The PERFECT Lead Generation Strategy to Find Dream Clients in B2B Sales 2022 Tech Sales SaaS Sales
Hey what's going on everybody so in this video we're gonna be talking about my best lead generation strategies to get more meetings with your dream clients and close more deals now if you're ready for this video make sure to give it a like subscribe and turn on notifications and let's go ahead and dive in so lead generation is the topic of this video and i've been thinking about this quite deeply over the last few days because i feel like a lot of people are out there they're sending a lot of code emails making.
A lot of cold calls but then really not getting that much traction and they're wondering what's going on how come nobody wants to buy my product service now the people who are you know entrepreneurs solo entrepreneurs coaches or consultants or selling like something as a small business or startup typically these people will have the most trouble especially let's say if you're even a salesperson working at a tech startup you will also have this problem as well right.
So pretty much any brand that's not established will always have this problem so here's the thing a lot of times why people are not getting the meetings that they want with their dream clients is that they actually don't know who their dream clients are they're kind of just thinking like oh like nike and adidas and like salesforce would be a perfect customer for me but are they really right just because they're big brands and they have a lot of money.
It doesn't mean you are the perfect solution to their problem right and so the first thing i would actually think about is for your product and service you know what industry you're going for and do they actually have money to buy your products and services if because if they're not looking for those products and services then it's kind of like what's the point of actually trying to reach out to them right so imagine you're selling like luxury office chairs right so like office chairs you know but like super high-end imagine you were trying to sell it to small medium marketing agencies in alabama or wherever right like are they really purchasing these things probably not you know and probably you need to move to a different area where people are willing to spend the money.
For that so the first step whatever your product and service is understand who your market is do they have money to purchase your product and service and what pains do they have that your product and service actually solves because if it doesn't solve any pain you shouldn't expect anyone to respond to your email because it's like well what's so special about it right it's just like you're not solving a problem so always look for problems that you can solve if you're not solving a problem you probably need to switch your product and service switch your offer offer something different that people actually care about then your response will skyrocket right so you know.
If you're selling a bad product and you're sending it to a million email addresses and nobody responds well the reason is because whatever you're selling nobody wants right and so you have to change the thing that you want especially if you are an entrepreneur or coach or consultant or somebody that has to create their own services or package because you can just switch your offer and then everything changes your your response rates will increase right so that's going to be very important for you guys especially if you are starting something new like an agency or something like that right and.
So for me personally you know i've been really involved in the crypto and the nft space and i actually started a different youtube channel called parallax if you didn't know you know in this space it's kind of like there's so many problems and challenges that people face every single day that all these new agencies are suddenly like starting to pop up it almost feels like when social media came out and everybody had a social media agency and they would just go to like local restaurants and be like.
Hey we'll get you on facebook and like people pay money for that it's the same feeling for like you know web3 and like crypto and nfts so like there's a lot of these agencies that just pop up and they're like hey we'll do this thing that's super easy to do pay us like 10k to do it we'll get it done right and they can go to all these companies that have no idea how to do it they have money but they're willing to pay a professional to do the job and so for these kind of agencies that are popping up the reason why they're doing so well even though they're just starting out is because they're in a market that has a lot of money that's willing to pay and they solve a specific problem and they could solve that problem very fast.
So if you can do all those things and there's not much competition it's going to be so much easier for you to generate leads and close more deals so really reflect on the product that you have in the customers that you're serving you know are you really selling something that people actually want or are you selling something that you know it's a commodity and everybody does the same thing and you're basically screaming at the top of your lung to get attention and nobody listens.
To you right because a lot of times you know to be successful in life it's really just going for the right opportunity and if you're swimming uphill you can still be successful but it's like 10 times harder but if you're going downhill and in a good way where it's like there's so much momentum everybody's buying there's so much money in the space similar to like crypto.
And nfts then it's just so much easier right so industry that matters product matters what your offer is matters and then when you get all those things right and you tie it to a specific customer that has money it just makes it so much easier to generate leads so you know if you're like let's say a social media marketing agency for real estate agents it's like okay well how many are there that exists in your town right probably a lot so like maybe the opportunity is not as good and maybe you need to shift but if.
You want to stick with that then it's harder but you have to be the best at what.
You do otherwise you're just like everybody else now another issue that people have is they're gonna say like oh well my product is for everybody so how do i decide who i should be selling to right and how you want to think about that is you want to like narrow down your niches and narrow down your campaigns let's say you're selling web development services right you like build websites or you do like back-end stuff right well technically everybody needs a website.
But it doesn't mean you should reach out to everybody so what i would recommend is that if you specialize in certain areas for example if you were the master of like back-end web development for nft projects for example then that would be something very specific and you could build a reputation of that and be the go-to person right but actually also seeing in the nft space there are people who are starting to specialize in security software for discord which is like a very niche thing right and so like they can create products and not even have a website.
Not even have a white paper or no nothing right and they just like hit you up on twitter like yo do you want some security for your discord sure it's gonna be like 5k okay cool here's my money boom done like i literally did that the other day and don't even know who this guy is don't even know if they have a company don't even know if they're gonna keep doing this for the next year or not it's like lifetime access but because.
