DON'T BUY Forex Secret Protocol by Toshko Raychev; Forex Secret Protocol
Hi, everybody, and welcome... This is Chuck Boulais, and that's me in the picture in the lower left hand corner of your screen using the same stupid picture I've been using for months. I really have to get some new pictures.
Today I'm doing a video review on an upcoming product called "Option Bot 2.0" by Gary Davies, and I'm going to be speaking kind of quickly here, because I have a lot to say about "Option Bot 2.0" and this video may go a little longer than I want, so please bear with me because there's a lot of good information in here and I really want to make sure I get it all out to you.
Before we go any further, I want you know I'm not trying to sell you "Option Bot 2.0" by OTP - Gary Davies, and I have no affiliation with the company or the product, or with OTP - Gary Davies, and I have no vested interest in the product, so you will not find an advertising link to "Option Bot 2.0" down below in my YouTube video description, so you can put your wallet away right now. For those of you who have never seen one of my videos, I'd like to tell you a little bit about me: as I said, my name is Chuck Boulais, and I've been in the marketing business for well over 20 years, and when I left that career I did so to start my own business on the greatest landscape the world has EVER known as far as entrepreneurship is concerned, The Internet. I think that's the GREATEST place to start a business today, but, when I did that, I banged my head against the wall for well over a year just trying to figure out the basics of on-line marketing, how to make money online, and where me and my skill set just might be a "good fit".
During that time I spent literally tens of thousands of my own dollars, from my own savings and retirement accounts just trying to break into making money on line. I ended up buying almost every kind of internet program, one on one coaching plan and different online product launch that you can possibly imagine and each and every one of them told me that I'd make thousands of dollars per month, and most of these products and programs almost always promised that I'd do so with very little effort on my part, maybe even with only one or two clicks of the mouse, or maybe even totally on autopilot -- sound familiar?
So, I want you to know that I'm not an on-line guru, I'm not a member of any "Inner Circle", I'm a normal everyday guy who's made mostly good decisions, but in all honesty I've made my share of bad ones too, and after some bumps and bruises my online business has finally taken off and I've been having some really good results.
Now, let me tell you that most of that success has come since I decided to help people online as much as I can, and since I started doing these videos. And once I decided that even if I can keep one person a day from making just one of the same mistakes I made, I think it will all be worth it, success will come to me and that's because I truly believe that success comes to those who help others, and who love what they do.
Now, during all of that unbelievably long and expensive personal research that I had to do, the most important thing I found out is that when you're looking into buying any type of product or program that's being offered for sale online, that it's a business decision, so you're going to want to utilize your business wisdom and you're business acumen, or else you're going to end up being just another victim, and you're going to lose a lot of valuable time and money, and I don't think any of us can afford to waste one single bit of either one of those valuable resources. Now, if you can remember to utilize that business wisdom and business acumen of yours, and always keep in mind that over 90% of program launches on-line are either really bad fits for people and their particular personal talents and skill sets, they under deliver on their promises, are just repackaged old products, or maybe even just out and out scams, you can save yourself a lot of time, money, and energy.
I'm not saying that "Option Bot 2.0" by OTP - Gary Davies is a scam, or a bad fit for anyone, not at all. I just want you to know a little bit about what you're getting into right up front, so you can make an informed decision, and you don't end up throwing money at yet another product that leads you down a long, dark road that just doesn't work out for you, and leaves you into yet another dead end, all that much more broke, and losing all that precious time -- and even though these product developers may or may not offer you refunds on your purchase price, time is the one thing that can NEVER be refunded to you.
So What Is "Option Bot 2.0" by Toshiko Raychev?
Well, "Option Bot 2.0" is purported to be a complete professional Forex course which includes in-depth Forex market education and training. For those of you that don't know, Forex trading is an investment practice where one trades one countries currency for another, for instance dollars for euros, euros for Canadian dollars, Canadian dollars for Australian currency, and so on. At first blush these types of programs sound like a great idea and a good thing to buy, and "Option Bot 2.0's" basic investment strategy appears to be pretty sound but before I started my own business, out in the brick and mortar world my specialty was in the financial services field.
I spent well over 20 years helping people with their money and how to allocate and spend it to provide long-term growth and security. And one of the things I considered doing when I got out of that business and went into business for myself was forex trading through one of these types of online products. I am so glad I didn't! Forex trading is a very high risk venture, and unless you have a lot of experience in it already, I urge you: do not get your market trading education over the Internet.
