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Wednesday, May 11, 2022
9 UNCOMMON Book Marketing & Promotion Tips (That I've Used to Become a Bestseller)
9 UNCOMMON Book Marketing & Promotion Tips (That I've Used to Become a Bestseller)
- Alright, so you wrote a book or you are about to write a book and you wanna make sure you know how to sell more books. Well, stick around because as a Wall Street Journal best selling author of the self-published book Will It Fly? I'm gonna give you nine of my favorite tips that have helped me sell as many of these things as possible 'cause I want you to sell more books too.
Number one, the promotion of your book doesn't start the moment your book is finished. Actually, it should start the moment you begin to start writing.
With any following that you have on social media, on a website, on a podcast, on your video channel, doesn't matter. Let people know that you are starting the book writing process now. You are seeding these ideas that a book is coming later, and it might come much, much later, but by planting that seed now, you're gonna have much more success down the road. So what does this look like? Well, maybe you write some blog posts or create some podcast episodes talking about your book creation process.
People love to see the behind the scenes on how things are created, they feel a little bit more invested in those things. It's almost like when you go on factory tours, you just have a little bit more afinity toward that thing because you understand the process about how it works. You can do this on blog posts, on videos, on Instagram, Instagram stories, on Twitter, wherever you have an audience. Start sharing some behind the scenes of your creation process. It's gonna get people more excited about this book that you're coming out with later.
A couple examples, Andy Weir, the author of The Martian, he's actually wrote that book publicly building an audience along the way, and by the time the book came out, he had millions of people who were excited to go and purchase that book and support him. And my book Will It Fly? I talked about it on my blog and on my podcast, I was just very open about the book creation process including some of the parts that I really struggled with too.
Alright, tip number two. Build a street team or a launch team to help promote your book when it comes out.
The street team is a small group of people, doesn't have to be very big. But you give them access to the manuscript early, you get them involved in the process because when people are involved, they're invested. And these are people who will, in exchange for early access to these things, they're gonna be there to write a review on the day that your book comes out. They're gonna be there to share your book when it comes out. And it's gonna give you just a little bit of a boost or maybe a big boost on the day you launch or the next time you run a big promotion.
So that you can get some more eyeballs on your book. Daniel Decker who I interviewed in episode 189 of the Smart Passive Income Podcast said the following.
- To me what a launch team is, is really the opportunity just to mobilize your community. So for someone like you, especially who has a little bit of a larger platform, the ability to take people who are already fans and just mobilize them to engage in the content, engage in the process. And just to help you support the book and launch it in an amplified way, but it's not limited just to people with a platform.
Anybody can utilize a launch team. It's really just leveraging that community. - On top of that, I recommend bringing all these people together in something like a Facebook group like you're seeing right now. Where you can show people the different covers that you are coming up, with the ideas that you might have, get feedback along the way and of course, the day your book comes out, or the day that big promotion is running.
Really hit 'em hard and thank them for all the support.
And they're gonna support you back. Number three, build in promotional and sharing mechanisms inside of your book. So what does this look like? So, for example, in my book Will It Fly? I have an exercise that people do where they fold the paper airplane after they've written some things on this piece of paper, and then I instruct them in the book itself, to tweet me and share it using the hashtag #Willitfly of them actually throwing that paper airplane.
Here are a few examples of people doing that. So what does this do? Number one, it gets the person reading the book to be involved in the process. And because they're at tagging me, or they're involving me in the conversation, I can quickly reply and say, you're awesome, or nice job, or keep going. And that just heightens the relationship that I have with the reader which is really important.
It's gonna help me stand out from other books and authors that they might be reading. Additionally, obviously, they're sharing this publicly. So now, people are gonna ask questions, and they're like, oh this is really cool, what is this? Or tell me more about that. Or hey, I saw on your Instagram yesterday, you threw a paper airplane, like, tell me more about that.
Now, my book is getting injected into these conversations because these people are sharing publicly these things that I told them to share in the book. So you might have ways that you can do this too.
Now, if you've already written your book, you can do similar things where you can ask your audience on Twitter, or on Facebook, or whatever to say, hey, take a picture of you reading this book. I just wanna know where you are reading this, and love to see where you're at. And that's a great way to get people to kind of step up and be like, hey I'm reading your book which is social proof, but also, again, building that relationship with your audience too at the same time.
Alright, number four, you can go on a promo circuit. So what is this like? Well, a lot of people, when they come out with books, they go on book tours, right? And you may not have the time, or the money to go on like a national book tour. But you can do this virtually.
You can do it on podcasts, you can do it on other people's video channels by doing Skype calls and things like that. Obviously, utilizing the network that you've built or reaching out to others and asking is gonna be the way to go about it. But you don't have to actually do a moving book tour, you can do a virtual one and it can work out definitely in your favor. I remember when I came out with Will It Fly? I think I had scheduled 20 or 30 podcasts episodes to be recorded within a week that were all gonna hopefully come out in and around the same time.
And for the most part, they did.
Which definitely gave me a boost when my book came out. Number five, create a book club. This is a really interesting tactic that kinda of is a more long term play here. So, for example, if you go to, you can sign up there and you'll get an email from me every single month with a new book that I'm reading, why I like it, some of the lessons learned, and so forth. But of course, when I come out with a book, I now have this list of people who I know read books, who have taken my recommendations and who are likely gonna be customers of my own book too.
A lot of other people have book clubs in very similar ways. Tim Ferriss, I believe has one. Ryan Holiday, and a few others.