They're solving a specific problem they're early to a market and they're known in the space and like really known it's just like you've been doing it for like two months in nfts i'm willing to pay like thousands of dollars for this kind of security to keep my community safe right so yeah so that's an idea of like niching down and going for a specific market and being the best at what you do a lot of times people like try different campaigns for different markets and that can work it depends on what your product and service is but i find that specializing in being the go-to person whether it's a guy or gal that is the way to go now if you are selling something.
To many different markets and you're working in a large company and that's what they want you to do here's another strategy so you don't get to control like your branding because you work at a company right and they control that you're just the person that generates leads and close deals so in those situations you just want to narrow down like who you can potentially sell to and then do campaigns of like 20 different companies in that you know ideal customer profile and then test it out so if you're like all right today.
I'm going to go for dentists in california who make 1 million dollars in revenue then let's go ahead and hit them up right you find all the dentists that fit that category and you hit them all up if it works great then you go to another state and you have the same category but just a different state and you do it again and you repeat it you repeat it now if it doesn't work you just adjust some things you say okay i'm not gonna go for dentist let me go for chiropractors instead but everything else stays the same then you test it out so it's like you're basically just testing testing testing testing until something actually hits.
And something resonates with your offer and that market and when that happens then you're on your way because you're finding a niche you can dominate in it and then you can just push push push push push until you saturate the entire market and then you move to the next thing right and so that's typically how it goes now you might be wondering okay sounds great patrick you got all the strategy down well how do you actually reach out to these people right so should i use a code email should i use linkedin should i use twitter like.
I heard that was cool you know okay so here's my thought on it you want to go where people are so depending on who your customer is and where they hang out that's the place you want to go so if you're going for like very local small medium businesses in like nebraska then maybe like cold email is the way to go because maybe they're not hanging out and so on social media right but if you're selling into crypto and nfts and like web3 and like the whole like tech world well twitter is really good right and i've done a lot of business on twitter and and i bought products and services and thousands of dollars over twitter and that's the place to go because for nfts and crypto.
That's where it lives right and discord as well but if you're like doing working at oracle and you're selling like b2b enterprise software and you want to sell into hospitals these people aren't going to be on twitter they're going to be on linkedin and you know they're going to respond to a cold email they're gonna respond to uh cold calling right so that's the channel you go for that way right in crypto you can't cold call anybody because like half.
The people aren't anonymous so you don't even know their name so it's like you want to go where the people are and then you just want to focus on mastering that area of communications so if you find that in your specific market that like cold email works extremely well double down cold email and get more meetings right you don't have to do cold email linkedin facebook and every instagram all at the same time because you're spreading yourself out too thin find one channel that works and repeat it until it's just like it's just a machine that just generates leads.
And then from there if you want to add another channel which is a lot of work then add another channel right but you shouldn't do 10 channels at once because you're not really like focused like a laser and it's not going to break through and you're just going to be noise and you want to be that signal right so i would say focus on one channel that really works um anybody that says like oh i do this and then like you don't see them generating closing deals you know.
It's like they're doing a lot but they're not really doing anything and i don't want that to happen to you so if you've got cold calling you're a master at it cool call you cold emailing that works for you cold email if you can do both at the same time great props to you you know what i mean but you don't have to be on cold call code email linkedin and all these things because it's very difficult to manage like five different platforms at once i think that most people can do like three at most probably like one or two realistically and i would actually just hyper focus.
On the things that work for you double down and just run the numbers up so the final tip i have for you is that whenever you find one good customer or one good meeting or you close one good deal when it comes to lead generation what you want to do is you want to replicate that success so if you found that crypto companies who are startups and they're looking to launch a project that's the niche for you then you know and you had a good meeting with this person and you close the deal find more people that fit the ideal customer profile right and i'm only talking about crypto because that's kind of what i've been doing for for a while especially in the past few months uh so if you hate crypto you know whatever.
But it's just the industry right so essentially when you find one good customer replicate replicate replicate and then when you find one bad customer understand like okay well i didn't really like working with this person they paid me but then i don't want to find more people like that let's find more people that actually are fun and good and they're easy to work with right so whenever you see something that works please write it down please you know analyze every single thing about that customer.
Of why they are a good customer and then replicate that success and try to find more people that fit the bill the more people you can find you know the better basically your ideal customer profile gets meaning that over more customers you serve you start to understand like okay these are the people that we want right so i remember when i used to work at lab which is a startup during my first week there the first thing they did was like they're like all right look patrick these are our top 20 customers we want more people like this so like whatever these people are analyze it figure.
Out like why is it that they love our product and services and find more people like this right and at the time the company i worked at they had like thousands of customers but they said like only focus on the top you know 20 because those are the ones that drive the most revenue and a majority of the revenue for the company so i'm like all right bet like i will find more companies like this right and so when i'm reaching out to people i'm thinking do they fit the bill if not why am i reaching out to them right always try to replicate your success.
Because it's like it's hard to find something that works when you do find that needle in the haystack double down double down double down and then expand and dominate that particular niche because that's how you win the game so that's it that's everything that we got to cover when it comes to lead generation if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like subscribe turn on notifications and i will see you guys in the next one....
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