Friday, June 24, 2022

How Do You Recognize An Enlightened Being?

In a way enlightenment means you are an unblemished life, no branding. Once you mistake memory for intelligence, then you’re messed up. there are only two kinds of people, mystics and mistakes. If you see things just the way they are, people will label you as a mystic. Superscript: How do you recognize an enlightened person?

Sadhguru: People even believed this that there will be some signs in the body and they burnt trishul in their back, on the forehead. “See this just appeared”. In the West, people show their hands and there are marks here and say “See, I have the crucifixion marks. So Jesus has appeared for me.” In India sankhu will appear on the shoulder.

You just how to burn yourself. You can brand yourself with sankhu, chakra or with crucifixion marks or whatever nonsense you want. In a way enlightenment means you are an unblemished life, no branding. So you brand yourself and you think you're enlightened, very sorry. So, if there is no brandings, how do you recognize?

You cannot recognize.

You cannot recognize. How does anybody here know I am enlightened or not? I never made a statement on that. So how do they know?

They are just assuming? Yes. See, you go and sit in front of your kindergarten teacher. Do you know how knowledgeable he or she is? No, but that he or she knows ABC.

You do not know, so you sit. So right now, we're talking XYZ. You do not know, so you sit. So what does it matter whether I got acknowledgement from somewhere else or not? You want to learn XYZ, you sit here.

You don't want, you go. So what is it that is being referred to as enlightenment? You know there's something called as daybreak. It’s a good word. I like that.

It's called sunrise. But it's a day break. The day broke. Is it? No, it's a night that broke.

Hello? The day broke or the night broke? Participants: Night broke. Sadhguru: Night broke. Night means what in our perception?

Participants: Darkness.

Sadhguru: Darkness. If you were an owl, it would be different. In your perception night means uncomfortable because dark. Your visual apparatus are not comfortable in darkness.

That's why we invented all these lights and this and that. Why? Because we're not comfortable when it's dark because we don't know what is what. In light, we see things clearly. So, if night broke, that means clarity appeared - this is all sunrise is doing to you.

You could not see, you were struggling, sun came up, suddenly confidence - you know where to go, where not to go, what to step into, what not to step into. This is all enlightenment is. Clarity came where you see everything clearly.

You know there was a book that we were publishing, this is a series of talks and something came to give a title. So, I looked at the content a little bit and then I said, “Of mystics and mistakes.” Our English Department said, “Sadhguru, this is too up in the face. Say something little more gentle.” People are always asking me “Sadhguru, say something little more gently.” You're capable of that. Come on!

How Do You Recognize An Enlightened Being? - Sadhguru

I am capable, but I don't want to say because people will twist it and turn it in so many ways.

If you say it in a face slapping way, they don't meddle with it too much. So, I said, “Of mystics and mistakes.” What it means is there are only two kinds of people, mystics and mistakes. If you see things just the way they are, people will label you as a mystic.

So what are they? They are a mistake. They’re making mistakes about perceiving basic aspects of life, that’s all. Yes, making mistakes about perception. Why they're making mistakes about perception?

Their one hand is always dipped in their memory. This is why we say karma. They are mistaking memory for intelligence, that’s all the mistake they have done. Once you mistake memory for intelligence, ah, then you’re messed up. If you have some memory about something that other people do not know, you look like scholarly.

See, people read ten books and they become scholars. People just read one book and they become religious. Just one book, how come it qualifies you to become a representative of God? If you read more than one book, then you cannot be, isn't it? You just have to read only one book.

So, this is mistaking memory for intelligence. Our entire education system is just this rubbish - mistaking memory for intelligence. If you mistake memory for intelligence, we call you a karma case.

You're a karma case, because you live out of your memory, not out of your intelligence. If you live out of your intelligence absolutely, without getting your memory and intelligence mixed up, then people say, “Oh, he's enlightened”.

Because whatever you bring it in front of him, he’ll look at it and say this is what it is. Simply because he doesn't mix up memory and intelligence, that's all. As simple as it seems. Everything that you are right now is memory. You're a man or a woman - this is memory.

Not memory means just conscious memory in your head.

Your body remembers, isn't it? Hello? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: If you and me eat the same food, I will not become a woman, you will not become a man.

