Saturday, May 14, 2022

5 Quick Link Building Wins In 5 Minutes Or Less

5 Quick Link Building Wins In 5 Minutes Or Less
- What's up guys. So in today's video, I'm gonna show you five link building hacks that you can quickly do in five minutes or less. So if you wanna get more backlinks to your site, if you wanna grow your traffic, if you wanna boost your rankings with SEO, then make sure you watch this video because if you want more backlinks then these quick hacks are seriously gonna help you. And with that, let's jump in.
So the first link building hack is to make sure that you sign up for HARO, this is, and basically this is where you can find easy link building PR opportunities, that you can quickly apply for in less than five minutes. In fact, if you check out my other video, I've shown you exactly how to get a backlink straight to your sales page using HARO, that only takes a few minutes to do.
So, when it comes to HARO, basically once you've signed up, you're gonna receive an email breakdown of tons of different link building opportunities. And all you have to do is reply to each of those opportunities that you find relevant. And once you do that, you know, within a month or within two months, you're going to start seeing links coming in.
Now, obviously, with so many opportunities, you're not going to land a backlink from every single one, but if you're consistent with this, and you start sending five or 10 HARO replies every single day, then you will see results. So this is something I definitely recommend if you want more backlinks. Now, the beauty of HARO, is that all of the link building opportunities you receive on email, once you've signed up, are very exclusive, okay. So, these are links you can't get from outreach. These are links that you won't find anywhere else, because, you know, they're very high domain, very high authority websites that are offering you opportunities to get links on their site.
So HARO is such a gold mine for link building, and that's why I recommend signing up. And next up is a really quick hack that I don't see many people doing, and that's review link building, okay? So, essentially if you have a product or a service that you really like using right now, what you should do is reach out to that company and say, "Hey, you know, I love what you're doing here. "I love your product, I use your service. "You know, it's helped me or it's helped my business.
"These are the reasons why." And then offer either a case study or review in exchange for a link to your site. And when you do that, you're going to see loads of these companies reply back to you and give you a backlink simply because the most powerful sales tool for a company is reviews. So if you can offer them a review, there'll be happy to add a link back to your site.
And this is something I actually did for recently, I've got a backlink from their site when I reached out to them, offering a review of their service. So reviews are a very powerful link building tool. And you know, it only takes like two minutes to reach out to a company, telling them how much you love their service and then offering either a case study or a review.
Next up, make sure that you scrape your competitors backlink profile using the tool like
Because basically this will show you the difference between how many links they've got versus how many links you've got. And if you can identify the gap, then you can find link building opportunities that you need to reach out to.
Okay, so you're gonna find a bunch of websites your competitor has already got links from, that you can reach out to and say, "Hey, I notice you're linked to him, "maybe you wanna link to me too, here's the reasons why." And from there you can identify loads of link building opportunities. And the beauty of this is that if they've linked to your competitor, chances are they're gonna link to you too, especially if you have either better content than them or something of value that you can offer as a resource for them to link back to.
And when you create a process of scraping your competitors backlink profile, and then reaching out to them, you know, the number of links you get are just going to grow exponentially.
And you can very quickly do this in about two minutes or less. So you can quickly go to Ahrefs, you can check out a website's backlink profile, you can download it in about two minutes and it really doesn't take much time to do.
Now when it comes to off page SEO, of course links are important, but at the same time, you need to make sure that you're getting internal links on your website too, because when you're getting backlinks from other sites to your site, you're getting authority and you're funneling link juice to your site.
But you need to funnel that link juice to the most important pages on your website, because that will help you rank your most important pages higher, so for example, if you have sales pages, money pages, review pages, then you need to funnel the link juice from your external backlinks to the most important pages on your site.
And when you do this, you're gonna see much higher rankings but what's the quickest way to do this? Well, I would recommend using a tool like Link Whisper. Link Whisper essentially helps you identify which pages don't have any internal links, and the best ways to link internally to those pages. And when you do that, your website's architecture is gonna improve, you're gonna have more internal backlinks on your site and it's gonna be much easier for Google to crawl and recognize the most important pages on your site. And all of this helps you improve your SEO.
Now, when you use Link Whisper, this takes about two minutes to do okay, it's a quick hack, it's very easy to use and it's gonna save you so much time in the long run.
So I highly recommend installing Link Whisper, it's not free, but at the same time, it's 100% worth it. And it'll save you a lot of time in the long run. Now, my final link building hack is to make sure that you're optimizing the topics you choose for link building outreach. Okay, so when you're promoting your content, and when you're trying to get backlinks to your site, you need to pick topics are actually gonna attract links because if you don't do that, then chances are no one's gonna link to you, or you know, other websites just aren't gonna find your content relevant enough to link to.
So how do you do this? Well, you can go to Ahrefs, content explorer over here, and then you can find relevant topics that have a lot of links in your site. So for example, let's say you're in the dog's niche. Okay, what you can do is find relevant link building topics related to dogs, that you could potentially get links through to. So if we sort by referring domains here, what we're gonna have is a list of the most popular link-building topics in your niche.
So for example, right, you can see this particular page has 13,200 referring domains. So they have a ton of links to this page and that, if you're in the dogs niche, then this is a really good potential topic for you to start using to get links.
So for example, if your website is in the dog's niche, then this is a really good topic to write about if you want more back links to your site. And what you can do is create a piece of content that's better than this or more comprehensive or more up to date and then reach out to all of these domains that have linked to your competitor and say, Hey you've linked to this guy, maybe you want to link to me too. You can just run through this list, you know as you can see, it only takes about two minutes to do, and find a bunch of link-building topics that you can start writing about too.
And when you do that, you're gonna have loads of content the can quickly use for Outreach to get more backlinks to your site, so you can promote the content, you can reach out to other websites. You can ask them to link to your content. And when you find the right topics, like all of these, then you will generate a lot more links to your site.
Now, if you want more tips on link building outreach, then make sure you check out my playlist on YouTube because that will help you a lot. So thanks for watching guys.
I really appreciate you watching all the way to the end. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments section below. And by the way, if you're interested in growing your site with link building, then please check out my site.
I actually run a link building agency that's helped tons of websites, just like yours, to grow your site with link building. So if you wan to get more back links your site, if you wanna improve your SEO, if you wanna get more results with SEO, then please feel free to get in touch and we can have a conversation about that, thanks for watching.
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