Friday, June 10, 2022

Best Unique Article Generator Online Software / Tool for 2022 πŸ”₯ FREE Article Generator Trial

Best Unique Article Generator Online Software / Tool for 2022 πŸ”₯ FREE Article Generator Trial

If you're looking for the best unique article generator then you came to the right place what's up friends amar here and there are lots of ai article generators out there but this one is by far the best content and article generator.

I've seen so far and if you want to try it for free please check the link in the description below for a five days free trial all options unlocked now you see this article here i just generated it a few minutes ago and posted it on my wordpress website all i had to do is enter the main keywords.

That i wanted for this article and also a few sub keywords.

For the paragraphs and actually we will generate a brand new unique article using these keywords here. i prepared for you just to see how this software works so in a minute we will be generating a brand new article uh called how to make money with affiliate marketing.

And i want some uh sub keywords how to build.

An affiliate funnel how to build a landing page best landing page builders and best email marketing software so the generated article will have this main keyword in the title and it ha it will have these sub keywords in the rest of the paragraphs of the article you can integrate of course an image and also videos in the article but before that we will go ahead and see what i did with the first article i generated so this is the blog i'm using with this software because.

You can integrate your wordpress blog and automatically schedule the unique articles generated from the software to be posted on your blog let me show you if i go here to the menu and i click on wordpress i already have a this website integrated and if i go to post scheduler i can of course create a new scheduler as you can see here i already have a post that is scheduled for today and it's not started yet so let's go back to that blog.

let's click on it and see how it will show on the blog so here is the article coming straight from the the the software and it's posted on my blog here you can see the yoast seo it's green let me show you from the inside readability good seo is good so this is how it looks like from the inside of wordpress and you can see that s yoast seo is giving me all green if you go here these are the details are for the s e o i even went ahead and did the plagiarism test so as you can see this is the same article.

That i uh generated and it says here 76 percent unique so you can just play a little bit with the phrases and make it 100 percent unique now we are going to generate a brand new unique article using these keywords here i prepared and of course if you want to try the software there is a five day free trial for you just grab the link in the description below and also if you like this tutorial or review you can just click the like button give me a comment if you have any questions now.

let's go ahead we take the main keywords and then you have to go here where it says a new article this you will see the previous articles that you generated and here you create a new article so you put the main keyword right here and it says here that you can add sub keywords one per line you don't have to add commas or something like that so let's get our sub keywords copy them from here and put them right here now the first option that you want to check is the length of the article so around 250 around 500 around let's uh put 750 to how to get an a long article.

And if you want longer than this you can combine two articles together or three articles together so i wanted to add a title to my article i wanted to add an image as well and i wanted to add a video you can also turn on this option that will allow you to replace keywords with links if you do affiliate marketing.

It will be a great option to do like for example here it says best landing page builders so you can here replace some keywords with affiliate links for those softwares so you can also check this one turn it on if you want the post the article to be posted on your blog and you can also use this option turn it on to use this tool to rewrite the article but we will just keep these three options on just to make it a little bit faster and then create new article on this button and as you can see here it says process inquiry we have to wait a little bit usually it's around a minute or until two minutes depending on the subject but it's working on it right.

Now as you can see and i'll pause the video until it ends okay we are back it took like around two minutes to finish the work and it says here click here to see the result so let's click here and here is exactly the article i got with those keywords so it has a big title how to make money online how to make money with affiliate marketing using the best landing page builders.

And if i read a little bit this first step in learning how to make money with affiliate marketing is to create your own landing page then you can add your affiliate link to your site the best way to do this is to use content embedded links or text only links the best way to increase click through rate is etc etcetera there's an image talking about affiliate marketing and there are lots of paragraphs including our sub keywords there is also a video at the bottom.

So now you click on operations here and then you can export it as a text file export it as html file pdf file as well and you can also post it to your connected wordpress wordpress blog so this is an amazing tool actually especially the relevance and the you the the uniqueness of the articles that you get this is very good for seo and again if you want to try it for free for five days there is a link in the description below so i will choose on this example i will choose to post to wordpress i click on post to wordpress.