Day trading, Forex trading, hedge fund trading -- very high risk businesses, unless you're already a qualified, licensed financial services professional, or a very experienced forex trader, I do not under any circumstances recommend that you consider becoming one in order to make money.
It may look sexy, it may look easy, but it is not, and you could you lose your shirt unless you know exactly what you're doing! The basic theory behind all forex trading like that being offered in "Option Bot 2.0" is market timing and asset churning, both of which for long-term and secure growth are not recommended by anyone who is successful in the market.
And I've done quite a few reviews on these type of Forex trading programs, and each one says that it's the one to buy, or their system works the best, and it's been my experience that any investment or forex trading product in even mildly wide release over the internet is not going to be particularly unique, or reveal any true, deep secrets over any other. Sound investing involves steady savings, qualified investing advice, and an eye towards long-term growth and a steady hand.
Stock trading from home and day trading involves the next to impossible task of market timing which requires a tremendous amount of time investment and nerves of utter steel! One other thing, The cost of this program is going to be close to $500, and that is a lot of money! For the cost this program is going to run you, you could easily find a very good professional, one who is a certified and licensed financial services advisor, to help you invest your money and teach you all facets of investments and trading, diversification being the most important! I'm still really kind of surprised that the government allows companies like this to operate and give out advice over the Internet the way they do, but I guess it just reinforces my basic opinion that the Internet is still kind of like the wild West.
And here's the sequence of events you'll need to steel yourself for when you go to buy "Option Bot 2.0": the initial offer to you to buy "Option Bot 2.0" will be between abut $97, which, considering what you're getting, is pretty fairly reasonable, but once you get your credit card out and warmed up, and you've made that bold and actually pretty admirable decision to invest in yet another terrific sounding business opportunity, and you fill in your credit card information and press that "buy now" button, you're goint to be immediately hit with an additional offer (and, by the way, these additional offers are called "upsells"), and then another after that, until the total cost for "Option Bot 2.0" is going to be, more, much more, than it was originally advertised -- hundreds more! And the truth is: you really DO have to buy these additional offers, these upsells that I mentioned before, in order for Option Bot to work as well as you need it to work in the highly, highly competitive forex trading market.
Now these additional offers, these upsells are there because developers don't think you'll buy their product right up front if they tell you the full price right away, no matter how good the product is, or how confident they are in it.
They know that they've got you ready to buy their product sight unseen, you really need help to make money from home online and that you need that help badly enough that you're willing to pay for it, so they don't tell you the actual price of the product right up front.
They lure you in with a lower initial offering price and then once you've got your credit card out and warmed up, they've got you in that "psychological buying mode", so they come back at you over and over, until by the end of the whole thing, your head's kind of spinning, you have no idea all that you just bought and not sure why you didn't get it all from the outset anyway; all you know is you've got this terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, you've just spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars that you probably don't have, and you have a learning curve staring you back in the face that just seems insurmountable. And it kind of makes you feel bad for the person who doesn't know how common a practice upselling is and hasn't been able to steel themselves against it, doesn't it? Now I'm going to let you in on a little secret here, a secret technique that you should always try whenever you evaluate ANY product being offered for sale online: "Option Bot 2.0" has what you call "downsells".
If you click off that initial offer, the very first one you're presented with? Go ahead and try to click off that initial offer page and you may be immediately be offered an even a lower price -- a much lower price. Do it again, and you may be offered and even LOWER price. Now this is called a downsell, and here's another little secret for you. Each and every one of those upsells that will be presented to you, if you click off them, initially refuse them, you will be presented with a downsell for for that additional product at a much lower cost.
A MUCH lower cost! And these lower costs are actually the "REAL" cost of "Option Bot 2.0". And, by the way, if you've ever seen one of my videos before, you've heard me talk about THIS practice -- this technique of downselling -- reducing the prduct price if you start to 'walk away'? I REALLY don't like this practice, and it's something we all have to be prepared for on every single one of these new product launches - something we always have to be looking out for.
I think it's misleading and unfair and I really wish product developers would just tell you the price of the products right up front. And everybody in the industry does it, so don't blame Gary Davies for doing it here, he didn't invent it. But this practice of downselling is a very old sales technique that's been around forever, and it's something that's been proven to psychologically make it easier to get you to spend your money, over and over and over.
