Friday, June 17, 2022

ProfitMailrr review

ProfitMailrr review

In this Profitmailrr review i'm going to be showing you a cloud-based software that you're  going to be able to use to mail unlimited subscribers unlimited emails for a one-time  price and make sure you stay until the end of this review is i'm also going to show you how you can  get a discount on the offer on the sales page plus what all the otos and upgrades are going to be.

And how you can get a discount on every single one of them if you're new to my channel my name is  mike thomas i'm a seven figure affiliate marketer i do these reviews every single day so that you  can get the best prices on upcoming software and courses if at any point during this review you  want to check out Profitmailrr just go ahead and click that link below also please like this video  as it really helps out with my youtube channel.

And i appreciate it and if you haven't hit that  subscribe button yet go ahead and do it now and make sure you hit that bell notification as well  last thing before we get into the review we just want to make sure that you see on my bonus page in  the description below you're going to find a ton of special bonuses that you're going to be getting  if you pick this up through my link a lot of past courses and software just make sure  that when you go through my link you access all of these inside of warrior plus okay before we take  a look at the sales page.

Here i want to show you my autoresponder that i'm currently using in my  business now this is an autoresponder called convertkit it is a monthly fee i'm going to be  paying a hundred and seventy four dollars.

And 61 cents uh on february 22nd for this in previous  months i paid 127 119 but as my subscriber list grows.

I have to pay more money for my email  autoresponder so this is a monthly fee if this is something that you're happy doing if you're  happy paying a monthly fee if you've got a big email list then you might be interested  in getting something like aweber convertkit get response these bigger autoresponders.

But if you're  someone that doesn't have a huge email list yet or you don't have a big budget and you don't want  to pay a monthly fee then pay attention to this review okay let's take a look at the sales page  here together uh it says here lifetime access to the world's most affiliate friendly email  autoresponder with limitless functionality and huge profit potential at an unbeatable one-time  price say goodbye to wasting thousands of dollars on expensive old-school autoresponders with this  cutting-edge software that's ready to profit in 2021 and beyond so essentially what this is is  it's an autoresponder that's.

In the cloud meaning that it's an online software.

That you can upload  unlimited subscribers.

To you can mail as many people as you want you can add in your own smtp  and be able to mail people without having to worry about different autoresponders rejecting your  subscribers deleting them canceling your account you can do whatever you want with this and not  being having to worry about having to pay monthly fees these type of autoresponders are perfect for  people that are just getting started because why should you be paying a lot of money per month or  any kind of monthly fee if you don't have a big email list maybe you're not emailing all the time  it just doesn't make sense for you so this is a great uh alternative for people.

That  want to have that freedom and don't want to be paying those monthly.

B so it says here on  unrestricted upload any email list so there's no checks or approvals on your subscribers  uh high deliverability drag and drop affiliate friendly so there are some platforms that don't  like affiliates they don't want people mailing affiliate let's affiliate lists this won't uh stop  you from doing that uh unlimited subscriber emails done for your templates uh it says it has smart ai  technology and of course.

It has a look very very low one-time cost now they're showing income proof.

Here this is from doing email marketing email marketing is probably the most profitable way  of getting traffic that i know of everyone talks about getting free traffic well email marketing  is essentially free traffic you get these subscribers on your email list you treat them well.

And you provide them with value and then they will reward you by purchasing products.

Through your links unlimited emails unlimited subscribers uh that's really important uh they  have already have six thousand affiliates uh 30 000 emails that have been sent with it and a 91  deliverability rate uh so step one you grab software step two you activate it and then  step three they say profit of course you need to do email marketing with it so uh it's you do you  do need to send out uh emails to the right kind of offers and but that's gonna be your part of your  business so no one's gonna tell you what you can do with your business here they show a little bit.

Of the the marketing dream and making money with it blah blah blah we've seen that stuff before you can upload any list unlimited landing pages unlimited emails uh you can automate everything  high delivery rate uh all that with the software okay so here's some comparisons so if you're going  to use something like aweber that's 16 to 297 dollars per month active campaign 9 to 497 a  month and so on and so on so these different other alternatives out there you're going to be going to  be paying monthly and the uh thing that's nice about this is that this is a one-time price for  uh for your autoresponder here so let me just go down here i'm not going.

To show you everything on  here they're going to have a demo a full demo on the sales page i'm going to show you inside  the software but if you want to see more of a demo they're going to have that on the sales page here  let me just go down here okay so you're going to get access to the software unlimited emails  the quick start guide done your email templates some extra bonuses.

Added in there unlimited  personalized domain email accounts.

All that included inside of this now one thing i want  to show you if you come to the sales page and you move your mouse away you're going to get a  discount so make sure you get that discounted price on it i always want you guys to get the  lowest price i make less as an affiliate but um i want you to keep coming back to me so i want you  to know what the lowest prices are on these so give me a like if you like then i show you the  lowest prices on here um so you can get a discount on that so make sure you move your mouse away to.

Get that discount okay let's go over and take a look at the back end area together okay so here we  are inside the dashboard for the software you can see you can add you can access all your different  um recently uh created campaigns you can upload all your different subscribers here you can view  your contact list i'll be able to see all your different contacts on all your different lists.

