Friday, June 10, 2022

Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing (Make Money Online)

Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing  (Make Money Online)

Hi guys what's up guys so in this video you're going to discover  how to get free traffic sources for your affiliate marketing business  so i'm going to reveal to you a traffic it's not only free but it is also targeted traffic because.

That is the most important thing guys so i'm going to walk you through the entire process and step so  stick around stick until the end of this video if you want to discover the easiest way  to get free traffic sources okay so before we start i would like to invite you to subscribe to  my channel in this channel i'll talk a lot about how to make money online affiliate marketing and  online marketing.

All right so consider subscribe and do smash the like button and you could find  some value throughout my sharing over here so the website or the platform that we're going to  be utilizing is called clickbank so i know some of you may not be able to access this particular  website you are free to do with jvzoo ori plus or dg24 it is totally up to you it shouldn't.

Be any problem okay so in this particular video i'm going to be promoting on the self-help niche  so we are going to be promoting dating guides so head off to dating guide so you're going to see  all this a different offer on this page okay so i'm going to be promoting the secret of session  of session product.

And then this is the product so before we promote we're gonna be uh utilizing the  jb page so be sure to visit the jv page first because this is something that  really really powerful in order to help.

You to make sales and as a matter of fact as you can  tell we're going to be utilizing free traffic sources so we need all this marketing material  in order to facilitate our process to promote this offer right so go ahead to custom report  we want to utilize the custom report i just keep for uh that one and then go ahead to custom report.

We're going to be promoting this custom report to a website that has billions of viewers billion of  traffic and very very targeted traffic so stick around i'm going to reveal to you the website  and how to actually get access and bring tons of traffic and to actually get your offer okay.

 So the next things what you need to do is you need to put your affiliate id here and then  we're going to generate the personalized pdf report right so just click generate.

And then after that you're going to be able to get this report all right so the reasons why we  do that is because we want to have our affiliate link on uh on the bottom of this content right  so now each and every page of this report we have the our affiliate link embedded with this  report right so this is very very powerful as you can see this is a 17 pages report.

And then when people read this report and they found that this report is very very useful and  got a lot of values and they're going to click on the free presentation by the way  this is a free presentation so most people love free presentation and when they click  take a look at this presentation and as you can see here this is my affiliate  website okay.

This is my affiliate id all right so it's already embedded with this free report  so what you need to do instead of spamming or instead of just base scattered your affiliate  link across the web what you need to what you can do is actually add value all right so this report.

Has so much value could help people to solve their problem to cut to uh can help people to um get  some tips how to get a better relationship and etc etc so once they go through the report and they.

Found value and if you if they want to learn more they're going to click on the free presentation  and up to this page and then when they are interested they're going to hopefully make  purchase and at the end of the day you're going to be able to make a commission so i could make sense  right so that is actually the idea so now it comes to a very very crucial part which is traffic right.

So where will you get the traffic and as you can tell we're going to utilize a free traffic sources.

In this video and this traffic source has billions of visitor visitors per month guys so and the most  important thing like i told you before this is a targeted traffic so we're not going to spam but  instead we're going to add value which is this uh free report and then we're going to offer to this  marketplace right so obviously the the traffic is called facebook right so what.

You need to do is  let me show you some crucial data first okay so let's take a look at the monthly visitor  for facebook facebook has 25 billion visitor per month guys so that is insane amount of traffic.

So take a look at this uh the data here so that is why i highly recommend you to leverage this  traffic for a get affiliate commission okay.

What you need to do since we are actually selling the  secret obsession so what you need to do is type in relationship okay and then click on the group tabs this one and then you'll be able to see a bunch of relationship related groups okay.

So let's go through one by one like this one over here research  relationships goal take a look at the members 300 000 110 posts a day right so this one 130k uh 120k  members 210 posts a day 200 uh members 50 posts a day so uh the best part about this group is  they are so so active right so just take a look at the post every single day this one 300 posts a day  with 40 54 000 people in the group okay so this is your targeted traffic all these people  they are searching to have a better relationship to have a boyfriend or something like that right.

To get the ex back and anything that related to a relationship so what you need to do is  you need to go one by one of this group and click join and i highly recommend you to join as  much groups as possible so that chances are you're going to get a sales is more higher  right so let's take a look at the first group so once you get joined and what you need to do  is you need to create a post all right so you don't have to create your own post.

But  instead you can actually leverage this affiliate affiliate vendor page right so as you can see here.

That is why i told you that this affiliate jv page is very very crucial because you can  get the article you can get the pdf report you can get the copywriting you can get the email  swipe and etc or they even have the banner for your marketing propose so what you need to do for  example you want to get the um like the article okay you can go ahead to take the article and  take some portion of the article and post in the group right and then at the end of your article  you might say something along the line of for someone who wanted to learn more do dm me because.

I have a free report that i want to share with you all right so once people dm you then you can  give the reports okay and then when they go through they're interested they're going to  click the link and purchase and end up with you are going to get commission okay.

So what you need  to do is that is number one and you can join right so i'm going to share with you another  another tactic another tips that's number one which is make a post and number two  is you might want to go to the contact the admin page okay you can click on the members.

And what you need to do is you need to find the admin for this group and then dm them  right for example this uh ladies over here and dm these ladies and ask her whether or not they have  some free slot for you to advertise right for you to share your content so you might you might need  to pay a little bit of money but trust me uh this group is very very targeted i'm pretty sure it's  worth every penny guys okay so that is tips number two right so you dm each and every one of them.

And see which one could uh can get back to you with the price okay so guys that is actually how  you can uh utilize this a very powerful traffic which is facebook groups okay so as you can see  there are a bunch of groups related to relationships.

So i highly recommend you to  join as much as possible as many groups as possible okay so that's all guys i hope you  enjoy this content i hope you'll get some value do smash the like button give this video a thumbs up  because it does help the algorithm and i could reach more people.

To help more people as well  okay so don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you in my next video bye.

Huge FREE Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing 2021 (Make Money Online)

Thanks for your visit!

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