The same food goes into me and becomes a man, the same food goes into you and becomes a woman, this is by memory, isn't it? The body remembers. The body remembers, if you and the monkey eat the same food, he will not become you, you will not become him.

Because the body remembers. There is evolutionary memory, genetic memory, elemental memory, atomic memory, conscious, unconscious levels of memory, articulate and inarticulate levels of memory, who you are itself is memory.

So if your intelligence has to be free from memory, that means you're free from yourself. That's all..

Copywriting Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know About

- " A million dollars a year more for your business." You write that copy post on Facebook, it gets that disapprove. - You know that rarely are people are gonna remember what you said, they're gonna remember how they, you made them feel. - You look at the biggest companies in the world, Apple, Nike, they all have brand equity. These, that's what the direct response guys don't get.

- You know and the thing about social media is that people don't understand the importance of copy in that because you have a limited amount of space and people are scrolling through a feed and there's so much content.

So it's even more important because if you don't hook them and you don't get them to click or to spend 15 seconds on your content, it's a lost opportunity. I mean, you can spend a lot of time and energy and resources and money obviously, trying to build a social media following, but if you don't understand the fundamentals of copywriting, you're, you're gonna struggle. So I'm not surprised that that, that old expert from the, probably from the '80s who didn't evolve is, you know is kind of going the way of the buggy web salesman.

He's, he's probably starving these days.

- They need to look at a financial statement. Warren Buffett talks about that's, that's you being able to read financial statements. Understand currency. Financial fluency. I would go as far as saying that words that we use, that's the true currency of business.

- Obama. - Because of the words that we use, it could be in person or in print or in your marketing message, that actually converts people into a buyer. If that's the case, you think about looking at the profit and loss statement, that's, that's an effect. That's not the cost. What causes those numbers is your copywriting, your copy, your sales copy and copy is everywhere.

- Everywhere! - Think about everything that we wanna buy. Think about everything that we have, in your home, in your office, the car that you buy, I could bet some copywriters, were sitting in a room, thinking about the brand, thinking about the tagline, thinking about the color, thinking about the message, that compels us to take action to buy.

Maybe we saw an ad on TV, maybe saw an infomercial, you know, it's like one of those late night infomercial. - So Colton, I'm getting right now is the year 2000.

And we gotta go. Geez, that's the second time I've done that. - We were like we couldn't sleep, we're flipping through the channel back in the days, we're like, " Now, you know what is this thing? This thing is stupid." 10 minutes later, okay, let me, let me order this, you know, whatever exercise equipment that would, I would never use, it's too big for my house.

Doesn't matter. But someone I copyrighted crafted that's video script, planted that infomercial, everything that we wanna buy today, that we didn't even know that exists but now we wanted to buy it because of a copywriter.

It goes that far, as far as I'm concerned. - I want you to do this for us. I think that was a great intro, right?

Understanding what copywriting is and kind of where it was and where it's going. I think that's an important first step. Why don't you talk to us a little bit about the difference in how you approach it today in this scalable copywriting formula format that you've perfected. - So if we can not make claims 'cause you may be asking, " Well Dan, if I cannot make promises and claims, well, how can I sell?" When I say you cannot make claims it's this, you cannot, back in the days you could, but now if you go on Facebook and say, let's say you sell a business improvement product, okay?

You got, you've got a program, you've got a service.

You can not say, " Hey, how to generate a million dollars a year more for your business." You write that copy post on Facebook, it gets that disapprove. That's a good case scenario, worst, they might shut down your account. - Just say yes, say yes.

- That hasn't gone that well. - Even you have proof that you could do it, even you have client that has, you have done it for, you can't do that. You just can't say those promises, then what are you gonna do.

Oh, how about, how they get clients? Oh, you could.

But then it's not as compelling. So the first thing now, anything that you wanna sell, I always suggest to all business owners, you need to come up with what I call a unique mechanism. A hook, in other words. What makes your thing, your offer different from everything else that's out there? What's, what's that unique message, because you could position the unique mechanism as that solution without making claims.