And as you can see here he will search for my wordpress websites that are already connected here he found one i have only one that is connected here and it's asking me which status i will give to this article which is published i will do it published which are the categories that i have on my website to do i'm going just to do this as an example wordpress tags also i will just click on the tags just to let you see what you can do using these options and then the article title i will keep it just like this and then i click post so now it says we are posting your article if i go to my wordpress.

And i refresh the list of my um i can see that this is the article i just generated and it has been published like right now so it has been published if i click on view i will see it so here is the article i just generated using the tool thanks a lot for watching this uh tutorial uh video please click the link in the description below if you want to get five days free trial and i will see you on the next video.

Best Unique Article Generator Online Software / Tool for 2022 πŸ”₯ FREE Article Generator Trial

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Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing (Make Money Online)

Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing  (Make Money Online)

Hi guys what's up guys so in this video you're going to discover  how to get free traffic sources for your affiliate marketing business  so i'm going to reveal to you a traffic it's not only free but it is also targeted traffic because.

That is the most important thing guys so i'm going to walk you through the entire process and step so  stick around stick until the end of this video if you want to discover the easiest way  to get free traffic sources okay so before we start i would like to invite you to subscribe to  my channel in this channel i'll talk a lot about how to make money online affiliate marketing and  online marketing.

All right so consider subscribe and do smash the like button and you could find  some value throughout my sharing over here so the website or the platform that we're going to  be utilizing is called clickbank so i know some of you may not be able to access this particular  website you are free to do with jvzoo ori plus or dg24 it is totally up to you it shouldn't.

Be any problem okay so in this particular video i'm going to be promoting on the self-help niche  so we are going to be promoting dating guides so head off to dating guide so you're going to see  all this a different offer on this page okay so i'm going to be promoting the secret of session  of session product.

And then this is the product so before we promote we're gonna be uh utilizing the  jb page so be sure to visit the jv page first because this is something that  really really powerful in order to help.

You to make sales and as a matter of fact as you can  tell we're going to be utilizing free traffic sources so we need all this marketing material  in order to facilitate our process to promote this offer right so go ahead to custom report  we want to utilize the custom report i just keep for uh that one and then go ahead to custom report.

We're going to be promoting this custom report to a website that has billions of viewers billion of  traffic and very very targeted traffic so stick around i'm going to reveal to you the website  and how to actually get access and bring tons of traffic and to actually get your offer okay.

 So the next things what you need to do is you need to put your affiliate id here and then  we're going to generate the personalized pdf report right so just click generate.

And then after that you're going to be able to get this report all right so the reasons why we  do that is because we want to have our affiliate link on uh on the bottom of this content right  so now each and every page of this report we have the our affiliate link embedded with this  report right so this is very very powerful as you can see this is a 17 pages report.

And then when people read this report and they found that this report is very very useful and  got a lot of values and they're going to click on the free presentation by the way  this is a free presentation so most people love free presentation and when they click  take a look at this presentation and as you can see here this is my affiliate  website okay.

This is my affiliate id all right so it's already embedded with this free report  so what you need to do instead of spamming or instead of just base scattered your affiliate  link across the web what you need to what you can do is actually add value all right so this report.

Has so much value could help people to solve their problem to cut to uh can help people to um get  some tips how to get a better relationship and etc etc so once they go through the report and they.

Found value and if you if they want to learn more they're going to click on the free presentation  and up to this page and then when they are interested they're going to hopefully make  purchase and at the end of the day you're going to be able to make a commission so i could make sense  right so that is actually the idea so now it comes to a very very crucial part which is traffic right.

So where will you get the traffic and as you can tell we're going to utilize a free traffic sources.

In this video and this traffic source has billions of visitor visitors per month guys so and the most  important thing like i told you before this is a targeted traffic so we're not going to spam but  instead we're going to add value which is this uh free report and then we're going to offer to this  marketplace right so obviously the the traffic is called facebook right so what.

You need to do is  let me show you some crucial data first okay so let's take a look at the monthly visitor  for facebook facebook has 25 billion visitor per month guys so that is insane amount of traffic.

