How To Create A Digital Marketing Funnel
What's up brand builders Stephen Houraghan here at
And in this video you're going to learn the six stages of a digital marketing funnel and how to build yours so you can stop using disconnected marketing tactics and build an actual system that turns cold audiences into happy customers.
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I remember when I first came across the idea of funnels it was marketing funnels sales funnels lead gen funnels and at the time it was a little bit too complicated for me.
I kind of stayed away from it for quite a while and I kept coming back to it I kept coming back to this idea of funnels until one day I decided okay let's find out about this so I started to watch videos and started to read books and I picked up books by Russell Bronson.
I watched a lot of videos by Ryan Dyson one day it just finally all clicked into place and I got it I started to understand what funnels were all about so hopefully by the end of this video it'll click for you too now before we get into the nitty-gritty it's important to address the marketing landscape at the moment and the changing marketing landscape because marketing as it was 20 years ago is completely different today.
It is a completely different landscape and part of that has got to do with the relationship between consumers and brands brands used to hold all the power before and their communication was all about monologue it was one-way broadcast communication but today it's completely different there is dialogue it's back and forth between the consumer and the brand and on average today you need about seven to eight touchpoints for your audience to even register your brand so today attention is not enough before you could get attention and you could possibly get somebody.
To take action with a single touchpoint and a single broadcast message today the environment is completely different and that attention is no longer enough and it's also important to address the idea of tactics versus strategy now strategy and tactics tend to be used interchangeably today and they are actually very different.
But the word strategy seems a lot sexier so people are using strategy in the way they would use tactics but they are different tactics perform a single task that is designed to generate a certain type of outcome that contributes to a bigger picture goal whereas a strategy is a collection of tactics all working together cohesively to deliver a higher goal now if you go on google the term marketing strategies then you are surely going to end up on a blog post that lists tactics so you will see the likes of Google ads and Facebook ads and SEO and Content Marketing and Email Marketing these are all individual tactics they are not strategies.
And on their own tactics have very little impact at all because they're not part of an overall system so a bunch of isolated tactics is not a strategy because those tactics are not part of an overall system and if they're not part of a system they lack impact.
If you think about a machine there are a number of different devices within a machine all performing a very specific task now that device on its own lacks any kind of impact it only really has an impact when it's part of the overall machine and those devices are all working together to do what the machine is intended to do so the underlying message there is that you can have as many marketing tactics as you want.
But if they're not all cohesively working together as part of a system then they're absolutely useless your business needs a system of tactics all working together cohesively to guide your audience and that is exactly what a marketing funnel gives you it is a complete and coordinated and progressive marketing strategy and system that guides your cold audience into happy customers and that is exactly what you need for your business.
You need a system that will guide them from one step to the next so how.
Do you build a marketing funnel for your own business well you start with a marketing funnel framework now at the top of the funnel you're going to have your cold audience these people don't know who you are and don't know what you're about hey can fit into their lives and at the bottom of the funnel you have your hot leads and people who are most likely to do business with you people who probably.
Know like and trust you and are very very close to converting into a client so you need to understand the different phases of the funnel and the tactics that you can use within each of those phases so i want to go through each one of those phases with you and the tactics that you can use within each of those phases so as you go through think about your own business and your own brand and how you can apply that phase number one is attention so in this phase nobody knows who you are and you have to change that now in the old days businesses found it a lot more difficult to get that attention.
Because they had to pay for that privilege they had to pay for billboard ads or magazine ads or tv or radio ads but today the landscape is different if you do have a budget you can play with the likes of facebook ads or google ads but if you don't have a budget you still have options you can go on to facebook groups you can go on to forums or you can use social media organic posts to really get that attention but it's really important here that you have a unique perspective.
And you are giving value if you just go out and regurgitate everything that's out there you're not going to get that attention so along with the platforms you need to be smart and you need to add value to the marketplace phase number two is traffic so now you've gone out there and gotten attention you need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs so you can turn that attention into traffic now this traffic will come to a place that you call home now this is typically your website you can't have an extra step in here to lead them back to let's say a youtube channel before going to your website but typically you want to bring traffic to your website.