Because you're not saying that you're guaranteed to get these results, I'm saying that this unique mechanism could do these results for these people, it's very, very different. I'll give you a perfect example. Think about copywriting. Let's take that as an example. There are many copywriting books out there.

There are many copywriting courses out there. So Dennis, if I was to market my own copywriting course, called High-Income Copywriter course, how do I differentiate myself from everybody else? Its very simple.

Instead of teaching all copywriting, I just focus, just focus on one thing and what I call that, scalable copy. How to write compliant copy, that's it.

- That's all you had to say. - From that, that's my unique mechanism. Now then, what qualifies me to teach, to talk about it, because of my social media credibility. I use what I teach. I preach what I teach to grow my social media.

So you cannot make crazy promises. You've gotta first come up with a hook, a unique mechanism. And a lot of this has to do, instead of back in the days, you know in sales, feature benefit, feature benefit, feature benefit. This requires a deeper level of thinking which is called storytelling. How could you tell a story, that people could resonate with, that without making claims, that people want your products?

See it's very different. It's not just, " Hey, buy this you get that!" No, you can't do that. It's more, it's a story, it's, it could be client story, it could be your own story, it could be a metaphor, but how could you use story to make a statement to make a promise without making a promise and then get people to click and go to your funnel go to a landing page and things like that.

So that's, that's, it's the thinking ahead of time, before you even like, write a single quote.

- I love that because there's, there's that old saying that I heard years ago, " Facts tell- - But stories sell." - Right? Everybody's heard that. And I think when you think about copywriting that way, it kind of changes the dynamics a little bit, right? Now all of a sudden you don't necessarily need to make those claims, the story is going to do the selling for you.

The story is going to leave that imprint. People are going to remember the story, right? - Yes. - You know, the rarely are people are gonna remember what you said, they're gonna remember how they, you made them feel right? And if that story hits home and they can resonate, if you're telling the right story to the right audience, that's the secret, right?

- I'll give you one more example, one more example. So let's say you're in a marketplace where let's say you're selling weight loss, right? So first in the beginning, before any weight loss products you could say, "How to lose weight." And people saw the ad on, in the newspaper, " Great.Let's buy this product, buy this, this bottle pills, I lose weight.

Awesome." - Shut up and take my money.

- And then suddenly the marketplace gets more crowded, you have more competition. When you say, "How to lose weight." " Nah, I've heard that before, what's so unique about it.

Doesn't work." Then, when you go into that next stage, you gotta come up with something. Okay. I got, I gotta make a better promise. " How to lose 20 pounds in 20 days.

Copywriting Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know About

" Ooh, like let's hype it up. Let's make bigger promises. Right? And, " Oh man, 20 pounds in 20 days? Screw that.

30 pounds in seven days." Right? You just go through this crazy period of time that people are just making more outrageous claims one after another. And then suddenly the next phase is okay you're making outrageous claims, but how do I know is true? How do I know I could believe you?

Oh, you know what? Look at, I have all of these case studies, I have all these testimonials. You see this info on this infomercial a lot. Oh wow, this company is making these claims, but they back it up, great.

- Now flap in place, okay?

So really you say... - Oh God. Herod are you okay?

- Actually I didn't have it locked. - And now other people also backing it up, now you've got a problem. You said, you can help me lose weight. You said you could help me lose weight. They all kind of sound the same.

Just like how many consultants out there, I can help you get clients, I can help you do this. I can help you. You know it all kind of sound the same, right? Then someone come up with the idea, you know what, " That's all good, but the way that we teach you, this is, this is a different way of diet. You know, you try different diet programs they don't work.

This is called keto diet." " What is that?" Well, here's what it is. And boom, boom, boom, boom. See the keto diet becomes a unique mechanism versus just diet, right?

And then you, of course you have, I can name 30, 40 other diets. Then you have the unique mechanism and everybody resonates with different message. Someone's like, " Oh, I'm all for keto." Someone's like ," Oh I don't like keto, I try to avoid." I like this diet ,like that diet, like this style, right?

And then we all find our own little thing.

So you can think about it's going from broad, in a way you'll narrow down your message, have a unique mechanism and then you narrow down who you actually serve and then you focus on that. Then you use your copy to communicate that piece of it, right? Does that make sense? So you think- - Yeah, I like how you tie that unique mechanism thing- - Yeah.

