The Creation of Affiliate Marketing Mastery
Hey, everyone. This is Stefan, and this is a vlog video update on the creation of Affiliate Marketing Mastery. As many of you guys know, I've been in the process since early April in the creation of Affiliate Marketing Mastery, which is my brand new online video training on how to build an online business with affiliate marketing. I've created a little playlist here on YouTube. You guys can check it out, but I have some of the previous videos as part of this series where you guys can go back to the very first video, the second video, the process creation of the logo and whatnot.
In this video I'm going to update you guys on the latest happenings in the creation process. Right now we're here in May, almost, I think it's May 10th, May 11th today.
I'm not quite sure. I've lost track of time. That's how immersed that I've been, but right now I'm in Puerto Rico.
I'm in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and last month you guys know I was in Dominican Republic. When I was in Dominican I just rented a place on Airbnb. I was fully immersed in the process of just recording videos, creating the outline. I didn't really do a lot of fun stuff to be honest with you guys. I made some progress towards my other goals that I share with you guys in the monthly goals report, but my #1 objective day in and day out has been making progress towards Affiliate Marketing Mastery, and, man, it's a lot of work.
I'm not going to lie for you guys. It's a couple -month process creating a really high quality training program and product like this. I'm putting a lot of time ...
I'm so behind on so many other things in my business, in fact, like my team, like I'm not getting back to people. It's taking me a few days to get back to people and stuff. I've been turning away coaching clients just because I just don't have much time right now to focus on a lot of coaching. I'm really trying to immerse myself as much as possible and remind myself that what I'm doing right now is going to pay off. It's going to benefit you guys.
I'm focused on the outcome, the vision of what this is going to create and the value it's going to add. I'm really sharing everything that I've learned to build my business to where it is today because I'm diving into how to build a blog and how to build up your blog to attract hundreds of thousands of people, search engine optimization, YouTube marketing, how to build a channel, attract people on YouTube if you want to, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, building an email list, building a lot of subscribers, and then how to monetize all of that with affiliate marketing, which is one of the best and easiest ways to make money online because you don't have to create a product.
You don't have to be the expert. You don't have to be the authority. You don't have to create the product, and come up with the idea, and create the sales page, and deliver the product, and deal with the customer support, and all the annoying things that you have to deal with.
When you have a big online business you're basically finding a product to promote, and your only goal and objective as an affiliate is to send traffic to that other person. Then you get paid a commission in doing so. Man, I'm loving it, loving the process of this though. The content that I'm creating is amazing, best content that I've ever created. I've learned a lot, so much throughout the years teaching so many people now that the content is just incredible.
It's really, really good stuff, and it's actually helped me a lot too going over everything as well.
Anyways, I'm here in Puerto Rico. I'm going to give you guys an update and show you some of the filming that I've been doing. I'm in a new place right now at Airbnb, only going to be here a few more days, but I'm immersed here. I'm going to do some fun stuff on Saturday, go around Old Town, old Puerto Rico, or Old San Juan here.
Got really a nice view. I'm going to give you guys a little tour of this place as well real quick, and then I'm going to show you guys my computer, some of the content, the video I've been creating. I'm going to show you guys a logo that's now been finalized. I've got my team now working on a lot of different things as well. I'm going to flip it around and show you guys a few things.
Here's the beautiful view here from our apartment at Airbnb, beautiful ocean view. That over there is the Old Town San Juan.
It's a big ferry over there. Looks like a big ship. So nice little view of the ocean...and it's been a pretty nice day getting into the evening time. Anyways, here is the apartment here on Airbnb. Here's my camera setup.
I've got a really good background right now too, so I've been filming right over there, but I've got my laptop over here. This is where I do my work here in the living room or dining room. This is the mic that I use, the Yeti Blue mic. They're great for screen capture videos. That's my Panasonic GH4 with my Sennheiser lavalier, really amazing high-quality camera.
This is the living room here of the place. Nice little place, nice kitchen. I like really modern places. The bedroom is pretty nice, but my girlfriend is in there right now, so don't want to disturb her, but the view is definitely the best part. It's got two bathrooms.
I just love Airbnb. It's awesome for renting out places and especially when you're living the laptop Internet lifestyle and you're traveling around a lot.
You just need your laptop wherever you go. Here's a video that I was recording. Right now we're putting a free three-part video series on affiliate marketing where I'm basically giving away a lot of free information, and this will be part of the launch series when Affiliate Marketing Mastery becomes available.
Basically what I'm doing is creating three videos. Each video is about 30 minutes long. I'm sharing a lot about affiliate marketing, how it works, sharing a lot of my success and my results, giving away a ton of free value, a lot of stuff that I'm teaching inside the course for three videos, and then on the last video, the fourth video is where I share how you can get started with Affiliate Marketing Mastery.
This is known as a product launch sequence, which is really effective because you're providing a lot of value first, which is really I think the most important thing anytime you create or launch a new product is always add value first.
When you add value first, people get a glimpse of you and what you're about, and they can decide if they like your style of teaching and training, and often times even if someone doesn't buy anything I still believe they should still learn a lot in the process and be able to benefit from it.
Here's part of the first video I'll show you. Hi, my name is Stefan, and welcome to Affiliate Marketing Mastery. For the last few years I've been teaching thousands of entrepreneurs how to start and build their own successful online business.
Today I have an amazing video training for you. I'm going to reveal to you #1 how I've been able to benefit and take advantage of this amazing opportunity that we both have called the Internet, and proud to say I've generated millions of dollars online through my online businesses.
I'm really going to be open, honest, and transparent to you in this video and pull aside the curtain, show you actual examples of my online business and how I make money online. But more importantly, I’m going to show you how you can get started to build your own successful online business that can give you the freedom, the ability to travel the world, to quit your job, to achieve the financial goals and desires that you really have.
