Monday, June 20, 2022

Earn $100 FAST with Affiliate Marketing

Earn $100 FAST with Affiliate Marketing

If you follow everything i'm going to show you in this video you can easily make 100 using this strategy this is a beginner-friendly strategy that is going to allow you to earn your first 100 online from affiliate marketing and when i say beginner friendly it's not one of those slow strategies where i'm going to tell you to be posting in facebook groups or building up a social media profile no we're actually going to be using paid traffic.

In this strategy but i'm going to show you how we can essentially get that paid traffic for free using a free ads voucher and we're going to combine that together with an untapped traffic source and we're going to be plugging into that a super high selling affiliate product so all of those things together is the recipe for earning some quick cash from affiliate marketing and i am so excited to share this strategy with you in today's video it is going to be an epic one so let's dive into it first of all i'm going to show you the types of products which work really well with this then i'm going to show you the traffic source how we're going to use the free ad credit and all of the strategies of how we're gonna make this work and make your first hundred dollars but the first step is finding the product now obviously you can use spy tools.

And stuff to see what good affiliate products are out there i'm gonna show you how you can do this for free using this website called msn which you've probably heard of it's a massive news website it gets nearly a billion views every single month and there's lots of news articles on here but amongst the news articles there's a lot of adverts so if you click on one of these news articles and you're scrolling down you'll see these adverts at the side but actually there's a lot of native adverts like these by tabula here which has got different things like this mosquito device here and you'll see lots of different ones like posture correctors and lots of people advertising now a lot of affiliates use msn as a traffic source to promote their affiliate products.

I know because i've used it myself as an affiliate and these these adverts that are on the side are called native adverts now we're not going to be using native adverts we're not actually going to be advertising on msn but we can kind of steal some of the conversions ethically steel we're not actually stealing but it's almost like stealing some of the conversions from these big super affiliates that are spending thousands and thousands of dollars on adverts on websites like msn so what we want to do first of all is come to msn and have a little browser browse around and look for some e-commerce products such as this mosquito device here and we want to click on them and the way that you're going to know it's an affiliate product if you click on it it should lead through to this kind of like advertorial style page it should look something like this and then they're basically selling a mosquito e-commerce device now it's either going to be a drop shipper or an affiliate but a lot of these will be affiliate offers and if you click on this button here it should lead through to the actual offer page for this product.

Up at the top in the link you'll see that it says id 6246 which means affiliate id so that tells me that's an affiliate offer so that's the first step you want to find some products like this that i've got affiliate program then what we want to do is double check that we can sign up to be an affiliate for that so the way that you would do that for this one buzz be gone you can literally just go to google and type in buzz be gone affiliate and usually there'll be an affiliate signup page here where you can sign up to be an affiliate sometimes they don't appear on google so another really good website is this one called offervault which has got loads of affiliate offers out there and you can just come here and type in like buzz and you can see here it's on here.

As well buzz be gone on a different affiliate network so you find that the same products are on multiple affiliate networks so you can sign up to different ones and this this offer here this this bug zapping offer if we was to promote this as an affiliate we'd earn 25 every time we make a sale so you can make a nice conversion from this just by getting someone to purchase this and we don't have to deal with any of the the returns or the customer support we're just sending people to an offer and we earn 25 every time we make a sale so what you want to do is sign up to be an affiliate and then once you're actually inside your affiliate dashboard you will get an affiliate link just like this one here with your own unique affiliate id in here and you can just save that for now for the time being so now you've got an affiliate link for a product that people are sending a crazy amount of traffic too people are spending hundreds of thousands per month promoting that product on native ads where.