So, by creating a book club, you can share more books that aren't yours with this audience that you're building who are likely also reading books and would be happy to take your recommendations so that by the time your book comes out, I mean, you're gonna be able to promote it. Or if you have a book club already, you can kinda mention it in passing, in your email sequences for your book club, or in your book club page, wherever.
Number six, create a podcast to support your book. One of my best friends Chris Ducker, when he launched his book Virtual Freedom, he created a brand new podcast with a limited number of episodes to support that book. Each episode was about 10 minutes in length and was called the Virtual Freedom podcast.
And he told me that, that definitely gave him a boost when it came to sales in launch day. And the interesting thing, is now, even though that was recorded years ago, it's still getting listens and it is still driving traffic and readers to his book. Now, if that's something you're interested in creating, all you have to do, simply is go to My free three day mini course to walk you through that process.
Link's below in the description as well.
Alright, tip number seven, this comes from Jeff Goins, and it's from a podcast episode back in the day when I was launching my first book Let Go and he was giving me some tips. So here's one thing that he said. - I don't know, you might have mixed feelings about it, but what I do is I raise the price. You know, after a certain amount of time, I raise the price.
And so, what I'm really doing is a couple of things. One, you know, there is, you know, in the marketing world, people understand that if you create urgency that, that builds demand. And so, people will buy something now, you know, so that they can save money later. - So to validate what Jeff was saying there, yes, raising the price can help because if you let people know you are going to raise the price, people don't wanna miss out on the opportunity that they have to get it at a lower price. Even just raising your price $1 can go a long way.
You can tell your audience, hey guys, at the end of the month, I'm gonna be increasing the price of my book so get it now while you can at the lowest price point available. And that will get people to move and buy your book. Number eight, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you could actually, for a brief time period, offer your book for free. Now, not your print book, that's something that obviously cost money. Although there are ways that you can utilize giving away free copies to enhance your book.
For example, if you were to give away free copies to people at a conference, that could help you book more clients and those kinds of things. Obviously there's a lot of, you know, business play with a book. But, in terms of offering your kindle version for free. If you are part of Amazon KDP Select, that allows you to, within a certain time period, and only for a few days, allow for your book to be free.
And what that does is that triggers a lot of websites and algorithms such that your book will get a big boost in rankings and a lot of people downloading it.
Now, you're not gonna make more sales, dollars as a result of that. But coming out of that promotion, your book will be that much higher in the rankings and it can, you know, give it a boost and momentum to get you more sales and more income coming in after that. So that's one thing. But number two, often times we write books for other purposes, like I said earlier. Build a part of your business or a lead magnet for your email list or whatever.
By offering it for free every once in a while, that's gonna bring a huge amount of people in there and then you can have your book do its thing that you had built it to do. So, that can work out really well for boosting your sales and at least the number of people who are getting access to that book, by offering your book for free. Number nine, you can create an event with your book.
Now, definitely when you launch your book, you wanna make sure that you make it like an event, right? Like, hey guys, this book is coming out on this date, get ready for it, you might wanna even include some bonuses for people who buy more than one copy, or some special things that people get in that first week.
Really just to drive as many sales as you can within that first time period. That can only happen if you treat it as if it's like an event. But, even if your book is out already, you can create moments where you can create event-like structures and buzz and hype for getting more people to buy your book. For example, one thing I do, is every June 17th, I talk about my book Let Go.
Because that marks the anniversary day of me being told by my boss, when I was in architecture that I was gonna be let go.
I celebrate that day every single year. Actually, we're coming up this year to the 10 year anniversary of that. And we have something very special in place for that. But that becomes a great excuse, if you wanna call it that, to talk about the book again. To talk about why that book was written.
To talk about the meaning behind it. So you can create annual events or quarterly events around your book too. You can have special promotions happening in and around the same time to give it even more of a boost and get more sales during that time period as well. Now, really quick before you go, a couple things. Number one, hook me up with a thumbs up, thank you.
Number two, comment below and tell me which one of these nine strategies seems to be the most interesting to you? Whether you have a book out already or not, tell me which one you're going to make sure you implement because all of these things will work.
I've used all them in some way, shape or form. I wanna know and hear from you. Which one seems to be the one that you're most excited about?
And then really quick, up next, over here on this side, if you haven't written your book yet, watch this video, five tips to write a best seller. If you've already written your book, you have a personal brand, click here to watch me and Chris Ducker teach you how you can monetize it. So, thanks so much. Enjoy.
Thanks for your visit!
- Alright, so you wrote a book or you are about to write a book and you wanna make sure you know how to sell more books. Well, stick around because as a Wall Street Journal best selling author of the self-published book Will It Fly? I'm gonna give you nine of my favorite tips that have helped me sell as many of these things as possible 'cause I want you to sell more books too.
Number one, the promotion of your book doesn't start the moment your book is finished. Actually, it should start the moment you begin to start writing.
With any following that you have on social media, on a website, on a podcast, on your video channel, doesn't matter. Let people know that you are starting the book writing process now. You are seeding these ideas that a book is coming later, and it might come much, much later, but by planting that seed now, you're gonna have much more success down the road. So what does this look like? Well, maybe you write some blog posts or create some podcast episodes talking about your book creation process.
People love to see the behind the scenes on how things are created, they feel a little bit more invested in those things. It's almost like when you go on factory tours, you just have a little bit more afinity toward that thing because you understand the process about how it works. You can do this on blog posts, on videos, on Instagram, Instagram stories, on Twitter, wherever you have an audience. Start sharing some behind the scenes of your creation process. It's gonna get people more excited about this book that you're coming out with later.