So take a look at this uh the data here so that is why i highly recommend you to leverage this  traffic for a get affiliate commission okay.

What you need to do since we are actually selling the  secret obsession so what you need to do is type in relationship okay and then click on the group tabs this one and then you'll be able to see a bunch of relationship related groups okay.

So let's go through one by one like this one over here research  relationships goal take a look at the members 300 000 110 posts a day right so this one 130k uh 120k  members 210 posts a day 200 uh members 50 posts a day so uh the best part about this group is  they are so so active right so just take a look at the post every single day this one 300 posts a day  with 40 54 000 people in the group okay so this is your targeted traffic all these people  they are searching to have a better relationship to have a boyfriend or something like that right.

To get the ex back and anything that related to a relationship so what you need to do is  you need to go one by one of this group and click join and i highly recommend you to join as  much groups as possible so that chances are you're going to get a sales is more higher  right so let's take a look at the first group so once you get joined and what you need to do  is you need to create a post all right so you don't have to create your own post.

But  instead you can actually leverage this affiliate affiliate vendor page right so as you can see here.

That is why i told you that this affiliate jv page is very very crucial because you can  get the article you can get the pdf report you can get the copywriting you can get the email  swipe and etc or they even have the banner for your marketing propose so what you need to do for  example you want to get the um like the article okay you can go ahead to take the article and  take some portion of the article and post in the group right and then at the end of your article  you might say something along the line of for someone who wanted to learn more do dm me because.

I have a free report that i want to share with you all right so once people dm you then you can  give the reports okay and then when they go through they're interested they're going to  click the link and purchase and end up with you are going to get commission okay.

So what you need  to do is that is number one and you can join right so i'm going to share with you another  another tactic another tips that's number one which is make a post and number two  is you might want to go to the contact the admin page okay you can click on the members.

And what you need to do is you need to find the admin for this group and then dm them  right for example this uh ladies over here and dm these ladies and ask her whether or not they have  some free slot for you to advertise right for you to share your content so you might you might need  to pay a little bit of money but trust me uh this group is very very targeted i'm pretty sure it's  worth every penny guys okay so that is tips number two right so you dm each and every one of them.

And see which one could uh can get back to you with the price okay so guys that is actually how  you can uh utilize this a very powerful traffic which is facebook groups okay so as you can see  there are a bunch of groups related to relationships.

So i highly recommend you to  join as much as possible as many groups as possible okay so that's all guys i hope you  enjoy this content i hope you'll get some value do smash the like button give this video a thumbs up  because it does help the algorithm and i could reach more people.

To help more people as well  okay so don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you in my next video bye.

Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing 2021 (Make Money Online)

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Trafficwave The Basics: Part 1 - Introduction and Campaign Creation

Trafficwave The Basics: Part 1 - Introduction and Campaign Creation

This is's The Basics, AutoResponder Video Training Series. For this training series, I am building an AutoResponder campaign from scratch that will be used to help me sell my product to Squashman Screwdriver. By the end of this video series, you will have seen all the steps needed to create a fully functioning campaign. To learn about some of the more advanced AutoResponder features, please refer to our training wikipage at Let's take 60 seconds and talk about the AutoResponder subscription process. The process starts with a potential subscriber filling out their contact information into a form on the internet. The common expression for this is a lead capture form, meaning sales lead.

Capture forms are very common on websites. If you do not have your own website, there are also companies out there that will host a lead capture page for you. A lead capture page is typically a single webpage specifically meant to hold a capture form. is a double opt-in email marketing company.

This means that when someone submits your capture form on the internet, it goes to, who then emails the confirmation message that we set up when we created the campaign profile, and shows them a subscription landing page.

This subscription landing page tells the submitter that they should check their email in a few moments for this confirmation message. When the submitter confirms by clicking the link contained in the message, they go back to, who then shows them a confirmation landing page.

This confirmation landing page tells them that they have been successfully added to your AutoResponder campaign. These two steps are what makes it a double opt-in process, which helps protect both parties from unintentional misunderstandings. It's time to create the Squashman Screwdriver campaign. I'll click on the AutoResponder tab at the top, and scroll down and click on Create New Campaign. This will launch the campaign creation wizard, where we will add basic information that we need to get our campaign up and running.

