How To Get Free Leads For Network Marketing
Today let's talk about how to get free leads for network marketing. When I was actively building a network marketing team, I was generating over 3 thousand leads a month for free. Let me share with you what I was doing. First I want to share with you what lead generation has to do with these tongs that I've drawn over there. Next I want to share why you're absolutely correct to want to generate free leads because that's actually not how most people think but it's the right way to think and then I'm going to share with you the number one method working right now as a full-time marketer for the last 16 years, I've seen a lot of different methods.
There's a really hot method right now that I want to share with you.
Okay, so don't judge me too harshly here but this is my lame drawings of tongs. Now one looks you know...
that one looks fairly nice and maybe this is more you know granny panties or something I don't know. Now another term you may hear around this is the word funnel but I don't want you to think about like a funnel software. You know I'm good friends with Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, that's not what I'm talking about right now. I'm talking about the logical thinking of attracting people to you and leading them through a sales process. Now why do I prefer this over this?
Okay, well I'm gonna share why.
All right so this, if you go on social media and you're really focused on talking about the thing you have for sale, whatever that is, shampoo, CBD, ketones, phone service, whatever it is that you're talking about, you know might you generate leads and sales? Yeah and in fact sometimes a method works so well for sales that we can kind of get lazy and we can start to rely on that. I know when Facebook was very early on, people could post their sales links on Facebook and it would actually work. It was crazy, it was a wild but that went away that stopped working a long time ago.
The people that were stuck in that way of thinking got very frustrated and they're like it no longer works. Well, that was just lazy marketing. So when you post a thing for sale, you're gonna have a smaller lead flow. When you're posting something for sale, you're gonna have a smaller to no lead flow.
Where I want you to focus and where I'm going to suggest because it's what I focused on and what has helped us generate tens of millions of dollars online is making the lead flow as large as possible.
How do you do that? Well you do that by not offering that thing for sale, you do that by offering education. You do that by offering things in a way that will help the person solve their problem. So if you're wanting to you know sell a weight loss powder,, maybe you have a powder they throw in a drink and you know down and you lose weight, well if you're wanting to do that, this method would be you posting the thing for sale. Might you get sales?
You might. Might get a few but this... how would it work over here?
Well what do people that want to lose weight need? Maybe they need a meal plan, maybe they need a workout schedule, maybe they need a daily routine, maybe they need alternatives like don't eat this, eat that, right? They need help around their choices they are making around exercise, around eating, perhaps around having a healthy self-image.
So if I'm wanting to sell the hell out of this thing, whatever that i, I'm going to ask myself what do people that might buy this need to know education-wise and I'm going to go over here and start creating you know a free meal plan or how to prep your meals or what are simple exercises to burn off love handles. I'm gonna share education in a way to attract the type of person to me that should be interested in this.
And so if over here you know maybe I generate a sale or two but over here and we've proven this, when I was growing a network marketing business, I was generating over 3,000 leads a month. that doesn't mean I was generating 3,000 buyer leads a month, I was generating 3,000 people that said I'm interested in learning more or I'm interested in that thing that you're offering for free and then I would connect with them and I would make a whole lot more sales than if I just posted the link itself.
Now does that make sense? Do you follow me here? Like you know there are things that you didn't know you needed until you were educated, right, and now that you're educated on it through a process like this, you're like man, I gotta get that thing.
Well that's the concept. You know this is similar to one example that I just absolutely love is you look at Home Depot or Lowe's. So, they'll have a how to lay tile class. So, maybe you don't even know that you want new tile or maybe you don't even know that you want to change your flooring but you see this free workshop, how to lay tile, and you go there and you're like huh, this isn't that hard and you start generating ideas. You're like man, I could probably tile the kitchen like this and guess what?
You can purchase the tile right there, you can get the grout, you can get the spackle you can get whatever else you need. I don't know how to tile but you can get all those different tools and all the different ingredients and things at Home Depot.
Shocker, right? Amazing. One another example that I really like is *inaudible*, right?
You ever been there, certainly dude. They have cooking classes and so my wife and I we've been there a million times and they'll you know you'll have a cooking class and you'll make a meal together and it's awesome and guess what you're using to make the meal? You're using utensils that they sell of course, right, and by the way you actually pay for those cooking classes so that's not free but, we've been in there several times not needing any new cookware but every time walking out with new cookware. Every time. And so they led us in there through a big funnel.
Now had they posted pots and pans for sale. I never would have bought but because they led with value, with education, they taught us how to cook a quiche, they taught us... we've learned a bunch of different things, crab benedict that was delicious, that was awesome, right?
So they led with education, they happened to charge for it which is kind of cool, right, and that led us to buy pots and pans that led us to buy spatulas, it led us to buy knives.
I got some a nice set of knives after taking a meat class there, right? And so you need to think more like this, less like this if you're wanting to generate more free leads. I got two more tips for you and before I get to them, make sure you subscribe. We drop consistent content on this channel to help you, the network marketer, learn the strategies that really will help you and your business go to that next level.
So why did I say that you're absolutely correct wanting free leads versus what most people focus on? Well real simple. What do most people focus on? They focus on sales so they're posting things in a way to just get sales.
You focus on leads and you really run with that, of how can I get more people following me, attracted to me, engage with me, watching my videos, you're going to be able to sell a whole lot more than this person over there so always keep hunting for ways of generating free leads and we love teaching you that.
Okay, so what is this number one method that is working right now to generate free leads? It is the short video phenomenon and what do I mean by short? I mean less than 30 seconds and so we have seen so much success in our students with TikTok, with Instagram reels and doing these shorter videos that still takes this concept into perspective of how to get more people you know either educated or entertained.
For example I do a lot of skits. Now, these aren't just you know skits that have nothing to do with my business, there's actually a lesson in every skit that I do.
You know make sure you check them out if you want a little bit of a laugh because I do funny costumes, I do some goofy stuff but they always have a lesson. You can have fun with this and this is something that the number one method we see working right now are these short videos. People crushing it on TikTok, people crushing it on Instagram reels and this is a concept that can seem overwhelming at first but I want to share with you a way to help you with that. We actually have a free training that you can register for by clicking the link in the description and it will walk you through what to post on these short video platforms, how to come up with ideas and exactly how they work so that you generate more leads and of course more sales.
So, the link is in the description if you'd like to get a really thorough detailed training around that, feel free to get registered for it and I know you're gonna love it.
Thanks for your visit!
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