- back to niching down, because first you started talking about diet, dieting as a whole, right? - Yeah, so massive. - So we have this whole dieting. It's massive.

It's huge.

- It's massive. - Yeah. But then all of a sudden we broke it down into that mechanism, which was keto, which is a smaller niche. Now you're not worried about, you know, you're not worried about getting the whole dieting space. You don't want to, you'd rather get a larger percentage of that smaller space because your messaging is gonna be more precise.

- Correct. - It's gonna be more appealing, It's gonna, you know what I mean? That's also gonna make your ad dollars convert better. - Lower your ad costs. - Last time, go further lower your costs, your acquisition costs, yeah.

No, I love that. I love the way you tie that in. And it works the same way on the on the organic, you know, as opposed to the same paid as well. - Is exactly the same. So, but when you have a hook, when you have a strong message, everything is easier.

- Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. - Because sometimes a lot of business owners, entrepreneurs, they struggle to get the message out there because they haven't come up with this yet.

So they create this message, just kind of a me too message, right? And they, they go on and market, " Oh, how come it's not converting? How come not getting clicks?

How come no one is booking the time with me, on the coming to my store." Whatever it might be, It's the same as everybody else. If people can't tell the difference, they always go back to what they're comfortable with. And that has to do with, like one of the things I think what I bring to the, the entrepreneurial world, when I learned cooperating in my early twenties, like you have this group of copywriters I call them direct response copywriters, two school of thought you, you know that Dennis, right? Direct response, meaning everything you do is, it's designed to get a response, get an order today.

And then you have another school called branding, branding and direct response. They're almost like don't, they don't agree with each other. All the direct response marketers and copywriters talks about, " Oh you don't want forget the image, forget that stuff." Words, ugly sales.

That's what I learned from ugly sales. Playing on white envelope, no graphics, send it out and then you get an order. Then you have all the branding guys like, these guys are like, " They don't know what they're hell they're talking about." - Do you have any idea, how crazy you are? - It's brand, It's all about brand.

It's about image. Oh yeah, but then the direct response guys to say, " Hey if you go with our image, you go broke." Right? It doesn't work. So you have these two QSU school of thought.

But what I have learned is yes you need to combine the two. Branding will be, if done properly, a byproduct when you are doing direct response.

I do direct response. But at the same time I build my brand. They don't contradict if done properly.

Doesn't mean look at my stuff. My stuff is not ugly. It's anything but ugly, because that's part of the brand. But if you go with just words, then it's very transactional. You don't build brand equity.

You look at the biggest companies in the world, Apple, Nike they all have brand equity. These that's what the direct response guys don't get, right? But when you combine the two, when you have a unique mechanism, it kicks ass. - Yeah. I've noticed that with all your messaging, with all of your marketing, with all of your copy, whether that be through your YouTube channel, your Facebook or your blog or wherever, Instagram, wherever you go, that branding, there's always that continuity and brand, right?

- Yes.

- There's that style. There's that look, there's that feel? - You can tell that's a Dan Lok brand. It's a Dan Lok message.

- Yeah. You can tell it's a Dan Lok brand, even though sometimes you're talking about copywriting and sometimes you're talking about high ticket closing and sometimes you're talking about, you know, wealth creation or whatever the case may be. But the brand is the overarching positioning that you're taking, but that individual offer or that individual hook or mechanism can be different. But the overarching brand is still the same. - Correct.

8 Simple Copywriting Tips

There are many types of copy to write for different clients different formats and different audiences as you gain experience writing for different industries and niches you will learn how to tailor your copy accordingly but let's start big.

And broad the following tips will help you develop convincing copy that helps you and your clients reach their goals right with this advice in the back of your mind no matter what assignments you have in front of you number one do your research now there are two types of research that are essential to excellent copywriting you must be informed on the subject that you're writing about and you must know who will be reading your copy the first type of research is self explanatory.

If you're writing about the history of the music industry you will have to make sure you know your facts are correct and your stories are right readers and clients who later found out that your copy is inaccurate or wrong may not be able to trust the next piece that you're right there is so much information online today make sure that you're grabbing information from legitimate reputable sources in the second type of research is research about the audience who will be reading your copy every type of copy.