A couple examples, Andy Weir, the author of The Martian, he's actually wrote that book publicly building an audience along the way, and by the time the book came out, he had millions of people who were excited to go and purchase that book and support him. And my book Will It Fly? I talked about it on my blog and on my podcast, I was just very open about the book creation process including some of the parts that I really struggled with too.
Alright, tip number two. Build a street team or a launch team to help promote your book when it comes out.
The street team is a small group of people, doesn't have to be very big. But you give them access to the manuscript early, you get them involved in the process because when people are involved, they're invested. And these are people who will, in exchange for early access to these things, they're gonna be there to write a review on the day that your book comes out. They're gonna be there to share your book when it comes out. And it's gonna give you just a little bit of a boost or maybe a big boost on the day you launch or the next time you run a big promotion.
So that you can get some more eyeballs on your book. Daniel Decker who I interviewed in episode 189 of the Smart Passive Income Podcast said the following.
- To me what a launch team is, is really the opportunity just to mobilize your community. So for someone like you, especially who has a little bit of a larger platform, the ability to take people who are already fans and just mobilize them to engage in the content, engage in the process. And just to help you support the book and launch it in an amplified way, but it's not limited just to people with a platform.
Anybody can utilize a launch team. It's really just leveraging that community. - On top of that, I recommend bringing all these people together in something like a Facebook group like you're seeing right now. Where you can show people the different covers that you are coming up, with the ideas that you might have, get feedback along the way and of course, the day your book comes out, or the day that big promotion is running.
Really hit 'em hard and thank them for all the support.
And they're gonna support you back. Number three, build in promotional and sharing mechanisms inside of your book. So what does this look like? So, for example, in my book Will It Fly? I have an exercise that people do where they fold the paper airplane after they've written some things on this piece of paper, and then I instruct them in the book itself, to tweet me and share it using the hashtag #Willitfly of them actually throwing that paper airplane.
Here are a few examples of people doing that. So what does this do? Number one, it gets the person reading the book to be involved in the process. And because they're at tagging me, or they're involving me in the conversation, I can quickly reply and say, you're awesome, or nice job, or keep going. And that just heightens the relationship that I have with the reader which is really important.
It's gonna help me stand out from other books and authors that they might be reading. Additionally, obviously, they're sharing this publicly. So now, people are gonna ask questions, and they're like, oh this is really cool, what is this? Or tell me more about that. Or hey, I saw on your Instagram yesterday, you threw a paper airplane, like, tell me more about that.
Now, my book is getting injected into these conversations because these people are sharing publicly these things that I told them to share in the book. So you might have ways that you can do this too.
Now, if you've already written your book, you can do similar things where you can ask your audience on Twitter, or on Facebook, or whatever to say, hey, take a picture of you reading this book. I just wanna know where you are reading this, and love to see where you're at. And that's a great way to get people to kind of step up and be like, hey I'm reading your book which is social proof, but also, again, building that relationship with your audience too at the same time.
Alright, number four, you can go on a promo circuit. So what is this like? Well, a lot of people, when they come out with books, they go on book tours, right? And you may not have the time, or the money to go on like a national book tour. But you can do this virtually.
You can do it on podcasts, you can do it on other people's video channels by doing Skype calls and things like that. Obviously, utilizing the network that you've built or reaching out to others and asking is gonna be the way to go about it. But you don't have to actually do a moving book tour, you can do a virtual one and it can work out definitely in your favor. I remember when I came out with Will It Fly? I think I had scheduled 20 or 30 podcasts episodes to be recorded within a week that were all gonna hopefully come out in and around the same time.
And for the most part, they did.
Which definitely gave me a boost when my book came out. Number five, create a book club. This is a really interesting tactic that kinda of is a more long term play here. So, for example, if you go to, you can sign up there and you'll get an email from me every single month with a new book that I'm reading, why I like it, some of the lessons learned, and so forth. But of course, when I come out with a book, I now have this list of people who I know read books, who have taken my recommendations and who are likely gonna be customers of my own book too.
A lot of other people have book clubs in very similar ways. Tim Ferriss, I believe has one. Ryan Holiday, and a few others.
So, by creating a book club, you can share more books that aren't yours with this audience that you're building who are likely also reading books and would be happy to take your recommendations so that by the time your book comes out, I mean, you're gonna be able to promote it. Or if you have a book club already, you can kinda mention it in passing, in your email sequences for your book club, or in your book club page, wherever.
Number six, create a podcast to support your book. One of my best friends Chris Ducker, when he launched his book Virtual Freedom, he created a brand new podcast with a limited number of episodes to support that book. Each episode was about 10 minutes in length and was called the Virtual Freedom podcast.
And he told me that, that definitely gave him a boost when it came to sales in launch day. And the interesting thing, is now, even though that was recorded years ago, it's still getting listens and it is still driving traffic and readers to his book. Now, if that's something you're interested in creating, all you have to do, simply is go to My free three day mini course to walk you through that process.
Link's below in the description as well.
Alright, tip number seven, this comes from Jeff Goins, and it's from a podcast episode back in the day when I was launching my first book Let Go and he was giving me some tips. So here's one thing that he said. - I don't know, you might have mixed feelings about it, but what I do is I raise the price. You know, after a certain amount of time, I raise the price.
And so, what I'm really doing is a couple of things. One, you know, there is, you know, in the marketing world, people understand that if you create urgency that, that builds demand. And so, people will buy something now, you know, so that they can save money later. - So to validate what Jeff was saying there, yes, raising the price can help because if you let people know you are going to raise the price, people don't wanna miss out on the opportunity that they have to get it at a lower price. Even just raising your price $1 can go a long way.