Because here you can design the experience that you take them through and ultimately you will have a call to action there that will lead them through to the next step so this step is all about turning that attention into traffic so they come into your world and then you can lead them through to the next step phase number three is the micro commitment so once you've gotten them onto your website.
Then you want them to take some kind of action so you want to level up the value that you're giving them you've been giving them value on your social media pages or out in forms and you've gotten them onto your website but you want to level up the value that you're giving them here because you want something in exchange for that value you want at least their email address so you can follow up with them and if you're able to package together some higher level of value then typically your audience will be happy.
To give you their email address they'll put their hand up to say that they're interested in what you have and they'll give you permission to follow up with them now.
A good example of this is a lead magnet in the form of an eba ebook or something that's downloadable and really easily digestible or a webinar that they can come to and get some higher level value from you but here you want to change the relationship with that exchange of value and email address.
So you can follow up with them later on phase number four.
Is all about nurturing so you've gotten that email from.
Them you've gotten that permission to follow up with them so you are at a massively advantageous position now because the messages that you put in front of them you're not interrupting them anymore you're not on their feed acting as a nuisance you're in an intimate place which is their inbox and you have the opportunity now to follow up with them to nurture them to give value to show them that you understand to empathize with them and really really build that relationship and build that connection.
To show them that you know what you're talking about that you know where they want to go and you know the challenges that they're coming across and you can help them overcome that so this is a really really important stage in the relationship building and you really want to nurture them you have that email now you have that opportunity to give them value in their inbox.
And this is a really important step phase number five is the conversion so this is where the rubber meets the road and this is where you make that ask you ask your audience for a transaction you ask them for that sale now this can be broken up into two parts this can be a micro commitment first and then a full commitment later on or you can just go in for the full commitment a micro commitment would be something like a tripwire offer like a one dollar seven dollar forty-seven dollar offer that's not really what your core offer is about it's not where you make your money.
But that will change the relationship between you and your customer and the fact that they have put their hand into their pocket but even if you do put this micro commitment step in there that is only designed to lead on to them taking you up on your core offer whatever that may be but this step changes everything in the relationship they are no longer a lead they are now a customer even if they've only signed up for a seven dollar or 47 offer they have changed that relationship.
And they are now a customer and this changes everything going forward they have confided in you they have given you their trust and everything else in this this relationship going forward is about you nurturing that relationship and confirming to them that they made the right decision and phase number six brand advocacy now a lot of businesses forget.
About this stage because they're all about the sale and once they get that sale that's job done see you later and they're happy for their customers to walk off into the sunset because they've gotten what they wanted which was their money but if you want to build a brand if you really want to build a successful and strong brand over time then those customers are the key you want to turn them into brand advocates and if you've taken them through a successful.
Journey and you've given them some kind of successful.
Outcome then chances are they are happy to talk about your business they are happy to talk about your brand and promote your brand to their friends and to their family all you need to do is to nurture that relationship.
So stay top of mind with them continue to show up in terms of giving them value and incentivize them to tell their friends and family about your business and about your brand now any business trying to market their business and trying to market their brand can get very very overwhelmed when it comes to marketing because there are so many ideas and tactics and strategies that are out there in terms of what they should do what they need to do but you don't need to know every single tactic you don't need to do every single thing you don't need to be everywhere you just need to understand.
The stages of your marketing funnel once you understand those stages then you can decide what tactics you are going to use within each stage once you've decided what those tactics are you now have the makings of a system that will take a cold audience and turn them into happy customers know the stages of your marketing funnel decide on the tactics that you're going to use and execute that strategy but i'd love to hand it back over to you i'd love to hear what your experiences are when.
It comes to marketing tactics marketing strategies marketing funnels if you have any experience at all are you overwhelmed by the amount of advice that's out there the amount of tactics that you supposedly need to do or are you starting to come to grips now that you need a system and a marketing funnel could be the answer for you i'd love to hear from you in the comments below about your experiences and your challenges if you like this video please give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and the notification bell as well it'll let you know when i've got new videos coming out if you want more actionable brand strategy tips and techniques just like this one head on over to
And get yourself signed up for the list it is free and I keep some exclusive content for that list as well so get yourself involved but as I said I'd love to hand it back over to you I'd love to hear from you about your challenges about your experiences.
I'll do my best to answer all of those until next time brand like a master and I will see you in the next video
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