, on national TV." That's a dramatic demonstration, right? Right there, the snake phobia, and Tony would cure that lady, that person, in a very short period of time, be able to wrap that snake over her neck even though she's had a snake phobia her whole life. Powerful. Later on, that not only launched Personal Power, Unleash the Power Within. Now, if you know anything about Unleash the Power Within, comment below.

Take a guess. What is the one dramatic demonstration that Tony Robbins uses to create trust and certainty in the mind of the prospect? Can you guess it? That's correct. Fire walk.

How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method


Fire walk. Tony built his entire career on one dramatic demonstration that in order to break free, in order to regain the power that you know you have within you, through a demonstration. If I could walk across hot coals, what does that mean? It means I can break free. I can break through.

That I am unstoppable. It is a metaphor. It is a dramatic demonstration. If I could do that, what else could I do in my life? Can you see how powerful dramatic demonstration is?

Now, when you are creating dramatic demonstrations for your business, there are three questions you have to understand. This is the question that your prospect is asking."Can I trust this person? "Can I trust this brand? "Can I trust this company?" That's the first question. The second question is, "Is this company, "is this person, is this brand competent?" Competent. Number three, "Is this person special? "Is this person gifted?"Is this person talented?" That's what's going through their mind, and when you can demonstrate that, it's almost like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. When you can do that, you create that WTF effect. When Tony does that curing the phobia on national TV, that's jumping off a plane without a parachute. You see, in my career, I've used this multiple times.

I'll give you a perfect example. Example number one, if you have watched my video on closing on sales call, I did a dramatic demonstration. If you have not watched the video, you can click on here and watch that particular video where I did a live demonstration, a sales call. Instead of me telling you, "Okay, I'm a very good closer. "I train closers, and here's my experience, "and here's my resume," what did I do?

I did a dramatic demonstration. It was just during the phone call, right? I asked my camera man, Matt, and say, "Hey, you know, Matt, turn the camera." We go, and right there I closed a sale right in front of the camera.

That's I don't know what he's gonna say.

I don't know what the prospect is gonna say. I don't know what objection he's gonna give me. It doesn't matter because if I'm confident in what I do, and I know what I'm doing, and I have expertise, it's okay. Let's go. That's a form of dramatic demonstration, and as you can see, why the video went viral.

It's gotten hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of views. That's one example. I'll give you a second example. When I teach my class how to take a closer certification program that I would have so many students in the class, and I would open up the line, and I would say, "Okay, go ahead, unmute. "Show me how you usually sell."What do you do? "Close me." And right there, they would do the role play with my other students in the class or with me. No script, no pre-rehearsal, anything like that. Boom, we just go.

And I would teach them and coach them. I would demonstrate how I would close right there in front of virtually a thousand people from over a hundred countries. That's a dramatic demonstration. I'll give you another example how I've used this in my career. When I was back there doing more consulting, I don't do much consulting anymore, but when I was doing more consulting with entrepreneurs and CEO's, very often, we would start off with what I call a one hour strategy session where they would come to my office.

We would have a big, huge whiteboard, if you can imagine, right? And I'd have my marker, and I would say, "Okay, give me your biggest challenge. "Give me your biggest business problem." Right there, I would brainstorm on the whiteboard.

I would ask them questions.

They would give me different answers. And they've only paid me for that one hour. And through that one hour, I'm always able to overcome and come up with a plan that they could implement to solve one of the problems that they have. It could be a problem or challenge that they've been experiencing for months or years, and yet I'm able to dramatically demonstrate my expertise. No Power Point, no plan, no proposal.

Just go. Let's go. From there, they say, "Holy, my god. "Dan could do this in one hour. "What happens if I would hire him to work with our company "for months and years?" That's another form of dramatic demonstration. David Copperfield, one of the greatest magicians in history. How did he build his career? You got it. He built his career based on a handful of dramatic demonstrations or tricks or performance, right?

Walking through the Great Wall of China, flying over the Grand Canyon, right? Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, vanish.

A few things. That's all you need. So when you are marketing, when you are promoting, be dramatic.

Don't be boring. Be interesting. Show, don't just tell. When you can combine dramatic demonstration with massive distribution like TV or social media, you can sell something to millions and millions of people. You can get your products out there, and a lot of people will want to buy from you.

If you want to learn more about the advanced psychology of closing and selling, I invite you to join me for a two hour free web class. My team will put a link somewhere here, maybe below. Go ahead and click on that, and join me for this class where I will demonstrate to you the power of my closing model. So go ahead, click on a link, and I'll see you in my web class..

Thanks for your visit!

YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results

Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being invol...