Step one asks me for a nickname and a description, in order to identify my campaign. I'm selling Squashman Screwdrivers, so I'm going to call my first campaign Squashman. An optional description will help me if I have multiple campaigns set up later. I verify my nickname, and then we move on to step two. Step two is asking me to set up my campaign's signature tokens.

For now, we're going to focus only on the ones that are required for all campaigns, a return email name and return email address, as I want them to appear in the From field for all of my outgoing letters, and a campaign title.

All subscribers in the AutoResponder system are required to confirm their subscription before being added to a campaign. This campaign title is used to remind them of what they're subscribing to. Let's call it Squashman Screwdriver Newsletter.

The Basics: Part 1 - Introduction and Campaign Creation (Updated Content Available)


And we move to step three. The United States CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 requires that all commercial emails include a valid postal address, to be displayed in the footer. will do that for you automatically, but you do need to tell them what postal address you're going to use. For your convenience, if you want to use the postal address from your profile, you can just click this button, and it will fill it in for you.

Otherwise, fill in these steps, and we move on to step four. Step four is asking me to define what campaign subscriber data I intend to collect. This'll allow the system to create correct web forms for subscribers to fill out on my website or capture pages. The AutoResponder system also allows campaigns to collect lots of subscriber information, including addresses, phone numbers, countries, or even create customized pieces, like favorite flavor of pizza. Today we're focusing on just the basics, which is to collect a subscriber's name and email address. I'm going to choose name in a single field and email address, so that my forms will be just two lines, name, email address. On to step five. Step five has me filling in the final configuration settings for my new AutoResponder campaign.

Here's a checkbox to tell TrafficWave to send me an email anytime someone confirms their subscription to my campaign. Then we have a language preference. This is for sending any outgoing confirmation messages or subscriber management instructions into another language. That'll make more sense after we look at this next section, customizing a confirmation message.

Remember that is a double opt-in service, meaning that a subscriber must confirm their desire to join a campaign before they're added. This is done with a web link that's provided by after their email address has been submitted. This small message will be included with the confirmation message. You can use it to remind or encourage them to click the included confirmation link to be added to your campaign.

Let's look and see what a whole confirmation message looks like, by clicking this button here. Here's the section that I can customize, followed by a confirmation link, as well as a removal link, and the CAN-SPAM postal address that we talked about earlier. If I decide to change my language preference to another language, say, Spanish, then we can see how these outgoing instructions are also changed to Spanish. This is very helpful if I have a subscriber base that's primarily speaking another language. It doesn't really apply to me in this case.

I'm going to leave mine in English. I click this box to let TrafficWave know that I understand that this outgoing message is not to be used for links or any additional advertising.

I click finish, and I'm ready to start creating letters for my new AutoResponder campaign.

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Automated Content Sharing System w/ Revive Network WordPress Plugin

Automated Content Sharing System w/ Revive Network WordPress Plugin

In this video, you're going to see a detailed tutorial on how to automatically share other websites’ content using the Revive Network plugin. I’ll cover the whole process, from zero to checking out your queue of scheduled social media posts, so keep watching. Hi, my name is Robert and I make WordPress Video-Tutorials and Reviews on this channel for Beginners and Advanced. If you enjoy the content and find it helpful, please consider subscribing.

Sharing other people’s content on social media is a great way to get noticed and build a stronger social network.

With that being said, doing it manually is a huge time-sink, which is why it can be helpful to find a way to automatically share other websites’ content on your social media accounts. While there are non-WordPress tools like Buffer, the Revive Network plugin lets you automate the whole process without having to ever leave your WordPress dashboard. So, let's see it in action! Before moving on, you’ll need to actually install and activate the Revive Network plugin. Because I talk about a premium plugin here, you’ll need to upload the ZIP file that you get after purchasing the plugin... Once you install and activate it, enter your license key by going to Settings/General and scrolling down to the Revive Network license area...

Once you’ve got the plugin activated, you’re ready to start setting it up. The first thing you need to do is creating a Twitter or Facebook app.