I'm going to show you how to build this business and make money online without even having to create your own product. You might be wondering,
"What do you mean?"
There's an online business model called "affiliate marketing," which I believe to be one of the best and easiest ways to make money online primarily because you don't have to create your own product.
What you're essentially doing is you're promoting someone else's product or service, and you're earning a commission in That's part of ... That's just a little preview of Video 1. As you can see, it's really high quality, really good background, HiDef, good sound quality and everything, so I'm really happy about that, and part of the training has a lot of screen capture videos as well.
Let me now show you some of the content that I've created for the actual product. I'm almost done, the content, all the videos. It took me about a month of filming every day almost to record all the content. It's still not done because I'm going to be serving people and asking for more things that people want. I recorded over 50 videos.
Let me show you some of those right now.
Here's all the Camtasia videos that I've recorded so far for each of the videos and each of the lessons. Everything is up on Dropbox, and I've got my video editor now just going through all the videos, editing them. I've got another person on my team that's transcribing all the videos, editing the transcriptions so that there's a downloadable PDF and also a slide that goes with each video as well. That's going to take a bit of time, a couple of weeks, just the editing process of everything and the transcript and everything, but, again, I want to make sure everything is as high quality as possible.
You can see there's over 50 videos here, seven modules.
You can see I've got my Affiliate Marketing Mastery Blueprint, which is a really awesome video, my success principles, the goal-setting workshop, introduction to the program. The seven affiliate marking networks to find products to sell, choosing your niche, finding profitable digital product niches, going into physical products, keyword research. Let's see, we got your marketing channels, choosing your brand name, building a brand, setting up your domain name and hosting, setting up a WordPress blog, essential WordPress plugins for your blog, creating a logo and header image for your brand, WordPress themes, and your blog design, introduction to search engine optimization, which was really, really good stuff. My SEO, what I'm teaching there is really good.
How to set up your YouTube channel, how to set up Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, content creation, quality content, blog articles, YouTube videos, social media content on Instagram, the seven laws of successful content creation. Then we go into promotion and marketing, blog promotion and marketing strategies, YouTube promotion, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram promotion, all about how to attract people and build a large following online.
Then we go into how to build a squeeze page and build an email list, how to create an email list and integrate with your squeeze page, Kindle promotion and marketing, so I actually share how you can publish Kindle books and basically use Kindle books to build your list, build your social media following and everything, and how Kindle can help you make money as an affiliate.
We go into monetization: the 10 laws of successful selling and marketing. This is all really a original stuff.
It took me a long time to come up with this. There's a lot of brainstorming and creativity, but I'm really proud of everything that I've shared because I've had to go over everything, all the strategies, everything I've learned over the years and put them together in this training. Everything here is original and unique. Cloaking affiliate links, some of it is common knowledge, like cloaking affiliate links, et cetera, but a lot of this stuff, I'm not copying anyone else. It's all original, unique material that I'm putting together based on what works.
How to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing; how to monetize YouTube, social media; how to monetize your email list. Why am I not making money?
I share different reasons or examples why you might not be making money and how to correct them. Setting up and analyzing Google Analytics; how to analyze YouTube analytics; how to analyze email analytics; surveying your subscribers; split testing and optimization; seven keys to long-term success, et cetera, so over 50 videos, guys.
There's a lot of work.
I'm still not done to be honest with you guys because I want to get your input and make sure that I cover everything you guys want. If there's nothing that's not covered I'm going to add it to the program. I've got everything covered here I believe so far, but I'm sure there's more. Especially once I release it there will be more, and I'm always big on updating my courses, adding more to it based on customer feedback. So nothing is ever finished.
It's always a work in progress. We're always trying to improve things and make them better. That's all the content. Let me show you guys the finished logo next. This is the logo for Affiliate Marketing Mastery.
I want to thank you guys first of all for voting if you voted on my 99designs contest. This is the one that won the most votes. I like this one the most as well, and the laptop you probably can't see in the videos is actually silver, kind of shiny, and the "Mastery" is kind of shiny too. I really wanted kind of like that shiny really high-end effect. The laptop with the money kind of shows you can make money from your laptop.
I like the whole mastery brand is consistent with what I'm already doing with Project Life Mastery.
I like the dark background too because that's primarily what the slides of my content is, so I think it will look good on that as well as on the white background as well. That's what it looks like for now. Still might be a few tweaks to it, but for the most part that's the logo. Right now I've got my programmer that's working to get put together the website and with the logo and everything.
I've got my video editor that's working to edit the videos. I've got my person transcribing, putting together the PDFs. I'm still recording content, so I've got a whole team in place working on this, and everything is coming together. I'm still aiming to launch this sometime in June hopefully, but the deadline is July 9th, but I'm aiming for June. I'm going to be coming out to Vancouver in June as well, so I'm going to have a little bit of a crazy schedule coming up, especially at the end of the month.
I'm going to the Grand Canyon for a trip, and I've got a few more traveling plans coming up too, but I'm going to do the best I can. I'll keep you guys updated even further on things, and if you guys, like I said, want to be notified when it becomes available, then go to
Enter your email there. I'll be notifying you guys when it's available and more updates like this, but that's it for this video, guys.
Thanks for watching. Hey, this is Stefan, and thank you so much for watching this video. If you enjoyed this, then please hit the "like" button below. Leave a comment to let us know what you think, and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos like this. If you want to take your life to the next level then I want to offer you a free gift.
It's called "My Life Mastery Toolkit," and it literally has the best of the best of what I have to offer in terms of videos, articles and resources for taking your life to the next level and living an extraordinary life.