Whether it's a webpage or a brochure it serves a very specific purpose do you want to inform or do you want to persuade what message are you trying to send once you have established these goals think about the readers who you want to see and receive the message the following questions should guide your initial research what do the readers have in common what does the average day look like for your readers what values do they hold where will your readers view your copy and what issues your problems do they might have so after research tip number two is to include the research in your copy backup your copy with relevant facts quotes and sources even.

If you or your client have not built up a reputation of trust with an audience yet citing relevant information from reputable sources will help you get there tell your story through statistics and experiences of others just remember to credit your sources accordingly to the relevant legal and editorial guidelines tip number three is to write in the readers language if you have done some research on your readers you will understand and should be able to write and their so called language for example the audience who is looking for landscaping services will not use the same terms as actual landscaping professionals readers with little to no knowledge on a subject will be able to understand industry jargon knowing.

The language of your readers is important for physical and digital copy if your readers don't know technical terms they won't use those terms and search engines so instead use keyword research to find out how readers will describe their problems their questions and what they're looking for what they think the solutions are to the products that your service or brain and my offer tip number four is to just ask your client questions now before you write down a single word you should be asking yourself and your clients a lot of questions in fact answers from your client may be able to save you.

Time from doing a lot of research whether your client is a CEO of a greeting card company or the owner of a pet sitting business they should know their goals and their audience the answers to these questions will also help you arrange a schedule and help you write the right copy for your first draft you can ask them stuff like what are your business goals and how does this copy fit into your overall strategy to achieve those goals what can you tell me.

About your readers who will be viewing this copy what type of language like the tone and style and jargon will best represent your business or brand and where do you intend on placing this copy tip number five is to write for where the copy will be read the rules of marketing advertising and writing has made huge shifts in the past couple years businesses are investing more and more into SEO content marketing and other digital strategies if you're putting your content on the web you'll have to consider how your content.

Will make an impact on the clients website tip number six is to direct readers with headings and organizations if we paid our full attention to every word that we read especially online we would get a lot less done.

People want their information fast and they want to move on quickly in fact almost half of all readers admit to skimming blog posts so to accommodate for this format and organize your content so that readers will enjoy your content and get the information that they need one of the easiest ways to organize your copy is just using headings when you add headings you can give Google more context about what your content is about and make the.

Copy more appealing to readers users will be able to scan through your copy and find the information that they need very quickly tip number seven is to just keep it simple flair and personality are really important but don't let these elements overshadow the message that you're trying to sin when you keep your language simple and concise and clear you can get your message across faster now this is another strategy to welcoming people to reading your copy without intimidation if your copy is compelling convincing clear and concise they will spend less time reading and more time taking action and the last tip I have for you guys is tip number eight give readers a next.

Step basically a call to action there's always a goal behind your copy you want readers to buy a product to trust a brand or make a donation you.

Won't be standing behind your readers as they consume your copy so it's up to the reader to take the next steps and help you achieve your goals at the end of your copy you should provide your readers for the next step or a list of relevant resources where should they go for more in from who should they contact and make a purchase what are other sources of content that.

Can help them this adds extra value to your copy and moves the reader along something called the buyers journey now if you're really curious about becoming a better copywriter I've actually recently launched a new online training program that cost less than $100 and includes a ton of videos about the skill and the art of copywriting now because of the low price I'm only letting in a hundred hungry copywriters before I raise the.

Price so hurry up and check out my new training program in the description below but before I in this video I also want to give you three ways to apply your knowledge just like I do in my training videos number one you need to write you need to write way more in a section I talked about in the full course I talked about how important practice is to your writing abilities take.

An hour today and sit down and just write number two if you're stuck for what to write search for some copywriting and content marketing prompts online just look at some examples which leads to tip number three find past copywriters and read what they put out for example you can go to my sales pages and study them you can do the same with Tai Lopez's sales pages because you know that he makes millions of dollars with them and also for.

Example you can check out Dan Locke stuff basically just study your competition thank you guys for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video.