I’ll show the steps for the Twitter app but remember that you can always find instructions for Facebook by clicking this link. To create your Twitter App, go here and click Create New App. On the next screen, you need to fill out Application Details.

For the first three fields, you can enter whatever you’d like. That is, the information won’t be seen by anyone but you. But for the Callback URL, make sure that you enter the following. Then, click Create your Twitter application at the bottom. On the next screen, click on the Keys and Access Tokens tab.

From there, you’ll need to copy the API Key and API Secret into your Revive Network dashboard... Paste those values into the relevant boxes and click Save Settings: Next up, head to the Accounts tab... Here, you’ll need to connect your actual social profiles. You’ll only see options for the network that you created an app for. For example, I only created a Twitter app, so all I see here is an option to add a Twitter account. To get started, click the Add Account button.

Assuming that you’re logged into Twitter, all you need to do is click the Authorize app button.

Ok, now you’re ready to start adding feeds for the content that you want to share. RSS feeds are what actually allows you to automatically share other websites’ content. Basically, you’ll need to find the RSS feed for the blog content you want to share. Generally, because most blogs are based on WordPress nowadays, a neat trick is to just append /feed to the end of any WordPress site’s URL to find its RSS feed.

Once you have the feed you want to share content from, go to the Feeds tab of Revive Network and fill in the options. Feed Name is purely internal so make it something that’s easy for you to remember, and the feed URL is where you enter the direct URL to the RSS feed you found...

Automated Content Sharing System w/ Revive Network WordPress Plugin


Twitter Handle is where you enter the username of the account you want to mention including the @ sign, and if you linked more than one of your own social media accounts, you can choose specific accounts here.

Once you’re finished, click Save Feed. One of the neat things about Revive Network is that it lets you create one or more custom templates to structure your Tweets or Facebook posts. You can also use dynamic variables to automatically insert relevant information about the post title or person you’re referencing. By default, the plugin includes three templates. But you can always go in and delete those templates or add your own custom templates.

To do that, go to the Templates tab and click Add New: Here’s what the various fields mean: Template Name is just for internal use so make it something that’s easy to remember... Check this box to use this template for Facebook posts, and check this to use it for Twitter posts too. If you want to use this template only for Facebook or only for Twitter, check that specific box.

As for Template Content, it deserves more than a bullet point. Basically, you’re going to mix plain text with the “Magic Tags” below the box.

Let’s say the most recent post you’re going to share is a post from @Themeisle titled “How to Use Revive Network” If you put this in the Template Content box. ...when Revive Network uses that template, it will automatically convert the magic tags into actual data from the post. So it would look like this. In reality, the real URL would contain your UTM tags, but this is just an example. Speaking of… once you save your template, go to the Edit UTM Tags tab to configure them.

UTM tags help your traffic show up in the analytics logs of the websites that you refer traffic to. It’s a small thing, but it gives you “credit” for the traffic and helps influencers notice and appreciate, that you’re sending them traffic. By default, the plugin will fill in the UTM tags based on your site’s URL. Most of the time, you can just leave these as the default. But if you want to edit them, you can do that here.

Just like with the templates, you can use magic tags to insert dynamic information. The {network} tag, in this case, will change to “twitter” or “facebook” depending on the actual network that you share the post on.

At this point, you’re all ready to start sharing! Before you do that, though, you should tell the plugin how often you actually want to share. To do that, go to Schedule and then click on the Share Settings.

Usually, you can leave these as the defaults. But if you want to configure them further, here’s what each option means. Check interval is how often the plugin checks RSS feeds for new posts. The Posts to share option sets how many posts to share when the plugin finds new posts in a feed. Twitter share interval is how often to wait between sharing on Twitter and Facebook shares interval is how long to wait between sharing on Facebook.

Purge posts interval is where you can choose how long to store posts from a feed before the plugin clears it from the list. Now’s the point when you can hit the Start Sharing button to kick the plugin into gear! Once you start sharing, you can monitor exactly what will be shared and when by going to the Scheduled tab. You can also remove individual shares by hovering over them and choosing Remove Share. And if you ever want to stop sharing, just click the Stop Sharing button to put the plugin on pause... Once you configure Revive Network, it’s easy to automatically share other websites’ content as needed. Whenever you want to add a new source, all you need to do is create a new feed and template to quickly add that website to your repertoire. Similarly, you can quickly remove existing feeds if you no longer want to share them.

