Wednesday, June 22, 2022

CJ Affiliate for Beginners Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Program

CJ Affiliate for Beginners  Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Program

CJ affiliate marketing network, in today's video, I'm going to show you step by step how you can get started with CJ affiliate marketing platform as a complete beginner. So what I'm going to do is show you how this works, how you can sign up, and then I'm going to show you what it looks like inside of your account.

And then I'm going to show you where you can find offers that you can and promote and what you need to do in order to promote them. So if all of that sounds interesting, I recommend you watch the video. Now, let's get started.

Here we are at S.J dot com. This is the website that you want to go to in order to become an affiliate. So S.J affiliate is an affiliate marketing platform.

If you're new to affiliate marketing, overall, it's a business model where you're promoting services or products from other people and you earn a commission for a sale. So you refer people to a business and they pay you for that referral.

That is pretty much what affiliate marketing is about. Now, if I scroll down, you can get a lot of info about S.J affiliate, but what I recommend doing is simply clicking on sign up in the top right corner, which will then Suwaidi joined S.J affiliate today page. This is where you can sign up and get going with S.J affiliate. You don't want to go with this one because this one is if you're an advertiser, if you have a business yourself, you need to choose this, but you want to partner with them because you want to earn commissions.

So you want to click on this sign on button, not on the other one.

Let me get rid of this tab and then what you're going to have to do is simply sign up. Now, this is not going to be like a crazy sign up process. It's pretty normal. So call your language country email password. You confirm your password and then you can actually verify your email.

You can go into your account, fill in all of your details, and they are good to go. Now, I'm not going to do it because I already have an account like I showed you guys. So that's pretty much the sign up process. Just enter all of your details and that's pretty much it. Next up, after and verifying your email and creating your account, you can sign in.

If you sign into your account, you'll end up right here.

And this is your dashboard. This is what that looks like. Now, on the right hand side, we can see aspergillus, we can see some pretty cool stuff here. So this has been what we're going to be able to see, all of your stats, your clicks, your commissions, your leads, your impressions, all of that good stuff.

You can see that here. So it is a new account. So it's not showing up. But this is where you would then see that once you start getting clicks and sales now, in order to get those, you must promote a product or an offer working. Find out what you need to do is go to advertisers right here, which will then bring you over to this page already open them because they're my Internet cannot be run like this.

So in this case, just click on it and you'll then end up here. So these are all of the offers that you can find on S.J affiliate.

So these are the affiliate offers that you can start promoting. Now, as of right now, I'm I filtered on all so I haven't filtered, but it's filtered and selected on all offers.

What you can do is specified is for specific advertisers or keywords. For example, you might want to do banking affiliate news. You type in banking and you'll see all of the offers to then show up.

You might want to do e-commerce, you then type in e-commerce and then all e-commerce deals will come up. You get the point, you simply type in what you're looking for if you want to.

And you'll then see all of this. I'm going to clear the filters to get the normal ones and go, but that is pretty much how the search function works. You type it in and it will show up. Now, let's see. It's not refreshing.

Needs to refresh, but that is pretty basic, right? You can go to advertisers and find the deals you're looking for, but that's not all because you want to know how can you find the best ones and what you need to do in order to promote them? Because for some of them, you need to get approved. You need to go into reveal. I'll explain what that means in a bit.

Now, if I scroll down a bit further, we'll come across a lot of different search functions so you can go of category the area, the language, the country source and currency. So let's say that you only want USD offers you select USD and you'll then get these offers. You get the point. I'm pretty sure that you guys will figure out how you can use these like filters.

So I'm going to go into that any longer.

Next up, we've got the offers itself. Now, this is, of course, very important. This is key. For example, I can find offers in here such as let me find a banking offer once again. You type it in and you'll see the offer.

For example, Ali, invest. If I click right here, I can see some more details about this specific offer. So to five countries based on conversion in the previous month, you can see almost 90 percent in the United States. So if you can get a lot of traffic from the U.S.

