Friday, June 3, 2022



A lot of beautiful people out there how are you doing my dear darlings and today we have a review of story but it is a special life-changing product I guarantee you there has been nothing like this.

No Instagram but has ever been like that okay guys so what it does it takes your stories to the next level guys and it helps you to tremendously ultimate your Instagram business so in this video we are going to cover up five things yeah five things my name is Amina by the way and today we are going to start with the sales page then.

I'm going to show you the full demo of the product how you are actually going to get it then we're going to talk about the prices which are juicy then we're going to stop on my bonuses that.

I created especially for you guys yes I created them then we're going to check the special bonuses exclusive bonuses to me that when they're provided and then we're going to head out and check out the bonuses that ultimately comes with this product so let's get on and let's get started so the first link down below will take you to this website right here it is the sales page and the second link will take you to my website about which we are going to talk in a second the third link will take you to my special bonus areas so here is the sales page and as you can see.

I think you can read it on your own time so be sure to check it down sirs and I just want to point out that like the main facts that why you should buy story but is the fact number one is that over 1 million close to two billion accounts use stories format daily not everyone posted it okay guys I post like once a month but.

I use stories like five times a day the second fact is that stories are easier consume and monetize people usually go what they now tend to do now is that instead of check and checking the feed they change the stories and the fact number three is stories are growing faster than any other form of social media you're out there it has been proven by the statistics and the final fact is there 36% of businesses use Instagram stories for product promotion and they are helping them tremendously so be sure to hop on that train guys.

I don't want you to miss it so yeah you can check out this from up in your own time and what you basically get is easy-peasy Mouse's crazy software that helps you to create amazing pro like stories okay guys let's get on now to the demo and check it out okay the first thing that.

Lowell will take you to the same thing here is the demo dashboard which you will actually get after you sign in after your purchase okay and first thing you need to do is to link your account right here where this strange guy is placed and then you head out and push create and when you link your Instagram account and you press create what it will do it will automatically post whenever you tell it to post and we're going to cover that don't worry right now we're just going.

I'm just going to show you how to create the story so here is the creative space where you actually create your stories and I'm just going to show you what are some options as you can see here you can upload your own pictures here you can choose to write any text with whatever you want what's right i Mena is the best yeah is the best what oil worker yeah depressed girl in girl in the world right because that is true okay this is common sense and just to show you you can change whatever what's changed font let's make it this thing I don't know okay if it.

looks cool you know the voice teacher probably looks like this you always do this and let's do that as well and as did this as well on this and this because why not right we can choose color text color we just must choose text to be purple because I love purple yeah okay we're good with the text now and yeah go away okay okay okay okay well.

let's check out the stickers of course you can use stickers like this one of course you love me yeah let's find something funny shall we yeah this is this is cool chick uh-huh okay we drag and drop it drag and drop it okay yes okay here is our cool chick right here and let's go out and check out with some of the emojis yeah I love this spooky face right here is so let's drop it right here then let's go out and find ourselves some background yet this background is absolutely like copyright free and all this stuff so you can use it whenever you want to do whatever.

I like this one because obviously I like nature and let's just check ah so little okay so here is our background and I think it has to go to the back alright oh my god yeah you can make it go back okay this one I need to delete this one okay let's put okay okay let's put actually this text right here and the chicken right here because who doesn't love chicken actually this chicken doesn't match the Y you know yeah okay.

I mean it's the best girl in the world yeah we'll stick with the chick let's now find some quotes because why not throw some success clothes or motivation clothes right and here you can find quotes on any absolutely any topic that you want for example you are the only person on earth who can use your ability like this whatever a man trusts he can find someone who needs him okay the Vayner ain't one with the fastest car is the one who refuses to lose oh my god.

I love it like I've exchanged a bond on this one as well let's change it to this okay it's good yeah okay I like it okay move now can you move okay where I'm moving it up here right and this story looks cool yeah so now when you are done with your story of course you can use maybe if you want to throw in some shapes you can use images more emojis or float some of your images you can also choose to do your feet right here like posts you want to post in your feed but obviously we're going to focus on the stories right now then you can choose your custom made templates and all that stuff okay we go out and we export your design you can either download it to upload it to your phone or we can just save it in the storyboard so that later we can post it yeah so after you save it you can find your story right here in the story section and let's go out and check what you can do with your story so first of all we can see right here the view counts after you publish you will baby well but we will be able to see how many views you get what is the engagement rate what time you have.

left to publish if you schedule something also you can put a child pods right there for example if a person chooses like to go back to sur add new response and if you the person chooses to like engage with your story in some sort of way you can ask like put something like check my video for example right and here you can just put the link of your idiot video of course you are going to put the link not like me just put the okay let's go back to story and after you done with it you are happy you can go and export your story like actually posted or if you want to schedule it if for example you are preparing for a week of an entire week of your stories to be published you can just go and schedule your schedule.

No and when you schedule your story it will appear right here and you can schedule it to any anytime you want of course by the way use the time that is best to like post your content so that your audience will actually engage and there is an app about which I'm talking in my video about this program and.

I will post it somewhere on campus and I think you all should get it in the bonuses so here you can also use the hashtag spice because.

I mean hashtags are amazing right now and if you don't have solve it at the 15 hashtags you are losing that Instagram game so be sure to instigate your hashtags right here obviously.

I don't have my Instagram linked so.

I can't actually use anything but okay let's check this out maybe it will actually work is it surging okay well yeah it is not connected so it's not searching but anyways we are going to go and check out what are the trends and trends are not available yet because the project hasn't yet lunched and.

