Sunday, June 12, 2022

How To Migrate WordPress Site To New Domain Using All In One WP Migration WordPress Migration

How To Migrate WordPress Site To New Domain Using All In One WP Migration | WordPress Migration

Hi guys so today we will going to duplicate this website and move it to this website so i already duplicate this one but we have made some changes in this website like i added some fix you know fix sticky header in here so there's a lot of information.

I already added on this website and.

I wanted to um integrate it on my sister's website so how you can do that so.

I have a i have a tutorial by the way.

I have a tutorial for manual migration but in this video we will use a plugin um so it would be easier for you to migrate your website without changing your php my admin and all of the stuff okay so the plugin that we will use okay so first is you need to click the add new and then click the all-in-one okay we will use all-in-one migration in this part so all-in-one migration and i also use actually.

I also use duplicator okay these two plugins are perfect so far but if the website is super big um you cannot really avoid getting a timeout error and yeah some um complication so if that happens you will need to migrate your website manually but.

I do have tutorials on that so just check the link description below and i have some detailed information as well as embedded videos for the manual migration and some notes as well on on this tutorials because sometimes i forgot some information so.

I want to make sure that um i can provide more info that you need so just check my description for the vlog version in this okay so you need to have all in one migration and click um activate this one okay now once it's already activated by the way once you already activated all the uh manual migration make sure that all of your plugins um updated okay.

Because to avoid error because sometimes you might experience some technicalities if your plugins are outdated so make sure you update them okay after that we will export all of the files from the perfect cosmetics okay so click the export button and then click the file okay and it will be it will take for a while it depends on your internet connection but it should um it shouldn't take so long okay.

So we already have that and just click download and you should able to i already imported i already um exported the file so actually let's just replace that one so we have two the file size is 219 mb okay so and then after that we will go to my sister's website and then login in here okay by the way if your domain is a free fresh domain i mean it doesn't have any wordpress installed so if your domain is a fresh domain and it doesn't have any wordpress installed you need to create a fresh um wordpress website.

And i think a lot of most of the hosting provider have this option for you so just simply go to your cpanel and click the wordpress installer and then um and then just choose your domain and and install the latest version of the wordpress if your web if your domain don't have a wordpress yet because it's mandatory that you need to have a friend you need to have a wordpress installed in the website so you can access the back end okay.

So after you already exported the file um go to the to we will go to my sister's website and go to the dashboard area and then we will install a plugin actually i already installed the plugin so um we will again install the plugin that we installed in the perfect cosmetics so all in one weepy plugin so just click this one and then we be all in one migration okay we pee all in one migration and okay it's already active.

And i should a i can see it in here so after that we will import the file that we have extra exported from the perfect cosmetics so click the import then file and then okay let's just any of this so we've seen this error okay because mostly you will receive this kind of error if you are if your website is is not has some files okay i think i already i imported a decent amount of products in here and i also added some custom css that's why and as you can see here the default file is 150 mb okay.

So if you check in here in this tutorial it has like you need you can update your hd access or you can update your wp config or you can contact your hosting provider so they can increase the limits for you but there is a plug-in for you to do it so we our goal is we want it to be um fast as possible and easy easy to uh we wanted it to be easy as possible.

So we can use a plugin called max upload file styles okay so copy this one and then max upload file size okay and just activate this one okay once you already have that you should able to see this okay and then um you need to check your um file so how big your file is so your file is 218 okay and if you go to the import you only have a maximum of 150 mb so we need to change that to 218 and then save we can deactivate this later after we upload.

All of the files so after we upload all of the files we can deactivate that after okay click the import file and then let's import it okay let's try hold on let's refresh file then import 200 let me just add it let's make it 250 okay so there's enough room so update and then we will refresh and import file and that so it's already uploading so that's only the that's that might be the issue that you you will encounter if you're if the wordpress website.

Is not fresh so you will need to increase your file limit by the way if you find my video helpful feel free to subscribe to my channel click that subscribe button and that like thumbs up and the bell notification if you want to receive new videos from me so after you complete it you will able to see this um pop-up that it will overwrite all of your current settings so just hit the proceed and then um this will take for a while again it depends on your internet connection so you can see here your data has been imported successfully and then let click the close and let's see if the changes were made i'm gonna go into the

And um the password because we have overwrite everything so the password that we need to use is the password from the perfect cosmetics so what username did i use in here it it's angelique m sanoy so let me grab that and i forgot the password that i use i think this is the password that i've used okay let me try again again i think this one forgot the password let me okay so let me grab the password and let's okay so as you can see here all of the settings from the perfect cosmetics is already migrated to the

The as you can see here it's not http so i'm gonna change that to https and save the changes and let me open it again and let's refresh it so right now it is already working so just to make sure um make sure that they match to each other before you import your data so this the perfect cosmetics is an https website and this one is a non-https so if that happens if you are having problem with many redirects you need to double check your settings and then general make sure that the the if it is much to each other so i change.

It into https and currently the glamour screen all the files is already um migrated so just a side note i have a problem lately with the import so if you are having problem with the loading issue you will need to use the older version of all in one week migration.

And again i will put that on the on my blog version so make sure you check my um blog version on the link description below for more information and yeah again um duplicate.

I mean again plug-in is not applicable for everyone especially if your website is big so you need to use the manual way if that's.

The case i hope this has been helpful guys feel free to subscribe to my channel and click that bell notification if you want to receive new videos from me and have a great day.

How To Migrate WordPress Site To New Domain Using All In One WP Migration | WordPress Migration

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