You can tell your audience, hey guys, at the end of the month, I'm gonna be increasing the price of my book so get it now while you can at the lowest price point available. And that will get people to move and buy your book. Number eight, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you could actually, for a brief time period, offer your book for free. Now, not your print book, that's something that obviously cost money. Although there are ways that you can utilize giving away free copies to enhance your book.
For example, if you were to give away free copies to people at a conference, that could help you book more clients and those kinds of things. Obviously there's a lot of, you know, business play with a book. But, in terms of offering your kindle version for free. If you are part of Amazon KDP Select, that allows you to, within a certain time period, and only for a few days, allow for your book to be free.
And what that does is that triggers a lot of websites and algorithms such that your book will get a big boost in rankings and a lot of people downloading it.
Now, you're not gonna make more sales, dollars as a result of that. But coming out of that promotion, your book will be that much higher in the rankings and it can, you know, give it a boost and momentum to get you more sales and more income coming in after that. So that's one thing. But number two, often times we write books for other purposes, like I said earlier. Build a part of your business or a lead magnet for your email list or whatever.
By offering it for free every once in a while, that's gonna bring a huge amount of people in there and then you can have your book do its thing that you had built it to do. So, that can work out really well for boosting your sales and at least the number of people who are getting access to that book, by offering your book for free. Number nine, you can create an event with your book.
Now, definitely when you launch your book, you wanna make sure that you make it like an event, right? Like, hey guys, this book is coming out on this date, get ready for it, you might wanna even include some bonuses for people who buy more than one copy, or some special things that people get in that first week.
Really just to drive as many sales as you can within that first time period. That can only happen if you treat it as if it's like an event. But, even if your book is out already, you can create moments where you can create event-like structures and buzz and hype for getting more people to buy your book. For example, one thing I do, is every June 17th, I talk about my book Let Go.
Because that marks the anniversary day of me being told by my boss, when I was in architecture that I was gonna be let go.
I celebrate that day every single year. Actually, we're coming up this year to the 10 year anniversary of that. And we have something very special in place for that. But that becomes a great excuse, if you wanna call it that, to talk about the book again. To talk about why that book was written.
To talk about the meaning behind it. So you can create annual events or quarterly events around your book too. You can have special promotions happening in and around the same time to give it even more of a boost and get more sales during that time period as well. Now, really quick before you go, a couple things. Number one, hook me up with a thumbs up, thank you.
Number two, comment below and tell me which one of these nine strategies seems to be the most interesting to you? Whether you have a book out already or not, tell me which one you're going to make sure you implement because all of these things will work.
I've used all them in some way, shape or form. I wanna know and hear from you. Which one seems to be the one that you're most excited about?
And then really quick, up next, over here on this side, if you haven't written your book yet, watch this video, five tips to write a best seller. If you've already written your book, you have a personal brand, click here to watch me and Chris Ducker teach you how you can monetize it. So, thanks so much. Enjoy.
Thanks for your visit!
How To Promote Ebook
How To Promote Ebook
Alright guys welcome back to my channels before I get into videos thank you for 1000 subscribers and in this video I'm gonna show you how you can promote your ebook for free a 3 traffic so that you can promote the book for free and make a sale from it so you can make money every single day Olfa see we've got like that because once you did that that post or that method will bring money every single time when a new visitor go there so this method is completely free buddy take time and they take effort in order to make money first like.
I said if we find the e-book we listed on a fake hip I already done that this is the e-book I want to promote ok I list a book for $4.99 you can see it from here I gave them a 50% curtain of coupon code so they can buy it for 249 pieces their game and said great marketing strategy now I want you to do first one is go to Facebook.
And on the search bar type weight loss because his interment diet can is again weightless so what you are they doing type similar to that or you can type food diet or diet or weight loss whatever come to Fitness surrounding that topic okay when you search now these things open up when you search it on the sit bone these all things open up when you have to go to the top page and you can see two thing once the page at the girl so what you do a click page will open up you can light like line and if they add cited you will allow to post on their page alright until.
You can do that Oh if you click groups it will show the closed group you need to do ask them you need to get permission to join once then you'll join you can post you can see this post allow you to pull this post this group has around 1700 post per day so people are posting every single day so more engagement on this group and they're getting 324 so which is bad it's not bad and 534 so you can join as mature group that you want one once we did that you can't just spam this group and pages because they will automatically remove you from those you can't just go before the sales basic tactics.
That you need to follow I'm thinking it would work I will show you in a minute guys the thing is what you to do the mid-80s you need to go to google and type articles that was similar to your ebook so my ebook is about income and for fasting formula it's diet okay so I went to google and type what is interment diet or in campaign casting method so this is our ticket on helpline published because if this the woman they this is a big article by instead of copy everything.
I just copied first and second sentence because they in this ebook take follow those six to eight eighty admitted so I just copy the some of the information I put it in the Grambling you can put it in the word document or whatever you want then in the bottom do you need to keep it on credit we are not going to use entire article just to keep the information and we're gonna be posted under Facebook or any other like session we are going to show you now so just give them and credit where you get this article for once you did that on the bottom he said okay can you ebook.
Or intervene fasting formula is an easy-to-follow plan to help you lose weight fast something like that or whatever come to your ebook then Jupiter normal is for ninety nine but to use the coupon code tears and for fifty percent o and you put your pipe since you are all on the day post.
Now what you did you just copy this and you just copy the but also one more thing.
I want to show you go to ten one and click on create design select Facebook post under put any book designs that you are calling sale then you're gonna promote and put a title and put a price and a coupon code and say that use the coupon would get 50% off just just in case download that image now would you do only going to scoop this subgroup automatic an absolute and crew ask your question sometimes they take 24 to absolutely invitation Bunji enjoying.