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How-to Automatically Tweet WordPress Posts For Free

How-to Automatically Tweet WordPress Posts For Free

Well right now if you sign up here to receive these free gifts yet for a limited time these three in this video I'm in a show you how to get people onto your website via twitter all on autopilot and there said few WordPress plug-ins available news many of them are actually free that will automatically tweet out your prior posts or archive of posts that you've created,

So you create knows great content but you're not getting people to view and absorb this great content so that's where Twitter comes in and that's where this new crop of plug-ins come into play and the one that.

I've been using in his film working very good is called Evergreen post tweeter so you just go ahead and go to add new plug-ins type that hand and then click on install now and it's going to go ahead and install that for you it's a very lightweight plug-in and it's a very simple so after it's installed all you have to do is go under settings into words is evergreen post tweeter and it's right here and let's see we are immediately presented with this notification here that says there is a new scheduling feature that's what action made me choose this plug-in versus the other ones as you can specifically schedule when you want your your posts.

To be tweeted and that's what makes it nice of you hide the notice and walk you through it and this right here dismiss that message and to go back into the plug-in settings so the first episode click on this button here it will open up in a new tab and just make sure you're logged into the Twitter account that you want linked up to the plug-in and then they'll.

Be an authorized button that you can click and the let's look at some of the settings here now.

I haven't been using this enable logging it's been working fine for me where it says additional tests text this would be taxed that's put in front of or behind the tweet see right here so in the beginning or the end and if you did use as I personally don't use it but if you did you would say did you miss and then it would take your post title or pay check out and then it would say the post title.

I prefer just having the post title why should this preferences I have that no plug-in actually provides at this time but anyways so you can go ahead there and put some additional text I personally don't developing it looks natural so not a goal for me is to have this automated process happen and have it look natural sideways right here use URL tracking.

I do have that enabled actually yes I do and the URL shorter now when you click on this box it's good to give you these shorten or services also give a account for and since you click on that you can put in your username in your API key so it's pretty nice or you can just use TinyURL or something like that here is the minimum and the maximum age of the post of what this does is it can automatically look at your posts and just start tweeting them at the schedule that you've created so here you can specify the minimum age of a post and the maximum so you're not posting stuff from three years ago actually think it's a good the postop from three years ago as long as it's more of an evergreen type of content right here you can choose posts pages or both.

I own my contents only applicable for posted be automatically posted and you can select certain categories that you want so on this is a test blog so you don't see my categories listed anything also select tags and.

I don't have that listed as well since is a new blog which you would see that listed here so sick of the main feature of this particular plug-in is the ability to schedule tweets now all the other plug-ins that automatically tweet they delete it some interval and you would say every four hours every six hours or whatnot but that's not very natural because.

You don't want a posting in the middle of your night it just doesn't look natural that's where this plug-in comes in you can choose the days so say you would naturally just tweets five days a week and you wouldn't on the weekend you can highlight those days and then click and add each tweeting times of say you wanted your first week to go out at eight in the morning while there it is it's can automatically tweet.

At eight and then you might want to again post a tweet at 1 PM and there it is and say again at 3 PM so you can put as many of these tweening times in per day that you want but you get to control when the tweet happens and that's was very nice about this plug-in in particular then all you have to do is click update and it will automatically happen for you and there's a sisal countdown here that says your way when you're next week is coming up now you're gonna want to make sure that the time settings in your WordPress are set correctly in that would be under settings in general and see.

I have it at just the default installation so I'm going to go up and choose Los Angeles and then.

I'm gonna save my change and then I will go in back into the plug-in and there it is so so now it's showing the correct times right now it's 1236 and is saying in about 24 minutes it's can it Tweet next but.

I haven't linked up the accounts of any wastes some of things I'd like to see in a plug-in.