Uh you can you can actually go in and see your different contacts here go back to dashboard  context view all contacts you can import contacts from a file you can export them if you want to  take them out if in the future you want to move over to another autoresponder you're not stuck  inside of here you can have your different email campaigns you can view your campaigns create  an email campaign you can add in images it looks like they've got like split tests in here as well  uh they've got different autoresponders here uh for this you have different uh  different lists different autoresponders that you've got like with different sequences going out.

Uh you also have your different your statistics your settings so you can go and you can add in  your different uh you can use the the default smtp you can put in your own smtp and what that  means is smtp is what actually sends the email so you could send this up with something like  amazon s3 and be able to send emails through that system.

As well which is super powerful uh which  makes these kinds of systems these these systems that allow you to upload your emails and use a  system that everyone else is using it makes it so that you can actually put your emails  in a separate area so you're.

Not sending out from the same place that all these  other people are testing are sending out uh from as well so you can use that and you can also sign  up for an another day i've got a you can use that one as well if you if you want to so  that's up to you there they also have different templates and everything so email templates if  you want to use those i don't recommend using email templates i prefer just text based emails  uh with you can add an image in there if you want.

To but for me that's what's worked best for me not  like these crazy uh different different templates so that's how how easy it is uh as far as like uh  creating an email you just go in here uh you wanna name your email campaign so let's do  review test want to show you how easy it is and you look so html and text that's recommended so.

You'd want to use uh use that one don't i wouldn't use one of these crazy ones just write write up  your email here whatever you want to put in it add in your your links here so you can hyperlink that  add in whatever kind of a link you want to put to google here and then you can just go and  you can check your email campaign for spam keywords view it in different email programs  the send preview of so it's coming from uh and you can send a preview to your email as as well here.

So i can i can save and exit here it says oh it wants the the subject so hey there save and exit  that's saving my email and of course exiting from here and then you can go and you can actually uh  send your email uh click here send it out uh it's click who you want to send it to so if  you want to send it out just to like one list or if you want to send it out to multiple lists  you can then choose how you want to do that the the send from email the reply to email the name  that you have on the email all that you can click whether you want to track the different links here  and then you can schedule out your campaign to send so this one says sending in 27 seconds  and even has a little countdown timer to see that it's actually sending there so that's.

The  uh the software that you see on the sales page again that's unlimited campaigns unlimited uh.

Subscribers unlimited emails with that front-end offer now there's a bunch of otos here i'm going  to show you most of them i think there's a couple of them that are being added in right now but this.

Will give you a good idea of what you're going to be offered after you purchase now one thing i want  to make sure you know is if you come to this page and you move your mouse away you're going to get a  discount so like this one right here it says get a 50 discount off of it make sure that you move your  mouse away i want you to get that lowest price on these so this one right here is unlimited uh.

This is going to give you a unlimited uh it looks like unlimited results it already has unlimited uh  subscribers but it removes any limits okay so it's unlimited campaigns here so i guess with the front  end it wasn't unlimited campaigns unlimited emails and subscribers.

So if you want unlimited campaigns  then you need to get this upgrade right here um and it's going to access the premium support etc  so this is going to give you some more bonuses.

With this so if you want more of these different  campaigns.

So it says email campaigns here so if you want to send unlimited email campaigns.

Then you're going to need uh to uh upgrade to this one here so that's that's the difference  on that so that's the first one the next one you're going to see here is auto as our artificial  intelligence so this is going to actually allow you to automate your emails and send them out  and schedule them to go out here and make sure you move your mouse away you get a 20 discount on that  one the next one here done for you they're going to give you done-for-you email marketing materials.

 So if you want to get something that's a little bit more done for you you can get this one  make sure that you move your mouse away you get a 100 discount on this one uh next one uh  it says want to steal from our 1 million visitor buyer traffic sources so this is going to give  you access to uh to traffic so if you want to be able to get more traffic.

And be able to build a  bigger email list.

You can do that if you move your mouse away it's going to give you 130 discount so  big discount on that one uh the next one here is you can sell profit miller as your own profit and  keep 100 of the profits for this so you can get a 20 discount off of that one and the last one  here is they're going to teach you how to make a thousand dollars per day so if you're like excited  about email marketing but you want to learn how to actually make money.

With it and move your mouse  away on this one you can get a 20 discount on that one too okay so what do i like about  profit miller and what don't i like about it if i had to say something that i don't like about it  these kind of offers.

Uh i prefer to personally use the bigger companies like convertkit aweber get  response just because i'm making good money online.

I can afford to pay for these more expensive  softwares when you're paying a monthly fee for something you know that they're going to keep on  developing it they're going to keep on making it better but i don't mind doing that i don't mind.

Paying for it because i'm already making money in my business if you're someone that is on a budget  and you really don't have a big email list yet you're just getting started then this could be.

Something that's right for you what do i like about this for i remember what it was  like to just be getting started and not to have a huge email list i wasn't emailing all the time  uh when you're just getting started in your business and you've got a small list you're not  emailing a lot it doesn't necessarily make sense to be paying a monthly fee so if you're someone.

That is like trying to save money prefers paying a one-time fee as compared to paying a monthly fee  then definitely check this out thank you so much for checking out my review today.

If you want to check out ProfitMailrr.

Just go ahead and click the link below.

Also please like this video as it really helps out with my youtube channel and i appreciate.

It  and if you're not subscribed.

Yet hit that subscribe button and bell notification  as always thank you so much for watching and i'll see you again in my next review video thanks.

Thanks for your visit!

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