So I'm doing the con some of the coop and and we pay just you can see it from here so this is the group first group I joined so I could post an article here okay so this is the article now what they work what.
I can do and here this is a big hip Healthline website dual are ultimately come I don't want that because it will automatically direct my thing into health line.
I don't want that so just close the helpline link and add you have image into that so this is the image Donald put that and that's it cuts then and what you have to do now this is the PM it war all routes for the website so there's no link here just would you do now is click post this article automatically posted in this group now the people come and they visit.
And if they're like they click the link I've come to you so you could repeat the same pattern for here and all of the group and pages now this is the page I want to do the same thing again again our like I said if you put in putting a credit for some of the website be careful because the link automatically plays your sales page link so what.
I want to do just I want to remove that HTTP here just in case copy that now again add photo video just add your image that you downloaded here repeat the same pattern for different group because that like I said this is the hospital part guys you need to do every single day just don't just expert to post one post on one group and make millions of money he when the wrong going to happen and maybe remove your post.
So drawing as much as group and pages and post every single day on Facebook now I'm gonna show the circuit at the third month is the same thing it's just a copy and paste method so watch it continuously now this part done just post that and we have one more cool page to post okay copy and paste and add the image that you want because what you have to do some of the group doesn't like and you know the link and all them as ebook that you have promotes they will remove it the admin will remove.
It so even proven that doing as many as group and Beach and post it at their now the premise is setting this was proven form sharing this timeline okay like I said some of them will make you too Oh composted anything here so believe that and join the other group and do that again and again now the Facebook plan is done and the second one is called Twitter on the treat or what you have to do go to search bar here and type radios right.
I couldn't show you the trick on tutor that you can get a little more most recent result for USA what you're searching on turn switched up now undo on Twitter search bar has videos right and it will bring all the ways without each other and APA and the pages about that now would you do to coast to here the three dot and click at once which and you can put waitlist if you want w IG HT weight loss and go over the weight down and here there is the engagement pot now you click minimum reply is hundred and minimum like is hundred so if we're reading the most relevant say to add than the old one on the new one right when you switch there you can see these are article published.
You can see the read tutor and the lights here so what did you do now repeat the same thing but only teacher this issue with that the issue is you can post entire article like a show you for the Facebook so that's why.
I summarized the point here so the example was amazing for the a picture and anyone wondering how to lose weight try entering ten transmitted and this is the summary version of you wanted to just copy that okay let's see this is the one we want you want to retweet that with comment and paste it and pejorative you can add the image you want or you don't I will may I say image to keep the literal and open that.
I've done and reread or you can comment it in with some of the opposed do that again and again guys someone will light someone into their bus under the enter of by engaging book you can make money from that this is a second thing it's easy one the third one is go to google and type red nose and you put forum into the to come and you can see from here like that we bring a specific search on Google so ye these are all four of them they write upon big nose but I already joined one of them is called correct this is the famous one Joe what you do to again go in type weight loss with the diet.
And we bring old currently asking so first off for example what is the best weight loss diet so you can click this one and this question will open up here but you just click click answer and you need to write the answer now what you have to do now again good to hear and we remove this part we don't want to concrete the part ok now would you do copy that entire articles go to cool pace your all ticket here and go down the bottom stop.
The soy you add the image you want this is the image that you want open there's one more thing you can do is go to your page again and copy the link where to begin now go back here and you know the title just highlight they start like a good plus article you can put the link for the each other so when the people click that again you will take to the page of your ebook now again do that wherever you can put the link put it is a new thing so from here too so.
I want to put a link here to put a link and add now we can see all the link is added and now would you do just submit your article that's it does these are the best traffic method that's the I is as I I swear I said consider because Facebook getting billions of traffic every single mom good tutors getting millions of traffic colors also getting millions of traffic and color is more specifically to stay on ones asking the question in specific diet or the specific topic that.
You want to promote so if you find the ebook and say it's a specific question related to the e-book on the cholera and try to answer it don't just put a link and go and buy my ebook because color will remove your link or them automatically reject your article so they won't publish.
Your answer just type and I'll just summer you article 10 put a link and we give it redirect the topic phone karate or ebook because Kyra want you on the visitors tasting the website rather than move on with them so that's why guys just don't put the link is just put a little bit summary two hundred verses or three hundred what is it now that put a link there also you can add the image you want this is how you can promote your book for free and make money for me guys best thanks for watching my videos and if you really like a video sub schedule twist.
Up I like John also don't like our videos there's a like buttom on the bottom of the video also of the giveaway it is running under them I'm to June so if you really like this video subscribe and press the like button on the comment section.
I die like this video and put you people that says I will pick a winner on the next video if this video get all hundred lies what's even next one guys.
Thanks for your visit!
Alright guys welcome back to my channels before I get into videos thank you for 1000 subscribers and in this video I'm gonna show you how you can promote your ebook for free a 3 traffic so that you can promote the book for free and make a sale from it so you can make money every single day Olfa see we've got like that because once you did that that post or that method will bring money every single time when a new visitor go there so this method is completely free buddy take time and they take effort in order to make money first like.
I said if we find the e-book we listed on a fake hip I already done that this is the e-book I want to promote ok I list a book for $4.99 you can see it from here I gave them a 50% curtain of coupon code so they can buy it for 249 pieces their game and said great marketing strategy now I want you to do first one is go to Facebook.
And on the search bar type weight loss because his interment diet can is again weightless so what you are they doing type similar to that or you can type food diet or diet or weight loss whatever come to Fitness surrounding that topic okay when you search now these things open up when you search it on the sit bone these all things open up when you have to go to the top page and you can see two thing once the page at the girl so what you do a click page will open up you can light like line and if they add cited you will allow to post on their page alright until.