I would like it to if they were to improve this when you're creating your post for there to be a section where you can maybe enter in several different titles that would be tweeted out randomly so if the plug-in identified a post that it was gonna tweet out on that it would choose one of these separately written top titles to go out with the Tweed versus just the title of the post and that's only thing.

I would want to change for this and maybe some tracking would be nice as well so anyways guys I hope in enjoy this video and I do suggest this plug-in it's been very helpful to me a weed appreciated as the momentum going on the bounds of the month and the share this video with your friends also please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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How-to Automatically Tweet WordPress Posts For Free

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How to compress images and photos in WordPress (Automatically)

How to compress images and photos in WordPress (Automatically)

- I'll be teaching you how you can compress images and photos on your WordPress website to make sure your blog load faster.  Hey, guys, welcome to another video episode of ShoutMeLoud, where I teach you about WordPress, SEO and Blogging, that actually helps you to make money, and live a boss-free life. Well, today video is for all the WordPress blogger who are blogging, who have a WordPress website, or who are also offering WordPress services to their clients. Now, one thing which we know is that it's very important for us to make sure that our blog or website, loads really fast.

Now, in the past I've done one or two videos where you can actually learn the techniques that will help you to reduce your WordPress blog load time.

Now, today video is for people who are using images on their website. I'll be teaching you how you can compress images and photos on your WordPress website to make sure your blog load faster.

And here is actually a result from Pingdom, and you can see that from Shoutmeloud, we are using only 232 KB worth of images on the homepage. And our actually blog loads in less than one second. So, basically, I know what I am talking about, and if you are somebody who's actually first time coming to ShoutMeLoud, you should know that we are online from last 10 years, and we have been helping numerous individuals just like you to grow in your career.

Now, getting back to the topic. So here is one website which is from a photographer and you can see that the size of the total images used on the website is about 8 MB, and images constitute about 95% of the website. Now, that's actually a lot of content size here and you can see here the load time is not much, thanks to the good hosting the person is using, and a good optimization technique like Cloudflare. But still, the page size is 7.7 MB, and especially if somebody is browsing the website on a 3G or 2G connection in that case, they will find it really hard to see the website loading.

So the best way any photographer or even a blogger can do is they can compress their images, and for that, we can actually use a plugin.

And the plugin that I am talking about is called ShortPixel. This is what I use on ShoutMeLoud, and in a moment, I would show you how to use this plugin. Let me tell you what I like about this plugin. Number one, if you are a hobby blogger and you don't blog much, you can actually take advantage of their free plan, which allows you to compress 100 images in a month, which is actually a decent number for anybody who's doing hobby blogging.

Second, using this plugin, you can actually compress all your past images automatically or if you want to compress images manually, you can also do that.

I would show you that as well in a quick second. This plugin has been online for quite a long time. Other few factor is when you compress an image, it also creates a backup of the image in a separate folder. So if in future you want to like reuse the original image, you can do that.

If you're a photographer where you don't want to compress the images by losing quality, you can actually take advantage of their feature where it compresses images without making it lose quality.

So depending on the way you're using WordPress, you can pick from three different option. And let me show you the three different options. So one is lossy, one is glossy, and another one is lossless. Now this one is highly recommended for all the people who are using technical drawing or images from vector graphics.

Glossy graphics are useful for the website, like for the photographers, if you have a photographic website, or you have a travel blog where you're uploading pictures from your recent trip.

Well, glossy option is much better for you. And for anybody who would just want to compress images, and images does not have to be complete identical, you can use lossy images. It compresses the maximum. You can actually click on this link and you can upload it, your image, and see what it means to be using lossy, glossy, or lossless images.

Usually, I would recommend for a typical blog, lossy is okay.

For anybody who is into photography, glossy is great. For anybody who is into technical drawing or using vector graphics, they should use lossless. Okay so these are the few settings that you can use. Now once you download and install the plugin, you actually need to go and register on And from the admin area, you will find your API key.

Now you need to enter that API key over here and validate your key. That will activate your plugin, and you can actually start using the plugin for free for the first 100 images, and if you want to compress more images, you can buy one of their license, which is actually not much. So depending on your requirement, you can buy this licenses.