Do we come in how are we gonna tap into that and kind of siphon off some of that traffic now for this to make sense you've gotta think of the customers and how they view things online so let's just go back to msn here so they're reading msn um and they're reading this news article about jane mcdonald and then they see here a little um advert about an anti-mosquito device and they're like i've got mosquitoes or i'm going camping next week and i might need this and then they click on it they read this this post about it it's like advertorial style post and a lot of people from my experience literally click on that and they'll just sign up and buy it straight away now what do you think that the other people do that don't buy straight away well a lot of them want to go and find out more information about the product so a big chunk of them and this is not what we're going to do but a big chunk of them come to google and they type in the product like buzz be gone review and then they'll read a review about the product.

To find out more information about it like this here like a little review about it that someone's created and inside this review there's usually an affiliate link where they can click on that and purchase the product so the person who wrote the review will earn the commissions so that is a really good strategy but that's not what we're going to be doing but i just want to show you this here if we come over to google keyword planner you can see that a lot of people are searching for buzz be going review in google you get at least 1 000 to 10 000 searches every single month for that keyword so this product isn't advertised by any big company only affiliates promote this product so that just goes to show you how many affiliates must be sending traffic to these offers for at least 10 000 of them per month to actually go and look for reviews of these products so that is a really good strategy the only downside to using google.

And the reason why we're not using google in this strategy for beginners is because it can be very expensive this one here is currently costing two pounds five pence which is around about two two dollars fifth day for a click for people clicking on bus begun review so you could advertise an advert at the top of google and if someone clicks on it it's gonna cost you two dollars which for a 25 product is probably not great and it's gonna be hard to make that profitable so what are we going to do instead will you actually come back over to msn so before as we've seen we've seen these these adverts at the side and people click on these adverts they read the advertorial they want to find out more information so they want to go and find a review well a lot of people do go over to google to find out reviews but what a big chunk of people do specifically on msn is they just go back to the msn page and msn has got a search bar right at the top of every page which leads through.

To microsoft bing's search engine and what they do is they type in busbee gun review on here instead because it's there it's convenient and it just works in the exact same way of google but it's a lot lot cheaper so this is a perfect opportunity for us to put advertised reviews in front of these people that are already on the msn network they're thinking about buying the product they just want to do a bit more research and we can put adverts right in front of them using microsoft bing and we can make sales now we just want to show you this here which is microsoft bing's keyword planner and it shows you the traffic that each keyword gets now i'm not even going to pretend that we're getting anywhere near the amount of traffic that google gets but that is good for us it's good if you're starting out because what does it mean that means there's a lot less competition.

Which means it's a lot cheaper and i'm gonna show you how you can get a hundred dollars free ad credit in just a minute but we can actually utilize this this lack of competition for very very cheap clicks and we're still going to be getting high conversions because these people have already been advertised to these native ad media buyers have been sending so much traffic showing this this this mosquito um device to them probably loads of different times they're really thinking about buying and we're just going to jump in right at the last moment with very cheap traffic on bing ads and put a review in front of them if we just look here busby gone gets around about 1 200 searches every single month just in these countries here so that's not actually worldwide but it gets okay traffic and if we look down here keywords like this one here buzz be gone review which is slightly spelt a little bit differently gets 140 searches every single month on bing ads so that is traffic that's people clicking but what does he go what competition has it got no competition.

And it's not even got a suggested bid because it's so low it doesn't even suggest a bit but that's still 140 people that are thinking about buying and if we go to this one here which actually gets a lot more traffic 430 searches every single month and the competition is low and if you look at the cost per click it's suggesting 0.27 per click so it's so much more cheaper than google so as you can see here we can get around about 500 clicks per month to some very specific keywords with high buyers intent people are thinking about buying that product this isn't like native ad traffic where you've kind of got get someone's attention first of all and then tell them about the product.

and then see whether they want it and then maybe they'll buy it if they are interested but a lot of people won't be interested this is actual people that have already been warmed up by these native media app buyers they're thinking about buying they just want to do a bit more research it's very high quality buyer's intent traffic and you're getting it for probably on average around about 25 cents per click that is super super valuable and yeah you are only getting 500 clicks per month for this specific keyword but this is only one product you can do this with multiple products multiple products so many different products and get these conversions for all of these products using this strategy i'm going to show you where.

