The Basics: Part 3 - Adding Images
This is's The Basics autoresponder video training series. For this training series, I'm building an autoresponder campaign from scratch, that I'll use to help sell my product the Squashman Screwdriver. In the last video we created our first autoresponder letter. A simple thank you message to be sent when someone subscribes to my campaign.
Let's look at that letter again. I click on my campaign title, and then on the letters tab, review edit letters. Here's my letter, if I click on the subject line, let's check it out using the proofread function. Here's my letter. All the content is here, but I want some visual impact.
This letter really needs an image. I'm gonna close the proofread window and go back to the letter editor.
Clicking on the subject line and go to edit. Before we continue a quick note about copyright law. Please be aware that many images that appear on the internet are subject to Copyright law. takes this very seriously. Do not place images in your autoresponder letters if the images are not owned by you and or you do not have permission and they are not designated as royalty free. If you have any doubts or questions about proper use, submit a support ticket to and ask.
Adding images is a pretty simple process. I place my cursor where I want an image to appear. I'm gonna put mine at the top, so I'll make a space. And then I click the image button that I showed you earlier. Now, adding images to autoresponder letters requires them to be accessible from the internet. This can be done two ways. Method one. Entering the image URL. If I own a website and have images stored there that I would like to use in my autoresponder messages, I can simply give the URL for those images.
For example, the image I have in mind for this autoresponder message appears on the homepage of my Squashman screwdrivers website. This one right here. The URL for this image would then look something like this. So if I copy that URL and paste it into the box that appears here, click on the preview window, and hit okay, I can see that this image is now available for me to use in my autoresponder letter.
This image is a bit large. So let me show you a quick way to resize it and make it fit a little better. By clicking anywhere on the image, I create some handles. Grabbing a handle in the corner, will allow me to quickly resize it if I want to be more precise about it, double clicking on the image will open back up this image properties window.
I can adjust this exactly the way that I want it by using this lock I will keep the proportions of width and height accurate.
Let's hit okay. Hmm. Given how little text I have for this introductory letter, this image may actually be overkill. To my eye, this image takes up more space than the message itself. Let's remove this one.
Click on it, hit my backspace key. I'm gonna get rid of that space I added. My heading one switch back to normal. So let's put that back to heading one. Now we're back to where we started.
I have a smaller image here on my desktop that's probably a little more appropriate for my autoresponder letter. So this is a good segue to method number two for adding images. Method number two, use collection of stock images, or upload your own images to your account for using your autoresponder letters.
Here's the image I wanna use. Since its smaller, I'm gonna want my text to wrap around it. I'm gonna put my cursor here and click on the image button. To add my image, I can click on the upload tab that appears here, but I wanna show you's built in image manager, so instead I'm gonna click on this button, browse server.
This window has a few folders in it, this one is labeled stock photos. These are the royalty free images that we talked about a moment ago. Arranged in categories that can be used in any of your autoresponder letters. Newer images are added to the stock images folder as often as every few weeks. To pick one, you just double click it.
Another's labeled social media icons. There are so many different social media services available and with them so many different styles of icons, they are grouped into their own folder. All of these images are available for me to use in my autoresponder letters, but since I have an image that I want, I need to click on the folder labeled, uploaded images. Once I've uploaded my image to my account, it will be stored in this directory, and I can use it over and over again.
Also, images uploaded to this folder can be shared between campaigns, if you decide to use more than one. To upload my image, I'll click this button here in the corner. Choose my file. And then double click on it to select it. I'll hit okay.
I purposely skipped a few steps here to show what this would look like in my autoresponder letter. It placed the image where my cursor was, but now we also need to tell the program how we want this text to behave around this image.
Double clicking on it, will pull back up the properties window. First thing we want to do is change the alignment to left. This allows my image to share the space to the left.
(double clicking) I'm also gonna add some horizontal space. To give it a little but of padding, let's say 10 pixels. Let's see what happens if we change the alignment to the right. I'm gonna put a one pixel border. (clicking) I don't like the border.
I'll remove it. (clicking) I'm also not crazy about this space that we left between the title and the image. We can select an image, and do normal cut and paste routines now that we actually have it in our letter. Command x will cut, put my cursor where I want it, command v to paste it back in and now it's in line with the top. That looks great.
Let's go ahead and click save letter and make these changes permanent. (mechanical grinding and whirring)
Thanks for your visit!
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