And I can tell you that this release is going to be a monster! I've seen the numbers of affiliate advertisers looking at this offer at the JVNotifyPro.
com website -- which is an excellent resource for researching product launches and what's going to be coming down the pike to be sold, as well as the relative popularity of those products with advertisers.
If we scroll down, you can see how many a day come out; sometimes there's 3 and 4 a DAY new products that come out, looking to get you to purchase their product. Finally, in all good conscience, and these guys are going to HATE me for saying this, but I DO feel I have to tell you that I've looked at and reviewed these kind of programs before, and even hired a one-on-one coach for over $10,000 and neither did me as much good as what I'm doing today for free, and I mean that.
In any event in case you couldn't tell unless you really know what you're doing, I would highly recommend you steer clear of this product, not because the product itself, but because there are so many better ways to make money online and from home, maybe even in your part-time. Like I said before I've really started to have a lot of success on the Internet recently.
And that success has come only since I decided to help people and since I started doing these videos. If you're new to Internet marketing, or you've even been here for a while and haven't made a whole lot of money, or seen a lot of success, I want to share something with you that's really been working gangbusters for me -- in fact, no one is more surprised than I am at how well this is been working. After wandering around and buying just about every program and product that was being offered out there, like "Option Bot 2.0", I FINALLY found one that WORKED, and finally allowed me to say "ENOUGH" to forking out cash to any more of these online product launches, emails about the latest greatest tricks of the week, or any of these make easy money fast and easy schemes.
Thank heaven!
After spending all those tens of thousands of dollars of my own hard earned money, I've finally found a program called Instant Payday Network. Now, don't worry I'm not gonna ask you to give me any money, that's a promise. So, don't go away, and please put your money away, you don't need it, and -- Surprise! Surprise! - I don't want it!
-- What I'm gonna tell you about is 100% free. And right about now, you're probably saying, "Come on Chuck, you're just trying to sell me into YOUR program just like all of the other guys, man!" And I'm going to tell you that, NO, I'm not selling you anything -- I AM trying to tell you about this phenomenal opportunity, but I'm not selling you anything because what I want to tell you about costs $0 and 0 cents.
Instant Payday Network is free unlike the other programs out there like "Option Bot 2.0", this program is free, it's not $37.00, it's not $197.00, it's not even a dollar, so I'm not selling you anything. Now, what happens with Instant Payday is very simple -- you get 58 dollars whenever anyone comes into Instant Payday and completes the free program. Now the system was created by a guy by the name of Jeff Buchanan, and you can see his picture right there. He's pretty much an ordinary guy, pretty soft spoken, I've met him and yes he is my friend, he's a really good guy, and he's very, VERY smart!
Jeff's system the way he's set it up he actually has no buy in fees or upfront costs whatsoever . . . there are zero website fees, zero maintenance fees and there are no hidden fees later on. There are no upsells after you get in!
Once you're in, it's still free! You don't need to learn how to set up a website, how to blog, how to do SEO, door to door mobile web site marketing.
You don't need to know how to do any of that stuff, folks, it's really THAT simple. Now, I do want to put your mind at rest about a few things: Instant Payday is not an MLM, so those of you that have been burned by the Multi Level Marketing business model rest easy that Instant Payday is NOT an MLM. You don't have to bug your friends and family, like you would, say with AMWAY or AVON or all those other companies that we're all so inundated with pressure to sell for.
There's no cold calling -- you never have to pick up a phone and call some unsuspecting stranger off of a list, and you certainly don't EVER have to go and see anyone! And there's no product to inventory or to ship.
So, what DO we get with the Instant Payday Network, ladies and gentlemen? Well we get a free, COMPLETE turnkey marketing system, and that marketing system includes: We get our choice of not one, but 3 complete free capture pages, and each one has a tested 35% to 50% conversion rate, with NO website hosting fees either. We get a free automated sales funnel, so that all of your referrals and all of you leads are funneled directly to you -- no one else gets them, no one else sees them.
We get a free email auto responder. And we get all of the free training we need to start making money right now. Now, I do wanna go back and talk a minute about this capture page, the one with the tested 35%-50% conversion rate? If you had to purchase this tested capture page somewhere else it's gonna cost you $25 to $30 a month just in website hosting fees.
And if you wanted to have one designed, built and tested for you so that it was as effective as the one Jeff gives us for free that'd be about $200 a year.
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