8 Simple Copywriting Tips

Copywriting Guide: 5 Rules To Become A Master

So this video is designed to teach what copywriting is and how to develop this skill. I know you’ve had it with all these long videos that don’t really teach you anything, so here’s the thing: no useless introduction, just pure practical wisdom. Ready to take notes? Let’s get into it! Part 1: What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is one of the most demanded skills in the marketplace right now, and it will keep this position for a long, long time. Copywriting is like selling over the phone, but instead of using your voice, and closing in person, you sell with a script. You basically use a piece of written content to persuade the reader to take action or even provoke a certain feeling. Types Of Written Content Copy can be presented in many shapes and forms, but it has the same goal: get the reader to do something. It could be an email for a marketing agency, a sales landing page for an online store that sells T-shirts, an “about us” page on a restaurant’s website, or anything else that you can think of that is written.

You actually are already writing copy, every single day of your life.

When you chat with your friends, trying to convince them to go eat Mexican food instead of Italian, you’re writing copy. When you write an email to your high school teacher explaining why you haven’t delivered the assignment on time, you’re writing copy. When you are writing a very flirtatious text to a girl you want to meet or ask out, you’re writing copy. The main difference between you and a professional copywriter is that a professional copywriter actually knows what he or she is doing, and he is getting paid a lot for this.

Types Of Action. So, as I said, one of the key goals of copy is to get people to do something. This something might be really anything, so here are a few examples to give you some perspective on this.

1. Copy for an online hat shop.

This shop sells high quality, hand made hats, and even makes personalized hats for those that are willing to spend a little bit more than usual for something unique. The goal of the copy on this website is to get people to, first, add to cart a bunch of hats, and then click on the purchase button.

2. Copy for a DIY blog. This blog talks about all the tools, projects, and best practices of a proper “do it yourself” artist.

It already has a decent following, but in order to decently monetize this audience and make a profit, they need to get people to subscribe to their mailing list, so they can always stay updated on what they’re doing. In this case, the action to be taken is to click the “subscribe to mailing list” button.

3. Copy for a sales webinar. This project is all about a big sales funnel with the goal of getting people to interact with the creator in order to later purchase an online digital product.

In order for people to familiarize themselves with the creator, they need them to watch his free training, which is a webinar.

With their marketing campaign, they need to get people to subscribe to that webinar, so that’s the action to be taken in this last case. So, as you see, there’s a variety of actions that you may want people to take. As a copywriter, you need to not only know how to make people take action, but you also need to understand why they would want to do that. We’ll talk about this in a minute.

Types Of Feelings The other goal of copy is to generate a certain feeling or emotion towards something. For people to buy, they need to be emotionally involved and feel understood. The product that they are supposed to buy needs to solve their problems and to be useful for real, and that’s when a copy comes in. Emotions are fundamental for something to be sold and for people to buy, In fact, people love to buy, but they hate to be sold to.

The copywriter has to prove to the reader that the product in question is legit and will actually deliver on its promises.

There are many techniques to generate these feelings of trust. Here are a few strategies to use in order to generate trust:

Trust Generating Strategies Number 1: What Other Say About You Tell them a story or, even better, have someone else tell them a story. This could even be a testimonial video, but a written testimonial works well too. Ask for someone that already worked with you and knows that you give honest feedback to your viewers. This is called social proof.

As humans, we naturally seek approval from society, and the more people believe something is legit, the more the individuals will believe that too.

When you get someone else to give feedback on you as a person or of your product or your client’s product, you instantly receive approval and attention. This is because what other people say about you is INFINITELY more powerful than what you can say about yourself!

Number 2: Storytelling Humans are naturally attracted to stories, especially when they can relate to them emotionally. you can make someone relate to your story on an emotional level, you have basically won them over.

The reason why storytelling is so important is that it makes your claims more comprehensible and coherent. Also, it helps to keep the reader’s attention, When reading something online, it is very easy to just move on to another article, so it is a constant battle of keeping them glued to the screen.

Number 3: Actually Deliver The faster you deliver on a promise you make, the fewer people will move on to the next article without taking any action. This means that if you’re actually able to do what you say and to offer value right away, people will believe you and trust you more than if you just promised stuff.

When we buy a product, we obviously want to know what we’re getting into.