CJ Affiliate for Beginners | Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Program


, this could be a good offer. Now, what you can do is analyze what these guys are offering you. And see, when they joined this network, 2007 as 14 years, so this is probably really reliable, which is great. So you can see some info about them. You can take a look at the program terms, the relationship history and the linked accounts if you want to.

So this is where you can get info about this specific affiliate offer. Now, apart from that, what you can also do is get your links and apply to the program.

Now, you also want to know, of course, how much money they'll pay you. So you can see right here in the lead, so parleyed, you're going to get between zero dollars and 25 USD 25 you need. That is a pretty good deal.

If you can get like four people day, there's going to be 100 bucks per day is pretty good. But that's pretty much how it works with all the offers. So if you click on it, you'll get info that you can use to decide whether you would like to go with a specific affiliate program or not.

Like I said, for some of them, you need to have manual approval, so if I click apply to program, you'll see all of the terms and conditions that I need to agree with. So if I just scroll down, I would have to read this and then accept and apply.

And this is what that would then look like. So once you've applied for a specific program, the application is submitted for review, you're then going to have to wait for them to approve you and you can start promoting it. For example, this specific affiliate offer is going to pay me thirty dollars for a cell.

So every single time you refer someone and get a cell, you're going to earn thirty dollars, which is pretty good. I just clicked on get links for that specific offer.

You'll then end up right here. And that's what happens when you click on any affiliate offer on this specific affiliate network and you'll then see different links and different pages that you can send traffic to. For example, if you only want to do mobile optimized, what you can do is simply enabled that specific box click search and you'll then see the specific pages that are optimized for that specific mobile traffic.

You can see for this specific affiliate program, it's actually none. So what you would have to do is then click search and then let me just refresh.

You would have to go based on what's available. Of course. Now, in that case, there's no mobile optimized. So I'm just going to go back to the offers. But that's where you can find all of these different promotional pages, media links, all of that.

This one is not available. So let me find one that is actually working. And by the way, if you click on it, you can also see the category. You can see more info. You can join the program right here.

You can see it's already in review. So that's how this works. You can then find the links. And if you click on this specific join button, you'll then join that specific program. For example, this one, if you didn't click on this link, you can see where you're going to send people to.

In this case, it's going to be specific business to specific, you know, let's see. Yeah. Hosting company. Apart from that, the most important thing is, of course, getting paid, because if you're not getting paid, there is no point in even doing this. So what you can do is go to balance if you don't go to balance details or your payment status.

I can also do that. You can see the minimum amount that you need to make in order to get paid, and that's going to be twenty five euros for me. Could be twenty five dollars for you. It really depends on where you're located from. He's going to be twenty five euros.

I'm going to blurt it out because this is all of my info. So you're going to have to trust me on that. But it's twenty five euros. So to sum this up guys, you can sign up, you can go to advertisers. That's where you're going to find all of the offers.

For some of them, you're going to have to apply in order to get approved and get your links. These will then be your custom links. So these are unique own affiliate links so that they can trace the sales back to you. You can see how much money you'll make Persil right here. In this case, it's going to be a flat rate of thirty USD.

It can also be a percentage commission because if they have different plans, your commission would be a different amount, but the percentage could be sixty five percent, in this case one hundred USD one euro, but as per lead. So there's a difference between sales and leads as well. For a sale, the person needs to actually buy it for a lead. It doesn't have to be the case, but that's pretty much how you can get started. So you'll find all affiliate offers here.

You can apply to the program for some of them. You need to get approved manually and then grab your own links. You can start promoting it. So that's how you can get started with C.J.

affiliate marketing, if today's video helps you out, makes you go at a level like on this video, we would appreciate that.

And the YouTube algorithm would appreciate that as well. Leave your comments or questions in a comment section below. Subscribe and then I'll see you next time. .

Jose Amoros

Thanks for your visit!

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