You can do that Oh if you click groups it will show the closed group you need to do ask them you need to get permission to join once then you'll join you can post you can see this post allow you to pull this post this group has around 1700 post per day so people are posting every single day so more engagement on this group and they're getting 324 so which is bad it's not bad and 534 so you can join as mature group that you want one once we did that you can't just spam this group and pages because they will automatically remove you from those you can't just go before the sales basic tactics.
That you need to follow I'm thinking it would work I will show you in a minute guys the thing is what you to do the mid-80s you need to go to google and type articles that was similar to your ebook so my ebook is about income and for fasting formula it's diet okay so I went to google and type what is interment diet or in campaign casting method so this is our ticket on helpline published because if this the woman they this is a big article by instead of copy everything.
I just copied first and second sentence because they in this ebook take follow those six to eight eighty admitted so I just copy the some of the information I put it in the Grambling you can put it in the word document or whatever you want then in the bottom do you need to keep it on credit we are not going to use entire article just to keep the information and we're gonna be posted under Facebook or any other like session we are going to show you now so just give them and credit where you get this article for once you did that on the bottom he said okay can you ebook.
Or intervene fasting formula is an easy-to-follow plan to help you lose weight fast something like that or whatever come to your ebook then Jupiter normal is for ninety nine but to use the coupon code tears and for fifty percent o and you put your pipe since you are all on the day post.
Now what you did you just copy this and you just copy the but also one more thing.
I want to show you go to ten one and click on create design select Facebook post under put any book designs that you are calling sale then you're gonna promote and put a title and put a price and a coupon code and say that use the coupon would get 50% off just just in case download that image now would you do only going to scoop this subgroup automatic an absolute and crew ask your question sometimes they take 24 to absolutely invitation Bunji enjoying.
So I'm doing the con some of the coop and and we pay just you can see it from here so this is the group first group I joined so I could post an article here okay so this is the article now what they work what.
I can do and here this is a big hip Healthline website dual are ultimately come I don't want that because it will automatically direct my thing into health line.
I don't want that so just close the helpline link and add you have image into that so this is the image Donald put that and that's it cuts then and what you have to do now this is the PM it war all routes for the website so there's no link here just would you do now is click post this article automatically posted in this group now the people come and they visit.
And if they're like they click the link I've come to you so you could repeat the same pattern for here and all of the group and pages now this is the page I want to do the same thing again again our like I said if you put in putting a credit for some of the website be careful because the link automatically plays your sales page link so what.
I want to do just I want to remove that HTTP here just in case copy that now again add photo video just add your image that you downloaded here repeat the same pattern for different group because that like I said this is the hospital part guys you need to do every single day just don't just expert to post one post on one group and make millions of money he when the wrong going to happen and maybe remove your post.
So drawing as much as group and pages and post every single day on Facebook now I'm gonna show the circuit at the third month is the same thing it's just a copy and paste method so watch it continuously now this part done just post that and we have one more cool page to post okay copy and paste and add the image that you want because what you have to do some of the group doesn't like and you know the link and all them as ebook that you have promotes they will remove it the admin will remove.
It so even proven that doing as many as group and Beach and post it at their now the premise is setting this was proven form sharing this timeline okay like I said some of them will make you too Oh composted anything here so believe that and join the other group and do that again and again now the Facebook plan is done and the second one is called Twitter on the treat or what you have to do go to search bar here and type radios right.
I couldn't show you the trick on tutor that you can get a little more most recent result for USA what you're searching on turn switched up now undo on Twitter search bar has videos right and it will bring all the ways without each other and APA and the pages about that now would you do to coast to here the three dot and click at once which and you can put waitlist if you want w IG HT weight loss and go over the weight down and here there is the engagement pot now you click minimum reply is hundred and minimum like is hundred so if we're reading the most relevant say to add than the old one on the new one right when you switch there you can see these are article published.
You can see the read tutor and the lights here so what did you do now repeat the same thing but only teacher this issue with that the issue is you can post entire article like a show you for the Facebook so that's why.
I summarized the point here so the example was amazing for the a picture and anyone wondering how to lose weight try entering ten transmitted and this is the summary version of you wanted to just copy that okay let's see this is the one we want you want to retweet that with comment and paste it and pejorative you can add the image you want or you don't I will may I say image to keep the literal and open that.
I've done and reread or you can comment it in with some of the opposed do that again and again guys someone will light someone into their bus under the enter of by engaging book you can make money from that this is a second thing it's easy one the third one is go to google and type red nose and you put forum into the to come and you can see from here like that we bring a specific search on Google so ye these are all four of them they write upon big nose but I already joined one of them is called correct this is the famous one Joe what you do to again go in type weight loss with the diet.
And we bring old currently asking so first off for example what is the best weight loss diet so you can click this one and this question will open up here but you just click click answer and you need to write the answer now what you have to do now again good to hear and we remove this part we don't want to concrete the part ok now would you do copy that entire articles go to cool pace your all ticket here and go down the bottom stop.
The soy you add the image you want this is the image that you want open there's one more thing you can do is go to your page again and copy the link where to begin now go back here and you know the title just highlight they start like a good plus article you can put the link for the each other so when the people click that again you will take to the page of your ebook now again do that wherever you can put the link put it is a new thing so from here too so.
I want to put a link here to put a link and add now we can see all the link is added and now would you do just submit your article that's it does these are the best traffic method that's the I is as I I swear I said consider because Facebook getting billions of traffic every single mom good tutors getting millions of traffic colors also getting millions of traffic and color is more specifically to stay on ones asking the question in specific diet or the specific topic that.