Now let's say if you buy short plan, which gives you 5,000 images per month, and if you don't use those all images, you can actually cancel your subscription, and you can carry forward this limit for the next month for the future. So that is another great feature of ShortPixel plugin. Now here, there are a few options that you can use, like you can enable the image backup feature. It will create a backup of the original image in one of the folder in your WordPress directory. That really helps, especially if you are working on a client website and if your client says in future that, "Hey, I want my backup," the EXIF tag is the information about the photo, that where the photo is taken, which camera is used, and all those metadata, which in most of the scenario, you will not be using it, so you can actually remove the EXIF tag of the image, which is also recommended.

How to compress images and photos in WordPress (Automatically)


If you like to resize images while uploading, you can use this feature. I usually don't do that because I resize the image before uploading. Now there are some advanced feature. Usually, I just use the Optimize PDF feature, and it's a good idea that you should go through all the feature and see which one fits perfectly for your project. Now here's some statistic, which is pretty mind-blowing, that on an average, almost half of the size of my images have been reduced, which is actually a lot of saving.

Now that means the disk saving is about 500 MB. The bandwidth, now this is a very interesting factor, is I've saved about 4.38 terabyte of bandwidth just by compressing these images.

And this is very useful, especially if you are using managed WordPress hosting or a hosting where you have limited bandwidth. And you can see, I still have 41,994 credit which is left.

I've consumed only 8,006. And you can see that my original images are stored in a backup folder, which is of 1.31 GB right now. So I would actually like to empty this. Because it's been awhile, I really don't need those, original images anymore.

So let's quickly do that. Now while that's happening, so there are multiple ways you can use this plugin. Let me just show you. So Number 1, you can go to the Media Library, and if you want, you can actually compress any images that you have uploaded. You can actually bulk smush if you like, or you can just simply click on Optimize Now.

Let's do that. And image will be compressed. Now in my case, I usually compress my images before uploading.

I use this free tool on Mac, called ImageOptim. But if you're not on Mac or if you're not using any external tool, well, you can actually use this feature.

So in this case, you might not see a lot of compression because it's already compressed, but let's see what this plugin can do. Go up, it's actually reduced by 63%, which is actually a lot. Let's do this, let's just pick this to three. And let's make them glossy optimization, see what it does. Okay, so it's taking it's own time.

I'm actually going to leave a link for the image optimizer. It's a free tool that you can download if you're on Mac. And you can just simply add an image and compress it.

It's really fast and something that will help your workflow a lot. Okay, so now in General option, there's an option called Save and go to Bulk Process.

This is where you can actually go ahead and start compressing all your past images if you would like. So here, you can see it shows you the number of images that it will compress.

Some have errors. And I can include thumbnails if I like, but I will not use that because I have less credits, and it's okay not to compress thumbnail in some of the scenario. And that's it.

If you want to restore your compressed images, this is the option that you can use. And then you can click on Restart Optimizing to start compressing images. Okay, well let's see what happens here. Okay, nothing happened. Let's click on Optimize Now.

All right, it's actually started bulk optimization so that you would understand how images and photos are compressed.

And you can see the process has started. Now we can start compressing one image at a time, and the best part, even if you're on a shared hosting or on hosting which is not powered enough, this plugin does not put a lot of load on your server. So you can see started optimizing, now this image has been optimized by 63%. It will take another image, and this process will keep going on.

However, just you need to know that if you actually close this tab, the bulk processing will pause. So you can actually open everything in a new tab and keep this open while the compression happens at the back end. Well, this is what it is. Now I'm going to stop this processing. Because for me, the image's quality is really, really important, the kind of blog we have.

But I hope this video helped you to understand how to compress images and photos on your WordPress website. If you have any question, feel free to ask me in the comment section below. I will leave all the links in the description so that you can quickly go and read about ShortPixel plugin. You can claim there, 100 free images a month, and few other links which will help you to improve the loading time of your WordPress website.

Now if you enjoyed this video, it added value, do like and do subscribe to our channel.

It definitely helps. I'm your host, Harsh Agrawal. See you in the next video, bye bye..

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