That’s why we test drive cars - to test the product. Same case applies with online courses, digital products, or any other product. If you give value right away, it creates sort of a “test drive” effect, and people know what to expect after taking action. Also, if you are able to offer massive value for free, people will start wondering what kind of amazing value you will offer if they buy your product. This is actually what we did in today’s video.

I just told you what you are going to learn from this video, and then I got straight into it, without wasting any time or talking about useless things. This probably surprised you and kept you interested in watching more of this video. So, I actually already gave you a lot of useful tips on how to create a winning copy, but I’m not done.

Copywriting Guide: 5 Rules To Become A Master

In order to find your first clients for your copywriting activity and in order to actually deliver, there are a few more principles that I want you to understand. Part 2: Be different Imagine receiving 50 emails from 50 different car companies.

All of them have interesting offers, and all of them look legit, so you start checking some out. Every single email that you open has a big, blue banner at the top.

Every single one of them. At a certain point, you are sure that every other email that you’ll open will have a big blue banner at the top, but at a certain point you open an email and the banner is actually red. This gets your attention, so you start reading the email with attention because you’re curious: why is it different?

Why is the banner red, unlike all the others? So, in order to get more attention, you have to be different. It could be the format of your copy or the words of your copy, but something has to catch attention and stand out.

There are four levels of marketing, 4 different voices that you can give to your copy. Level 1: I too offer this product Level 2: I too offer this product, but better Level 3: I too offer this product, but my product is different, thus better Level 4: Only I offer this product Ideally, you want to always have the voice of level 4, where only you can offer that product or service, so people have no choice but to choose you.

However, you can only do this if you actually are the only one who offers this product. Don’t lie in your copy, keep it real, otherwise you’ll lose all the trust you’ve built.

Part 3: What’s In It For Them? Here’s the harsh truth: your readers don’t care about you, At all. All they care about is your product, and whether it can help them solve their problem or not.

As I explained to you in the video on how to sell anything to anyone if there’s isn’t a problem to solve, you won’t sell any products. So, if you really want people to buy or take action, you need to explicitly tell them what’s on the table and what they can gain from purchasing your product or taking your desired action. So, instead of telling them how good you are and how cool the product is, tell them about the benefits of that product. How can and how will that product improve their life. How will it solve their problem (if it will), and why should they choose you instead of your competition?

Explicitly or implicitly answer these questions and you will convince anyone to do anything, as long as you keep it interesting. Part 4: Keep It Interesting Copy isn’t an essay, and it has nothing to do with what you used to write in high school or as an academic research or anything like that.

It’s quite unique actually. First of all, there’s the language. The language you’re going to use has to be simple and direct, in other words, it has to be conversational.

It’s like you’re talking to your friend at a bar, just stay appropriate, and people will be far more likely to read all of your copy if it’s friendly, relaxed, and easy to read and scan. Format & Structure Every 2 to 4 or 5 phrases, the paragraph has to end.

There are two reasons why you should do this: first of all, you don’t want people to be presented with a big wall of words that looks like a lecture from their history teacher. Second of all, you need to structure your copy in such a way so that it is easily scannable. You want it to be so easy to understand, that people will be able to identify what you’re talking about in any section of the copy with just a glance.

This is so important that it will make the difference between a winning copy and failing copy. Part 5: Call To Action Call to action is nothing more than telling people what you want them to do.

Some think that this is ridiculous, but it has been proven multiple times that including Call To Action’s in your copy will dramatically improve the odds of people actually taking action. So, you have to do something similar to what I’m about to do right now: If you enjoyed this video, do not forget to subscribe to our channel. This channel is designed to help people just like you make more money online, and become the best version of yourself.

If this sounds interesting, subscribe to our channel right now, and turn the notification bell so you can be notified whenever we upload a new video. We’ve been working very hard on this content lately, and we’re actually developing awesome content that will help you make more money and improve yourself faster. We want you to tell us what you need help with and what you’d like to see next. To participate, click the link in the description and take the short survey, it’s very quick, it won’t take you longer than 2 minutes, and it will us tremendously improve the channel and also help you.

That’s for watching and I will see you all in the next one!

YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results

Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being invol...