I have only the demo of it but in your case it will lunch so don't worry here you will be able to get whatever is trending right now and whatever it is hot so you can just post the contents related to the trends here in the media sections right here you can choose any pictures illustrations read your animations so.

let's go and check out the videos because we just are cool right and you can just download any video any folder whatever you like to later use in your stories or in your feet yeah okay so let's go to check our audience just for a sec sake of you showing now okay it is not working because.

I have not published any stars yet but you will be able to see it and you will be able to monetize what you're it's what's your engagement rate how many people saw your post or story and by the way there is a cool cool feature that you will get so for example whenever someone watches your stories their account will be saved in your message direct list okay and your list will be.

I think in the audience section yes and there you can just choose whatever people you want to choose or you can choose all them or you can sort them out by list and then what you can do is you can like write a direct message and send it to all of these people who watched your stories which is a great way of communication and it's kind of making it the say your personal you know the personal connections so yeah go ahead and check this out as well and now.

I think we are done with the demo actually so let's go now and check out the prices which are amazing so here is my website which is the second link down below and you will be able to click on any of this get the bonuses here bottoms to go to the salvage and purchase storyboard so let's start with the prices and for the first up front product the it costs forty seven or from forty seven to sixty seven dollars and please ignore this Commission sign here it is for me and what it exclude includes it includes a five thousand G enlists one hundred chatbots campaigns for month story the story builder audience technology journalist Altium sandy.

M schedule story and wait the stands and meeting so everything you saw right now me in the demo is there so right now.

I will just read out that what are the upgrades and they're like prices and feel free to pause this video if you want to read watch each upgrade includes but I think you'll get more information on that later after you go to purchase so here is the first upgrade it's a storyboard.

Pro it costs $67 then we have second upgrade in the story and giant which cost forty seven dollars then we have would upgrade three it which is ultimate and it cost $97 and we have upgrade for which is obviously an agency which can cost you anywhere from one hundred and ninety seven to two hundred and ninety seven dollars and so that's it with the absolutes and prices and now let's get out and check out my bonuses they they created especially for you guys so here are the bonuses guys but before.

I want to mention out that my on my website there is a demo video of how to use the video storyboard and you yep check this out so then we go back to my bonuses and the first one is spent tip on how to gain instagram pores organically and that is the video that i made myself so be sure to check this out and then we have the second bonus which is instagram story tax Tips & Tricks and this is kind of a very broad and full guide on what many people don't know about.

Instagram and what you can use to benefit your Instagram business then we have the Dare hack number three is twenty six amazing Instagram hacks you can't miss these are also very limited for people to like now because not actually many people know and not everyone especially not many businesses use them so be sure to check taken advantage of that their fourth bonus is how to grow from zero to five thousand followers very very fast and this is a success story of one Instagrammer and she tells you step-by-step how to actually get to that five thousand four hours then we have the fifth bonus which is the final bonuses from me that.

I created myself but don't worry there will be more more bonuses and the fifth bonus is how to Instagram for business and the ultimate guide how to hack your Instagram to use it in your business ok guys that's it with my customer bonuses now we're going to have a look at exclusive bonuses from the vendor okay the first bonus that.

I want to present to you is three steps to build at hundred thousand to a million for your business online and this is a great great tool that you can use Instagram as well in order to promote it and this will just make you a great passive income or if you want to turn it into your normal income you are welcome to that is just a great way of course you need to put effort into that but it will pay off really really well the second bonus is vilest blueprint and this is just how the guy who made this product how.

I built at thirty-four thousand buyers list and then ex war profits and standings cheaper than any other traffic source so this is just a source that brings you your traffic and bring to your buyers which is all very very needed when you are doing some sort of or online marketing like your social media marketing when you use Instagram and the third bonus is how to WordPress plugins and this actually comes with the reserve right so you can use it as your own product and like we sell it okay now we go to the winders bonuses that come automatically in your account and there are actually 15 of them so.

I'm just going to rush through them so be sure to pause the video if you want to read the description of them but they are in the sales page so no no sorry.

I'm sorry they are in my bonus page which is the third link down below so the first fast action bonus is the Instagram marketing secret the second is the build your tribe the third is rapid Instagram profits their fourth is messenger both marketing the fifth is certified chats with words the sixth is wait a second the success becomes and become an influencer Instagram the seventh is smart CPA offers the eight is VP mobile optimizer the night is extremely stealing and this is my actually best favorite one because it builds your customers and buyers list and the tenth is a wordpress video focus there yes that's not it that's not that guys the 11th one is 100k a hundred thousand click funnels case study which is amazing case study.

I saw it myself that wealth is a native advertising exposed the thirteen is a wordpress in content pop-up prompt and 14 is unshakable businesses and yeah that is it with the bonuses guys.

I'm sorry to rush through them but I hope you've got the time to post it and I just want to reassure you that you understand the value of the bonuses totally only these bonuses that come from the render cost 528 bucks okay guys you just get had four to five hundred and twenty bucks for free so you don't actually need to spend a dime on adding so much value to your Instagram business and of course consider that the exclusive bonuses are also very very high value because they're very exclusive and they were very expensive then my bonuses they also have their values so that there you go you get basically like a thousand dollar bonuses included in your forty seven dollars story point which is crazy guys okay and that is it with the video because we are done with all the points that I had to cover up with you and.

I thank you guys for watching I just want to remind you that you need to buy story but if you are serious about Instagram business because stories are huge and don't need to argue with that okay and check this out you get to post your stories you get the attention and that is all only for forty seven dollars you can.

I go into you you can beat out beat your forty seven dollars in one single thing ok guys that is it that is the guarantee you get from me and you if you don't how to beat the price of the story but comment down below and say yeah you like lied to me whatever okay guys.

I thank you guys for watching and that was Annina check all the links down below and I see you in the next video goodbye....


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