You want to promote so if you find the ebook and say it's a specific question related to the e-book on the cholera and try to answer it don't just put a link and go and buy my ebook because color will remove your link or them automatically reject your article so they won't publish.
Your answer just type and I'll just summer you article 10 put a link and we give it redirect the topic phone karate or ebook because Kyra want you on the visitors tasting the website rather than move on with them so that's why guys just don't put the link is just put a little bit summary two hundred verses or three hundred what is it now that put a link there also you can add the image you want this is how you can promote your book for free and make money for me guys best thanks for watching my videos and if you really like a video sub schedule twist.
Up I like John also don't like our videos there's a like buttom on the bottom of the video also of the giveaway it is running under them I'm to June so if you really like this video subscribe and press the like button on the comment section.
I die like this video and put you people that says I will pick a winner on the next video if this video get all hundred lies what's even next one guys.
Thanks for your visit!
Free Book Promotions - Insanely easy strategy to promoting your books for free
Free Book Promotions - Insanely easy strategy to promoting your books for free
In today's video I'm going to teach you about promotion site how to use them in order to get 3,000 book downloads with little effort and why they work to make money even if your book is free sounds too good to be true right yes it's not actually so long as you know how to set it up and which promotion sites to use so stay tuned and find out how you can get the most out of free and paid book promotion websites.
And start wrapping up your book marketing momentum immediately if you would like to learn more about book marketing then go ahead and subscribe to my youtube channel it's that little circle right there just go ahead and click it every week I'll be posting new videos.
On the latest poke sales tactic so don't miss out and click that little guy over there now before we get into how to make the most out of a book promotion site I want to take a second and actually tell you how they work and why they do all that for free trust me this will help you in understanding why we set it up the way we do as it stands most of these book promotion sites have collected a giant list of emails or social media following.
That are willing to read books well so most of them claim but that's beside the point all you have to do is submit your books information for the promotion and they'll blast it out to their so-called followers for free no really the most of them won't charge you they do this for free you know why because when they do that they actually use an Amazon associate link they may be saying okay it's an associate link to a free book who makes money ah actually with an Amazon associate link they make a percentage off anything someone buys within 24 hours of clicking on that link on Amazon.
So imagine clicking that free link and then buying a big-screen TV that's not bad right yep that's how Amazon associate works don't let that get you all riled up these book promotion sites are basically free advertisement for you by getting the clicks and downloads your book will become more popular by the minute and all you had to do was fill out a form it's a win-win situation so how do we take advantage of the strategy and get the most bang for our buck or time well it's all about three things the book promotion sites you use structuring the market just right in the timing of your book promotion.
Let's start with the book promotion sites some book promotions I just plain suck they say they have thousands of readers but most of the time they're using a dead email list where people have no idea how they actually ended up on it or they have one of those social media accounts where they paid some company a couple hundred bucks to build it up to fifty thousand Twitter followers yeah those companies really do exist and I don't need to tell you that those 50 thousand are not book buyers for readers actually most of them are probably just fake robots so to access a list of best promotion sites.
That actually do have followers and we'll get some downloads click my article right here from Kindlepreneur where I list the best promotion sites there you'll find some of the top in the industry and it will also lay out the requirements they set in order to use them pretty ridiculous right now for the second part its structuring your marketing right if you're doing book promotion sites just for the downloads or potential reviews then you'll probably.
Be pretty disappointed the truth is book promotion sites have a diminishing return on such an event that's why there are some things that you can do to help increase in actual ROI on any push such as include content upgrades inside your book so that those who download.
It have the option to sign up for your email list and get something else bonus to place your offer at the beginning of your book and throughout your book so as to increase the chances of them seeing it because let's face it people who are downloading these books for free usually don't make it to the end actually.
I've got a lot of books that I've done that too and I paid for them another idea is that if you have other books on the market go ahead and list them inside back that way those that download it and actually read your book happy ability to buy more this is even more important if you have books in a series seriously push to get that first book out there as much as possible if people ended up reading the first book then they'll be way more apt to buy that next couple of books to finish the whole story.
I mean who can take one bite of the Snickers bar and put it down right another trick that I like to do is turning my free content upgrade into a free book on Amazon for those website owners out there you can also take your email opt-in gift and turn it into a perma free book on Amazon then using book promotion place you can get your opt-in book out there to thousands of readers for free not even Facebook ads can get that sort of love for free just remember to create an email often offer inside of it or talk about your books programs or services.
As well you can make some pretty good sales from it and finally the timing of your book promotion timing your promotion to align with launches price changes and marketing efforts is super important and would take a while to adequately explain in this video but don't worry I've created a separate video to go deep into this and you can find the link below in the show notes but the general idea is that you want to do the following steps one contact the promotion sites.
Two weeks before your planned promotions the times vary per site but a general rule of thumb is two weeks to start looking number two before the promotion drop your price to free or $0.99 number three once the promotion begins contact your readers or followers and let them know it's free or on sale I personally like to reach out to my followers and ask if they haven't gotten the book to do so now while it's free.
And I'll mark them down when they do that way I can contact them a couple of days later and ask if they drop the review it's not being pushy or anything you know icky salesy that's what I'm giving a helpful reminder to those who like your work or respect your profession number four once your promotion is over raise your price back up to your normal price or higher and then the popularity of the tide of your book.
I'll explain that more in my scheduling video but this is important to get yourself a nice little ROI you can ride that wave some more book sales Bonus Tip after my promotion.