We can get this hundred dollars free bing ads credit in just a moment but i just want to show you the page that we're going to be sending these people to so i've actually created a an example page for this keyword just to show you how this all works so you've found the product by looking on msn and seeing what people are sending a lot of traffic to then you've done some research to make sure that people are actually searching for reviews about that product and there's an opportunity where we can get in here with very low competition for very cheap clicks now we need to think about the page that we're going to send them to so you're going to have to create some basic style review page just like this which i created before which is just very simple it says the name of the product and then you're going to do a basic review about.

It now it would be great if you could actually buy the product and do a physical review which is great you can do that if you want another way of putting this review together is just by going online and looking at other people's reviews and just kind of collate what they're saying the general consensus of that product i don't know if this product.

Is any good i've not actually done any research into the product just doing this as an example but that's what you would do and kind of just look at the features and have a look on the sales page and see like it attracts and zaps bugs just tell them about what it is you can't it's still a sales page but you're kind of making it into kind of the format of a review and that's how it's going to work and you can build this type of review page with lots of different page builders out there you can do it on wordpress i use kartra it's literally just drag and drop on kartra and then all you'll do is just add your affiliate link behind this button and then when you actually promote this with bing ads which i'm going to show you how to do in just a moment people click on that and then they purchase with your link so that's kind of how it works and if you do want to sign up to catch you can use my referral link in the description for a one dollar trial.

And i always give away all of my sales funnels and templates just like this so you can use them yourself but as i said you can use any kind of page builder out there to build a basic review like this okay so once you've got the review page sorted now we need to focus on running the adverts so now we need to get the 100 free ad credit so to get the free ad credit you just need to come to this website here which is just a blog post that i found that lists all of the ad credits available all over the world and then you can just click on this top one here to get the hundred dollars free ad credit and it should redirect to the official microsoft bing page as you can see when you spend 25 dollars you're going to get 100 free in ad credits from microsoft bing now this is a very very good opportunity to make some easy money because if you remember earlier i said that you could probably get clicks for around about 25 cents per click for these low competition keywords which means we can get around about 500 clicks sent to our review page for just 25 and if you kind of work out on average say we're going to get around about.

A 1 conversion rate we probably will be getting a higher conversion rate because these are people that have already been warmed up they already know about the product and they're ready to buy but let's say for instance we only get a one percent conversion rate that means that those 500 clicks we're probably gonna get around about five people that are buying that's five conversions where we're going to earn 25 per conversion which means we should earn around about 125 dollars we spent 25 on the adverts which means that is a hundred dollars in profit in cold hard cash from this strategy so let's dive into bing ads so once you've actually created your account for bing ads you've got your credit added to your account it should open up with a page that looks something like this where it's basically asking you to create a campaign now for this strategy we're just going to be sending clicks we're not actually going to be tracking conversions especially because you're a beginner if you're a beginner starting out there's no point tracking conversions but because they're high quality very specifically targeted keywords for someone who's ready.

To buy then we can still make this work just by sending traffic to that review page so we're just going to click on visits to my page we're only going to be focusing on search ads we're not going to be focusing on audience ads we're going to click next then we can name our campaign so buzz be gone and then here you can set your budget so just say it just to start with 20 per day 20 pounds per day is absolutely fine and then we can just target specific countries so i'm just talking about the main english-speaking countries for this campaign as it says here english it's all very self-explanatory.

A and we can just click save for next and then this is here where we set up the ad group now the ads group is just the keywords that we're going to be targeting now remember before we did a better research using the keyword planner which you can access up here by going to tools and then keyword planner and you can do your research once you've created your bing account and we can type in a url there but don't worry about that that's just so it could find you some keywords but we just want to paste in our keywords that we found earlier that we know work well for this product that i've got low competition so it's this one here buzzbygone review so you can just copy that come back here paste it in here now the really important thing with this we're.

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