Saturday, May 21, 2022

Business Networking Groups: Are They Worth Your Time?

Business Networking Groups: Are They Worth Your Time?

So, you're considering joining a networking group? That's great news. I can't tell you how game-changing it's been for me to be in a number of different networking groups over the years and since I started my business. And there are a few things that you should know and should consider before joining a group. In this video I'm going to share those with you.

So stay tuned. So, you know networking groups have really been just they've just been awesome for me. Proximity is power. And what I mean by that is surrounding yourself by really great people can be a game-changer. It's really all about who you know not what you know.

But seriously, getting out there, getting connected and surrounding yourself with other like-minded successful proven business owners and leaders, it's a really invaluable thing. So, what you should know is there's usually 2 different types of networking groups. And basically, one networking group is like a true networking group. Meaning like you meet up and everyone's looking to give and get referrals.

Those are really good groups if that's what you're looking for.

When I first got started in business, I joined the group called LeTip. And basically, Letip is a nationwide, maybe even on a worldwide you know group at this point. I think you meet up usually once every week or once a month.

And the goal there is everyone it's all... You know, there's usually local groups all throughout your state. And you join a local group sometimes there's different chapters in your county depending on how big your county is. And basically you meet up and join up and everyone's looking to give referrals and get referrals. And then the second type of networking group is like a peer-to-peer you know, networking group.

Or there really it's not like a networking group it's they're more of like business groups.

And these are groups like EO. YPO. Vistage/ I'm a part of YPO. Stands for young presidents organization.

You have to be 45 and under to join. It's amazing powerful world wide organization. What's also great is a lot of those business groups. And there's all different business groups at different levels depending on what stage your businesses in all across the country and all across the world. Different speakers, different folks that come in and talk about you know, how to grow your business more effectively, what's going on today and a lot of really great helpful stuff.

I've just found that it's really helpful to get out of your bubble and get out of your business and get out of the day to day.

And be able to get connected with all these different things. Whether it's other business owners, locally. Whether it's other great speakers and business consultants, advisers and just hear a perspective in a different point of view. It's been great.

A lot of these business groups also do something where you meet once a month with like 5 to 8 other business owners. And it's like a mini board. And you meet up, it's usually a few hours long and you basically are able to talk about any business or even sometimes personal challenges that are going on in your life that are holding you back from getting your business to the next level. Again, that's something that's just been invaluable and is really helpful.

What's really cool is every business across the country no matter what industry you're in, we're all dealing with this a lot of the same and similar universal problems.

Business Networking Groups: Are They Worth Your Time?


Whether it's employee, growing, financing, the next higher, office space, industry chefs, marketing. Everyone's dealing with all these challenges. So, getting out and here in different point of views and sometimes it's even better to hear from people outside of your industry because people inside of your industry are so biased and also aren't willing to make you know the necessary changes that you need to in business to keep growing. What's really important is you have to understand whether you're looking to join a networking group to give and get referrals or a business group to learn and better yourself and grow your business and surround yourself with great people. They're all a time commitment.

And you really get what you give. So, you have to remember that. If you're going to do one of these, it's a time commitment. And it'll never feel like it's the right time in your business. Like, "Oh, it's not the right time, I'm so busy." Well, if you're not busy, your business is probably dead.

It'll never feel like the right time, you have to commit, you have to do it. And I can't tell you the best things that I've done and learned, you know, about my business or have done in my business I've learned from being out of my business. So, some of the best things I've learned out of my business, I pulled into my business and they've just been you know, game changers. And I can't tell you how many other successful business owners have told me the same exact thing.

So, it'll never feel like the right time, you're always going to be busy, you need to commit. If you're going to move forward, commit, do it, make it happen.

I'll tell you all these things have been awesome at every single level. And then remember you have to give to get. So in these groups, if you're not contributing, you're probably not going to get back anything from anybody else.

So, it's really important that you're contributing. And also like anything else, when you're in these groups there's going to be people that you mesh well with there's going to be people that you don't that's normal and that's okay.

You also have to do your part and get out there and introduce yourself and speak and meet and build the relationships with other people. You're not just going to join one of these groups and everything's just gonna magically happen and you're gonna get all the answers that you need. The other thing to keep in mind is that these groups are great to help change your perspective on the help you know, some are really focused and hyper focused on business growth.

You know, when you're looking and vetting out one of these groups a year really understand what the whole point is of the group. What the time commitment is. I've also learned too that these groups aren't just gonna solve all your problems and issues in your business. You have to be the one that are still going to execute in your business. And sometimes you just need to bring in a specific advisor or consultant for specific problems or challenges that you've got going on your business to help you break through and get to that next level.

And remember, businesses are grind and businesses built on relationships. So, do yourself a favor. Get yourself out there get out of your comfort zone, start building relationships, join one of these groups and get your business to that next level. Thanks for tuning in to Grow By Joe, if you'd like to learn more about me and my team and my company, check out the link below in my description.

Please make sure that you subscribe to this video.

I wish you nothing but success in joining one of these groups and growing your business to that next level. Take care, talk soon..

Thanks for your visit!


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