Is over I then start to do Facebook ads and Amazon marketing service ads known as AMS by doing this it keeps my book and kind of the download momentum and keeps Amazon happy with it so there you have it book promotion sites can help if done right they aren't an end-all and they don't make you into a major money-making author but when done in conjunction with other things it can be one more cog to help.
You have a stronger and better marketing plan just make sure to do them right so that you get the most out of it I'm Dave Chesson and I hope you enjoyed this video.
If you have any questions or comments just go ahead and list them below I'll be there to check it and be able to help you out Cheers for your visit!
In today's video I'm going to teach you about promotion site how to use them in order to get 3,000 book downloads with little effort and why they work to make money even if your book is free sounds too good to be true right yes it's not actually so long as you know how to set it up and which promotion sites to use so stay tuned and find out how you can get the most out of free and paid book promotion websites.
And start wrapping up your book marketing momentum immediately if you would like to learn more about book marketing then go ahead and subscribe to my youtube channel it's that little circle right there just go ahead and click it every week I'll be posting new videos.
On the latest poke sales tactic so don't miss out and click that little guy over there now before we get into how to make the most out of a book promotion site I want to take a second and actually tell you how they work and why they do all that for free trust me this will help you in understanding why we set it up the way we do as it stands most of these book promotion sites have collected a giant list of emails or social media following.
That are willing to read books well so most of them claim but that's beside the point all you have to do is submit your books information for the promotion and they'll blast it out to their so-called followers for free no really the most of them won't charge you they do this for free you know why because when they do that they actually use an Amazon associate link they may be saying okay it's an associate link to a free book who makes money ah actually with an Amazon associate link they make a percentage off anything someone buys within 24 hours of clicking on that link on Amazon.
So imagine clicking that free link and then buying a big-screen TV that's not bad right yep that's how Amazon associate works don't let that get you all riled up these book promotion sites are basically free advertisement for you by getting the clicks and downloads your book will become more popular by the minute and all you had to do was fill out a form it's a win-win situation so how do we take advantage of the strategy and get the most bang for our buck or time well it's all about three things the book promotion sites you use structuring the market just right in the timing of your book promotion.
Let's start with the book promotion sites some book promotions I just plain suck they say they have thousands of readers but most of the time they're using a dead email list where people have no idea how they actually ended up on it or they have one of those social media accounts where they paid some company a couple hundred bucks to build it up to fifty thousand Twitter followers yeah those companies really do exist and I don't need to tell you that those 50 thousand are not book buyers for readers actually most of them are probably just fake robots so to access a list of best promotion sites.
That actually do have followers and we'll get some downloads click my article right here from Kindlepreneur where I list the best promotion sites there you'll find some of the top in the industry and it will also lay out the requirements they set in order to use them pretty ridiculous right now for the second part its structuring your marketing right if you're doing book promotion sites just for the downloads or potential reviews then you'll probably.
Be pretty disappointed the truth is book promotion sites have a diminishing return on such an event that's why there are some things that you can do to help increase in actual ROI on any push such as include content upgrades inside your book so that those who download.
It have the option to sign up for your email list and get something else bonus to place your offer at the beginning of your book and throughout your book so as to increase the chances of them seeing it because let's face it people who are downloading these books for free usually don't make it to the end actually.
I've got a lot of books that I've done that too and I paid for them another idea is that if you have other books on the market go ahead and list them inside back that way those that download it and actually read your book happy ability to buy more this is even more important if you have books in a series seriously push to get that first book out there as much as possible if people ended up reading the first book then they'll be way more apt to buy that next couple of books to finish the whole story.
I mean who can take one bite of the Snickers bar and put it down right another trick that I like to do is turning my free content upgrade into a free book on Amazon for those website owners out there you can also take your email opt-in gift and turn it into a perma free book on Amazon then using book promotion place you can get your opt-in book out there to thousands of readers for free not even Facebook ads can get that sort of love for free just remember to create an email often offer inside of it or talk about your books programs or services.
As well you can make some pretty good sales from it and finally the timing of your book promotion timing your promotion to align with launches price changes and marketing efforts is super important and would take a while to adequately explain in this video but don't worry I've created a separate video to go deep into this and you can find the link below in the show notes but the general idea is that you want to do the following steps one contact the promotion sites.
Two weeks before your planned promotions the times vary per site but a general rule of thumb is two weeks to start looking number two before the promotion drop your price to free or $0.99 number three once the promotion begins contact your readers or followers and let them know it's free or on sale I personally like to reach out to my followers and ask if they haven't gotten the book to do so now while it's free.
And I'll mark them down when they do that way I can contact them a couple of days later and ask if they drop the review it's not being pushy or anything you know icky salesy that's what I'm giving a helpful reminder to those who like your work or respect your profession number four once your promotion is over raise your price back up to your normal price or higher and then the popularity of the tide of your book.
I'll explain that more in my scheduling video but this is important to get yourself a nice little ROI you can ride that wave some more book sales Bonus Tip after my promotion.
Is over I then start to do Facebook ads and Amazon marketing service ads known as AMS by doing this it keeps my book and kind of the download momentum and keeps Amazon happy with it so there you have it book promotion sites can help if done right they aren't an end-all and they don't make you into a major money-making author but when done in conjunction with other things it can be one more cog to help.
You have a stronger and better marketing plan just make sure to do them right so that you get the most out of it I'm Dave Chesson and I hope you enjoyed this video.
If you have any questions or comments just go ahead and list them below I'll be there to check it and be able to help you out Cheers for your visit!
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YT Explosion Code Review" Week 1 Results
Hi guys Kelita and I wanted to come and give you a YouTube explosion code review and this review is really from my first week of being invol...
